Salam sejahtera. Apa khabar semua? Harap-harap korang dah baca cerita pasal Hospital Klang semalam. Dah boleh hadamkan semua maklumatnya? Jom kita sambung lagi penceritaannya. Kali ini kita analisis pula apa yang berlaku setelah bangunan -bangunan baharu serta wad-wad dibina di situ...JOM.
Surat daripada Pakar Bedah Residensi bertarikh 22 Oktober 1892 memajukan cadangan untuk menggunakan dua pemotong rumput untuk memotong rumput tinggi (lalang) di Hospital Klang. Pakar Bedah Residensi bersetuju bahawa ini adalah perlu dan mencadangkan bahawa gaji tukang kebun untuk dua bulan akan datang dibayar untuk menampung perbelanjaan.
Pakar Bedah juga mengesyorkan supaya Apoteker dibenarkan mengupah seorang peon (pembantu berpangkat rendah) untuk tahun 1890 dan membayar lebihan daripada elaun atendan. Dia juga mencadangkan mengupah seorang pelayan prom (pekhidmat) kerana jarak antara hospital dan pelbagai pejabat.
Satu surat daripada Jurutera Negeri kepada Setiausaha Kerajaan Selangor, bertarikh 22 November 1895. Surat tersebut membincangkan kualiti kerja-kerja pelebaran Dapur Hospital Klang. Jurutera Negeri mengesyorkan denda $50 untuk digunakan bagi membetulkan kecacatan dalam kerja. Lanjutan kontrak diberi untuk membolehkan kontraktor menambah masa untuk menyiapkan kerja.
Tender pembinaan tandas di Hospital Klang di Selangor menyenaraikan empat tender daripada syarikat atau individu yang berbeza dalam tahun 1900. Dokumen ini menyediakan maklumat penting tentang setiap petender, termasuk nama mereka, jumlah wang yang mereka sebutkan untuk projek itu, keselamatan yang mereka sanggup sediakan untuk memastikan projek itu siap, dan anggaran masa yang diperlukan untuk menyiapkan projek.
Mengikut statistik, pada tahun 1901, seramai 2789 pesakit luar dan 1822 pesakit dalam telah dirawat di hospital ini. Ketika itu, kes cirit-birit, penyakit pernafasan dan penyakit Kanak-kanak adalah kes utama yang dirawat di hospital ini.
Satu memorandum rasmi daripada Jurutera kepada Setiausaha Residen, bertarikh 20 Mac 1905 mengumumkan notis memanggil sebut harga bagi pembinaan wad pembedahan dengan 10 katil di Hospital Klang di Selangor. .
Surat daripada Jurutera Negeri Selangor kepada Setiausaha Residen, bertarikh 15 Februari 1907 memohon kebenaran untuk memulakan projek menyediakan bekalan air baru ke Hospital Daerah Klang. Projek itu melibatkan pemasangan paip 3 inci dari tangki berhampiran kuarters Pegawai Daerah ke bangunan hospital. Anggaran kos projek ialah $4000, dan inden untuk bahan sedang dihantar kepada Ejen Mahkota. Projek ini dianggarkan menelan belanja $4300, dan perbelanjaan akan dicaj kepada belanjawan tahunan.
Pada 10 Jun 1907, tender untuk kerja-kerja kecil membina tandas di Hospital Klang di Selangor menggariskan skop kerja, syarat dan syarat pembayaran.
Surat bertarikh 28 Jun 1907, dari Pejabat Jurutera Negeri di Kuala Lumpur kepada Setiausaha Residen di Selangor yang merujuk surat-menyurat S.R.2341/07, sebelum ini mengenai pembinaan wad baharu di Hospital Klang. Jurutera Negeri sedang mengemukakan kontrak kerja sekeping untuk penggalian yang akan digunakan untuk mengisi tapak untuk Dispensari baharu, dan batu laterit yang digali akan digunakan untuk tujuan penyelenggaraan jalan.
Dalam tahun 1911, kesesakan berlaku di Hospital Klang, yang kini direka untuk menampung 185 pesakit tetapi secara konsisten melebihi kapasiti itu dengan kemuncak 230 pesakit dalam satu hari. Terdapat kes di mana pesakit yang masih belum sihat didiscaj daripada hospital kerana kekurangan kemudahan yang sesuai.
Tender pembinaan wad pembedahan di Hospital Daerah Klang bertarikh 28 Mac 1912., disenaraikan sebagai $3400 00 (Tiga ribu empat ratus sahaja). Syarat-syarat tender termasuk keseluruhan pembinaan mestilah mengikut Spesifikasi Jabatan Kerja Raya, dan mesti siap dalam tempoh di bawah penalti $7 bagi setiap hari yang melebihi tempoh tersebut.
Pada tahun 1918, Hospital Klang mengalami peningkatan dalam bilangan pesakit yang memerlukan rawatan, terutamanya dalam bidang perbidanan. Untuk menangani situasi ini, pihak hospital menambah bilangan pegawai perubatan wanita dan jururawat untuk memikul tanggungjawab dalam bidang perbidanan. Langkah ini juga mencerminkan keperluan untuk meningkatkan mutu perkhidmatan kesihatan, khususnya dalam memberikan rawatan kepada wanita hamil dan melahirkan anak.
Jabatan Perubatan telah melancarkan program sukarela untuk menggalakkan penyertaan wanita tempatan dalam perkhidmatan perubatan, khususnya di daerah Klang. Program ini mendapat sambutan positif daripada penduduk setempat, menunjukkan bahawa masyarakat tempatan, termasuk wanita, berperanan aktif dalam meningkatkan perkhidmatan kesihatan di daerah mereka.
Kerajaan kolonial juga menyeru orang ramai untuk turut serta dan memberikan kerjasama dalam usaha memperbaiki perkhidmatan perbidanan. Seruan ini berjaya menarik sokongan daripada komuniti Cina di Klang, yang memberikan bantuan melalui penyediaan ubat-ubatan dan khidmat perbidanan yang dibawa dari negara asal mereka. Ini menunjukkan kerjasama antara pihak kerajaan kolonial dan komuniti setempat dalam usaha meningkatkan taraf kesihatan masyarakat di Selangor pada masa itu.
Keseluruhannya, Hospital Besar Klang di puncak bukit yang indah menghadap ke seluruh pekan. Reka bentuk ini adalah reka bentuk British pada awal abad ke-20 dan semua hospital Komanwel mempunyai hospital yang kelihatan seperti ini. Hospital itu terdiri daripada wad satu tingkat yang diperbuat daripada kayu dan berlantaikan simen serta beberapa bumbung berjubin dan sebahagian lagi bersalut zink. Bahagian tepi wad mempunyai banyak dinding berpusing yang boleh membuka keluar untuk membenarkan udara masuk. Sudah tentu, wad bersalin dan teater pembedahan berbeza tetapi masih berdinding kayu dan bertingkat. Satu-satunya bangunan dua tingkat ialah blok pentadbiran yang juga menempatkan Farmasi utama.
Lokasi kedudukan Hospital Besar Klang(berpetak kuning) dalam peta Klang dalam tahun 1945 |
Kedudukan Hospital Besar Klang yang mempunyai 10 wad di atas bukit berdepan Sekolah Mubaligh Convent dalam tahun 1945 |
Kelihatan deretan wad-wad mendepani jalan khidmat (service road) di atas puncak Bukit Hospital di Klang |
Bangunan-bangunan tambahan kepada Hospital Besar Klang yang dibina dalam tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an |
Sebuah klinik pergigian baharu dibina dalam tahun 1962 dan siap pada Mei 1962. Jumlah kos projek itu ialah $80,000, termasuk $71,000 untuk bangunan dan $9,000 untuk peralatan. Klinik ini akan menyediakan kemudahan yang lebih baik untuk pesakit dan akan dikendalikan oleh pasukan doktor gigi. Mulai 1 Januari 1976, hospital telah dinaik taraf kepada Hospital Besar Klang dan diketuai oleh Penguasa Perubatan.
18 September 1963 - KLANG. 10 Sept.-Hospital Daerah di sini mendapat rawatan muka dengan kos lebih daripada $30,000. Hospital kayu, dibina lebih 50 tahun lalu. telah berada dalam keadaan buruk selama beberapa tahun. Hospital 10 wad itu memberi perkhidmatan kepada kira-kira 350,000 penduduk Klang dan kawasan pantai
2. Pembangunan dan Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
Dalam tahun 1902, Hospital Daerah Klang mempunyai pegawai dan kakitangan seperti berikut:
- Pegawai Perubatan I. -W. S. Milne
- Penolong Pakar Bedah -K N. Ghosh
- Pegawai Kesihatan Kem Kuarantin, Port Swettenham -D. C. Macaskill
- Penolong Pakar Bedah -A. Ponniah
Klinik-klinik ini menyediakan rawatan percuma kepada semua pesakit, tanpa mengira kaum atau jantina. Laporan itu memuji kakitangan yang dilatih oleh pakar dan penjagaan yang diambil untuk merawat pesakit dengan pelbagai keadaan.
3. Tender-tender dan Pemerolehan Sumber
Secara keseluruhan, dokumen ini menyediakan gambaran terperinci tentang keperluan logistik hospital era kolonial, menunjukkan integrasi bahan dan amalan tempatan dengan yang dibawa oleh pentadbiran penjajah. Ia menyerlahkan perancangan komprehensif yang diperlukan untuk mengekalkan operasi hospital, daripada keperluan perubatan kepada utiliti harian.
Jadual tender daripada Jabatan Kerja Raya Selangor, bertarikh 1896, bagi pembekalan catuan dan peruntukan bagi tahun 1897. Jadual tersebut mengandungi maklumat seperti nama petender, cop mark, penjamin, saksi, dan wakil, serta jumlah tender, keselamatan yang ditawarkan, dan masa penyiapan.
Jadual tersebut merupakan kontrak antara Kerajaan Selangor dan pembekal bagi Hospital Daerah Klang bagi tahun 1897. Kontrak tersebut menggariskan terma dan syarat perjanjian termasuk spesifikasi pembekalan pelbagai jenis makanan dan barangan keperluan.
Jadual itu menyenaraikan pelbagai item, termasuk makanan seperti beras, tepung, ayam, kelapa, buah-buahan, ikan, unggas segar dan telur. Selain itu, ia termasuk rempah ratus dan perasa seperti serbuk kari, ketumbar, halia, bawang putih dan garam. Minuman seperti brendi, gin dan anak panah juga termasuk dalam senarai. Tambahan pula, jadual tersebut menyebut pelbagai barangan seperti serbuk arrowroot dan sabun.
Jadual juga menyediakan spesifikasi untuk kualiti dan kuantiti setiap item, serta harga seunit. Harga berbeza dari beberapa sen hingga beberapa dolar seunit. Nampaknya kontrak itu adalah untuk tempoh satu tahun, dan pembekal dikehendaki menghantar item secara tetap.
1/4 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh seorang pembida dalam tahun 1897 |
2/4 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh seorang pembida dalam tahun 1897 |
3/4 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh seorang pembida dalam tahun 1897 |
4/4 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh pembida-pembida dalam tahun 1897 |
Ini adalah jadual tender untuk hospital, boli, dan phijon di Selangor, bertarikh 1903. Jadual tersebut menyenaraikan pelbagai artikel dan harga yang sepadan, serta spesifikasi dan keperluan bagi setiap item.Artikel yang disenaraikan termasuk:
a. Bahan makanan seperti anak panah, barli, kekacang, daging lembu, daging kerbau, mentega, kelapa, karipap, dholl, telur, ikan, tepung, ayam, minyak sapi, jem, susu, kambing, oatmeal, bawang, minyak, daging babi, kentang, sagu, garam, sup daging, dan sayur-sayuran dan banyak lagi.
b. Barangan rumah seperti kayu api, minyak tanah dan sabun. lampu taufan, minyak dan pembalut
c. Bekalan perubatan seperti Liebig's Extract dan Brand's Essence, pembalut, kain kasa dan ubat-ubatan (brandi, champagne, wiski),minyak langsat, dan Sabun Imirove
d. Pakaian dan peralatan tempat tidur untuk kakitangan hospital (uniform, selimut, tilam)
Harga yang disenaraikan adalah dalam dolar dan sen, dan spesifikasi termasuk butiran seperti berat, saiz dan nama jenama. Sesetengah item mempunyai keperluan atau sekatan khusus, seperti "tanpa tulang" atau "tidak boleh disuntik dengan air".
1/6 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital untuk tahun 19032/6 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh pembida untuk tahun 1903
5/6 Dokumen Tender Makanan dan Keperluan Hospital yang dikemukakan oleh pembida untuk tahun 1903
Dokumen ini pada tahun 1907, adalah jadual perolehan untuk Hospital Daerah Klang, Selangor. Ia menggariskan pelbagai perabot dan pelbagai barangan yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan hospital dengan berkesan. Antara perabot yang disenaraikan ialah pegangan besi, mungkin digunakan untuk menyokong katil atau peralatan lain, dan kaki wad, yang boleh berfungsi sebagai meja sisi katil untuk pesakit. Dimensi item ini dinyatakan untuk memastikan ia memenuhi keperluan hospital.
