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- The Straits Times / Article13 June 1883 - British Resident's Office, .Kuala, Lumpor, Vlth June, 1842. Sib,— l have the honour to acknowledge I the receipt of your letter, dated 2 1st April I last, covering a Jiera >ran luui, dated the I 14' b April, on the subject1,159 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 April 1883 - VlTlllll'-Ilt of the He. ntyor for the year 1888. HBl Report i« somewhat ■<; little more than a on the financial and to it. SelanI hich larpe sums of are invested, both in |6e and in devolopinij its mi--1 and anything idminist ration On this2,494 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article14 June 1883 - The Headman of the village under the Malay Government collects the local taxes and receives for his services a proportion of the collections, or the whole of a particular tax. In return for this he becomes responsible for the peace of his village, he undertakes to secure, as far as26,300 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article28 June 1883 - Among the papers laid before the Legislative Council at its meeting on the 19th instant, was an important additional one from F. A. Swettenham, Esq., H. B. M.'s Resident at Selangore, upon the question of Local District Administration. It will be seen that Mr. Swettenham, from actual3,702 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article16 July 1884 - On the 10th instant, a paper on the above subject was rend by Governor Sir Frederick A. Weld, K.C.M.G. before the Royal Colonial Institute, the Right Hon. VV. E. Foster, M.P., m tbe chair, who briefly introduced the reader. Sir Frederick Weld said I10,638 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 June 1885 - I. ikk link iv the MMMS hi»t.>rv ..f th.- Native States has been furuish.-d l.v th- al.l.- R,.|K,rt ..f Mr. J. P. R.-d^r. Art". iuk Resident of Selantfor, win, h MjMHMi m the Government Gaxettr of the 12th Juu.v This |.ai»-r in ].'rha|wtb.- moat1,379 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article3 June 1886 - (S. T. M.nj 96,) One gratifying teuton m the recently published Residential report! on Sunghy Ujong and Selangor is the progress made m planting paddy, especially m the lonner State, when- this lenticular bflAehol cultivation has nade such headway that tha importation of rice has honomo aha nominal.1,035 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article4 May 1887 - Selangor in 1886. I {8. T. April 30.) Thi Annual Report on the State of Selangor for LBB6, gives gratifying evidence of marked progress achieved therein turnin- its manifold resources to useful account, under the Administration of the Acting Assistant Resident. The Revenue for the year totalled 9689,401, an excess1,529 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article11 May 1887 - Selangor in 1886. IV. T. Muy Dubin< tiud. r report, tin has been Bucessfully worked in several districts hitherto unutilised for mi < ipected from tin for woi deep mi round, owing to Ci. mine <>v> i'.-liW taking to th« i pui their number having Mom L5 in LBB5 S1,495 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article22 June 1888 - Extracts from hie Resident's Anni al Report. Hitherto. Selangor has had barely' sufficient funds to meet its liabilities and carry on the most urgently needed Public Works, and now for the first time it is in a position to provide the additional administrative machinery necessary to turn its natural1,297 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article26 June 1888 - The exhaustive and very interesting annual reports of the Residents of Perak and Selangor, while each telling a story of great prosperity, are in°some respects very different. In his report for 1886 Sir Hugh Low showed a strangely nervous anxiety for the future. He expressed the opinion1,602 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 June 1889 - Extract’s from the Resident’s Annual Report. The total Expenditure for the y ear amounted to S' 0.>.>.37d. again-i an Expenditure of $1."33,0dd. ami an actual Expenditure in SS7 of $885,931. The above Expenditure includes 8118,650, the final jiayment on the State debt incurred before British Protection was2,726 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 June 1889 - :o: I he la>t Goi’ci’initeid Gazette contains the annual reports of Perak. Selangor and Sungei Ljong for 1888. The reports on Perak and Selangor are the last that their respective residents will write, and are, in this respect.* of peculiar interest. Sir Hugh Low. to whose administrative1,704 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 June 1889 - Tub Annual Report ou the Stat. af SahMßgOr, lik.- that if Perak, a^'aiii |.res, nts i rin.^t satisfactory record of coutiuued prosjH rity and steady progrcsB. The report moreover is of special interest, as it may be regarded iv the light of a valid.ctorv address from the1,259 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 June 1889 - There are those who call in question the advantages of British rule when applied to semi-civilized people, or nations of a civilization different from our own. They declare that the habits, customs. Traditions, modes of thought, and national idiosyncrasies, particularly of eastern nation', tire932 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article26 June 1889 - {Straits Times June 25.) Tbb Annual Report on the State of Selangor, like that of Perak, again presents a most satisfactory reeoid of continued prosperity and steady progress. There- port moreover is of special iuterest, as it may be regarded m the light of a valedictory address1,357 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article3 July 1889 - The following Annual Report on the State of Pahang, for the year 1888, has just been published in a Supplement to the Government Gazette 1. As this is the first Annual Report, it may bo well to premise it3,695 words
- The Straits Times / Article4 July 1889 - SalftU/ miles tV.ugli I tniuk that calculation fails short of the trne area and though it m»y not. therefore, lie capable nf producing very large results, still it« lmtursl advantage- are many, and H Make* administration easy and M nuarativ.l-. 11l 111— I— The object, aim d731 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article4 July 1889 - tl. As this is the first Annual Report, it aaay be well to premise it by a short summary oi the events immediately preceding the date on which Pahang was brought under British Protection. 2. For many years past,4,220 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article4 July 1889 - Salaugor is a small State with an estimated area of only 8.000 square miles ft* ©High I riiink that ealou'ation falls short of the true area aud though it may not, therefore, be capable of producing very large results, still its natural advantages are many, and its798 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article5 July 1889 - IN one important respect the Annual Report for the State of Selangor for the year 1888 resembles that, already noticed here, of the State of Perak. It is not only a review of the progress of the State for the past year but it is the923 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article5 July 1889 - Annual Report on the State of Pah ang, for the Year 1888. 1. As thi^ i- the- 1 1 1 1 Annual Report, i: ma) he well to premise it by a short summary of the events immediately preceeding the date <>n which Pahang was brought under British Protection. 2.3,246 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article7 August 1889 - SiR,--That onlookers see most of the game is generally acknowledged to be a wise saw, and here is a case in point. Some time ago your leader gave a reiumc of the report on the State of Sungei Ujong. which we are njw told includes Jelebu.1,290 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article15 August 1889 - The (flfemtfr Times August 8.) Yesterday we published a letter from a resident m the chief town of Jelebu impeaching the administration of that StateT We published the letter with some regret, because, recognizing, as we do, the difficulties of administration m the Native States, we by no means1,015 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article30 August 1889 - By our Speci'd Correspondent. The Voyaob Up. Having been honoured withaniuvitation from Messrs. Campbell Co. to be present at the cereniouy of cutting the First Sod of the Ulu S^langor Extension of the Sflangor Government Railway bv the Hon. W. E. Maxwell, C.M.G./ at KuaLi Lumpur on5,342 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article30 July 1890 - (Straits Times July 25.) Progress and development m Perak and Selangor have been so fully dealt with m our columns of late, that the Administration Report* on these States for last yt -ar need not be reprinted. Perak continues to go ahead fast m revepne,836 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article6 August 1890 - (July 31st). THE live protected Native States may be classed, for a purpose, into two groups those whose assets exceed their liabilities and those whose liabilities exceed their assets. In the former category stand Perak and Selangor in the latter the newer States of Sungei Tjong, Xegri982 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article6 August 1890 - We print below tli^ chief parts t>{ Mr. Rodger's Report on the State ot Pahang for iNNrj. The paragraphs referring to Finance and Trade. Slavery, Health, and Some others are omitted for the present. Ihe revenue for the halt year amounted to $30,390 and the expenditure4,144 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 August 1890 - Referring to the Annual Report on the State of Perak for the year 1889 we find some interesting remarks of the British Resident, Mr. F. A. Swettenham, c.m.g., on the subject of agriculture, its past history in Perak, and its future prospects. From the general tone pervading1,917 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article15 August 1890 - 11. M e have still a few more remarks to make in regard to the present position of the planting interests amongst the hills of Perak, and the line of action which we imagine it would be politic for the administration of that State to adopt. We1,328 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article10 September 1890 - Planting Enterprise in the Straits from a Ceyloneses standpoint. A correspondent of the Gevlon Obm rvw has been tnkiug notes how planters stand in the Protected Native States, the following being some of the poiuts that struck him most. Moke Pish Required. The good people in the Protected States of1,783 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article8 October 1890 - THURSDAY, 2nd OCTOBER, 1890 PKBSINI H. B. the Acting Governor, (Sir Frederick Dickson, K. C. M. 0.) The Hon. the Acting Colonial Secretary A. P. Talbot.) the Resident Councillor ot Malacca 'D. K. A. Hervey). the Attorney-General (J \V. Bonser). the Colonial Treasurer (E. E. 'semonger). the Auditor9,173 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article8 October 1890 - To Tmf West 'okm August 31st, 1890. Left .>inu'ap >ie in Ihe Sea Belle at 330 p.m. for Kuala Selangor with Mr. A. T. Berrington, Private Secretary, Captain Massy, A. D. C., Captain Cameron, r e., and Dr. Kllis, to visit the Consular ports of the4,901 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article8 October 1890 - A paper just laid before the Legislative Council coutains Notes ou tour made bv the Acting-Governor duriug his recent visit to the Cousular ports on the West Coast of the Malay Peuiusula. His Excellency aud party left Sitigapore on the 31st August lasl, and ar1,153 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article15 October 1890 - ('Continued from our issue of the 1 1th inst.) Thursday, 2nd October 1890. SUPPLY BILL FOR 1891. The Acting Colonial Secretary. —Sir, I have to move the first reading of a Bill for making provision for the Public Service for the year 1891, and it falls to2,811 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article5 November 1890 - The Pahang Corporation Limited has received the following cablegram, dated October 2, from Mr. A. .1. <t. owiunev, the explorer of the Rumpen district of the Corporation's property "Have stopped work for the year. Prospects in SBCOurafpng. (»old has batfj discovered, Kratong, in granitic formation. Assays made from3,096 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article5 November 1890 - -1 Amongst the Papers which have just been laid before the Legislative Council the following Despatch from the Right Hon’ble the Secretary of State for the Colonies in reply to the Despatch from His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government forwarding the Resident2,479 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article3 March 1891 - Smith, K.C.M.0., to the S S tin' C' >10/i U Govi i;\ mkn i H«>< Bim llik March, (890, Lord, In connection with your h No. 70. of the 19th February, on the subject of the increased Military Qtribution, I find thai 1 have omitto state that,4,585 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article5 March 1891 - Singapore— The Military Demand. Remarking on the arguments used by the Secretary of State in his despatch on this subject, which we lately published, the /ree Press makes the following observations on the spirit shown in this autrocratic demand In the despatch to this Colony, the1,760 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 March 1891 - Singapore.