Pelbagai barangan merangkumi pelbagai jenis bekalan yang penting untuk operasi hospital harian. Ini termasuk barangan asas seperti besen, bakul untuk merebus ikan, berus untuk pelbagai tugas pembersihan dan baldi besi tergalvani yang digunakan untuk membawa dan menarik air. Bekalan perubatan juga disenaraikan, seperti benzoin, mungkin digunakan sebagai antiseptik, tin pembalut untuk menyediakan pembalut perubatan, dan tongkat kayu yang diperbuat daripada kayu Meranti, yang akan digunakan oleh pesakit.
Di samping itu, dokumen itu menyebut alatan dan bahan seperti batu bata, jenis penyapu yang berbeza, cerewet (periuk tanah), dan pelbagai jenis fabrik, termasuk gerudi Amerika dan kain merah Turki, yang mungkin digunakan untuk pakaian seragam hospital atau lain-lain. tujuan. Piawaian kualiti khusus dicatatkan untuk beberapa item, seperti keperluan untuk baldi bergalvani dan penggunaan kayu Meranti untuk tongkat, mencerminkan keperluan hospital untuk bekalan yang tahan lama dan boleh dipercayai.
Surat daripada Jurutera Negeri Selangor kepada Setiausaha Residen, bertarikh 15 Februari 1907. Surat tersebut memohon kebenaran untuk memulakan projek menyediakan bekalan air baru ke Hospital Daerah Klang. Projek itu melibatkan pemasangan paip 3 inci dari tangki berhampiran kuarters Pegawai Daerah ke bangunan hospital. Anggaran kos projek ialah $4000, dan inden untuk bahan sedang dihantar kepada Ejen Mahkota. Projek ini dianggarkan menelan belanja $4300, dan perbelanjaan akan dicaj kepada belanjawan tahunan.
Surat Makluman Pemasangan saluran Paip untuk Bekalan Air Bersih ke Hospital Besar Klang bertarikh 15 Februari 1907 |
Indent Crown untuk Projek Bekalan Air tersebut bernilai $4,000.00 ketika itu (1907) |
Pada 20 Mac 1912, notis telah dikeluarkan oleh Excel, Jurutera kepada Setiausaha Residen, Kuala Lumpur, yang ditujukan kepada Setiausaha Residen. Notis tersebut dimajukan untuk makluman penerima dan memohon sebut harga bagi pembinaan wad pembedahan dengan 10 katil di Hospital Klang.
Dokumen itu adalah panggilan rasmi untuk tender, meminta kontraktor mengemukakan cadangan mereka untuk projek itu. Butiran tepat projek tidak dinyatakan dalam dokumen ini, tetapi kemungkinan besar pembida yang berjaya akan bertanggungjawab untuk mereka bentuk dan membina wad pembedahan, yang akan merangkumi kemudahan seperti dewan bedah, bilik pesakit dan peralatan perubatan.
Tender termasuk spesifikasi berikut: bangunan utama siap, mengikut lukisan No.; bangunan luar, yang terdiri daripada seperti yang ditunjukkan pada lukisan No.; mengecat semua kerja kayu; meratakan tapak dengan betul dan membersihkan semua sampah di kawasan; cucur atap, longkang, dan paip bawah; dan penangkal petir dengan plat carth yang betul tetap lengkap.
Surat Memaklumkan Pembinaan wad baru untuk Hospital Besar Klang ekoran pertambahan penduduk termasuk kaum pendatang dalam tahun 1911 |
Tender pembinaan Wad Pembedahan yang baharu untuk 12 buah katil daripada seorang kontraktor bernama Muttutambhy dengan nilai bidaan berjumlah $3400.00 dalam tahun 1912 |
- The Straits Times / Article29 July 1962 - Violent death makes five visits in just 24 hours KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. FIVE PEOPLE met with violent death in Selangor within the last 24 hours three in road accidents, one by drowning and the other of suspected poisoning. In the accident, a motor cyclist, Lee Chee Tho. 32, a plumber294 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 November 1952 - KLANG. Sat.— Dates far Christina.-, celebrations aro: tb Christ!?.. Deo. 23: i. ncy dTMi ball. Dec 24; Bt langor Coast Club. Christmas tree, Dec 22; fancy dress d^nce. Dec. 27; Pon. Swettenham Recreation Club ChrLst.aa-s tree, Dec. 18: dance at PSRC. Dec. 20. Patient at the61 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article4 March 1930 - A serious car accident occurred at about the 20th mile on the Kuala Lumpur Klang Road on the afternoon of February 25, m which Towkay Lee Hon Chow, a well known Chinese miner from Pusing, Perak, and family were involved, resulting m the towkay receiving serious injuries to his faceM.M. - 63 words
- Singapore Standard / Article8 April 1957 - KLAXG. Sun.— The Klang Convent carried away the Dr. Mohamad Challenge Trophy, beating 16 other units m the annual inspection and contests held yesterday. Tunku Maimunah Ya'acob, Director of the St-lansnr Red Cross Society gave away the trophy. Judges were: Dr R. I. Macbeth, state Medical and61 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article2 February 1925 - on the 20th an anti-opium ward was opened in the District hospital, Klang, with 7 patients, but now there are 40 beds, fully occupied. More patients are expected. The ward is kept exceptionally clean. Both Dr. Gabriel and the dresser worked till late for the61 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article21 June 1938 - Mr. M. Rasiuh, a member of the tutorial stalt cf the Klarg High School Is m the District Hospital, Klang.20 words
- The Straits Budget / Article5 June 1963 - May 24.—The already under staffed Klang District Hospital, which serves 350,000 people in the Selangor coastal area, was further hit today by the resignations of two of its five doctors. More than 450 out-patients are treated daily at the hospital and at least 150 operations85 words
- The Straits Times / Article24 October 1963 - KLANG. Wed.— Dr V. Rudralin- i gam, of Kuala Lumpur, has been posted to the district hospital here.i I21 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 March 1964 - KLANO, Mar. 9.—The Sultan of Selangor presented prizes to the winners of the Klang district kampong cleanliness competition at Istana Alam Shah this evening. The Thomson Roaa Hospital l* planned to be Singapore's second General Hospital when another $1 million development Is com pleted this year In70 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 May 1938 - i From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. Dr. E. S. R. Alfred and Dr. Abdul Ghany, of the Klang District Hospital, are proceeding on transfer to Singapore on a training course for 6 months at the end of the month. Farewell functions are being held in their honour.126 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article4 April 1935 - Mr. Y. S. Menon. chief clerk. Messrs. Harrisons Barker and Co.. Ltd.. Port Swettenham. is an inmate of the Klang District Hospital.22 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article5 March 1930 - A serious car accident occurred at about the 20th mile on the Kuala Lumpur Klang Road on the afternoon of February 25, in which Towkay Lee Hon Chow, a well known Chinese miner from Pusing, Perak, and family were involved, resulting in the towkay receiving serious injuries to his face64 words
- The Straits Budget / Article15 October 1931 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Oct. 6. The death has taken place at the age of 51 in the District Hospital of Mr. R. K. Arulampalam, a member of the Klang Sanitary Board, who had been seriously ill for some time. The funeral was largely attended,64 words
- Singapore Standard / Article26 April 1958 - THE engagement ceremony of Mr. P. Panehadcharam of the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations, Penang. and Miss M. Puvaneswary, a teacher of the Methodist Girls' School. Klang, took place last Sunday (April 20) at No. 158A, Club Road. Klang. Mr. Panchadcharam is the son of Mr.Ch'ng Seng Poh - 89 words
- The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration28 October 1959 - A TRAFFIC police constable. Ismail bin Sahad, 110, who risked his life by .jumpng into the crocodile infested Klang River to save an old woman who had fallen from the 40-ft. top deck of the new Klang bridge—the Janibatan Kota. Constable Ismail, who wasimproving. — Picture by Ch’ng Seng Poh. - 95 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 August 1981 - KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Hospital assistants are the "doctors" m Klang General Hospital, the Malay Mail said today. They treat patients and m some cases, even issue medical certificates. The shortage of doctors is so acute that the authorities are forced to do this. There192 words
- The Straits Times / Article1 January 1939 - 'Fr.m our Own Correspondent; Klang, Saturday. AMR S. Navaratnam, Postmaster Klang. who was on seten months holiday in Ceylon, has returned to Klang. and resumed duty. Mr. S. R. Sabapathy. of the staff of the Government High School. Klang. is spending the school holidays at Cameron Highlands. Another142 words
- The Straits Budget / Article8 February 1967 - KLANG, Jan. 31 Two senior physicians at the district hospital here have resigned from government service to enter private practice. They ere Dr. Ng Cheuk Hlng. the hospital's medical officer and surgeon, and Dr. K Thevarojah. ohstetrlctan. Or Ng, a former Queen'a Scholar, is succeeded74 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article27 September 1940 - Dr. H. S. Swift has taken over (charge of the district hospital. Klang. from Dr. Gillespie, who I has gone on transfer to Tapah.24 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 September 1962 - I£UALA LUMPUR, Sun. —The Speaker of the Selangor state Legislative Assembly, Dato Abdullah bin Haji Hassan, has been ordered to take a three-month rest. He was admitted to the Klang District Hospital last Friday following a heart attack. The check-up was made by the119 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 February 1998 - Nine people warded in hospital this week KLANG Selangor's Klang district has been put on a typhoid alert. The action comes after nine people, six of them students, were warded for the disease this week. The Sun yesterday reported that six male and three female309 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration24 April 1960 - By HOW POU PECK KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday COR the past- 12 years Tan Ec Seek has been almost completely bedridden. His whole body, except his hands and mouth, is paralysed. But he has never given up hope that one day heChng Seng Poh - 523 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 July 1935 - The Selangor Chinese Recreation Club are celebrating the 15th anniversary of the club on Saturday with a dinner at the club h^use, followed by a variety entertainment and dance. Mr. S. Sarangapanl of the Tamil Reforms Association will deliver a lecture In Tamil under the auspices of the287 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 July 1962 - KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.— A woman tapper, Tong Ah Kit. 28. of Batu Lapan Kutan Estate, died in Klang District Hospital today from caustic soda poisoning.27 words
- The Singapore Free Press / Article23 August 1961 - KUALA SELANGOR. Wed. The Selangor Medical Department h&s arranged for a medical officer from the Klang Hospital to visit Kuala Selangor district every Wednesday mornine.27 words
- Eastern Sun / Article29 March 1968 - KLANG. Thurs. The Minister of Health. Dr Ng Kam Poh. will present medals to blood donors at the district hospital here on April 6.27 words
- The Straits Times / Article17 July 1965 - KLANG. Fri A mobile Xr»y unit will be at the district I hospital here on July 20 and 31 I to five free X-ray services28 words
- The Straits Times / Article28 May 1958 - KLANG, Tues. A labourer. Tan Kirn Khoon. 23. was admitted to the district hospital last night after falling ten feet Into a tongkang at °ort Swettenham28 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 June 1958 - 4 HURT IN TRIPLE CRASH KLANG, Toes.— A man lost an arm and three other people, including a schoolgirl, were Injured here this afternoon when a car, a lorry and a bicycle were involved in a triple crash The driver of the car, Mohamed Sanif bin Daud, lost his right117 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 November 1941 - Seven Killed In Accident 'FTom Our Own Correspoident) Klang, Satui Jay WHAT was offlciaUy described as the worst road tragedy In Klang occurred at 14 miles. Kapar Ro«d this week, when a motor-bus overturned, resulting In 21 casualties, of whom three were killed on the spot, and four died after117 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 October 1958 - Driver dies in lorry crash JTLANG, Thurs.— A lorry driver was killed and his attendant injured when their vehicle crashed into a 15-foot ravine at the 17th mile Klang-Kuala Lumpur road yesterday afternoon. Tan Chin Huat. 23. of Telok Gadong Road, Klang, died on the spot. Sih Cheng Poh, 21,96 words
- Singapore Standard / Article12 February 1953 - KLANG, Wed.— Two Chinese women and three chfldrer were injured when the roof ol a cot Tee shop at Bukil Java Road collapsed and pinner them underneath yesterday morning. The Fc'icc Station, which was about 200 yard? away arranged a relief squad with :ne help101 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 April 1957 - KLANG, Sunday. EE KENG KHEAN, 35 victim of a vicious knife and acid attack on Tuesday, died in hospital here this morning. Mr. Ec, manager of a local printing press, was stabbed twice In the stomach and had acid thrown on his chest when124 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 April 1899 - e—Malay Mail. The case of apparent chicken-pox landed from s. s. Sappho on Sunday last was removed to the district hospital, Klang. The following afternoon symptoms of small-pox showed themselves. The case was at once removed to the infectious diseases hospital at the Kuala. Thee—Malay Mail. - 123 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article1 September 1926 - AGED CHINESE KILLED. ,An inquest was held on Saturday, in ie Kuala- Lumpur police court, before Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, regarding the Jea.h of an aged Chinese of 72 years named Liew Liah, who was knocked sown by a. motor car on; August120 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article23 May 1935 - (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, May 22. Hii Highness the Sultan of Selangoi Tunku Panglima Besar, Tunku Laxamana, A.D C. to H. H. The Sultan oj Selangor, Raja Haji Othman, Chief Kathir, and Raja Haji Abdullah, have been presented with the King's Jubile Medal. Dr. M. Dicsum, Assistant, Medical Officer,74 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1952 - KLANO. Sun. A K£ang Convent girl, K. Sarojlni. was knocked down by a motor eyefe on the main road. She died in the District Hospital, Klang.30 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 December 1959 - KLANG, Mon. Firemen last night used highpressure hoses to dislodge a man sitting on the roof of the District Hospital throwing tiles at passersby. The man jumped 25ft. down to the ground. He was promptly held by four policemen and a fireman The66 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article16 March 1932 - I Amongst the F.M.S. Government Servants who have retired or are retiring: under Circular Nc. 31 cf 1931 is Mr. M. Chelliah. Senior Hospital Assistant. District Hospital, Klang. Mr. Chelliah an old boy cf the Victoria I Institutk n, Kuala Lumpur, and has put m thirty-cne years' fervice. He leaves64 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 September 1938 - 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. Mr. M. B. Hember, Executive Engineer, P.W.D., Klang, and Mrs. M. B. Hember. have gone to Frasers Hill for a short holiday. They will return to Klang on Sept. 23. Mr. J. Chambers, Executive Engineer, F.W.D.. Telok Da ton, Is acting for Mr.147 words