— The Military Tribute. The Straits Times points out there are two ways in which the exaction may be somewhat compensated for or evaded. The one by the imposition of a duty of one shilling per ton on coal shipped at Singapore, which would yield about1,820 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 March 1891 - Important Public Meeting. Ihe circular to which we referred in our last issue, having been signed by 65 lepresentatives of the leading firms in the lown, a notice was accordingly issued on Thursday morning calling a public meeting at 4.30 the same afternoon, at the Chamber of2,729 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article2 May 1891 - Ip all we heard and read within the last few mouths be correct and we have no reason to doubt the statements to which we refer, there can be no question that the «Protected Native States of Perak and Selangor are progressing at such1,139 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article2 June 1891 - MSMORAVDUM OM TUB Military CONTRIBUTION Claimed by the Imperial Government. 1. The Settlements of Singapore, Penang, and Malacca were originally dependencies of the Government of India, but in 1866, the Imperial Government assumed their charge and made them a Crown Colony, under the title of the "Straits Settlements.4,491 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article2 June 1891 - The Singapore Golf Club formally comtnepces it*, existence From to-day, June i-t, which may be taken as .1 reminder that entrance :< and subscriptions are now due. One afternoon will be set apart, within the next week, for in opening day when invitations will be issued1,079 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 June 1891 - Im uur suuiumriA-il report* of tUe Native States during the year 1890 it will be found that their prugres* ha* been on the whole satisfactory. It i* true that the revenutt of Perak during the year 1890 f,-ll $272,000 below the revenue of 1889, but that falling1,783 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article30 June 1891 - (Condensed from Annual Report). Revenue.— §2,so4,ll6 being $157,702 below the estimates and $272,466 less than 1889. The decrease is due to a shortage of $231,365 under the general heading licenses. Otherwise, and in the face of a general trade depression which was not confined to this State6,462 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article30 June 1891 - {Condensed from Mr. Maxwell's Report. j Revenue.— sl,BBB,92B, an excess of $60,500 upon that of 1889. Customs produce an excess of $54,850, interest of $26,743 and railway of $17,268. The export duty on tin, which was estimated to produce a return of $621,000 was exceeded by although4,734 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article1 July 1891 - Straits Times June 20.) In our summarise reports..!" the Native States during the year 1890 it will be fouud that their U i Kls t eu uu tlu whole sat It ia true that the revenue of Perak during the year 1890 fell $272,000 below the revenue1,668 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article7 July 1891 - The Annexation Fallaey. (July 6th). In a recent review of the Annual Report with state of Perak we said that the Resident, Mr. SWETTBNHAM, had disposed of the annexation arguments. We only refer to the question again because of the curious theories (they are not arguments) advanced by our contemporary916 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article7 July 1891 - (Condensed from Mr. Paul's report.) Revenue. The Revenue for the year amounted to $277,910.13 on an estimate of $323,628, including Jelebu, shewing deficiency of 545-7»7- s 7' an( a decrease on the Revenue of 1889 of 57,896. 58. This decrease is, however, only apparent, as in2,834 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article7 July 1891 - PAHANG IN 1890. (From Mr. Hugh Clifford's Report.) Finance and Trade. The Revenue of the Statt for the past year amounted to $62,077 a sum of $13 037 than the estimated Revenue, and only $1,297 in excess of double the sum collected from the Ist of July to the 31st5,729 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 July 1891 - A curious instance of the inversion of view to which all minds, however eminent, are at times liable, due we suppose to temporary mental torpor, is presented in the Resident of Selangor’s remarks on the labour question as affecting the State of which he has charge. It906 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 July 1891 - 1 To-morrow will be the Mahommedan Raya Haji. Cases of Venereal Disease in Perak increased from 685 in 1889 to 745 in 1890. A communication from a correspondent signing himself “Lex” has been received, but as it is anonymous we can pay no attention to it. Small2,640 words
- 15 January 1892 - Special Telegrams. (for the Pinang Gazette.") More Stockades and Kamwngs burnt. Concentration of Enemy down kivek. Mr. Maxwell in command at Ulu Pahas 1 7 (From our Sqiecial Correspondent.) Tras, 13th January.— The news from the Bentong district is that five stockades have been taken and
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article16 March 1892 - 1 A Selangor Government Gazette Extraordinary, issued on the Bth inst., contains the following on the departure of W. E. Maxwell, c. m. g., the retiring Resident, to take up the appointment of Colonial Secretary at Singapore:— Farewell2,874 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article29 March 1892 - The Pahang Debate. (In extenso from the Free Press in 3 instalments.) I. The Colonial Secretary said: —Sir, I move for a further loan of $175,000 to the State of Pahang for services for 1892. The Pahang estimates have already been placed in the hands of hen’hie members5,024 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article30 March 1892 - The Pahang Debate. {ln ertenso from the Free Press in 3 instalments.) 11. Mr. Burkinshaw —Sir, when this vote—a similar vote—for Pahang came before this Council in January last year I then expressed the opinion that I regarded the money as being thrown away, unless the policy of4,807 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article20 April 1892 - (Straits Times April 18.) The news fioin Ulu Pahang is that the Datoh Rajah of Jellei is believed to mean mischief; and that the mines at Punjom are threatened. The news of Pekan is that, the Senior Naval Officer, by the assent of the Admiral, will keep three2,229 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article20 April 1892 - Information has been broughi into Singapore this morning to the effect that the chief Wan Ander (mentioned by Mr, \>lvrick the other day) has broken oat iv open rebellion. The new* awaits confirmation. By our reporter* m Singapore. Tins morning two steamers arrived from Kuala Pahang the Resident Hah2,048 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article26 April 1892 - Ajn-il. Movement ok Sikhs. (Fro our own C<>m.< prudent.) Peiiaug. -2 p.m. Tuesday. S«lity Per.-ik Siklis under the eommaud o|Liti: R*id and Inspector Synies, with one and field guns. ;md rocket apparatus Penile on Sunday and piVk.'d other thirty mm ami one iSubadar m hound for Selangor.3,459 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article30 April 1892 - A Bluebook [c. 6576] containing i ne reports on the Native States for 1890 has just been presented to Parliament. h contains a despatch from Sir Cecil Smith covering them which we believe has not vet been printed. The following extract from it is taken from798 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article27 July 1892 - (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, 18th July. The launch Sinyum, which took the Resideut upstream on the 14th, returned to Pekao on Saturday. She was ouly able to go as far as Gauchong, where the river was so shallow that she had to turn back. The Resident, however,11,119 words
- Daily Advertiser / Article29 August 1892 - Following ire taken from the r»bang Annual Report for 1891 by Mr Kodger two main difficulties with tlw administration of Pahang *»di »nd still has, to contend, L want of funds, to develops the r '<"»r. x >\ the State, and the existmany "concessions," panted b 3 the Sultan648 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 August 1892 - The Annual Report appear- hi a g ipplement lo Ike last Gooserument Gnsettt It is too long to quote eatire tboorgli in view of the p__acal situation in the State ;t is of great Portions of it are given below Revenue Estimated SB6 240 Actual 977,3862,585 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 August 1892 - The annual report on the State of Selangor for the year 1891, which appeared in a supplement to last Friday's Government Gazette, is from the pen of the Hon'ble W. K. Maxwell, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, who explains that he was unable to prepare it before finally2,821 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article30 August 1892 - The Go?ernor has returned from IVkau where be along with the Sultan of Johore, has visit. .I the Sultan of Pahau<' The visit lm> b.-en so far a SOCCesi that the Sultan of Pahang il said to be contemplating a trip to Singapore. disturbances ap-countr^ in512 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article3 September 1892 - A voluminous Report of nearly t wo hundred pages, is published as a supplement to the Government Gazette ot eduesday, 24th August, dealing with the administration of tho states ot Perak, Selangor, Sun* gei T jong, Jelebu, Negri Seinbilan, and Pahang, for tho year IS9I.1,864 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article7 September 1892 - Mi; 3 P. Rodger m the Administration (tope ton Pahaug for last year 1 -ad> off mtbj|he finances, showing that the rev, uue of Mm, State for the past year amounted to $77. W. s against an estimate ..f s^*;,L>". The total Land Revenue realise. l slx.mmm,907 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article7 September 1892 - bm Administration Report on this State for 1891 starts with giving the revenue figures lor that year at Over $1,825,000. This sum considerably fell short of the previous years income by (184,000, owing to reduction and remission of revenue. The expenditure stood at »1,724,33g with a large688 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article26 October 1892 - By rea-o ■i 4 ihe 1 n;j v >it d sturbances which have tx i Aired m the i ted Mai ly Staie „i Pahanjf, rather more i re.--; than usual attaches to Lheattraial repori for [891. Mr. P. Rodger, the Keul.jnt, w<- ibse t954 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 March 1893 - We are now able to publish fh e Govo nor’s covering letter sent home with Native States’ reports for 1891. Perak. It is satisfactory to be able to draw att tion to increasing activity in the Land partment. The Revenue collected amount j to $98,000, which2,497 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article5 April 1893 - From a Correspondent.) Kuala Lipis, 15th March, 1893. News has come by the launch Ethel of trouble m the nTuantau District. It appears that a gang of about 30 armed Malay., probably from KekiiUu hid entered Ulu Kuautau. and at Baias, on the 26th ultimo, had ransacked the2,245 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 May 1893 - Tm< report is now published that is all >xcept .50 paragraphs which for some reason the Governor wishes to keep private. This is to be regr«tted as Pahang is a State that is in debt to the Colony and wishes to become still more indebted. It1,415 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 May 1893 - Land and Agriculture in Perak. The most satisfactory feature of the returns is, however, rhe received in Lind Rents from the purely agricultural district of Krian, which produced a Land Revenue of §28,029 against an estimate of §17,115. As already mentioned,3,104 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article13 June 1893 - [Government Gazette, June Qth.) Mr. James Brown, Assistant to the Government I'rinter, has arrived m the State. Mr. C. P. H Webb has been appointed Shipping Clerk, Klang. Mr. K. M. Yyner, Surveyor, P. W. D., has been dismissed the public service. The district known as Balau Valley135 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 July 1893 - I'he Administration Report of the State of Selangor for the year 1892, by Mr. E. W. Birch, Secretary to Government, Perak, lately Acting British Resident, Selangor, is a record of a wonderful material progress in that State. We learn from it that the revenue collected1,155 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 July 1893 - [Extracts.] (Continued.) Posts and Telegraphs. The revenue collected by the Postal Department amounted to 814,645, against in the previous year of *12,428. The total cost of the Department was 857,567.14. The number of articles dealt with by the Post Office was 759,770, as compared with2,232 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article18 July 1893 - Thk Selangor- Administration Report i» 1892 bu« been puhlislied. It »bown Ihi the revenue Collected that year uinuunh to £2,105,448, the largest Mini obtained 1 aiiv year. Jt pioeeded the e.stimah revenue by 9188,098. The i-ciir ou tl'sinlnnuisiraiioii waa $91,332 uominal out iu reniitj very much360 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article11 August 1893 - Thf. Military Contribution ano Pahang. Future Administration Cokcessions Railway Communications. Downing Street, 19th May, 1893. Si ri I have had under my careful consideraion your despatches of the numbers and dates pecifi.d in the margin, relating to Pahang. 2. The subject is so intricate in its various1,868 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 August 1893 - The Military Contribution and Pahang. r rT RE CONCESSIONS: RAILWAY Communications. Donning Street, 19th May, 1893. <?j r —l have had under my careful convour despatches of the numbers and dates specified in the margin, relating to Pahang. The subject is so intricate in its various bearings1,893 words
- Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article3 October 1893 - s0 M^^ OBR 8 Ra p °RT for the Year ending ;Hst August. 1893. r presenting vou tn s mv urst na^ It report under the new Company, it Jfodsn*-**. great pleasure to congratulate ou the improved prospects tihe mio e au^ luat tlie nt >cipotiotta fcletpressed in2,954 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article2 January 1894 - (Pinang Gazette.) The opening up of the Peninsula by means of railways has been dwelt upon by us from time to time at considerable length, and the advantages to be derived from such works have now been prel'y generally admitted. The expensive policy of running shoit lines from the700 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article6 January 1894 - LORD RIPON ON THE NATIVE STATES. The following despatch from the Secretary of State is published m the Government Gazette Downing Street, J3rd November, 1893. 55i m". I have the honourto acknowledge the receipt of Sir Cecil Smith's despatch No. of tlie 2nd of August last, enclosing and commenting upon1,099 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article8 January 1894 - The Government G iZctte publishes the following despatch from the Secretary of I State fotWhe Colonies Straits Seti lements. No. 316.] Downing Street, 23/d A r «re»//6» r, 1893. Sin—l the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Sir Cecil Smith’s despatch No. 246 of1,245 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article9 January 1894 - LORD RIPON ON THE NATIVE STATES. The following despatch from the Secretary of State is published in the Government Gazette: Downing Sireet. 23rd Novcmbi r, 1 893. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt t\i Sir Cecil Smith's despatch Ne>. 246 of the 2iul ol August last, enclosing1,241 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article10 January 1894 - The following letter is published in the Straits Government Gazette of the sth iust;—l Straits Sktti.kmknts. No. 316. Down* I no Strkkt, 23 rd November 1893. SIR, —I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Sir Cecil Smith’» despatch No. 2461,255 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article23 January 1894 - THE MALAY STAT ES. The Standard says -Small Ss is the p pulation of the Malay States, the ait uai inn of this region, nearly midway between India an, l our Australian col inies, and itsgreat mineral wealth _ive 11 special 'mportance, while additional interest attaches to it just now1,371 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 January 1894 - He Al>VOOAT¥S a Gotvbvvxvt Not* Isstr*. Sis Cecll Smith’s last words oo the Malay States are found, along with the Kepoits on the protected Mala? Native Stales for 1892. which have been laid before Parliament. There is a despatch from Sir Cecil Clemen1,729 words
- Daily Advertiser / Article27 January 1894 - NEWS has been received that Sir Charles Mitchell will come on bv the 1 reach mail arriving l.ere on Wednc;d..v the 31st instant. Mr. Lee Seng Keat hat lost £SJo which he concealed in hit shep but not in the bate. Evideniiy M>nielse was in the secret1,192 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article30 January 1894 - The Standard says Small as is the population of the Malay States, the situation of this region, nearly midway between India and our Australian colonies, and its great mineral wealth give it special .mportance, while additional interest attaches to it ust now in view of the proximity1,288 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 January 1894 - The Standard says:—‘‘mall ns is the jmpulat on of the Malay Mates, the situation of this region, nearly midway between India and our A,ustialian colonics, and its great mineral wealth give it special importance, while additional interest attaches to it just now in view of the proximity1,360 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article31 January 1894 - TI.o Standard says:—Small as is tlie population of the Malay States States, the sit nation of this region, nearly midwjiy between India ami our Australian colonies, and its great mineral Wealth give it special importance, while additional interest attaches to it just now in view of the1,290 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article6 February 1894 - A correspondent J.C.") writing in the London letter of the Times of Ceylon thus refers to the last series of administration report of the Protected Native States, that for 1892 *r Coffee Planting. For Ceylon readers the most attractive report will be th; t of Mr. Birch,671 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article22 May 1894 - The protected Native States n| the Malay, perhaps, among the least known decs ol the British Kmpire in the Eastern hemisphere. Singapore, everyone knows, of course, being a port of gr. at importances the route to Siam and I "'d Penang, the second1,136 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 June 1894 - MB. V. h. Hpoorib, t lie Chief Engineer "f S.Uiii.'Dr. in bit report on the Pablic Works Departmeot of that State, in 1893, notes that the total sum voted for ripendiI urc on I'ulilii Wurkt during tbe year InIk* Department was $1,014,090 -lb« amount768 words
- The Straits Budget / Article12 June 1894 - Mu. C. E. Si’ooneu, the Chief Engine *r of Selangor, in his report ou the Public Woiks l)e| ailment of tbit State, in 1893, notes that the total sum voted for expenditure on Public Works during the veir by the Department was 31,014 090755 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 July 1894 - Lady Mitchell will hold a Reception to-monow (Thursday), at the usual hour. The duly on tin exported from the Upper Perak District is raised, from the 1st July, from §5.50 to $6 per bhara. Information bas been received that Colonel Walker will arrive at Lipis this evening,1,515 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 July 1894 - lilt: Administration Report on the St&tq 1 of 8-'langor for 1893 ix publish.*! in the S.I m^.ir Gorrrnment Oairtte of the 6th July. TIih reveuue returns shew receipts in 1893 amounting to $2,765,351 against $2,135,448 in MR The excess oTer r.-v-enue of previous year cornea to $629,903.1,210 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 July 1894 - This week’s mail for Europe leaves by the P. A 0. s. s. Rohilla. The P. .V 6. s. s. Rosettii with the mail from Eurojie of the loth June arrived on Sunday. The mail for Europe, next week, is tixed to leave on the 17th666 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 July 1894 - The Administration Report on,k of Selangor for 1893 is publish^ 8 SelaDgor Government Gazette ft f ,i! D July. The revenue returns shew in 1893 amounting to $2 7>; r or, $2,135,448 in 1892. TheeSfo enue of previous year comes to The revenue in 1893 proved to1,138 words
- Daily Advertiser / Article11 July 1894 - SELANGOR ADMNISTRATIVE REPORT. EXTENSIONS. rUMm of original matter has prevented us for the last few days from noticing this excellent report on the State of Selan^or for 1 81)3. The Resident, Mr. Ireacher, has given a mot exhaustive. and interesting resume of the progress of the State m the year1,848 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 July 1894 - THE PERTAK RESIDENT 'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1893. Surveys. PtiuXG the year that is just past special attention was devoted to agricultural and mining surveys. A regular system was initiated, and it was applied to all the districts in the State. Already good results Inivc been obtained, arrears are being2,228 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article16 July 1894 - PAHANG AND ITS FU TURE. I \n Kxtract from Mr Hogd Out rd's Administration K port for 1893.) 70. At the end of Septem ill the rebHs who had taken up arms a vernment had been driven out of Pahang, and sh .rtly afterwards n« gotiations, with a view to971 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 July 1894 - Mb. Ci.irr.iKi>. the Acting Resident of Pahang, in his Administration Report for 1893, gives the revenue of that State as 583.688 against r .0.044 collected in 1892. and $77,386 collected in 1891. The following table shews the actual revenue and expenditure of the Pahang Government from 1889817 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 July 1894 - (Concluded.) General. His Highness the Sultan gave his formal consent to the employment of a detachment of the Perak Sikhs in Singapore, should their services be required there and it be possible to spare the men. An Ordinance has since been passed by3,164 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article17 July 1894 - (July, 16th.) The last issue of the Governmei Gazette is made bulky by the inclusion all the Native States Administration R ports for 1893. Of these, the presei course of events suggests a glance at tl last, namely Mr. Clifford's report c Pahang and of that report793 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article17 July 1894 - (An Rxtraci from Mr Hug'i Clifford's Administration X pon for 1893.) 79- At the end of Sep'cnlwMr, i*g>, all ihe rebels who had taken up arm-, a^ai st the Government had been driven out oi Pahang, and shortly afterwards negotiations, vvith a view to inducing them1,792 words
- The Straits Times / Article17 July 1894 - The Administration K poll on Suugei Ujoug and Jelebu for 1M93, summarised iv our issue of veslerdav, ih acconip in;.-d l.y tbe 101 -wii.J dc<| fi Ihe Resident of MNMjW to the Oiluainl tiry:— I'.i.iiimi Hi-mis, i. Selanvor, Itt May.1,214 words
- The Straits Budget / Article17 July 1894 - The administration report on Sungei XJjong and Jelebu for 1893 are published in last week’s Government Gazette. Accompanying them is a letter from the Resident of Selangor to the Colonial Secretary which K]>cakB in terms of high praise of what Mr. Egerton had done531 words
- The Straits Budget / Article17 July 1894 - [Administration Report to$• IS&t.) The State Factory. This was commeuci d iu 1892, and had not been quite com plot «d at tbo end of 1893, but good progress .was male and it should bo in full woiking order, with engines tuuuiug, by the mid lh'489 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article18 July 1894 - As light differs from darkness, so so does Mr. Swettknham’s Administration Report differ from that of Mr. Skinner. Perak is going ahead whilst Penang is retrograding. The revenue of the State tor last year was §3,034,094, being §499,100 in excess of the esl, and §344.528 over4,305 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article24 July 1894 - An exchange contains the following Teetotallers siould he interested in the following l*cls. The National Liberal lub is composed of men hi-Idin^ the l«»c il vet doctrines of thr- (iovtmme'it Thf total profr o«» the year's entire w<»rlc is only 2H4, hut tlu- proHt on the1,044 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 July 1894 - j I Administration Report for 189.1. f I decline op pekan. I -T. h to^a Pekan continue to b< a I of little value to their possessois, half tin exi8 Hnt? buildings being untenanted, and a °y °f them are now rapidly falling intc r disrepair and are2,144 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 July 1894 - COFFEE. Mr. R. N.-Bland, the Officer in Charge of Sungei Ujong, in his administration report for 1893 remarks that, as regards coffee planting, the L nsum and Silian Estates (Mr. T. H. Hill), continued to be prosperous. The out-turn of coffee for the year was1,190 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 July 1894 - The Administration Report on Sungei Ujong and Jelebu for 1893, summarised in our issue of yesterday, is accompanied by the following despatch from the Ktsideut of Selan.or to the Colonial Secretary British Residency, Selangor l»t May 1894. Hr, —1 have the1,236 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article28 July 1894 - [Extracts from the Resident’s Report.] Pax Britannica. The Revenue for 1893 was §2,765,351 Po 1892 2,135,448 Do. 1883 450,664 The bulk of the receipts for 1893 was derived from Customs (chiefly composed of the tin duty) which amounted to §1,086,407. These figures shew that the prosperity of the country3,317 words