- Singapore Standard / Article6 December 1951 - OR. A R. KANDIAH the Medical Officer m charge Kuala Kubu Bahru Hospital will soon be leaving the District on transfer to Klang. He will be succeeded by Dr. Perampalam.32 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article11 May 1940 - Dr. E S Alfred. Medical Officer, District trict Hospital, Klang, who was away on leave, has returned and resumed duties. Dr. Thirupad. who was acting for him. has returned to Kuala Lumpur.32 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration21 August 1958 - TWO MALAYAN doctors and their brides AT LEFT: Dr. M. Venkateswaron, Medical Officer, Klang District Hospital, helps his bride. Miss Yong Phui Keng, to cut their wedding cake during the reception at the Evergreen Cafe, Klang. The wedding took place at the Kuala Lumpur Registry.79 words
- The Straits Times / Article3 March 1909 - Many Miles on Motor Car through Selaogor. Mr. H. Conway Helfiold, British Resident, Selangor, had a bpsy time of it last week, during most of which ht was on inspection duty in tho Klang district, says the Malay Mail. Mr. Helfield went to Klang on Tuesday. On200 words
- The Straits Times / Article24 December 1959 - Nine hurt as two cars collide KLANG. Wed. Nine people, including twe women and an eighteen- 1 month-old boy. were in- j Jured when two carsi crashed head-on at the) 2nd milestone Klang-i Meru road last night. The driver of one of the 1 ears, Veeranmthu, 42. who' was travelling132 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration7 November 1981 - 15 injured as bus rolls down slope FIFTEEN people were Injured when this ban, they were travelling In, skidded and rolled down 17 m slope near the District Omee In Klang en Thursday. The bos, bound for north Klang, was negotiating a bend when the accident happened. Pftssereby helped theNST - 128 words
- The Straits Times / Article4 October 1979 - KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. About 45 crew members of the French frigate "Doudart de Lagree" on a visit here today donated blood on board the ship for the Port Klang District Hospital. AFP.AFP - 34 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 October 1959 - BUS CRASH— AND 39 WALK AWAY KLANG. Thursday. i BUS left the road and landed on its side in 4ft. of ditchwater yesterday but only one of its 40 passengers was hurt. The buy of the Klang and Coast Omnibus Co., was travelling from Klang to Banting The accident occurred105 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 July 1935 - OVER THIRTY YEARS' LOYAL SERVICE Klang, Sunday. Born on July 12, 1880, at Klang, educated at the Victoria Institution, and after having served the Selangor Government very faithfully for well over thirtytwo years, Dato Abdul Hamid bin Baduk, M.C.H, M.S.C., Deputy Assistant District Officer, retired on298 words
- The Straits Budget / Article26 November 1903 - How the Klang Epidemic in 1901 was Suppressed. The following brief history by Mr. E. A. O. Travers, State Surgeon,Selangor, of a severe outbreak of malignant malarial feWr in a malarial district, with a shore account of the measures taken to deal with it, will, it ig hoped,1,677 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 September 1958 - KLANG, Thurs.— The Klang Town Council has decided to submit a councillor's complaint against "unsatisfactory conditions" in the Klang district hospital to the Selangor State Medical and Health Officer. The deputy chairman of i the counci', Inche Wahab Abdul Rashid. told the Straits Times today156 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 October 1940 - (From Our Own Correspondent) Temerloh. A CHINESE; lim Sang Tan. an employe* of the Sun Cinema, Mentakab. was convicted fcf Inche Saaeldln Khadert tlw Temerloh magistrate of theft of $183, being proceeds from the sale of tickets. Accused was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment with an101 words
- Singapore Standard / Article16 January 1953 - KLANG, Thurs. Ho Yu Thian (41). a sauce seller. at the Klang District Hospital ion Tuesday of rabies. He had »een bitten by a d >s 40 days ag but did not po for treatmenj regularly. This is the first rabies I itality m X ang.50 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration26 September 1964 - TANJONG KARANG. Fri The Minuter of Health. Inche Bahaman bin Samsuddin. yesterday presented medals and certificates to more than 60 blood donors here. Among them was Raja Mahmud Omar. 38, a farmer and chairman of the Kuala Selangor and Sabak Bernam Blood Donors Association,130 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 November 1938 - From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. T\R. T. Markandu. A. MO. of the Klang District Hospital, was enteri tamed to a farewell dinner by the 1 members of th e Hospital Club here on j the eve of his transfer to Kuala Lumpur. Dr. LJan Phut134 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 June 1938 - Datoh Abdul Hamld bin Dato Kaya. J.P., M.S.C., and Raja Mahmood. Skhull Islam, Sclangor, have returned to Klang from their pilgrimage to Mecca. Mr. S. Arunasalam of the P.W.D Klang will proceed on transfer to Kuala Kubu Bahru on June 20. Mrs. Holsington, wife of Dr. G. W.151 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 March 1962 - KLANG. W«d. POLICE and Social Welfare Department officials here are investigating injuries received by a 14-year-old schoolgirl, a daughter of the late Mr. Tan Kirn Puay. a timber millionaire. The girl. Tan Ah Oai_. has been admitted to the Klang District Hospital (or treatment ol a157 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article12 August 1936 - Mrs A. F Dennett, who is at present an inmate of the Batu Gajah Hospital, is making good recovery after an operation. Mr. D. Sturrock, of the Malayan Civil Service, is devoting most of his leave to Edinburgh, and leaves England for Malaya early m September. Mr.363 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 November 1961 - KLANG, Sun Dr. 3. Underwood, a specialist in p'astic surgery, has been transferred from Kuala Lumpur General Hospital to the District Hospital here for three weeks.28 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 November 1961 - KLANG. Nov. 19.—Dr. S. Underwood a specialist in plastic surgery, has been transferred from Kuala Lumpur General Hospital to the District Hospital here for three weeks.28 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article4 April 1946 - Hi s Highness the Sultan of Selahgor recently attended meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital. Thi s Maternity Hospital was founded 20 years ago by a committee of Chinese ladles with the guidance of the wife of the District Officer. Mrs. F. W. Douglas. The hospital119 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article20 November 1903 - By E. A. O. Travers, State Surgeon, Selangor. The following brief history of a severe outbreak of malignant malarial fever in a malarial district, with a short account of theE. A. O. Travers, State Surgeon, Selangor - 1,698 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1950 - 'THE first private hospital in Malaya to give free 1 treatment to people suffering from tuberculosis has been opened at Klang. It can accommodate 60 patients, but admission will re restricted to those who have a reasonable prospect of arresting thu disease. The hospital,183 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article6 December 1932 - Dr. G. T. Edward, Deputy Controller Officer, District Hospital. Klang, who Is on leave prior f to retirement after twenty years of service m the Government has been admitted to Tanglin Hospital.32 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 February 1962 - KLANG. Tues.— Extension! to the operating theatre and nurses' quarters at the Klang district hospital have been made here at a cost of $5,000 Thp extended nurses' hostel can now accommodate IS stair nurses a room for each.43 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 January 1939 - Dr. Abdul Gany. of the General Hospita'. Kuala T.umpur. has resumea duty in the District Hospital. Klang. In place of Dr. Fatt Seong Llan, who has b^rn transferred to the General Hospital. Kua!i Lurr.pur.34 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 November 1962 - ITUALA LUMPUR, Sun. —Another doctor at the Klang District Hospital has resigned. He is Dr. S. Sinnathamby, who is leaving for Britain soon to take a postgraduate course This reduces the number of doctors at the hospital tr four. The area served by the hospital163 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article6 February 1934 - The death occurred on Sunday morning of Mr. D. Janapragasam. of the Foreign Mission Bible Society, stationed at Klang, after a brief illness, at the District Hospital, Klang. He was 30 years of age and leaves his wife and a son. The interment took place in the afternoon at the66 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 December 1940 - First aid classes for the Klang and Kuala Langat divisions of the Selangor Defence Corps will be held at the District Hospital. Klang. weekly on Thursdays at 5.15 p.m. from Jan. 9. Dr. W. Ansley Young will be the j lecturer.44 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 August 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. PETALING Tin Ltd., has siven $6,700 to the Lady Templer T.B. Hospital Fund. The Indian community of Klang district gave $2,031 which was raised by concerts in Klang and Kapar. The fund now stands at 51.720.106.44 words
- The Straits Times / Article6 November 1938 - The Police band will play today at Botanic Gardens at 6.33 pm. March. Washington Grays (G. S. GrMulk) Overture, The Barber of Seville (Ro.-sinl) Srlcctlon, The Dollar Princess (Leo Pall); Vals?. Let me Dream in your Arms A;aln (Horstlo Ni:holls); Suite, Monsieur Beaucalre (Arranged by Prank Wlnterbottom Selection.145 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 January 1939 - Dr. Abdul Gany, of the General Haspilal, Kuala Lumpur, has resumed duty in the District Hospital, Klang, in place of Dr. Fatt Seong Lian, who has been transferred to the General Hospital, Kua'.a Lumpur.36 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 May 1935 - Amount previously acknowledged $62,150.64 Medical Office. 300-302. North Bridge Road 50.00 Foo Chee Fong, Esq. 20.00 Staff of Methodist Mission Schools 260.00 Staff of Lyons Motors Ltd. 33.00 Mrs. B. J. Doherty. Dance. Sea View Hotel 352.00 Miss E. A. King 25.00 $62,890.64 Dr. J. Decum. assistant medical94 words
- Singapore Standard / Article3 June 1955 - THEY HAD NO BLOOD TO SAVE A MOTHER Plea For Bank' In Klang KLANG, Thurs. A mother of nine died on the operotion toble m tht Klong Hospital, because there was no blood to give her a transfusion. Town Councillor Mr. G. L. Labrooy, said yesterday. She was the latest264 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 July 1934 - The Hon Mr. T. S. Adams, the British Resident at Selangpr accompanied b: Mr. L. Forbes, District Officer. Klaiu. and former official Presli the Klang Chinese maternity hospital, visited the hospital on July 26 and was welcomed by the lollowing members o! the committee: Towkay Goh178 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 November 1935 - Dr. Wallace has arrived back from leave and has taken up duties as Medical Officer, District Hospital, Klang, in place of Dr. Burgess, who was looking after the hospital in addition to his duties as Health Officer. Coast.38 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 October 1931 - Death of Klang Sanitary Board Member. (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Oct. 6. The death has taken place at the age of 51 in the District Hospital of Mr. R. K. Arulampalam, a member of the Klang Sanitary Board, who had been seriously ill for some70 words
- Malaya Tribune / Obituary20 June 1939 - [From Our Own Correspondentj Klang, Jure in.—The death has occuircd at the District Hospital, Klang. ?f Alaglr samy Pathar, who was a leading merchant and an eld resident of IHang, having cl in Kiang for the -ast 30 years. The funeral tcck place a- the Simparg69 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 February 1963 - KLANG. Fri.— The Umno branch here will serve cakes and solt drinks patlanti ol the KJ;iti; District Hospital on the second day of Han Raya Puasa. Members will also distribute Rifts to children in the hospital.39 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 May 1940 - Dr. E. S. R. Alfred, Assistant Medical Officer, District Hospital, Klang, who was on a short holiday to Java, has returned and Dr. Thlrupad. who had been acting for him, has gone back to the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur.39 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article17 July 1935 - Prominent Selangor Malay Officer AFTER over thirty-two years in Govern ment Service, Dato Aodul Hamid bin Baduk, M.C.H. M.S.C.. Deputy Assistant District Officer, Klang retired on Saturday on attaining the age limit. I The Dato Kaya joined Government service on Jan. t, 1903, as Maiay Writer, under215 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 February 1935 - Committees Appointed For Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. JL The Resident of Selangor has appointed the following committees to visit the hospitals in Selangor during the year 1935: Bungs, r and General Hospitals. Kuala Lumpur— The Tengku Laksamana. the Chief Kathi. the Rev. W. Buckingham.293 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 January 1936 - Boards Of Visitors For This Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 23. In the F.M.S. Government Gazette appear the names of those appointed to Boards of Visitors to Hospitals in Selangor for 1936, as follow: Bungsar and General Hospital... Kuala Lumpur.— The Tengku Laksamana, the Chief283 words
- The Straits Times / Article2 August 1998 - KLANG A family, already in grief over the mysterious death of their 20-year-old daughter, had to endure a further ordeal when police refused to accept their report on her death. Ms Goh Yan Sze was declared dead upon arrival at the Tengku Ampuan281 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 December 1979 - KLANG, Mon. Three players and two supporters were injured when a riot broke out during a football match at the Stadium Kota Raja here yesterday. They were given outpatient treatment at the Klang General Hospital. The incident occurred when the Pemuda Klang Utara were playing111 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 June 1938 - SOCIAL PERSONAL The engagement is announced. and the marriage will take place at Kuala Pilah, of Mr. Edwin Pereira, of the P.W.D., Port Dickson, and Miss Ber tha Blankenette, o‘ Kuala Pilah. 4' Dr. A.N. Kingsbury, Director, Institute for Medical Reseand Kuala Lumpur, who is on a tour of inspection239 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article13 February 1935 - (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Monday. The following committees have been appointed to v.sit the hospitals in Selangor during 1935: BUNGSAR AND GENERAL HOSPITALS. X.L The Tengku Laksamana, the Chi:f Kathj. Rev. W. Buckingham Mr. A. H. Flowcrde.w, Rev. J. G. Hall, Mr. Khan Ah Chong, Mr.266 words
- The Straits Times / Article2 June 1955 - KLAXG. Wed— Mr. George Labrooy i nominated' told the Town Council today that lives had been lost because the Klang District Hospital had scrapped it t blood bank. He asked the council why the bank was no longer operating. The chairman, Mr. T. J. Mathias, said he52 words
- New Nation / Article18 August 1981 - Hospital assistants are the "doctors" la the outpatient department of the Klang General Hospital. They attend to patients, examine them, prescribe medication and In some cases, even issue medical certificates. The shortage of doctors In the outpatient department has Mcome so acute that hospital authorities174 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 September 1963 - $30,000 face-lift for hospital KLANG, Tues. The District Hospital here Is getting a face-lift costing more than $30,000 The wooden hospital, built more than 50 years ago. has been In a poor condition for several years. The 10-ward hospital serves about 350.000 people of the Klanx and coastal areas A80 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration29 January 1969 - PARENTS MAY GET MONTHLY ALLOWANCE KLANG. Tuesday THK Klang quadruplets, born a week ago, have been named Hashimah, Hussein, Hassan and Hashim by their parents. Inche Sabri bin Manijo and his wile, Che Sarton. Today YIP visitors called at the Klang District Hospital with gilts for135 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article31 August 1917 - Invitations have been issued for the marriagu of Mr. Edward D'Souza, of thn District Hospital, Klang, with Mies Violet Alphonso, late of tha General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, which is to be solemnised in the Church of St. John the Evangdlist, Kuala Lumpur, on September 4. —M. M.47 words
- The Straits Times / Article4 June 1955 - 'No blood bank— patients died' Council told: Four donors were called to hospital but their group was wron MEDICAL DEPARTMENT INVESTIGATES COUNCILLOR'S CHARGES K ALX LI'MPVR, Friday. JHL Medical Department is investigating charges by a member of the Klang Town ounciL Mr. L. Labrooy, that patients at the klanj: District277 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article16 June 1932 - Haji Saleh, Katua Kampong, Padang Jawa, Klang, was admitted into the District Hospital. Klang, suffering from wounds on the head and hands as a result of an explosion of a single barrel gun. It appears he was out shooting when the gun exploded. On examination it was found that the56 words
- The Straits Budget / Article5 February 1964 - KLANG, Jan. 28.—An escapee from police custody. Zainuddin bin Mohammed 20. of Kuala Laneat, 21 miles from here, surrendered at the Klang police station Zainuddin w’anted in connection j with a case of housebreaking and theft in Kuala Lnngat. eluded the policeman who was escortine him59 words
- 22 September 1966 - KLANG. Wed. Mr. K. A. Krishna Rajah and his bride Miss M. Rajeswari, both of the Klang District Hospital, seen here after their wedding at the Letehumanan Hall recently. The bridegroom is the third son of Mrs. M. K. Arumufcam, and the bride is the daugter of Mr. and Mrs.58 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article2 December 1940 - (From Our Own Correspondent) D Klang. Saturday. B. E. S. R. Alfred, Assistant Medical Officer. District Hospital. Klang, is leaving for Kuala Lumpur on transfer, after many years of useful service a dinner was given to hi m by the members of83 words
- The Straits Times / Article29 July 1988 - Hospitals outside KL to have specialist services KUALA LUMPUR The Heaith Ministry plans to decentralise specialist services to rover hospitals outside of here. Health Minister Datuk Chan Siang Sun said yesterday This would be carried out m phase* and would further ensure that health services were equitably distributed and avoidBernama - 130 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 November 1962 - Speaker of the Selangor Assembly dies KLANG, Sat.— The Speaker of the Selangor Legislative Assembly. Dato Abdullah bin Hajl Hassan, died at Jiis home in Jalan Buklt Kuda here this mornlne. He was 53. He was admitted to the General Hospital here and later transfered to the Oeneral Hospital, Kuala177 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article10 January 1927 - The friends of Dr. M. A. Gabriel, assistant surgeon. District Hospital, Klang, "«vho fa proceeding on furl- ugh, entertained him to a tea party at the Selangor Coast Club, Klang, on Tuesday. The Municipal Health Officer records deaths totalling 216 for the week ending January Ist., representing a death-rate of120 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1954 - KLANG. Tues.— A committee ha^ been formed here to ;nd> lor The Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital. A nag Day will oe held in Klang District on May 20 Mrs. Marjorio Hamer. wife of the District Officer, is the oreanlser.44 words
- Singapore Standard / Article22 September 1955 - KLANG. Wed. A 16-year-old woman estate labourer was killed and four others seriously injured when they were struck by lightning at Sungei Kapar Estate near here tonight. Patchiappan died while she was being transferred from Kapar Group Hospital to the Klang District Hospital. The injured Velu. 15.68 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement28 July 1934 - Dr J. Decum. who was transferred from Kuala Kubu Bharu to Klang District Hospital about two menths ago. and who has been a patient m the General Hospital at Singapore since, assumed duties at the District Hospital. Klang, on Tuesday.40 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 April 1941 - (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. Apr. 15. mrs. (Dr.) W. Puleston-Jones, Lady 1V1 Medical Officer. Infant Welfare Centre. Klang. has gone to Australia on furlough. Mrs. (Dr.) W. H. Corke. of Sungei BuaU estate. Banting, is acting for her. Dr S. H. Swift. Medical Officer. Klang District75 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article29 June 1934 - Mother Not To Blame For Tragedy Klang, Wednesday. An inquest into the death of a seven days old Tamil child named Muniandy, which occurred at the Klang Hospital on May 10, was held to-day before Mr. G. E. Turner, the Klang Magistrate. Dr. Che Lah, assistant medical156 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 September 1971 - Smallpox alert in Klang KLANG. Wed. The Klang district hospital I and the health office here have geared themselves to prevent the spread of smallpox following the discovery of a case yesterday. A 15-year-old schoolgirl staying at Jalan Raja Hassan was confirmed a smallpox victim at the University Hospital. Her105 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 September 1962 - KLANG, Tuesday THE Minister of Health, Dr. Llm Swee Aun, today made a surprise visit to the Klang District Hospital to find out how the hospital suffered from shortage of medical officers Accompanied by his wife, Dr. Llm spent two hours In the hospital. The Medical159 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article4 August 1934 - Dr. J. Datum, who was transferred trom Kuala Kubu Bharu to Klang District Hospital about two months ago. and who has been a patient m the General Hospital at Singapore since, has now assumed duties at the District Hospital. Klang. Mr. A. J. Gracie. Secretary to Resident. Pahang. and Acting84 words
- The Straits Budget / Article12 September 1962 - KLANG. Sept. 4. THE Minister of Health. Dr. Lim Swee Ann, today nude a surprise visit to the Klang District Hoslital to find out how the hospital suffered from i shortage of medical officers. Accompanied by his wife. Dr Lim spent two hours in the hospital.161 words
- The Straits Times / Article1 January 1939 - iKrcrn Our O*n Correspondent. Klang, Saturday. /\N the eve of their transfer from Klang District Hospital to General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, Dr. Fatt Seong Lian, assistant medical officer, and Mr. Dulip Singh, hospital assistant, w re entertained to a farewell dinner at the Klan<? Railway Restaurant by the52 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 October 1963 - IVVNJONG karang, Oct. 20 —Work on a $1.5 million district hospital will start soon on a 10-acre coconut site here. The new hospital will also hare maternity wards and an X-ray department. A spokesman or the Ministry ot Health s*id today “When the157 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 August 1961 - K UAI a J'UMPUR, Aug. 4 The FedeGovernment today Kave notice at it vould acquire 1() acres as the 'J,' > a new $B,OOO Klang General near the roar! HUIe Banting >Vh lhe i land is thf r le l Planning of142 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 December 1962 - Klang hospital most deplorable David KUALA LUMPUR. Tu«s. A SOCIALIST Front state assemblyman. Mr. V. David (Pantai) alleged today that patients admitted to the Klang district hospital became "more serious" because of the deplorable condition resulting from an acute shortage of medical officers. He made the allegation in the State222 words
- The Straits Budget / Article26 December 1962 - KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 16 A SOCIALIST Front state assemblyman, Mr. V David (Pantai) alleged today that patients admitted to the Klang district hospital became “more serious” because of the deplorable condition resulting from an acute shortage of medical officers. He made the allegation in the224 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 December 1962 - KLANG, Sun.— lnche Hashlm bin Amln. the District Officer here, has been elected president >f the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital.22 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 November 1938 - Mr. K. Nalliah. Hospital Assistant. District Hospital. Klang. has loft Klang en sevon months' leave to Ceylon accompanied by his family and children.23 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article25 September 1929 - ROBERTSON IN FINE FORM. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, September 22 The first inter district Rugby mat'w of the current season was played on Saturday between Kinta and Lowv-r Perak the venue of the match being Teluk Anson. Dr. K. Murugasu, of the District Hospital. Kuala Lumpur,71 words
- The Straits Times / Article21 July 1932 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, July -0. At the annual gensral msotinsr ot" the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association the following were dieted office bearers for the current vcar: President, Mr. L. A. A'lcn, District Officer, Klang; vice-presidertF, the District Officer, Kuala Sclangor, the District Officer, Kuala Langat,142 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 December 1962 - KLANG, Fri. A Flower Day will be held from Dec 10 to Dec. I 16 In aid of the Lady Templer j Hospital. Artificial flowers will oe sold. The sales will be organised by the Klang District Lady Templer Hospital Appeal Fund Committee.49 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 May 1964 - KLANG. Pri. A tocuU and dance organised by the Klang District Lady Tempter T.B. Hospital committee in aid of toe hospital will be held at the Letcbnmaoan Hall ban an Maj 14.34 words