- The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle / Article1 August 1894 - The Legislative Council meets again on L rid ay the 3rd ifist. when the first hnsiness in the Orders of the day is the first reading of the Registration of I* inns Bill. Other measures will be advanced a stage. The Selangor Government invites tenders lor t!ie1,329 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 September 1894 - H. AT SELANGOR. MR. RODGER TO ACT AS RRBVRSNT. (ROAD-MAKING. Kuala Lumpor 13tk Sept., 1894. H. E. the Governor accompanied bj th6 Hon. Major McOallom Capt. Herbert (A.D.C.) and Mr. Burra (A.P.8.) arrived at Klang on Tuesday morning. The Resident, the Resident Engineer, and the Actiug Captain Superintendent813 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article15 July 1895 - Tbe Annual Report upon the State oi 1 Se'angor for the year 1894 appears in the 1 last Selangor Gazette RrVCHt'K AHD EXFENDITVRB. The revenue collected during the year amounted 10 $3>334>463. being an excess of $601,003 ovet the estimate, and an increase of $569,117 over ttat4,701 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 July 1895 - urn Mtaai mm about it Srlnngnr Administration Report. Tbe Selangor L«ad Code and Regittra- ion of Title* Regulation bate now been in operation fur four yes't, and, they •re in fall working oider throughout tbo State, it it powible to judge to wh«t si tent1,517 words
- The Straits Budget / Article16 July 1895 - (Straits Timet, lUth July.) The Governor and the Municipality may both read with profit, the extract we give from the Selangor Administration report. It may create in His Excellency’s mind some doubt as to the wisdom of his recent interference with the privileges of the Municipal Commissioners,(Straits Timet, lUth July.) - 447 words
- The Straits Budget / Article16 July 1895 - THE SELANGOR RESIDENT ON JUDICIAL REFORM. From the Selangor Administration Report for 1894. I venture to think that all the Protected Malty States, on the west coast of the Peninsula, have now reached a stage in tLe.r development wheu more formal administration will further rather lhau hinder438 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article17 July 1895 - Ihe Selangor Resident on Judicial Reform. (From the Selangor Administration Report for 1894.) I venture to think that all the Protected Malay States on the west coast of (lie Peninsula, have now reached a stage in their development when more fonniU ad ministration will further rather than443 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article17 July 1895 - (From the Selangor Administration Report for 1894.) The development of planting, mainly in connection with the cultivation of Liberian coffee, both by Europeans and natives, has made very rapid strides during the last fewyears, and is one of the most reassuring features connected with the progressive(From the Selangor Administration Report for 1894.) - 682 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 July 1895 - (Straitt Timet. 16th July Thk Selangor Administration Report for 1894 records continuity in increasing revenue aud chronic surpluses. The revenue reached $5,834,468, of which nearly a million and a half resulted from the du*y on tin, the main article of export. The tin industry yielded 375,000 picul*(Straitt Timet. 16th July ) - 635 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 July 1895 - UK KolMJKRH VIEWS ABOUT IT. Selangor Administration Report. The 8elangor Lsod Code and Regiat ration of Titles Regulation bave uow l»ecn in operation for four years, and, ns they are in full working order throughout the State, it is possible to judge to what ex1,396 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 July 1895 - {(elanjur Administration Report for 1894.) All the mining in Selangor, with one exception, consists of suiface wordings for alluvial tiu, the metalliferous deposit* being either washed from the hill side, by means of water-courses, or raised in l ;lake's from excavations in the valley. i’ha exception to421 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 July 1895 - (Straits Times, iiird July.) Thk Hou. Martin Lister, in his administration Report on Sungei Ujong and Jelehu for last year, uotee that the combined revenue of these two States amounted during that period, to $397,1 30, a slight increase on the figures for 1893. One notable(Straits Times, iiird July.) - 426 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 July 1895 - MB. F. A. SWETTENHAM TO HK RE8IDENT-GENEUAL*. (From our Ferak Corrtmponfient.) Thk Resident left ou Wednesday for Klaug travelling in the Mena. It is believed that Mr. Swettenham goes to Selaugor in connection with the arrangements for the federation of the Native Stabs, it is reported (unofficially)1,329 words
- The Straits Maritime Journal and General News / Article17 August 1895 - luk Straits Settlements Government Gazette of the 9th inst., contains the Reports for 1894 of the Native States of Perak and Selangor, both of which are extremely interesting reading, notably Mr. F.A. Swettenham’s monograph on the Administration of Perak. On the whole, the revenue returns2,038 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 October 1895 - In forwarding to the Marquis of Kipon the annual reports on these State* for 1894, Sir C. B. H. Mitchell writes on June n last The year 1804 was one of general prosperity t >r 1 the Western States and in each a2,651 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 November 1895 - In forwarding to the Marquis of Ripon the annual reports on these States for 1894. Sir C. B. H. Mitchell writes on June 24 last: The vear 1894 was one of general prosperity for the Western States and in each a larger revenue was collected than2,564 words
- The Straits Maritime Journal and General News / Article6 November 1895 - Sprakino the other day with a gentleman who has enjoyed for many years special facilin vs for guaging the progress of events in l’erak, jvitli their probable results on the future of the country, we were somewhat astonished to bear him retmfrk tb it, unless the system878 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 November 1895 - (Madras Tinies.) We are glad to notice that our anticipation that one of the first results, of the Federation of the Malay States of the Malay Peninsula under a British Resident-General would be the appointment of barristers to the principal Magisterial Courts in the(Madras Tinies.) - 443 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 November 1895 - THE FEDERATION OF THE MALAY STATES. 'Madi-Ji '/':>,w. We glad to notice our anticipation that one of t!ie first rc-.ult- ul the federation of the Malay Slates of the .\JaUy Peninsula under a British Resident-General would be the appointment of iiarristtM to the principal M.ii;i-:leri;«l Courts in the443 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article7 January 1896 - The Kev. If, Keith left yesterday afternoon on a to Selangor. Messrs. I. H. Clayton and R S. ott have been appointed ..istern Cadets for service in Hongkong and the Strait. Settlements. The Volunteer Fleet steamer Tambofi left Colombo on Monday, and will arrive rv:re on Saturday, 1 ith770 words
- The Straits Budget / Article21 January 1896 - (From onr Correspondent.) 13th January. A cricket XI and a football tea-u are expected to pay us a visit on Febru try 13fch. Tbit year, tbe committee of tbe Selangor Club, in deference to tbe wishes of tbe athletic pait of the community, prop* se to devote more903 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 January 1896 - GOLD YIELD TIN MINING. THE ESTIMATES. THE LIANG SYNDICATE. PUBLIC HEALTH. BAUB. (From our Correspondent.) Pekan, 17th January. During December last, 867 ouuces of smelted gold from the Penjom ana Seiensing mines were exported to Singapore by the local Ayen f of those Companies, Mr. Jules M. Fabris.1,745 words
- The Straits Budget / Article25 February 1896 - (From our Correspondent INDIAN LABOUR. At a c jrnmittee meeting, oq Saturday, (15th ins*.) Mr. E. V. Carey was (It >s»*u to represent the Selaugor Plauters Ass ciation on the ludian Lxbour Commission. The Governor Ins been exceedingly gracious iu his receufc commun citions with the Association; and707 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 April 1896 - {Straits Times.) Correspondence respecting the Federation of the Protected Malay States was laid before the Legislative Council on Thursday. It covers the period from May 1893 to December 1895. The documents are ten in number. They begin with a despatch from Lord Ripon to Sir Cecil Smith in{Straits Times.) - 1,365 words
- The Straits Budget / Article7 April 1896 - Correspondence respecting the Federation of the Protected Malay States was laid before the Legislative Council this afternoon. It covers the period from May, 1893 to December, 1895. The documents are ten in number. They begin with a despatch from Lord Ripon to Sir Cecil Smith in May. 1893,1,372 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article10 April 1896 - FEDERATED MALA YA. Scheme for the Administrative Federation of the Protected Malay States. 1. States concerned.— The States considered], for the purposes of these proposals, are four, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang. 2. Autonomy maintained.— Each State will maintain its existing autonomy as regards every other State, and will1,968 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article24 April 1896 - The lecture on the subject of British rule in Malaya, delivered at the Royal United Service Institution before a special meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute, by Mr. F. A. Swetteuhain, c.m.g., Resident-General of the Malay States, gives some interesting details respecting the growth of British3,186 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 April 1896 - iAin«<<*__- Koy-d Colonial Institution was StiM ia the^Theatre at me Royal United Service Swtion, Whitehall, on 3«t oh., when Mr. L Ssrcttenli-im, CM.-. (Resident-General of H» PWrcted M_«y States), read a paper on Sb-h Rule m Malaya. There was a Urge atSlnce ol members and friends,7,985 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Advertisement27 April 1896 - NOTICES. NOTICE. PREMISES No. 5, Perak Road, is to be 1 let. Apply to ENG JOO Co., 211 47, Beach Street. NOTICE? ATIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor and Sumatra. I Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on bromide paper. W. JONES, No. 10, King Street. Photographer. NOTICE.773 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article28 April 1896 - i\ km tting of the Royal Colonial Institution was n the Theatre of the Royal United Service institution, Whitehall, on }tst ult., when Mr. Swettenh^m, c.m.o. J Resident-General of I c Protected Malay States), read a paper on g f tish R tile in Malaya. There7,901 words
- The Straits Budget / Article26 May 1896 - (From our CoiTespondent .J PeJi an, 1 2th May. GENERAL. Ix*view of the fact tliat the township of Kuala Kuantan lias twice heen destroved by fire, and owing to the houses that were rebuilt being of very inflammable material, a movement is on foot among the Chinese and839 words
- The Straits Times / Article23 June 1896 - The Stale Engineer of Selangor. in his railway report tor lsilo. finds that the adoption of clear and workable standing orders defining the powers of the administration, both in regard to its working wit lit he financial departments of Govern- j Utent and with the (iovernment it.-elf,244 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 June 1896 - The State Engineer of Selangor, in his railway report for 1895, finds that the adoption of clear and workable standing orders defining the powers of the administration, both in regard to its working wit li t he financial depart nients of Government and with the Government itself,241 words
- The Straits Maritime Journal and General News / Article8 July 1896 - Mr. Blaze of Penang has opened a chemist’s shop at Ipoh. It is doubtful whether two such establishments will pay in that little towu. The other is conducted by Mr. Oldfield. We are pleased to learn that H. E. the Governor has at last allowed Mr.4,104 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article10 July 1896 - In glancing at the Administration Reports of the Native Stales for 1895, laid m a batch on the Table of the Legislative Council yesterday afternoon it may be convenient to take Selangor first, as being the Head-quarter Stale of the new Federation, and as being now the1,246 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 July 1896 - REPORTS FOX 1805. UKIIIHT M.ASTIVi PKOSPEtTS. TIM-MINING VNDEB DISCOURAGEMENT. PERAK. The revenue of Perak for l*a."i unioiiiited to $4,033,612, an increase of •491,497 over the revenue of the pn vious year. The revenue ligureo most under tin, excise farms, opium, railways, mid land. The expenditaN aggregated *:),757,008, which2,934 words
- The Straits Budget / Article14 July 1896 - REPORTS FOR 1895. liRIGHT PLANTING PROSPECTS. TIN-MINING UNDER DISCOURAGEMENT. PERAK. The revenue of Perak for 1895 amounted to $4,033,612, an increase of §491,497 over the revenue of the previous year. The revenue figures show most under tin, excise farms, opium, railways, and land. The expenditure, aggregated §3,757,008, which2,885 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 July 1896 - PERAK VS. SELANGOR. The following have been selected to represent Selangor in to-morrow's rifle match between this State and Perak: E. A. 1 ravers, J. Brown, Charter, Poun«.all, and C. U. Corinae. The crack shot, MacGregor, who did so. well against Perak last year, takes no part in823 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 September 1896 - THE GOVERNOR IN SELANGOR. (By a Correspondent). His the High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States, accompanied by Lady Mitchell and the two Misses Bogle, as well as his usual staff*, was met at Klang by the British Resident (Mr. J. P. Rodger) early on Saturday, the 19th. The936 words