- Singapore Standard / Article24 August 1953 - KLANG, Sun. A 19 year- old detainee made a brief dash for freedom at B. HO last night from the Klang District Hospital where he was a patient. Klang Police immediately cordoned off the hospital area and set up road blocks but were unable to find61 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 September 1963 - KLANG. Sept. 10.—The District Hospital here is getting a face-lift costing more than $30,000. The. wooden hospital, built more than 50 years ago. has been in a poor condition for several years. The 10-ward hospital serves about 350.000 people of the Klang and coastal areas A80 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 November 1963 - New Klang hospital will be one of best in S-E Asia I^LANG, Sun. Con- struction of an $8 million hospital planned to be one of the best in South-East Asia will begin soon at Langat Road here. The four-storey hospital will have 600 beds, a staff of 300 and the177 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article6 August 1936 - Mrs. Jacob. Midwife. District Hospital, Tanjong Malim, is proceeding on transfer to Taiping General Hospital. Mr. L. C. Simpson-Gray. M.C S. has been appointed First Magistral, Ipoh. m succession to Dr. V. W. W. S. Furcell. Mr. C F. Sands. Commissioner of Scouts. Malaya, will visit and243 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article6 August 1934 - Dr. J. Decum, who was transferred Kuala Kubu Bharu to Klang Dis- Ho \yj J about two months ago, ho has been a patient in the General Hospital at Singapore since, has duties at the District Hospital I Clang.40 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 August 1935 - Tne annual report of i-^ie Klang Ch.nese Maternity Hosp'.t.-u Association states:— Donations amounted to $1.72 f Government of Sciangor. $1,000; Tow- kay Wong Ean, $100; Towkr.y Teo Hool. $50; the Straits Chinese Benevolent Institution. $100; the Klang Hun Y;mK Central Merchants Guild $120; l Mr. A319 words
- Singapore Standard / Article, Illustration14 May 1955 - DR. C. NADARAJAH. Chief Medical Officer, Klang. and his wife (seated centre) with the staff of the Klang District Hospital, at a farewel gathering. Dr. Nadarajah is going on transfer to the General Hospital. Seremban, m the same capacity. Standard photo by Ch'ng Seng: Poh.48 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article25 May 1950 - KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. THE first private hospital 1 In Malaya for free treat- Asians suffering "ib--riuilosis was opened at Klang recently. The hospital which functions under the auspices of Xl mg md Coastal Association tor the Prevention of Tuberculosis, can ac'•ommodate about 60 persons. It183 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article9 October 1940 - Mr. S Chelliah, Clerk of Courts, Klang, is a patient of the District Hospital,. Klang. He is progressing satisfactorily.19 words
- Berita Harian / Article21 January 1961 - KLANG, Juma'at. Sa-buah rumah sakit besar akan di-diri-kan di-bandar Klang dengan menelan belanja sa-banyak $13 Juta. Dato' Ong Yoke Lln Menterl Kesihatan dan Kebajikan Masharakat menyatakan ranchangan mendlrikan rumah sakit besar itu sawaktu melawat tapak bangunan rumah sakit itu kelmaren. Kapada Berita Harian dlberi tahu161 words
- Berita Harian / Article5 January 1961 - KLANG, Rabu. Anggota2 Palang Merah sa-ramal 80 orang lebeh terdlri darl penuntut2 berbagai sekolah daerah Klang telah menamatkan "Gerakkan Tolong" yang dl-jalankan sa-panjang chuti penggal tlga. "Gerakkan Tolong" Palang Merah daerah Klang lni adalah berupakan satu sumbangan tenaga kapada kakitangan2 rumah sakit daerah Klang. Mereka yang bertugas108 words
- Berita Harian / Article24 September 1960 - Pembangunan kesehatan 300,000 pendndok r v KLANG, Juma'at. CA-RAMAI kira2 300,000 orang pendudok2 dari 3 daerah, Klang, Kuala Langat, dan Kuala Selangor, akan mendapat sa-buah rumah saklt besar yang akan di-bena dengan beianja $13 juta. Eanchangan mendirikan rumah sakit besar ini sedang145 words
- Berita Harian / Article3 June 1963 - OA-BUAH rumah sakit yang berharga $5 juta akan di-bena tidak lama lagi oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan bagi menggantikan sa-buah Rumah Sakit yang telah tua dan berumor 60 tahun di-Klang. Rumah saUt tni akan di-bena di-atas sa-buah tapak sa-luas 64 ekar dan di-dirikan di-Batu 3237 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration15 September 1964 - |fLANO, Ithnin. Klang akan mempunyai sa-buah rumah sakit moden berharga $6 Juta tidak lama lagi, demikian di-umumkan oleh Merjteri Kesihatan, Inche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin hari ini. Rumahsakit tersebut akan di-bena dl-satu kawasan luas di-Jalan Kuala Langat, kira2 satu batu dari sini. awal tahun depan. Apabila185 words
- Berita Harian / Article13 March 1961 - KLANO, Ahad. UMNO bahagian Klang akan mengirim satu rombongan melawat rumah sakjt umum Klang Hari Raya ini untok memberi kueh2 hari raya kapada orang2 sakit. Inche Adnan Chlk. setiausaha UMNO Klang memoeri tahu Berita Harian bahiwa sa-lain kueh2 itu di-beri juga buah2an serta minuman rengan.68 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration9 July 1963 - KUALA LUMPUR, Ahad.. PENYIASATAN atas sungutan sa-orang ibu kapada dua orang anak, r Che Maimunah binti Hitam, telah pun selesai di-jalankanoleh Ketua Pegawai Perubatan dan Kesehatan Negen Selangor Dr. S. Jasudason. Demlkian Berita Harian di-beritahu hari ini oleh Inche Sanusi bln Bald, Setiausaha Tetap589 words
- Berita Harian / Article5 February 1966 - Juma'at. Tabong darah rumah sakit Klang sekarang sedang kurang disebabkan kekurangan penderma. Mengikut banchian. Tabong itu lebeh banyak mengeluarkan darah daripada menerima darah dari pen-derma2-nya. Daiam masa sa bulan, sa-banvak 100 paint darah di-keluarkan sed a n gkan tabong itu hanya menerima173 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration20 July 1963 - J)ALAM keributan sungutan orang ramai atas layanan kasar dan burok. beberapa orang Rumah Sakit Klang, kakitangan2 di;f"u telah sempat mengadakan satu Jamuan majijjs sukaria dan memileh "Ratu" kakitangan Rum<Jh Sakit Klang bagi tahun 1963. lain l a hari Sabtu yang a 'U berlangsong-lah perfduan340 words
- Berita Harian / Article24 November 1965 - KERANA tidak tahan menanggong sakit. saya telah .pergi ka-rumah sakit umum Kuantan untok menchari rawatan. Tetapi sa-teiah mendaftar nama dan berjumpa dengan doktor pemereksaan saya telah di-arahkan supaya pergi berjumpa dengan saorang doktor di-tingkat atas. Di-luar bilek saya nampak sa-ramai enam orang sakit143 words
- Berita Harian / Article15 November 1960 - KLANG, Ithnin. Masa'alah kekurangan bidan, alat2 kelengkapan dan tempat tidor sedang dihadapi oleh rumah sakit beranak di-daerah ini. Ibu2 yang hamil yang dlterima oleh rumah sakit dislni sa-makln bertambah dan mereka merasa layanan Udak memuaskan. kerana; 0 Kekurangan bl dan: 0 Kekurangan tempat Udor; dan, 0142 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration29 March 1962 - JTLANG, Rabu. Polis dan pehak2 yang berkuasa Kebajlkan Masharakat disini sedang menyiasat luka2 yang di-deritai oleh sa-orang budak perempuan berumor 14 tahun, anak kapada sa-orane hartawan yang terkenal di-sinL, Tan Kim Pua. Budak perempuan itu, yang maseh bersekolah. beinama Alt Gai140 words
- Berita Harian / Article19 July 1963 - KLANG, Khamis. Hantu berambut ala Elvis Presley yang sedang mengganu jururawat2 dan bidan2 dirumah sakit Klang malam tadi telah menjelma dan bertukar rupa sa-bagai sa-orang jururawat wanita pula. Beberapa orang jururawat yang enggan namanya di-siarkan, mencheritakan kapada Berita Harian bahawa pada kira2 jam 2.00195 words
- Berita Harian / Article21 April 1961 - KLANG, Khamis. 17"EMENTERIAN Kesihatan Persekutuan akan di- desak oleh UMNO Bahagian Kuala Langat supaya mendirikan sa-buah Rumah Sakit yan g serba lengkap untok kemudahan 100,000 orang pendudok di-daerah itu. Sa-lama ini di-daerah Kuala Langat tidak ada sa-buah pun Rumah Sakit kechuali251 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration9 May 1966 - ORANG KAMPONG TERTAREK HATI MENDERMAKAN DARAH DENGAN HARAPAN DAPAT LAYANAN BAIK JIKA BERUBAT DI-HOSPITAL Oleh AMEER WAHID RAZALLI IBU2 yang melahirkan anak paling banyak memerlukan bantuan darah selain orang yang mendapat kemalangan di-jalan raya, demikian menurut Inche Baharuddin Ayob, Pengerusi Lembaga Pelawat Rumah Sakit Klang.AMEER WAHID RAZALLI - 652 words
- Berita Harian / Article2 December 1965 - ITLANG, Rabu. Saorang bayi yang baru di-lahirkan telah dijumpai di-tepl Jalan Benteng Pandamaran, Port Swettenham pagi Ithnin kelmarin oleh sa-orang pekerja pelabohan. Bayi tersebut telah di-jum-pai oleh Inche' Mohd Arlf bin Ma'arof pada kira2 jam 5.45 pagi Ithnin sedang dalam perjalanan hendak ka-tempat kerja132 words
- Berita Harian / Article18 June 1960 - KjLANG, Jumm'atd—Kuliah Kolej Islam Kluf terpaksa di-berhentikan pagi Rabn kelmarin apabUi sarmmai 30 oranr pelajar diserang saldt perut denran tiba2 sahaja dan dt-be-kan pulang sa-teiah dirawat di-rumah sakit Klang. Kejadian itu berlaku kira2 sa-tengah jam sa-sudah mereka memakan nasl goreng bagi sarapan pagL Pegawai Kesihatan rumah63 words
- Berita Harian / Article10 July 1963 - IZEMENTERIAN Kesihatan telah bagitu bersusah payah sekali melayani perkara Che Maimunah binti Hitam ibu kapada dua orang anak, yang melibatkan rumah sakit Klang. Penyiasatan telah di-jalankan berhubong dengan pengaduan itu tidak sahaja* oleh rumah sakit itu tetapi juga oleh Kementerian dan semalam, Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian315 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration2 August 1963 - ITLANCJ: Wan Aishah binti Wan Tajuddin, Penolong jururawat wanita Rumah Sakit Daerah, Ktang, yang telah berjaya merebut gelaran "Ratu Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan" Klang. Pertandingan tersebut telah di-langsongkan pada hari Ahad yang lalu.35 words
- Berita Harian / Article25 March 1962 - KLANG, Sabtu. ITUMNO Port Swettenham bersetuju untok mengadu kapada Menteri Kesehatan dan Kebajlkan Masharakat, Dato Ong Yoke Lin, tentang kata2 kasar dan layanan kurang baik di-pehak sa-tengah2 pegawai rumah sakit daerah Klang. Saorang juru chakap UMNO Port Swettenham memberitahu Berita Minggu bahawa keputusan untok246 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration22 October 1958 - Jururawat2 dan bidan2 dirumah sakit daerah Klang telah mensadakan jamuan Perpisahan kapada Puan A. Yusof, Matron rumah sakit tersebut, yang akan bertu- kar ka-rumah sakit besar Melaka. Jamuan tersebut di-adakan di-asrama jururawat2 dan bidan2 pada hari Sabtu sudah. Yang dudok dari kiri ia-lah Doktor A. Selvaratnam, Doktor S.Gambar oleh Ch'ng Seng Poh - 82 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration12 July 1966 - KLANG, Ithnin. OEBERAPA buah bangunan baru Kerajaan termasok baiai p o 1 i s rumah sakit dan Dewan Orang Ramai akan di-dirikan di-bandar ini tidak lama lagi. Jaminan ini telah di-buat oleh Menteri Besar Selangor, Dato Harun Haji Idris kapada Sultan276 words
- Berita Harian / Article24 August 1957 - TA UKEH NAFI TUDOOAN SUAP $3,000 JPOH, Jumaat. —Penyelia rumah sakit orang gila 1 Tanjong Rambutan, Dr. M. A. X. Cocheme, hari ini mengeluarkan satu telegram dari sa-orang tauke Pulau Pinang yang kaya menapikan sa-bagai "khayal sa-mata2" satu tudohan bahawa dia telah memberi doktor itu $3,000.332 words
- Berita Harian / Article28 September 1959 - I'LANG, Ahad:—Eml pat orang wakil ra'ayat di-sini akan di-desak oleh saramai kira2 1,000 orang pendudok Kampang Batu Belah, dua batu dari sini, supaya membatalkan bayaran yang di-kenakan kaatas mereka untok mengambil übat dan suntikan di-rumah sakit besar daerah. Incbe Marzuki bin Haji Sira.i. ketua246 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration24 June 1966 - Sampah2 maseh berlonggok, nyamok banyak dan lalang2 tinggi, titah Sultan OI«h REJAL ARBEE KLANG, Khamis Selangor hari ini maseh tidak "saratus peratus'" puas hati dengan kebersehan dan kemajuan bandar di-raja ini walau pun sa-telah mendengar laporan usaha2 Majlis Perbandaran bagi menchapai matlamat itu. "Sampah2 maseh banyak,REJAL ARBEE KLANG, Khamis - 531 words
- Berita Harian / Article13 January 1964 - KLANG, Ahad. —Kerajaan Pusat sekarang sedang menggubal satu undang2 "untok mewajibkan doktor2 dari anak negeri ini yang keluar dari University berkhidmat terus dengan Kerajaan." Undang2 ini di-Jangka akan berjalan dengan kuat lcuasa-nya dalam tahun lni juga. Ini telah di-umumkan oleh Inche Abdul Rahman TaÃœb,254 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration17 July 1963 - Oleh Ameer Wahid Razali Klang, Thalatha CA-RAMAI 32 oranj jururawat rumah sakit Kltnf malam tadi teLah ennan pulang ka-asrama merek» kerana Ukut di-tanggu oleh hantu "muda" yanj rambut-nya saperti potonran Elvis Presley yanf telah mengansru mereka beberapa kall. MenurutAmeer Wahid Razali - 399 words
- Berita Harian / Article28 October 2006 - Utusan Malaysia KEPALA BATAS: Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo, terkejut Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Pelabuhan Klang, Datuk Zakaria Mat Deros, dilaporkan sedang bercuti di Melaka. Ini kerana sebelum ini beliau hanya diberitahu bahawa wakil rakyat itu sedangUtusan Malaysia - 241 words
- Berita Harian / Article18 February 1961 - KUALA LUMPUR, Juma at— Sa-orang bekas inspekter polis, Edwin Andrew Naden berusla 32 tahun, telah di-jumpai mati dengan lehernya terkelar dalam biiek mandi rumah-nya dl-Petaling Jaya semalam. Naden ia-lah anak sa-orang pegawai rumah sakit Kerajaan yang telah bersara. Pagi semalam, Naden mengadu kapada ayah-nya bahawa111 words
- Berita Harian / Article10 April 1958 - Habu. Sa-orang ibu dan anak perem- I puan-nya yang berumor 18 tahun malam tadi telah di-tikam oleh dua orang penyeraiig yang .tidak di-kenal. Ketika mereka sedang tidor dl-rumah mereka dekat dengan jalan Telok Pulai disini maka telah kedengaran bunyi ketok di-pintu rumah190 words
- Berita Harian / Article7 April 1992 - Bernama. KUALA LUMPUR Pelakon veteran, Mak Enon, meninggal dunia pada Ahad di rumah anak lelakinya di Hulu Klang. Ailahyarhamha yang berusia 81 tahun itu sakit sejak empat bulan yang lalu. Ailahyarhamha meninggalkan lapan orang anak dan beberapa cucu. Jenazahnya selamat dikebumikan di Perkuburan Islam di Klang Gate— Bernama. - 116 words
- Berita Harian / Article3 February 1966 - Jf LANG, Rabu. Kerajaan dan Majlis Bandaran Klang telah pun mengator ranchangan2 u n t o k "mengelokkan" bandar di-raja ini. Malang-nya, kata Pegawai Daerah Klang dan Pengerusl Majlis Bandaran, Inche Johan bin Mohamad Yassin: "Kami kekurangan wang. Sa-telah kaml mendapat wang, ranchangan2 itu akan157 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration31 August 1964 - Banyak yang dapat dMaksanakan dalam masa sa-tahun jagong saja Oleh Hakiman Jabar ME S K I PUN Malaysia baharu berusia sa-tahun jagong, n a m u n banyak ranchangan2 telah dapat di adakan untok perkhidmat a n 2 kesihatan yang baik di-nege-ri ini. Kira2 62 peratus d aHakiman Jabar - 595 words
- Berita Harian / Article6 December 1967 - -Oleh Ameer Wahid Razali Klang, Tha. gEMBILAN orang kanak2 dari keluarga pengikut2 Hamid Tuah yang tinggal di-di-barek Polis Pendamaran dekat sini telah di-kejarkan ka-rumah sakit pagi tadi satelah mereka di-serang penyakit "chirit birit". Enam daripada mereka telah di-benarkan pulang sa-telah di-rawat dan tiga lagi telahAmeer Wahid Razali - 201 words
- Berita Harian / Article23 November 1959 - KLANG, Juma'at. Pendudok2 Kuala Langat telah merayu kapada Menteri Besar Selangor supaya me nambahkan bekalan übat2 dan menempatkan sa-orang doktor dirumah sakit Banting. Rajuan itu di-sampaikan oleh Tuan Lim You Kok, Presiden MCA, Bahagian Banting dalam majlis jamuan teh yang di-adakan di-Kelab Hokkien,140 words
- Berita Harian / Article14 August 1960 - KLANG, Sabtu HAMPIR kesemua pendudok Sungai Lima, sa-buah pulau dekat Port Swettenham, telah kehilangan rumah-tangga mereka hari. ini akibat satu kebakaran besar. malam tadi. Pendudok2 itu terdiri darinelayaii2 kira2 2,500 orang ramal-nya-Kebakaran itu beriaku hampir sa-panjang malam dan kira2 150 buah rumah telah248 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration17 September 1999 - Ringkas PENYANYI genit, Amy Mastura, terkilan kerana tidak sempat berada di samping ayahnya semasa beliau meninggal dunia. Ayah Amy, Suhaimi Mohd Ramli, 58 tahun, meninggal dunia selepas diserang sakit jantung di sebuah pusat rawatan di Ipoh, Perak, beberapa hari lalu. Menurut Amy, beliau benar-benar366 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration1 April 1986 - SErttKTAKRAW Oleh YUSOFF RAHMAN JOHAN Liga Bahagian Satu dan Piala Presiden, Bawean Putra, telah diundi dalam Kumpulan 'A* Kejohanan Sepaktakraw Antara Regu Malaysia yang akan dijadualkan berlangsung di Kuala Lumpur, pada 12 dan 13 April mi. Selain dari Stadium Negara. kejohanan yang ditaja oleh United Malayan345 words
- Berita Harian / Article21 October 1963 - KLANG. Ahad membena ba"gunan hospita! daer ar.g menelar. belania -oar.yak 51.5 juta akan ".u.akan tidak lama a*as satu kawasan -.1 10 ekar Ho=pital baharu Ini ---r. mempunyai wad w a d untok dan untok orang2 lelakl dan perem- Ia juga akan mempunyai bahagian X-ray dan lain2162 words
- Berita Harian / Article9 December 1959 - ITLANG, Thalatha. UMNO Malaya akan di-m i n t a oleh UMNO Port Swettenham supaya melarang Ketua MIC Malaya, Tuan S. Sambanthan dari memakai pakaian kebangsaan India Vashti dalam majlis2 rasmi Kerajaan. Ini ada-lah satu daripada keputusan yang di-buat oleh meshuarat jawatankuasa UMNO Port228 words
- Berita Harian / Article23 July 1957 - TPOH, Ithnin. Pengerusi Surohan-jaya Penyiasat berkenaan dengan keadaan dirumah sakit orang gila Tanjong Rambut&n hari ini telah menolak satu permintaan supaya Dr. S. Parampalam di-tukarkan dari rumah sakit itu sa-hingga kesudahan penyiasatan itu. di-ketahui. Permlntaan itu telah diperbuat oleh Penyelia rumah sakit993 words
- Berita Harian / Article31 March 1992 - Berna- ma. SHAH ALAM Sasterawan wanita Malaysia, Zaihasra, yang meninggal dunia dalam 1989 telah mewasiatkan rumahnya bernilai kirakira Mss2oo,ooo ($129,180) kepada Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Klang (Peyakin). Setiausaha Peyakin, Ustaz Ali Mohammed, berkata pihaknya juga menerima sumbangan derma kira-kira MS 17,000 dari wasiat Allahyarhamha.Berna-; ma. - 128 words
- Berita Harian / Advertisement1 November 1967 - BEMUTA BAIK HADIAH PERCHUMA Jika Tuan-Puan nirmbrlj Kerusi rotan yang modrn atau kayu tuan dapat hadiah kipas angin atau kerusi malas. AEi Kami Juga ada berbagai2 jenis T.V.. Radiogram. Peti Ayer Sejok dan lain 2 lagi perkakas rumah yarn; mod en boleh tuan dapati bayaran ansor atau tunai di-potnng 30218 words
- Berita Harian / Article26 October 1963 - KLANG, Juma'at. ITESAH penderitaan Che Rafeah binti Haji Idris, sa-orang ibu yang terpaksa menyarai 11 orang anak-nya sa-telah kematian suami-nya tidak lama dahulu sekarang mulai menarek perhatian ramai. Pernyataan simpati yang pertama dl-suarakan harl inl oleh Kaum Ibu UMNO Bahaglan Klang212 words
- Berita Harian / Article10 February 1966 - IT M N" O Chawangan Klang Selatan akan mendesak UMNO Bahagian Klang mengadakan usul undi tidak perchaya kapada Inche Malek bin Haji Abdul Halim, Ketua Bahagian Klang dalam meshuarat jawatankuasa yang akan di-adakan. Hal ini sa-suai dengan Undang2 Tuboh UMNO Fasal (18)249 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration14 August 2007 - Utusan Malaysia KLANG: Bekas pelakon Tony Kassim (gambar), yang nama sebenarnya Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Ahmad Tajuddin, 72 tahun, meninggal dunia di rumahnya di Kampung Pandamar, Pelabuhan Klang, awal pagi Sabtu lalu. Allahyarham, yang membintangi filem Melayu bertajuk Anak Dara pada 1966 dan Wan Perkasa padaUtusan Malaysia - 148 words
- Berita Harian / Article27 July 1973 - KUALA LUMPUR, Khamis. Seorang budak lelaki berumur sembilan tahun yang disyaki mengidap penyakit demam cucur darah, meninggal dunia di Hospital Besar di sini, semalam. Kematian budak lelaki dari Sungai Chua, Kajang itu menjadikan jumlah me reka yang mati di Selangor akibat penyakit145 words
- Berita Harian / Article13 July 1966 - BAWAH Duli Sultan Selangor sekarang d. arPat ?J! as hati den g a n kemajuan Majlis andnran Klang. Baginda telah pun di-per-ranehangan2 kemajuan yang akan jalankan di-Klang oleh Kerajaan Negeri dimasa hadapan. Menteri Besar, Dato Harun Idris telah mempersembahkan kapada Baginda ranchangan rajaan hendak mendirikan rumah sakit baiai229 words
- Berita Harian / Article23 September 1957 - OA-ORANG gadis yang berumor beiasan tahun telah kena tikam di-batu 14i Jalan Klang di-sini malam tadi. Sa-oranK pemuda telah di-tahan oleh polis. Gadis itu, Low Ah Ang,* dengan baju berlu mar dengan darah telah lari keluar dari sa-buah rumah menjerit minta tolong dan lepas itu111 words
- Berita Harian / Article, Illustration17 January 1966 - 'PERJUANGAN-NYA SUDAH MENYELEWENG' KLANG, Ahad pERKARA undi tidak perchaya terhadap ketua UMNO bahagian Klang Inche' Abdul Halim akan di-binchangkan dalam satu meshuarat jawatan kuasa CJMNO ba- hagian itu. UMNO bahagian Klang telah menerima usul pekara undi tidak perchaya ketua-nya dari chawangan Klang Selatan yang309 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 August 1953 - $30,000 lottery money saves a hospital FREE TREATMENT FOR 42 GOES ON KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday, A $.'{o,ooo grant from the Government Lotteries Fund has saved the Klanjr TB Hospital from rinsing down. A cheque for amount was sijmod and forwarded today. The grant will enable the hospital, which provides 'rcatment,185 words
- Singapore Standard / Article27 September 1954 - FrRTHER contributions to the Lady Templer Tuberculo- Hospital Appeal Fun c i have been received, raising the tour to $1,816,577.09. Badminton exhibit ion matches organized by the Happy- Go-Lucky Badminton Party. Klang. recently netted Sl. sni).42 words
- The Straits Times / Article3 January 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. 1 The Pacific Tin Consolidated has given $9,000 to Lady Templer s TB Hospital Fund, Which now >tari(is at $222,664 The State Sicietary. S«-lan-igoi, has given iT.JOO and Lever Brother* <MaUya> Ltd. $1,000 Other gift* are: Dr. Ismail bin Abdul Rahm.u.. Member159 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 August 1954 - KLANG, Tues. More than 3.000 people visited the Klanc Photographic Exhibition held at the Great World Amusement Park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Prints worth 5285 were sold. Seventy per cent of the profits will go towards the Lady Templer T.B. Hospital Fund.47 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 August 1964 - KOALA LUMPUR. Tues. Donations to the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital fund In July totalled 521.671.21. Among major donors acre: Dato Aw Cheng Chye of Singapore S2.000; staff of Socfin Co. 51. 755.20; University of Malaya Students' Union $1,500 and $1,000 each from the Klnrara Group82 words
- Singapore Standard / Article10 April 1953 - In Beds f r ruberculodi. ted at a yesterday for the erculosifl. lated n are: the Asa Lation and r»e each) e and (one and Hai:ie); the Kitam and and the ind Kuala :.e each). t s are now ing to tho rhe patient53 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 August 1958 - KLANO. Sun— The Klang branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis needs about $150,000 to build five new wards to replace its 30-year, old wards at the third mile- stone, Banting Road. I At present there are 100 I patients in the70 words
- The Straits Times / Article23 March 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. DATO E. E. C. Thuralslngham chairman of the council of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis s;ud today the council could not support Johore's proposal to run its own lottery to raise $350,000 for a T.B. sanitorium in Johore Bahru. "This266 words
- The Straits Budget / Article15 February 1967 - KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 10. than $3O million will be spent this year by the Central Government on new hospitals in towns and the rural areas. Under the plan embodied in the fiveyear development plan $11.5 million is being eai marked for the teaching259 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 April 1954 - Miners give $43,500 to TB fund KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. F^LEVEN tin companies have A given $43,500 to Lady Templer's T.B. Hospital Appeal Fund. Biggest gift was $10,000 from An-10-Oriental Malaya Ltd. Other gifts were $7,500 from Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, $5,500 Lower Pirak Tin Dredging. $3,500 from Larnt Tin Fields,135 words
- The Straits Budget / Article15 April 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR, Apr. 9 ELEVEN tin companies have given $43,500 to Lady Templer’s T.B. Hospital Appeal Fund. Biggest gift was $lO,OOO from Anglo-Oriental Malaya Ltd. Other gifts were $7,500 from Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, $5,500 Lower Perak Tin Dredging, $3,500 from Larut Tin Fields,133 words
- Eastern Sun / Article16 December 1966 - KUALA, LUMPCB, Thurs. Donat ons to the Lady Tfmpler Tuberculosis Hospital Fund during the month of November, totalled more than $6,300. Among the major contributors were:- Proceeds from Flower Day collections igh Maiacca tins collection: 51,072.226; Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, SI.000.00; Bukit Bintang Girl's98 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration11 February 1967 - $30 m to be spent on new hospitals KUALA LUMPUK, Friday. J|URE than $30 million will be spent this year by the Central Government on new hospitals in towns and the rural areas. Under the plan embodied in the fiveyear development plan $11.5 million is being eai marked for the282 words
- Singapore Standard / Article20 January 1954 - LOTTERIES BENEFIT HOSPITALS UP to ihe end of last year. j several hospitals benefited from the public lotteries run by the Federal Social and Welfare Services Lotteries Board. The Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis has been allocated 51. 117.300 lor it? Domiciliary Relief Scheme, another $30,000 for the148 words
- Malaya Tribune / Obituary17 March 1917 - Mr. D. G. Lumsden. We regret to report the deatb. which occurred at the European Hospital on Thursday afternoon, of Mr. Douglas 0. Lumsden, manage of Bukit Hitam Estate, 1'uchone. Mr. Lumsden was admitted into tb* Hospital on Tuesday afternoon saffering from an acute attack :o malaria, to which162 words
- Singapore Standard / Article, Illustration13 August 1951 - Klang Gangs Up Against TB: Needs $200,000 Far Expansion OSWALD HENRY By X L A N G. ma jor i oad stop between Port Swet- tenham and Kuala Llimtpur, is playling an active part m the ceaseless battle against t v b erculosis m Malaya. To this end, anew IOSWALD HENRY - 632 words
- The Straits Budget / Article25 March 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 21. DATO E. E. C. Thuralsingham chairman of the council of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis said today the council could not support Johore’s proposal to run its own lottery to raise $350,000 for a T.B. sanitorium in Johore Bahru.257 wo
- Singapore Standard / Letter9 November 1950 - 'l HE first tuberculosis hospital to be bui 1 1 from public funds is .situated a few miles from the town area Of Kiang. I; is a clean, airy and restlu! sanatorium which is a mute testimony to the public-spiritedness 'of the people of Klang. It198 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1954 - KLANG. Tues.— A committee ha^ been formed here to ;nd> lor The Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital. A nag Day will oe held in Klang District on May 20 Mrs. Marjorio Hamer. wife of the District Officer, is the oreanlser.44 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 May 1964 - KLANG. Pri. A tocuU and dance organised by the Klang District Lady Tempter T.B. Hospital committee in aid of toe hospital will be held at the Letcbnmaoan Hall ban an Maj 14.34 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 August 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. PETALING Tin Ltd., has siven $6,700 to the Lady Templer T.B. Hospital Fund. The Indian community of Klang district gave $2,031 which was raised by concerts in Klang and Kapar. The fund now stands at 51.720.106.44 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article25 May 1950 - KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. THE first private hospital 1 In Malaya for free treat- Asians suffering "ib--riuilosis was opened at Klang recently. The hospital which functions under the auspices of Xl mg md Coastal Association tor the Prevention of Tuberculosis, can ac'•ommodate about 60 persons. It183 words