- The Straits Maritime Journal and General News / Article7 October 1896 - Honourable Members of the Legislative Council. The time having 1 arrived for submitting to you the Estimates for the year 1897, I again avail myself of the opportunity to ieview concisely the past, piesent. and possible future of2,530 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 November 1896 - A linn— h.-i- i n often 1 1 .1..-. between China and Turkey leavin: mtv little, ii must be admitted, to tin credit of Westei-n mflnonce on ai Eastern race for the feature in whicl the Turk is prominently superior hi- lii;htint; qualitiet ia inhemn rather than1,162 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article26 November 1896 - It has been stated that the Prai-Taipiug Railway Scheme is abandoned. This statement is incorrect, as we jointed out last Tuesday, and is obviously not justified, except as concerns the Company which for the last two years has been talked of as likely to carry out the747 words
- The Straits Budget / Article1 December 1896 - —China Ifopretts. A likeness has been often traced between China and Turkey —leaving very little, it must be admitted, to the credit of Western influence on an Eastern race for the feature in which the Turk is prominently superior—his fighting qualities —is inherent rather than acquired. It—China Ifopretts. - 1,132 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article5 January 1897 - (Dec. 31st.) For convenience of reference and for the better definition of the dates of local events of interest during the year a new method has been adopted by which these are presented in chronological sequence j instead of being, as before, dealt with in j more2,359 words
- The Straits Budget / Article5 January 1897 - u.mimstkatiox. ti vi' ir l.>snl with ;intici|iations ot 1 in liijllt ollicial ap/wint- Colonial Treasurer, tlu Vu'iiiar-Coneral, anil the UosidtmtCouni „i I’eiianjr were all expeete. to xvitliin a few months. 11k* r tiIr n rvV i< appointed High Commissi the Federated Native States. j;.r|| ('omnu.'Sioiior tor Borneo, ;:,,uiiv.l into5,140 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 February 1897 - \nni \i RBPOKI FOI IBM In preventing this, their Fourth Annual .in Ton mitte,. have th.. pleasure iuncu thi during the |>a-t real 21 1.1- ii been enrolled n|',,,n the r III" -iatloli. wiiiNttli.'iiltji, h.-d show 1 11 Increase ander cultiI 1 1-- si 1 and oi1,219 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 February 1897 - ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1896. In presenting this, their Fourth Annual Report, your Committee have the pleasure to announce that during the past year 21 new members have been enrolled upon the books of the Association, w hilst the attached statistics show an increase under cultivation of 4,4871,485 words
- The Straits Budget / Article27 April 1897 - (By our oim Reporter.) On last Tuesday afternoon, at the SelangorClub, Mr. F.x\. Swettenham,the Resi-dent-General, received a deputation of the United Planters* Association of the Federated Malay States, and accepted from them an address on behalf ot the Association. Among4,353 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 May 1897 - In Lis report on the Selangor Prison Department for 1896 Captain H. L. Talbot writes During the < -.rlv part uf the year a large propoitiou of the pris ners —an average of 123—wereemp -vt-d in assisting the P XX D. as labouiers by carrying mortar, bricks, etc for570 words
- The Straits Times / Article27 May 1897 - KAI.L IN I'KKMIA. Thk Selangor Land Report for ISM notaathat tlielaud revenue of the Klanp District amountc'd in 1n»(> to K3JT77. The receipts fall thOrt Of thOSe Collected ill I ■>!)."> by SIO\SS9. The revenue of 1886 was, however, entirely of an exceptional nature. The boom in Ktang216 words
- The Straits Budget / Article31 May 1897 - FALL IN PREMIA. The Selangor Land Report for 1896 notes that the land revenue of the Klang District amounted in 1896 to $23,277. The receipts fall short of those collected j in 1895 by $15,222. The revenue of 1895 was, however, entirely of an exceptional nature. The boom222 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article5 June 1897 - (Extracts from the Report for 1896.) Open Lines. GENERAL. The total mileage open at the 31st De- eember, 1896, is tlte same as that at. the end of 1895, no extensions having been opened during the year under report. Two extensions of the open lines are under1,232 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 June 1897 - Sixty years ago, the British possessions in Malaya consisted of Penang—then officially known as Prince of Wales Island Province Wellesley, the island known as the Bindings, Malacca, and Singapore. Penang had been ceded to the East India Company by the Raja of7,855 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 July 1897 - Although Mb. T. Jknnings nominated Limaeol for the Oaks,” the fillv ran in the name of her present owner. Lord Hindi p. i who bad nominated her for the Ascot Gold Cup. Owing to want of space we were compelled to hold over the letter and article,438 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article10 July 1897 - Prisons Report. (1896 (ErfracD.) As I only assumed the duties of the appointment of Inspector of Prisons towards the end of 1896, and have been busily engaged in the organization of the Malay States Guides, I have not been able to give this duty the attention I1,815 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 August 1897 - ANNUAL REPORTS. PERAK. The revenue for 1890 amounted U> $3,960,871. Compared with 1895, the collections fell off by 572,740, owing mainly to the low price of tin, and the smaller consumption of opium from the high price of that drug. The expenditure reached 53,989,376 against 53,757,008, the outlay2,082 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 August 1897 - GOLD. Considerable development workdays the Pahang Administration report, has been done both at Raub and Penjum, and the Malayan (Pahang) Concession Company has done some enterprising work at Chaping, a place situated some twenty miles from the Selensing mines. It must be stated, however, that none of593 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 October 1897 - Its Main Objects. In his annual report Sir F. A. Swettenham, the Resident-General, writes as follows as regards the objects of the Federation Scheme: The two main objects of the Federation Scheme were, first, to relieve the Colonial Secretary of all concern with Malay affairs, to give626 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Advertisement2 November 1897 - PERAK PENANG «RATED WATER COMPANY. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AT OUR TAIPING FACTORY. STEAM POWER INTRODUCED. SKILLED EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT. PERFECT PURITY. HIGHEST QUALITY. rpHE Perak Penang Aerated Water Co. beg to notify to the Public of Penang 1 and the Federated Malay States that they have now completed very extensive improvements and791 words
- The Straits Budget / Article14 December 1897 - THE OPINION OF THE FINANCIAL NEWS.” The recent federation of the Malay States, says the Financial News, supplies a modest, though not on that account less telling, illustration of British capacity for colonial development and administration. The story told by Mr. F. A. Swetfcenlmm, Resident-General of the1,087 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article21 December 1897 - The public, European and native alike, of all classes throughout the Colony and the Native States, will hear with the deepest regret and great surprise, of the death of Sir William Maxwell. X.C M.G., Governor of the Gold Coast, for so many long years a1,938 words
- The Straits Budget / Article14 July 1898 - ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION REPORT. FINANCES. The Perak Administration report for last year is signed by the Resident, Mr. J. P. Rodger. It states that the revenue collected during the year amounted to $3,837,558, as against $3,960,871 in 1896. A sliding scale was adopted for the export duty on1,737 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article20 July 1898 - 1 lit; annual report on this State for 1897 is made by Mr. H. C. Belfield. The revenue during the year amounted to $3,683,390, a falling off from the previous year of $68,545, the principal deficiency being under the head of customs, $193,372, and a hopeful feature1,491 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 July 1898 - SEL ANGOR IN 1897 ANNDAL ADMINISTRATION REPORT. The revenue of the Sute ofSeUngor last year amounted to *.>,«-«..«« about MtMt short of the collection for 1H96. The decreases came under the heads mainly of tin exported and opium imported The expenditure reached ■MtTJSM >■ »120,500 lets than the revenue. I'ublic1,034 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 July 1898 - The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. Caledonien. The mail from Europe of the 24th June by the P. O. Paramatta arrived on Friday evening last. The German mail from Europe by the Prinz Heinrich arrived on Wednesday. The German mail by551 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 July 1898 - ANNUAL ADMINISTRATION REPORT. The revenue of the State of Selaneor last year amounted to $3,688,390 about $68,545 short of the collection fir 1896. The decreases came under the heads mainly of tin exported and opium imported. The expenditure reached $3,567,845 —over $120,500 less than the revenue. Public1,166 words
- The Straits Budget / Article5 August 1898 - REPORT FOR 1897. GENERAL. The Selangor Government Gazelle publishes the annual report of Mr. H. Conway Belfield, the Commissioner of Lands, Mines, and Surveys in the Federated Malay States. The total land revenue received in all the States amounted to $653,713; the estimates amounted only1,138 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article17 September 1898 - That the administration of justice is lumbruus, slow, uncertain and costly is, w>- hue always thought, one of the greatest ?lurs lp'Ti modern civilisation As illuminating tlii- view it is of interest to note twu statements, as regards its administration m the Straits, that have recently appeared941 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article22 September 1898 - That the administration of justice is cumbrous, slow, uncertain and costly is, we have always thought, one of the greatest slurs upon modern civilisation. As illuminating this view it is of interest to note two statements, as regards its administration in the Straits, that have recently appeared980 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article8 December 1898 - The Selangor Government Gasette of the 1 8th November 1898, contains the report, dated the 28th February 1898, of the Judicial Commissioner of the Federated Malay States, (Mr. Lawrence Jackson Q c), on the work of his Court during the year 1897296 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 January 1899 - Annual Report for 1897. The Report by the Resident-General (Sir Frank Swettenham) of the Federated Malay States to the Acting High Commissioner for 1897 fi rst notes that the reality of Federation was brought home to the Malays of all the States concerned in a manner which2,178 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article15 June 1899 - The administration teports for 1898 of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang reach us today. They are somewhat bulky documents hut contain much of interest. 1 he financial portions of the report may be combined, some of the statistics being as follows 6 Selangor. N. Sem. Pahang. R682 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article22 June 1899 - The administration reports forjiB9B of Selangor, Negri Sembilan and reach us to-day. They are somewhat bulky documents but contain much [of interest. The financial portions of the report may be combined some of the statistics^being as fo low 3 tlangor, N.\Sem. \Pa 1 I nue M 70J.33457 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 June 1899 - REPORT FOR 1898. Mr. H. Conway Belfield, the Commissioner of Lands and Mines in the Federated Malay States, has sent in his departmental report for 1898. The report dwells with satisfaction upon the fact that the Land Offices of the Federation raised, that year, S637,698 in revenue,278 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article3 July 1899 - The Selangor administration report for 1898 is now published above the signature of Mr. J. P. Rodger, C.M.G., the resij dent, and the following extracts are interesting Revenue. The revenue collected during the year 1 amounted to $3,862,439, as against I $3,688,390 in 1897, showing an increase1,558 words
- The Straits Budget / Article7 July 1899 - ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1898. PROGRES8 AND PROSPERITY. The Perak Administration Report for 1898 bears the signature of Mr. W. H. Treacher, as Resident. The revenue for the year stood at $4,575,842, against $3,837,558 in 1897, the increases being largely under tin export duty and opium. The expenditure was $5,560,5301,073 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article7 July 1899 - Mr. Belfield's report, with appendices. runs to some 67 pages in length, and its perusal in full would be rather too severe a strain to inflict upon the general reader. XX'e have, therefore, confined the publication in to-dav's issue to a few of the more interesting504 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article7 July 1899 - Some extracts, as being likely to prove interesting to the general reader, are here published front Mr. Belfield’s exhaustive report on the lands, mines, and surveys of the Federated Malay Slates, for 1898. Federated Malay States. The combined land offices of the Federated Malay States have once3,084 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 August 1899 - The Uganda Railway employs over 13,000 coolies, who eat an average of twenty-one tons of provisions a day. Colonel Walker, c.m.g., we arc glad to hear, is to act as Resident of Selangor when Mr Belfield proceeds on leave A noteworthy feature in Madras administration in recent1,245 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 August 1899 - JB9S. The following extiacts from Mr. E. W. *****'s administration report on Negri Sembilan for 1898 are published as being of special interest to the general reader:— Installation of the Yang di per Tuan. On the 7th of May, His Highness Tungku Muhammad, C.M. G., the1,981 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 August 1899 - l KESIDENT-GENERAL’S REPORT. A SURVEY OF TIN. The report of the Resident-General t on the Federated Malay States for 1898 has been published and bears date 3rd May. We have dealt already with the i facts and figures presented in each ol the State Reports. The Resident i972 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 August 1899 - LEGISLATION ON NEW LINES. The Malay Mail calls attention to the Secretary for Chinese Affairs Enactment which has now come into force in Selangor as a most remarkable attempt at legislation on novel lines. It gives the Secretary for Chinese Affairs (who is now Mr. Hare) autocratic360 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 September 1899 - The last annual report b fore us from the batch of those on the Federated Malay States, taken separately, is (hat on Pahang, and much interesting reading can be obtained within its 24 pag by anybody desirous of knowing how much progress can be made by an745 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 September 1899 - T „i following extracts from Mr. Hugh rliflbrd’s report on Pahang for 1898 may C P of interest to the general reader:— P rOV Kzwme. Tl ie revenue of the state of Pahang for vear 1898 amounted to $224,856, an increase of 826,663 over the 54,187 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Advertisement26 September 1899 - latest market quotations.” XATvr! vl Chamoeriain’s l 3 ain Balm penang, 26th September, 1899. jg M JoK y I JU K AAAOJTKJw J Is famous for its cures of rheumatism; one application A ULJIUIC Tin ("nauß J out 4 ot season. I relieves the pain and its continued use for2,626 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 September 1899 - BRITISH SUBJECTS’ ASSOCIATION. The Malay Mail of the 18th instant gives a detailed account of the meeting of British subjects at Kuala Lumpur on the 16th instant. From 6ixty to seventy persons attended the meeting, over which Mr. S. R. Groom presided. The Chairman said that they had456 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 October 1899 - The following extracts, taken from the annual report issued by the ResidentGeneral, Federated Malay States, are published as likely to prove interesting to the gemial r ader j he r-e.i 1898, taken as a whole, was one of 11 -> p lily and progress for the3,778 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 June 1900 - THI ADMINISTRATION RKPOKT. Tnic a Innn strulinn report on Splancor for lust year stales Ibat the revenue ol' the State,ted to TC.OU:>.:EtO l aaauoapand with »:i mi.',4UB in Iciis increaw of W,«29,891. Both the amount Collected and the extent of the aivuuc* exceed all previous records730 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 June 1900 - THE ADMINISTRATION REPORT. Thk administration report on Selangor for la**t year slates that the revenue of the Slate amounted to $6,692,&f0, as compared with $3,862,439 in 1898 increase of $2,*29,891. Both I lie amount.Collected and t lie extent of the advance exceed all previous records there The725 words
- The Straits Times / Article31 July 1900 - (From the IluuUat HeiieraCs Report for l-« 9) TH« MINES. The price ol tin is at this moment about Xiao a ton. The export duty on a follows a sliding scale, so that ii.-n the price of the metal it. high the duly increases, and when it is1,055 words
- The Straits Budget / Article4 August 1900 - (From the Resident- General8 Report for 1899.) THE MINES. The price of tin is at this moment about £135 a ton. The export duty on tin follows a sliding scale, so that when the price of the metal is high the duty increases, and when it is low1,036 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article22 August 1900 - for the YEAR 1899. PART lII.* Education. At the close of the year there were 114 schools under Government inspection, of w |,i h 106 were purely Government institutions, while the remainder were assisted by grants-in aid the total Government expenditure connected with these schoo's approximately amounting1,593 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 October 1900 - 111. EUROPEAN PLANTING. As stated in an earlier paragraph, the European Planters have been striving against adverse market rates, as to which of relief came only with the end of the year. That all should have persevered in ihe face of an apparently hopeless out oo ]<1,044 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article13 October 1900 - I. Thb following extracts from the annual relo ,t on Pahang for 1899.. compiled by Mr Xrtlmr Butler, the British Resident, niay P' ove inleresling 10 Ule genelal reader: revenue. The revenue of the state advanced from in 1898. 1° $375,350. in 1899, an increase of 8150,4941,159 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article8 November 1900 - Official lepoitsare usually couched m a tone so subdued, that it is refreshing to find Sir Frank Swetlenhara positively chortling m his joy over the results of last .> ear'i administration of the Federatep Mala}- States. When chronicling the 1898 results, the Resident-General w. B quite810 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article22 November 1900 - Under the heading ‘Feleration Pays’ a recent front page of the Globe supplies the reader with some startling information about the Federated Malay States, and Ihe Malay Mail has ingeniously subjected the several paragraphs to the following comparison and refutation “The Globe." The Real Facts Australians are826 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article25 April 1901 - nual meeting of the Selangor Turf be held about the end of June. it is because, or m spite of the not known but the fruit season n tf >lio\vs every sign of being ex'a"rr! arily good this year. explosion occurred on 31st gunpowder works just above Elevfn men were1,229 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article30 April 1901 - Mr. N. C. Hill’s recent report on the Forest Administration in the Federated 1 Malay States is thus commented on by Indian Engineering: Mr. Hill’s report is split into two broad divisions; the first being a critical account of the system of forest administration prevailing1,257 words
- The Straits Times / Article27 June 1901 - The Straits Times THURSDAY, 27th JUNE. Though it is by no means a gushing document iv its way, nevertheless many interesting details of public import are furnished in the report of Mr. F. Ouberly, the Acting Commissioner of Lands and Mines of the Federated Malay .Slates, which has just been1,212 words
- The Straits Times / Article1 July 1901 - The Sclungor Administration licpurt for the year 1900, which has just been issued, is a higlily satisfactory document. The revenue of the State for the year was »«,:tu3,16.-.-an increase of »848,6-8 over that for 1898 -and the expenditure was $4,1)44,160— an excess of Sl,sL".t,siw over the exi.endit'.ire for tlio preceding227 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 July 1901 - We hive never blamed the Civil Servants of this Col ny for any indiff rence where matters touching their own salaries are concerned. Their zeal in this direction, which indeed we highly applaud, has hitherto not met with a very encouraging response. There has been no1,111 words
- The Straits Budget / Article6 July 1901 - {Straits Times 27 th Jane.) m Though it is by no means a gushing document in its way, nevertheless many interesting details of public import are furnished in the report of Mr. F. Duberly, the Acting Commissioner of Lands and Mines of the Federated Malay States,{Straits Times, 27th Jane.) - 1,241 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 July 1901 - We summarise the following report of the Selangor Races from the columns of ‘he yialay Mail: On the first day of the meet fine weather f ivoured the sport, and from start to finish there was not a single hitch. The attendance at the Grand Stand was782 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article20 August 1901 - <v II Treacher, cm g Acting M’- /eneral, in bis annual report for SeslJeO Federated Malay States, gives interesting and instructive (be f «hit has happened since British was extended to the Native 1900, the close of a century, ’he 26th year since Br itish Protecfo®*l1,822 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 August 1901 - (StraitB Times 20 lh Aug.) Mu. \V. H. Tkeachek, the Acting Resident-General of the Federated Malay States, presents, in his Annual Report just issued, a picture of prosperity in the districts over which he has control which is a splendid tribute to the efficiency of the Federal(StraitB Times, 20lh Aug.) - 3,422 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 September 1901 - THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES Intirksting Dispatch by Sir PftMM SWITTENHAM. The following is the despatch I H. E. the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States to the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Copy.) L Federated Malay States. No. 244. Government House, Singapore, Ist July 1901. Sir,— l have2,818 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 September 1901 - HIOH COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. The Progrcts of the States In 1900. The following is a copy of report, addressed to Mr. Chamberlain, of the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States, on the condition of the States during the year 1900. The report is forwarded to us for2,791 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article30 September 1901 - IXTKBESTIXG DESPATCH BY Sill Fk'.NK SWETTEXHAM. Tin: following is the despatch of H.E. the High Commissioner for tiie Federated M ilny States to the Secretary of State for the Colonies:— Government Hou Singapore, Ist July, 1901. Sin, —I have the honour to enclose, for your information,2,853 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article3 October 1901 - Interesting Despatch by Sir Frank. Swettenham. The following is the despatch of H. E. the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States to the Secretary of State for the Colonies (Copy.) Federated Malay States. No. 244. Government House, Singapore, ist July 1901. Sir, I have the2,826 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 June 1902 - Improvement of Forest Growth. Natural Reproduction. The Forest Officer, Perak, reports that he considers natural reproduction generally poor without the help of improvement fellings nothing much can be expected.” As fnr ns mv own observation goes, wherever I have been, the forest growth strikes me1,331 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article24 June 1902 - REPORT FOR 1901. of railways open for traffic at T “S f December, 1901, was 244 miles lhe i’ Selangor 214), as against 234 :1 erak In at the eml of 1900. miles ope" compared with the previI'inanc" 11 rebl ffllS yeari sßsfo IWI I„cre«e. «.>OB71,386 words
- The Straits Times / Article4 July 1902 - Thk Administration Report on Pahang for 1901 is signed by Mr. F. Duberly as Acting Resident. The report notes a slight im rivement in revenue, which stood at $438,558 against a growing outlay amounting to 56»6,842. The State is heavily in debt with a loan account standing at nearly three540 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 July 1902 - The administration report on Selanror for 1901 bears the signature of Mr. vM. Merewether as Resident. The facts met figures marshalled ;orne nut thus Plif revenue collected during the year imounted to $6,644,796. This total exieeds the receipts for 1900 by $241,030. Hie expenditure amounted to $6,060,7801,147 words