- The Straits Times / Article28 April 1954 - KLANG. Tues -Klang police are to give a concert here on Friday at 830 p.m. in aid of I.pdy Templer's TB. Hospital Appeal Fund.26 words
- The Straits Times / Article31 July 1954 - T.B. HOSPITAL MAY HAVE TO SHUT DOWN KUALA Ll'MPl R. Fri. The T. B. Hospital in Klang is faring a crisis, a spokesman of the Srlangor branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of T.B. said today. The hospital may hav> to close down unless the branch raised about80 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 June 1954 - KLANG. Tues. Indians in Klang will hold a variety concert in aid of Lady Templer's T.B. Hospital Appeal Fund at the Anslo-Chinese School hall hem an Friday29 words
- Singapore Standard / Article20 September 1952 - M. T.B. Hospital Plan For Trengganu Xl ALA LUMPUR, Fri.— The Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis today decided to pros the Federation Social Welfare Lotteries Board for money to start a IB hospital m Trengganu. This followed an appeal toi :>ui!d such a hospital m Trengganu by Che243 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 February 1964 - KLANG. Tim* The Klanf South M.C.A. Youth Scccons will distribute money. r.ike.v :ind fruits to pattanu n the Hospital here and the Kuai t-angat T.B. Hospital on Thur«» day.32 words
- The Straits Budget / Article19 February 1964 - KLANG Feb. 14. The KM South M.C.A. Youth Sect uns distribute money, cakes, anfl fruits to patiems in the Distr.c: Hospital here and the Ku»* Langat T.B. Hospital on Feb.33 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1950 - 'THE first private hospital in Malaya to give free 1 treatment to people suffering from tuberculosis has been opened at Klang. It can accommodate 60 patients, but admission will re restricted to those who have a reasonable prospect of arresting thu disease. The hospital,183 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 March 1954 - KLANG. WVd. Pan-Malayan > N Dravidian Association. Port s Swettenham. will present W- thanai Ullam. a Tamil drama at the Great World Amuse- ment Park. Klang. at 8 p.m. on April 11. The proceed* will go to the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital Fund.48 words
- The Singapore Free Press / Article5 August 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. *ne Social and Welfare LottSliSL Board recently gave HO^OO. to the T.B. Hospital to Klang. "This will enable the hosw*i to carry on for some time a spokesman of the Selangor branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, said The60 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article, Illustration27 November 1949 - Movie-goers in Port Swettenham have a new cinema which had its first show last Thursday. Situated in the heart of the city, the $100,000 Cathay Cinema is built on modern lines, with comfortable seats and a large car park. It is equipped with the116 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 June 1956 - Lottery to aid T.B. work KLANG. Sun.— The Klang and Coast Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis has started another lottery to raise funds for the association's hospital at Langat Road here. The association made more than $10,000 through a lottery held last year. Seventy thousand tickets have been offered82 words
- The Straits Budget / Article14 June 1956 - KLANG. June 10- Tlx' Klang and Coast Association for Prevention of has started another ww’ to raise funds for -ac at ciation’s hospital at Road here. n4a mo r? The association mor than $lO,OOO through a lotte held last year. Seventy thousand have been offered80 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 November 1952 - KLANG. Sat.— Dates far Christina.-, celebrations aro: tb Christ!?.. Deo. 23: i. ncy dTMi ball. Dec 24; Bt langor Coast Club. Christmas tree, Dec 22; fancy dress d^nce. Dec. 27; Pon. Swettenham Recreation Club ChrLst.aa-s tree, Dec. 18: dance at PSRC. Dec. 20. Patient at the61 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 September 1958 - KLANG Aug. 24.—The Klang branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis needs about $150,000 to build five new wards to replace its 30-year-old wards at the third mile- stone, Banting Road. At present there are 100 patients in the old wards. They67 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 July 1954 - KLANG Wed A photographic exhibition in aid of Lady Templer's TB. Hospital Fund will be held at the Great World Amusement Park here from Aug 13-1528 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 October 1938 - iFr:-ni Our Own Correspondent; Klang, Saturday AT the (UUUMI general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association, Klang, held on Oct. 12 at j the Klans Chinese Merchants' Club. ;the followinK office-bearers vrre elected i for the ensuing year PrPddrnt (Ex-O.'fi'io). Mr. J. H. 'Neave. M.C.S.,180 words
- Morning Tribune / Article19 February 1937 - We understand that Mr. J. S. Maopherson. M.C.S.. has bee n transferred to Nigeria. Inche Osman Bashah, 0.C.P.D., Tarnpin, will shortly proceed on transfer to Kuala Lipis. Mr. A. C. Boyd. District Officer. Tarnpin, has been an inmate of Seremban hospital since last week. Mrs. T. r. H. Kemp,177 words
- Singapore Standard / Article14 June 1955 - KLANG WILL HAVE THAT BLOOD BANK KLANG, Mon— The Klang Hospital's Blood Bank, whose seven-month inactivity is a1 legedly to have cost at least nine lives, is to be reopened again, a Medical Department spokesman revealed today. This lollows strong public agitation since the protest by nominated Councillor, Mr. G.83 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 November 1962 - KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. li.'l Mr V David (Socialist Hunusan will ask the Minister of Health, fnrhe Abdul bln Tallb, In the House of Representatives on Nf v l?ft about the situation In the District Hospital. He wants to know the number of in-patients and67 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 June 1954 - KLANG, Mon— An unidenti- I fled Chinese died soon after beinc admitted to the Klang District Hospital yesterday with severe wounds sustained after tn accident at a rubber estate on Banting Kua'.a Langar Road. It wa-s said that the man was felling rubber trees at the58 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 October 1934 - Fatal Accident At Klang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. Oct. 11 A fatal accident occurred yesterday at the Ist mile Port Swettenham Road, Klang, when a cyclist. Mohamed Jari bin Hussln. student of the Klang High School, who was returning home after school, knocked against a rlkisha while128 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration23 September 1963 - NORAIM binte Ahmad. 16, was i elected "Miss Malaysia Klang." Sbe won tintitle from 10 other finalists in the Klang District celebrations. and was "crowned" by Tengku \in i nah. wife of the Tengku Laxamana of Srlangor. Cbc Zaleba binte Amar. 18. a clerk of tbe86 words
- The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration2 October 1963 - Schoolgirl elected Miss Malaysia SCHOOLGIRL NORAINI binte Ahmad, 16, was elected “Miss Malaysia Klang She won the title from 10 other finalists In the Klang District celebrations. and was “crowned" by Tengku Aminah. wife of the Tengku Laxamana or Selangor Che Zaleha binte Amar, 18. a clerk of the Telok84 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 July 1955 - KLANG, Thurs. The blood bunk at the Klang District Hospital, which closed in February last year will reopen ju Saturday.22 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article20 March 1936 - Dr. Che Lah. Assistant Medical Officer. District Hospital. Klang. has gone on transfer to the Quarantine Camp, Port Swettenham. m place of Dr. S. V. Chellam who will shortly be going on long leave to India. Dr. Ghani has come to Klang m place of Dr. Che Lah who has60 words
- The Straits Budget / Article4 September 1963 - KLANG Aug. 28. —An obstetrician. Dr K. Devarajah. has been posted to the District Hospital here He was formerly from Singapore.24 words
- The Straits Times / Advertisement13 July 1961 - TENDERS PERAK MEDICAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received at the office of the Chief Medical 1 Health Officer, Perak. Ipoh, up to 112 noon on Monday 17th July. 1961. for the purchase o! 13 used I motor vehicles of various types ana make. 1 Particulars and440 words
- Singapore Standard / Article7 October 1954 - KLANG. Wed. Gurdev Singh, 28, a Police constable, was rescued from drowning m Kluns Rive erday been given by a schoolboy. The constable was taken to the Klang District Hospital where his condition is said to be satisfactory.42 words
- The Straits Times / Article31 July 1951 - KLANO. Mon. At the aniiiwl ganval meeting of the Klang China** Maternity Hospital AssO* ciaUon held on Friday, the foU owing officials were elected: President, Da to Ahmad Ola Oan&n. M.C.S., D.O, Klang: 1 fe-Ylce-preildents. Deto F. W. Ei-ug-laa. Dr. W. A. Young, J P.. :<n<X Mr.213 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 August 1958 - The OCPD averts riot with a racket KLANG. Wed More than six hundred supporters of rival Klang league soccer clubs Klai.g Dynamos and Railway Artisans invaded the field following a collision between two players. A free-for-all, however, was! averted when Mr. P Alagendra. the Klang 0.C.P.D., drove the angry mob126 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 October 1934 - Fatal Accident At Klang. From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. Oct. 11. A fatal accident occurred yesterday m the 1st mile Port Swettenham Road, -viang, when a cyclist, Mohamed Jani m Hussin. student of the Klang High School, who was returning home after knocked against a ricksha while overtaking125 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 August 1925 - Mr. W. de Hamel, of Klang, met with an accident to his riffht foot on Tuesday and had to be operated upon at the District Hospital, Klang:.27 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article1 August 1934 - "The Results Of Public Generosity" The British Resident Selangor, Mr. T. S. Adams, accompanied by Mr. L Forbes, District Officer, Klang. and txofncio president of the Klang MaterI nity Hospital, visited the hospital at the week-end and were welcomed by the following, who are members of the committee231 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 September 1960 - Plan for a $13 mil. hospital for Klang I/LANG, Sat. The Federation Government hopes to build a new 600-bed general hospital costing about $13 million here, it was learned today. This will provide better medical and health services for the people of Klang and the Selangor coastal districts which have207 words
- Morning Tribune / Article28 April 1941 - Rail Ma mat. Ha.ji Musah. Penghulu of .lasin. Malacca, has been invented with the powers of a Police Officer. Pr. H S. Swift, j Medical Officer, District Hospital, Klang, has left for New Zea1a n d to see his mother who is very ill. Dr. (Mrs) Pule^ton Jones. Lady124 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 October 1939 - Visits By The Public Welcomed Klang. The annual meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association was held at the Chinese Merchants Club with Mr. J. S. W. Reid, M.C.S., District Officer, Klang, in the chair. The Committee of Management presented their report and balance sheet357 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article3 May 1893 - (Government Gaz tte, April 28th). The State Surgeon. In his annual report for 1892 sms:— Beri-beri still continues to furnish us with the largest number of cases, and to account for the largest number of deaths 1.493 cases were under treatment during the year, of whom 219 died,(Government Gaz tte, April 28th). - 542 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article24 March 1938 - Tro»? Our Own Reporter) Koala tumour, Wednesday. CUSTOMS officers raiding a lonely hoese in I'lw Klang on Sunday night were horrified to find a leper and his wife distilling liquor. The man was sent to the hospital where he was certified a leper and will be committed85 words
- Morning Tribune / Article24 March 1938 - REVENUE OFFICERS MAKE RAID: FIND LEPER {prv 1^ VJUT \JUJii nc^'"-(/ Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. CUSTOMS officers raiding a lonely house in II a Klang on Sunday night were horrified to find a leper and his wife distilling liquor. The man was sent to the hospital where he was certified a90 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article18 January 1900 - The probable balance to the credit of Selangor at the beginning of the current year was $3,071,717, the estimated revenue for this year $4,729,189. Out of the total of these two it is proposed to spend $5,226,313, leaving a balance of $2,574,593, of which $1,1 76,823 is put181 words
- The Straits Times / Article21 March 1930 - H.E. the Govern r (Sir Cecil Clementi) is seen in this week's Straits Budget at two local functions, and at Klang, in the ccurbe cf hi;- F.M.S. tour. There are two local wedding:-, group photographs of members cf the Singapore Swiss Club, and Malacca Pests and Telegraphs Department99 words
- Malacca Guardian / Article22 July 1929 - Mr. V. Ponusamy, Senior Dresser, in charge of the Outdoor Dispensary, Klang, was the guest of honour in a tea-party, on Sunday, at the Selangor Coast Club, on the eve of his transfer to Kuala Lumpur District Hospital. Dr. M. A. Gabriel proposed the toast of the guest105 words