- The Straits Budget / Article16 July 1902 - 4 4 Tri administration report on Selangor for 1901 bears the signature of Mr. E. M. Merewetheras Resident. The facts and figures marshalled -ome out thus: The revenue collected during the year amounted to $6,544,796. This total exceeds the receipts for <900 by $241.630. The expenditure amounted1,175 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article17 July 1902 - The Straits Settlements Coronation Dinner took place on June 18, at the Whitehall Rooms of the Hdtel Metropole. Sir Cecil ClementiSmith, a c m o, presided, and the following guests attended the gathering His Highness the Sultan of Perak, o c m o, Lieut-General Sir Charles5,732 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 July 1902 - The administration report on N«gri tiembilan for last year is signed by Mr D. O. Campbell as. Acting Resident. The report sets out by saying that the revenue collected durir.a the year 1901 amounted to 51, 609 352.57, a cum 5880,t>33 98, or 33 per cent,1,237 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 July 1902 - The administration report on N#pi Sembilan for last year is signed by Mr D. G. Campbell as Acting Resident The report sets out by saving that the revenue collected during year lwi amounted to $1,669,352.57, a w® $660,033 98, or 33 per cent., greater than the1,188 words
- The Straits Times / Article12 August 1902 - According to the Report on the Census of the F. M. S. for 1901, first issued by Mr. Hare, the population of Native States was then 678,595 as against 418,509 in 1891. In other words the decade brought an increase of over 260,000 persons, or an increase of 60 per503 words
- The Straits Budget / Article13 August 1902 - (Straits Times, I'M August According to the KeP 01 1 6rgt Census of the F.M. f° r 0 f issued by Mr. Hare, the a 9 r ag Native State, was then against 418,509 in 1891. fa otbe the decade brought an inc 260,000 persons, or(Straits Times, I'M August) - 3,296 words23 August 1901 - The report for the year 1900 of the woikingof the Bankruptcy Department is published as a Supplement Io the Government Gazette of the week before last, and is of very little interest in proportion to the importance of the subject. For the last six years, the
3,011 words
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article20 December 1900 - Annual General Meeting. The first annual general meeting of the Selangor British Subjects Association took place on the evening of the 14th instant at the Kuala Lumpur Rest-House. PiwhL— Mr. Robson (vice-president) Mr. Hewgill (hon. secretary): Messrs. King, Cook, Hampshire, Wee Hap Lang, Kong Lam and618 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 November 1902 - The Straits Times. PRICE 15 CENTS. FRIDAY, 7th NOVEMBER. No better demonstration of the etfi ciency of British colonial administration can be asked for than that conveyed in the Report of the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States which is published on another page of this issue. No better1,183 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 November 1902 - MKiH COMMISSIONERS DESPATCH. Mr. Chamberlain's Reply. From the Secretary to the High Commissioner, F.M.S., we have received for publication a copy of the High Coinmissioner'9 despatch to the Secretary of State, accompanying the report on the Native States, and a copy of the Secretary of State's2,035 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 November 1902 - REPORT OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER. Govt. House, Singapore, June 19, 1902. Sin,—l have the honour to forwaid the Annual Reports of the Resident General and the British Residents in the I-Vlerited Malay States detailing the progress of those States during the year 1901. 2. 1 hese2,318 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article13 November 1902 - 1v 1 <)| 1 )1 lmtv t ':■>»• ti... 1 1 m in,.,.-,..,,,,,,,... t M r l l "-'-pi:-"i>i 1 ,.5,..,,.:., l v t Stilte: Go»1 If. .11,... Siaggpore June 19, 1908 «*V I hare the honour to fonrani the \i, ■I amount to --•>-„, 11,639 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 November 1902 - (From Hit Mining Journal") The increasing difficulties which have been met with in profitably working the tin deposits in the Federated Malay States have been continuously prominent in the reports issued by the administration during the past two or three years, and as these regions supply1,289 words
- The Straits Budget / Article13 November 1902 - (Straits Times 7f/i November.) No better demonstration of the efficiency of British colonial administration can be asked for than that conveyed in the Import of the High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States which is published on another page of this issue. No better object lesson(Straits Times, 7f/i November.) - 1,197 words
- The Straits Budget / Article13 November 1902 - Mr. Chamberlain’s Reply. From the Secretary to the High Commissioner, F.M.S., we have received for publication a copy of the High Commissioner’s despatch to the Secretary of State, accompanying the report on the Native States, and a copy of the Secretary of State’s2,192 words
- The Straits Budget / Article19 November 1902 - (From the 44 Mining Journal.”) The increasing difficulties which have been met with in profitably working the tin deposits in the Federated Malay States have been continuously prominent in the reports issued by the administration during the past two or three years, and as these regions(From the 44 Mining Journal.”) - 1,283 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article8 December 1902 - The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently- issued provides a correspondent of the Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenbam a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship1,087 words
- The Straits Times / Article10 December 1902 - The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently issued provides a correspondent ofthe Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenham a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship in1,089 words
- The Straits Budget / Article11 December 1902 - The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently issued provides a correspondent of the Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenham a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship1,090 words
- The Straits Budget / Article17 December 1902 - (Straits Times y 13 th December.) A Shareholder in Raub who has peculiarly reliable expert knowledge of and has exceptional sources for information concerning the working of the property, writes us from Kuala Lumpur a letter that is bound to prove of material interest to all who npjr(Straits Timesy 13th December.) - 1,432 words
- The Straits Budget / Article19 February 1903 - (Strail T' 1 Mli February.) mk time .igo we mentioned the ■a. inaugurated in Selangor, and mi-: uncled by the President of tiie imt-d Planters’ Association, tor i; rtinc crows from Ceylon and U.l: Li.eii. loose among the planta'L'tuthere destroy the coffee bugs. Mr. now writes to(Strail T'•!)**, 1 Mli February.) - 3,852 words
- The Straits Times / Advertisement18 March 1903 - Supplied to the State Hospitals of the Federated Malay States. W^^^ l^!^^^^^ A SK YOUR STORE KIEEIPER FOR, E^^^pf! "SLEDGE" BRAND. Witiy A^ftyjtl STERILIZED MIIK Bir /^%^rt° s I AB&c > :s xjrriSilL sr pure IL "^§HB^ "n Invaluable in the House, I U K N Lob UK n L1,222 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Advertisement20 March 1903 - Ifor sale. Mechanical Enoineer Wanted. SIANG AIK SUGAR ESTATE. AXTANTED for the Public Works DeW partmen t Factory, Selangor, a SITUATED at Kuala Kuraw in the Dis- Mechanical Engineer as Works Foreman, trict of Krian, Perak, comprising an Young man used to General Engineering area of about 800 acres with755 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article15 April 1903 - To the outside public, the system of identifying criminals by means s of impressions on paper of their linger marks has all along been somewhat of- a mystery —to many it lias merely been a subject for ridicule and idle jest. How is it possible," some1,783 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article17 April 1903 - Murders. Last year’s report on the F. M. S. Judicial Commissioner’s Department states Twenty persons were tried in Perak for murder, etc.; one was sentenced to death, one to eight years’ rigorous imprisonment, one to one year, four to 18 months, one to six months829 words
- Straits Echo / Article1 June 1903 - i TmK Rf.SVI.Ts OK TTff I AST Yfak> WoKKIXt: CoXSTITI'TK A JiKCOltlt OK I'sFKi i. Aryan» kmkxt. The first clearly written aud explanatory report to hand that enlarges the mind with information on the administration of the F. M. S.. is the rejmrt515 words
- Straits Echo / Article2 July 1903 - j EXTRACTS risua THE RESIDENT-GENERAL*» ANNUAL RSrORr TOR 1902. J The figures of exjx»rt of tin and ti*.i ore* (the hitter reduced to 68 per «-ent. of the gross weight) were pi kills 78***72=1*1118 46.480. The duty collected on export, under a sliding scale, amounted to *8.438.776.3,001 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 July 1903 - The administration report on Pahang for 1902 bears the signature of Mr. F. Duberly as Acting Resident. The revenue of the State for the year just closed amounted to 5418.310, against an estimate of $355,635 and an actual revenue of 9438,558 in 1901. The exact outlay for the year had863 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 July 1903 - Strait 9 Time*, i*t July.) M». H.Cob»W4y BelfieM, as Uosident, signs the administration report oo 19(W. The revenue collected amouse£ to bein« *1,438,040 in excgf of the receipts for 1901. The expenditure amounted to <{>,573,546, being less than* the sum estimated for the services of the year by <786,042.(Strait 9 Time*, i*t July.) - 803 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 July 1903 - (Straits Times 7th July.) The administration report on Pahang for 1902 bears the signature of Mr. F. Duberly as Acting Resident. The revenue of the State for the year just closed amounted to $418,310, against an estimate of $355,635 and an actual revenue of $438,558 in 1901.(Straits Times, 7th July.) - 862 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 July 1903 - I'kxang was a model Settlement during the past year, so fir as its finances are concerned. From Mr Kvnn^r-ley's Administration Report in yesterday's (iu:el.c, wn learn ::>at during the year 1902 there was a decrease of $40,794 under Special Expenses, and of 420,126 under Works and Buildings, and also that1,092 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 July 1903 - FEDERAL CONFERENCE. SCENES AT KUALA LUMPUR. Opening of the Proceedings. Special to tit* Strait* 'limet." Kuala Lumpur, Monday, 2 p.m. Kuila Lumpur is socially en fite, and the Conference has opened For all the stranger within the sates would think, the day is but an ordinary holiday. The Telegraph Office—3,379 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 July 1903 - s snai to the Straits Times'' Kuala Lumpur Monday 2 pm. v da Lumpur is socially en fete, and -v- Conference has opened. For all the cruder within the gates would think, rfce -ay is but an ordinary holiday. The3,215 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 July 1903 - SOME NOTES BY THE WAY. Kuala Lumpur 24 ih July Since the opening of the Conference on Monday, nothing has happened, or is hereafter likely to happen, which could prove of any actual news interest to the people in Singapore. The Governor will close the affair formally on3,052 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article31 July 1903 - EXTRACTS FROM REPORT FOR 1902. Mileage. The mileage open for traffic at the close of 1902 was 274 miles as compared with 244 miles at the end of 1901, being an addition of 30 miles. The mileage was 170 in Perak and 104} in Selangor. The new sections1,369 words
- Straits Echo / Article18 August 1903 - {London China Express. '24th July.) The telegraph inly tells us briefly of the briiliauee of the gathering that lias recently been held at Kwala Lumpur, where a conference of State Councils was held on 20th inst. Apart from the business portion of the gathering, it has had1,015 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 September 1903 - His Excellency's Report to the Colonial Office. Thk following is the report of HE. the High Commissioner of the Native .States lor 1902, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies Government House, Singapore, 11th July, 1903. Sir,— l havo the honour to enclose i.lio1,834 words
- Straits Echo / Article28 September 1903 - Special Report by Sir Frank Swettenham. Remarkable Progress: Healthy Development. W e are greatly indebted to the Government for a copy of a report bv Sir Frank Swettenham to the Rt. Mon. Joseph Cliamberlain on the affairs of the Malay States for last year. Sir Frank (who1,782 words
- The Straits Budget / Article1 October 1903 - his Exdbllency’s Report to the Colonial Office. The following is the report of H. E. the High Commissioner of the Native States for 1902, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies Government House, Singapore, 11th July, 1903. Sir,—I have the honour to enclose the1,636 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 October 1903 - THURSDAY, 23rd JULY, 1903. The Conference assembles at 10.15 a.m. 2. The Resident General reads in Malay a statement re'ating to the construction of a Railway through the State of Johore, completing railway communication from Penang through the F.M S. to Singapore, 3. The Sultan of Perak confers2,083 words
- The Straits Budget / Article15 October 1903 - (Straits Times Bth October.) It must be gratifying to a man in the position of Sir Frank Swettenham to be able to retire for a while from the strenuous career that has for over thirty years, and lot® back on the labors that those decades have involved, and(Straits Times, Bth October.) - 1,661 words