- The Straits Times / Article6 April 1934 - Sunday, Kar. 25. His Excellency visited the leper hospital at Sungel Buloh In the forenoon. His Excellency and Mrs. Caldecott were present at an orchestral concert it the Selangor Club this evening. Monday, Mar. 20. In the morning His Excellency celled on H.H. the Sultan of Selangor at118 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 October 1939 - Visits By The Public Welcomed Klang. The annual meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association was held at the Chinese Merchants Club with Mr. J. S. W. Reid, M.C.S., District Officer, Klang, in the chair. The Committee of Management presented their report and balance sheet357 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 November 1938 - (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. TPHE funeral of Madame Wong Soo Nui, wife of Mr. Chan Ah Choo. a prominent personality of the Klang Chinese community, secretary of the Selangor Public Transport Co.. Ltd.. Klang, and hon. secretary of the Chinese Maternity Hospital Association. Klang. took98 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article12 August 1925 - A Maternity Hospi Tal (Oom Our At uniting held chnno, Cub Klang on Saturd.T± ng, Mr. 1, W Douglas, the Othcer, proposed to start a Chined tennty. hospital at Klang and D, TF 5 °img seconded. Mr. Dough, a 3 the difficulty he and his Chinese El at359 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article25 October 1926 - OPENING BY BRITISH RESIDENT On Saturday afternoon, the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital was officially opened by the Hon. the British Resident of Selangor, Mr. J. Lornie. The building was gaily decorated with flowers and bunting and a marquee had been erected for the accommodation of the525 words
- The Straits Times / Article24 June 1950 - 25 SETS OF TWINS AT KLANG From Our Staff C-orr^- •ron-tent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. TWENTY-FIVE sets of twin* were born in the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital last year, states the annual report. During the year 1,150 mothers were admitted to the hospital, as against 1.001 in 1948 and 534 in126 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article28 July 1933 - At the annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital it was Hated donations and subscripUons for the year wrc $2,185 and expenditure $4,628.60. During the year 509 patients were treated in the hosnital Of the babies, born 271 were males and 212 female:. Twins were born on52 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 August 1952 - KLANG, Sun. Mr. Chan Yew Kai, a well-known resident of Klang, died on Thursday at the age of 68. Mr. Chan was bom in Singapore and educated at the Victoria institution, Kuala Lumpur. He started his career as a teacher, then became an interpreter, a88 words
- Morning Tribune / Article29 March 1948 - The opening of the new Shaw Brothers Capito! Cinema m Klang will take place on April 1 aod the proprietors have decided to present the total proceeds of the first show of the first night to the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital, and a fund to provide80 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 July 1934 - The Hon Mr. T. S. Adams, the British Resident at Selangpr accompanied b: Mr. L. Forbes, District Officer. Klaiu. and former official Presli the Klang Chinese maternity hospital, visited the hospital on July 26 and was welcomed by the lollowing members o! the committee: Towkay Goh178 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article9 February 1927 - A el inner was given by the memts I the Hoe Kee Club to their Patron Mr. Laycock on Saturday Jan. 21ith, on hi« pointment as a Municipal Commissioner 1 1 Club Reuse was tastefully decorated flowers anel the dinner was accom par Chinese music anel a very pleasant evenii115 words
- The Straits Times / Article21 July 1932 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, July -0. At the annual gensral msotinsr ot" the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association the following were dieted office bearers for the current vcar: President, Mr. L. A. A'lcn, District Officer, Klang; vice-presidertF, the District Officer, Kuala Sclangor, the District Officer, Kuala Langat,142 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 May 1935 - Hospital Matron Receives Jubilee Medal Klang, Saturday. Miss K. T. Yong, the matron of the Chinese Maternity Hospital here, received a parcel and a letter "On Government Service." On opening the former she found to her amazement that it contained a Jubilee Medal. The letter from67 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 April 1941 - (From Our Own Corresponm.u t Klang. Mm -i rE annual meeting of the KLv.g c Maternity Hospital Association held on Mar. 31 at the Chinese ;’officer. Club. Mr. J. S. W. Reid, Distri. f Officer, Klang, ex-officio president, will pi 3 j The report for243 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 July 1938 - {Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. TOWKAY Llm Boon Pin. a popular rubber planter and distinguished leader of the Hokkien community, Klang, has died of malignant malaria. The funeral procession, one mile long, was composed of hundreds of scrol's, bands, and school children from the Chinese boys and girls180 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Advertisement6 April 1929 - M-NISHS SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY. The Whisky you ask for again”. Agents :—PRITCHARD je Co.. Ltd. New Advertisements. POSITIONS VACANT. Wanted a qualified second grade Engine Driver (Pangye). Must be able to run Electric plant. Apply Manager, Norseman Estate, Ulu Sapetang. Wanted Qualified Chinese Midwife for Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital. Knowledge248 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 January 1930 - Nurses Sued by Hospital Matron. In the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, before Mr. Justice P. A. FarrerManby, an interesting civil suit for $2,000 damages for alleged defamation wa3 mentioned, says the Malay Mail. Lim Kin Un, plaintiff, matron of the Chinese Maternity Hospital, Klang, alleged,198 words
- The Singapore Free Press / Article, Illustration3 November 1954 - Pictorial round-up of recent events m the < public life of the Colony j •■■■■■vxy. The Navy steps out. A general view of some of the 475 men and officers of the M.R.N.V.R. who paraded m the annual inspection at Telok Ayer Basin. RearAdmiral E. H. Shattock,354 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article20 December 1926 - (From Our Own Correspondent} Klang. December 14 Friends of Mr. han Ah bee, Hon. Sccictary of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital, who was admitted into the Centra! Hospital and < peral cd on for liver abscess by Dr. Dannatt, will be glad t<. hear that he- is making261 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article6 October 1925 - MATERNITY HOSPITAL Fund Reaches $25,000 (From Our Own Corrcsvonimb. On the sth instant at the invitatm of Mr. Walton, District Officer, "Wa Selangor, a large number of Chinese towkays' and planters attended a meeting (•rilled at the instance of Mr. F. V Douglas, D.O.,Klang, to form a sub-Com-mittee223 words
- Singapore Standard / Article17 December 1957 - \l 1 I 'INK. Mon. Alliance Councillor Mr. mi /NrJjjjijor (oast) charged m the hiring the Budget session here today loud distribution at Rlan^ hospital 1 should he investigated immedia- -.rnment. is being and U p.m. ..ate- their as soon D.ra. or :>e161 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 June 1931 - Klang Maternity Hospital Visited. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, June 7. Mr. Blyth, the Protector of Chinese, Seremban, who is also the honorary treasurer of the Maternity Hospital, which the Chinese of Seremban propose to build there, has paid a visit to the Chinese Maternity Hospital, Klang. He80 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 April 1947 - From Our Own Correspondent KLANG, Sunday. THE annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association will be held on Thursday at 2 p.rn. at the Klang Oversea Chinese Chamber i of Commerce. In his report for the year ended Dec. 31, 1946, Mr.135 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article4 April 1946 - Hi s Highness the Sultan of Selahgor recently attended meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital. Thi s Maternity Hospital was founded 20 years ago by a committee of Chinese ladles with the guidance of the wife of the District Officer. Mrs. F. W. Douglas. The hospital119 words
- The Straits Times / Article27 August 1931 - Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Report. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Aug. 26. The annual general meetinu: of the Chinese Maternity Hospital Association will be held in Klang on Sept. 2. During the year the hospital received an anonymous donation of S2.R00. Dr. V. Ansley Young, the honorary107 words
- The Straits Budget / Article11 June 1931 - Klang Maternity Hospital Visited. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klantf, June 7. Mr. Blyth, the Protector of Chinese, Seremban, who is also the honorary treasurer of the Maternity Hospital, which the Chinese of Seremban propose to build there, has paid a visit to the Chinese Maternity Hospital, KlatiR. He80 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 August 1933 - Show Given By Amateur Dramatic Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Aug. 18. A successful performance was given last night at the Alladln Theatre, Klang, by the Wai Slan Iboh Blah Amateur Dramatic Association, Klang. in aid of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital, Klang.47 words
- The Straits Times / Article28 September 1941 - Mr. Chan Ah Choo. secretary of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association, reports that $779 50 has been received by him from various Chinese residents of Klang. Kuala Selangor and Kuala Langat districts towards the maintenance of the hospital.39 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 December 1962 - KLANG, Sun.— lnche Hashlm bin Amln. the District Officer here, has been elected president >f the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital.22 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 August 1925 - —Malay Mail CHINESE LAUNCH SCHEME. A meeting attended by the leading residents of Klang, including Dr. AnsleyYoung and presided over by Mr, F. W. Douglas, D. 0., was held recently at the Klang Chinese Merchants’ Club, to discuss the advisability of establishing a Maternity HospiHl for Chinese.—Malay Mail - 274 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 October 1938 - iFr:-ni Our Own Correspondent; Klang, Saturday AT the (UUUMI general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association, Klang, held on Oct. 12 at j the Klans Chinese Merchants' Club. ;the followinK office-bearers vrre elected i for the ensuing year PrPddrnt (Ex-O.'fi'io). Mr. J. H. 'Neave. M.C.S.,180 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 December 1960 - KLANG. Wed.— The Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital Association will hold its annual meeting on Dec. 15 In Batu Tiga Road.22 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article19 November 1929 - Mr. Khoo Cheng Chan, manager of Batu Ampat estate, Klang, has given $500 towards the funds of the Chinese Maternity Hospital Association, Klang.23 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article24 July 1933 - Klang. July 19. At the annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital it was stated donations and subscriptions for the year were $2,185 and expenditure $4,628.60. During the year 509 patients were treated m the hospital. Oi the bribes b.)in ,1 males and 21257 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 October 1925 - At a meeting of the committee of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital a resolution was passed expressing the thanks of the committee for the Government donation of $1,000 a year and asuring the Government that the Chinese community intended to maintain the hospital.43 words
- The Straits Budget / Article27 July 1933 - d’l-om Our Own •'—•'lent.) Klang. July 19. At th<* annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital it was seated donations and subscriptions for the year were $2,185 and expenditure $1,528.60. During the year 509 patients were treated in the hospital. Of the babies horn62 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 April 1929 - $10,000 Raised at Charity Performance. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 20. There was a large and distinguished gathering at Klang last evening at a Chinese dramatic performance given in Bid of the Maternity Hospital. Among those present being the Sultan of Selangor, Sir William and Lady78 words
- The Straits Budget / Article2 May 1929 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, April 29. There was a large and distinguished gathering at Klang last evening at a Chinese dramatic performance given in aid of the Maternity Hospital. Among those present being the Sultan of Selangor, Sir William and Lady78 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 July 1933 - n rom Our Own -dent.) Klang, July 19. I At the annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Maternity Hospital it was -i I'd donations and subscriptions for the year were $2,185 and expenditure I. During the year 509 patients were treated in the hospital. Of65 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 October 1938 - (From Our O vn Correspondent) Kla..g. Tiffi ordinary general meeting of tha Klang Chines* HUT Mj Hospital Association, Klang, will be held on Oct. 12 at the premises of the Chinese Merchants' Club, Klang. The report issued by the committee states expenditure for the year amounted to135 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 August 1935 - Tne annual report of i-^ie Klang Ch.nese Maternity Hosp'.t.-u Association states:— Donations amounted to $1.72 f Government of Sciangor. $1,000; Tow- kay Wong Ean, $100; Towkr.y Teo Hool. $50; the Straits Chinese Benevolent Institution. $100; the Klang Hun Y;mK Central Merchants Guild $120; l Mr. A319 words
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