- Straits Echo / Article, Illustration22 October 1903 - Japanese Railways and Steamships ready for Emergencies. Reuter'* Service). London, Oct 22.—A1l Japanese railway and steamship services have been warned by the Japanese Government to hold themselves in re idiness for emergencies. The total manlier of l»oilers registered in the Selangor Warden's Office last year was 359805 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 October 1903 - (Straits Times, 20th October.) Luckily the cultivated coffee lands in British Malaya are nearly all now being planted in rubber or have already been so planted, and the fluctuations of the coffee market are no longer of vital interest to the planters, of the Peninsula. Our local interest(Straits Times, 20th October.) - 5,245 words
- Straits Echo / Article3 November 1903 - Ancestry of the Present Saltan. The Resident’s Report for 1889 contains the following interesting information relative to ancestry of the present Sultan and the complicated affairs which led up to intervention by the British Government in 1874, which has had such happy results: It is related in native chronicles1,365 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 November 1903 - The Singapore Free Press of Friday says that all his friends will hear with pleasure that Mr. Walter Egerton, c.m.g., who was to have gone to Selangor as British Resident from Negri Sembilan, has been appointed High Commissioner of Southern Nigeria. Mr. Egerton has always done well212 words
- The Straits Budget / Article2 December 1903 - (Straits Timet, Ist December) Petty departmental economies that sooner or later lead to material losses are seemingly not confined to any particular branch of the Straits Settlements, or the F.M.S. administration. The craving for a record of departmental parsimony seems to run through some upper grade(Straits Timet, Ist December) - 4,952 words
- The Straits Budget / Article13 January 1904 - (IStraits Times 12 t/i January.) We feel that an apology is due to the telegraph system of the F.M S. for the insinuation we made in our issue of the 4th inst., when we stated that the despatch correcting Reuter’s error anent the Chicago lire had(IStraits Times, 12t/i January.) - 5,215 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 March 1904 - ,prom Owr Own Correspondent.) SELANGOR. Kuala Lumpur, 29th February. Two pork butchers were caught by Ir. r Newman of the abbatoirs when in?P eC )H water into the pork. The case will j brought before the Magistrate to-day. be All Wee Hup Lang is sending his1,056 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article6 April 1904 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Ist April. Single rickshas have caught on in Taiping. The latest purchaser of a swagger little vehicle is Mr. Chung Ah Ming, the son of Mr. Chung Ah Yong. It is currently reported here that the new Dressers’ Scheme submitted1,747 words
- The Straits Budget / Article14 April 1904 - I The Federated Malay States. I Jllryne Ireland F.Il.G.8.) I (iL ial Commissioner of the I,city ot Chicago; Author of I,'' Colonization,” etc. 1/ ,;!i interesting illustration of the I political charter of that mass known as the British Empire I mo three protectorates which .til3,395 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article7 May 1904 - [From Our Own Correspondents]. Taiping, sth May. On Saturday night a farewell dinner is being given at the New Club in honour of Mr. W. J. Hodge, who leaves shortly for Colombo. Mr. J. R. Innes, Secretary to Resident, Perak, now acting as Senior Magistrate,523 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 May 1904 - Taiping, Bth Ma It is a pleasure to note the reviv 1 Saturday cricket in Tai pi ng I weather- favoured yesterday’s ma betv/een Messrs. Barrett and Stain. teams. Barrett’s eleven made 156 runs, and the* enemy 87. It has been arranged that on lib return744 words
- The Straits Budget / Article12 May 1904 - Thk report of the administration of this department for the past year has Deen published. The total strength of the force on the last day of the year aggregated 2,196 including 40 officers and BIS non-commis-sioned officers. This was however 38 3elow the sanctioned302 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 June 1904 - A SUCCESSFUL YEAH. Concluded. Meteorological. The total rainfall recorded during the year at Taiping Observatory w’as 153.5 inches, 15 inches below the average for the past ten years. The greatest fall in one day was 4.5 inches on 28th October. The highest temperature recorded was 95°. 1962 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 June 1904 - Kuala Lumpur, 6th June. The letting of the Perak Sub-Farms for the’next half year is now on. The appointment of Director of Agriculture, if filled, will have under its control the Cocoanut Experimental Plantations, and the Government Plantation Departments, which are now under separate Heads. At the meeting of304 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 June 1904 - [Straits Times, Bth June \Vhatf.ver other remissness the of Negri Sembilan may .„oo*e t0 be guilty of during six days t be week, they 6iraply must be good j co to Mosque on Friday. This rule, which* savours much the anient Bible Laws in regard to iabhath observances,[Straits Times, Bth June ) - 3,917 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article10 June 1904 - ELECTRIC TROUBLES IN KUALA LUMPUR. The Selangor administration Report for the past year thus describes the vicissitudes which the Electric lighting scheme for Kuala Lumpur has gone through. Ihe disappointments and delays in Penang have been nothing to those experienced in the Federal Capital. Fair progress259 words
- Straits Echo / Article10 June 1904 - Front Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, I) June. Revd. Pvkett, of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, Penang, goes up Maxwell's Hill to-day, with Mrs. Pykett and children, for a change. They will be there probably for a fortnight. Mrs. Pykett gave a sermon in the Tamil language on Sundayevening in the943 words
- The Straits Times / Article17 June 1904 - Public Works in ipoj. The largest expenditure from annually recurrent votes was incurred on the maintenance of the Pahang Trunk Road from the boundary between this State and Selangor to Lipis. a distance of 62 miles; and on the upkeep of the road from Tras to Bentong. '21 miles.896 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 June 1904 - Public Works in 1903. The largest expenditure from anuually recurrent votes was incurred on the maintenance of the Pahang Trunk Road from the boundary between this State and Selangor to Lipis, a distance of 62 miles; and on the upkeep of the road from Tras to Bentong, 21 miles.889 words
- Straits Echo / Article28 June 1904 - (Indian Engineering tSlh June.) A niln* inemorabilis is the designation Mr. j C Edwin Spooner, General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways, proudly and. we concede, legitimately claims for the year 190& It witnessed the joining up of the Perak and Selangor Railways, thus j953 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article29 June 1904 - KE VIEW BY “INDIAN ENGINEERING. EULOGY FOR MR. C. E. SPOONER, C M. G., lni/»s nu'morubi lis is th? designation Mr. C. Edwin Spooner, General Manager of the Federated Malay Stites Railways, proudly and we concede, legitimately claims for the year 1903. It witnessed the840 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article1 July 1904 - (Indian Engineering 18th June.) Annus memouibilis is the designation Mr. C. Edwin Spooner, General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways, proudly and, we concede, legitimately claims for the year 1903. It witnessed the joining up of the Perak aud Selangor Railways, thus establishing through communication(Indian Engineering 18th June.) - 826 words
- Straits Echo / Article5 July 1904 - A Review. (Indian Engineering ~o June) The forent administration in the Federated Malay States is largely recruited from India, j aud it is no surprise to find Indian traditions flourishing with great luxuriance in the Malay Peninsula. That the transplantation will achieve an ideal843 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article6 July 1904 - hi'ltan Engineering. REVIEW BY “INDIAN ENGINEERING.” hints to our administration. The Eorest Administration in the FederatMalay States is largely recruited from India, and it is no surprise t > find Indian tI adit ions flourishing with great luxuriance m the Malay I’euinsula. That thehi'ltan Engineering. - 822 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 July 1904 - REPORT FOR 1903. UNSATISFACTORY LABOUR SUPPLY. In his Annual Report on the administration of his Department during 1903 the Protector of Labour, F. M. S. says that Indian immigrants yvere imported chiefly under tyvo systems: (1) Recruiting of Indentured Labour and (2) Recruiting of Free647 words
- Straits Echo / Article24 September 1904 - (Madras Mail, sth Sej>t.) 'l'Ht Government of the Federated Malay States is most anxious to increase their foice of Indian labourers, and to induce agriculturists to settle in the country; and with a view to making known the benefits to be obtained, and that have1,708 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 September 1904 - (Straits Time*, 28th Sept. Names and statistics have got mixed a bit in an article on “Telegraphs in the Malay Peninsula” which appears in the Electrical Magazine for August. It is ungenerous, for instance, to credit the ports of Singapore and the Peninsula with a meagre aggregate of(Straits Time*, 28th Sept. - 3,115 words
- The Straits Times / Article30 September 1904 - The Coolie Question. The Madraa Mail' thw commenl u|)"ii the coolie t}oea{ km which the t. M. S. planten The Govern neat of the Federated Mala; M ite must anxious to men aw their Force I Indian labonren, and to induce agricul turisi> to1,066 words
- Straits Echo / Article27 February 1905 - The Tin Industry. It is very difficult for engineers and those interested in engineering to keep themselves acquainted with flie details of developments in the various parts of the British Empire, to say nothing of the countries of the world but it is absolutely necessary733 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article3 March 1905 - The Tin Industry. It is verv difficult for engineers ami those interested in engineering to keep themselves acquainted with the details of developments in the various parts of the British Empire, to say nothing of the countries of the world but it is absolutely necessary1,176 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article1 June 1905 - Some Things To Surprise the Traveller There. By Alley** Ireland, F.R.G.B. in Los Angeles Times." Of all the places in the world on which Great Britain ha6 set the mark of wise and tolerant colonial rule not one shows the beneficent effects of capable and honest2,505 words
- Straits Echo / Article6 June 1905 - .Some Things to Surprise the Traveller There I By Alleyn*; Ireland, F. R. G. S., in Los Angeles Times.” Of all the places in the world on which 'Great Britain has set the mark of wise |*tnd tolerant colonial rule not one shows film beneficent tffect;2,295 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article9 June 1905 - Some Things to Surprise the Traveller There By Alleyne Ireland, F. R. G. S in “Los Angeles Times.” Of all tin; places in the world on which Great Britain has set tin* mark of wise and tolerant colonial rule not one shows the beneficent effects of2,176 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 June 1905 - Finances. Mr. H. daawag BsHal] sjgas, ;i< Resident, la* Administration Report on BelaaMßJ for 1904. The n-jMirt -ats nut by statiiiK that the revenue of the State collected during 19(U amounted to •8,241,760. Tluk sum is »77fi,441 in excess of the estimated revenue, but 1215,85. l >642 words
- The Straits Budget / Article15 June 1905 - Finances. Mr. H. Conway-Belfield signs, as Resident, the Administration Report on Selangor for 1904. The report sets out by stating that the revenue of the State collected during 1904 ainou nted to $8,241,766. This sum is $776,441 in excess of the estimated revenue, blit $215,855 less than641 words
- The Straits Times / Article16 June 1905 - Cultivation and Mining. T« following extracts is taken form the State Administration Report for 1904 Product* Grown. The area held by Europeans in Selangor and planted with Para rubber is now approximately 15,000 acres. while MM 8,000 acres are being cultivated with the Rambong variety. The pcosped526 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 June 1905 - The Daily Chronicle of May 25th thus describes the marriage of Mr. J. R. O. Aidworth. formerly Secretary to Resident, Selangor, but now district officer, Kuala Kangsar: Mr. John Oliver Aldworth. son of the late Colonel Aldworth, and Miss Dorothea Drew, daughter of the late Mr. Richard194 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 July 1905 - The Report of the British Resident of Perak, Mr. E. W. Birch, on the administration of that State during 1904, has just been published, and is interesting reading. The following are some extracts fro n ,t:— Fiaaac'al. The Revenue fir 1904 was $11,332,272, against an estimate of1,497 words
- The Straits Budget / Article13 July 1905 - The Administration Report. Fiscal. The following are extracts from the Pahang Administration Report for last year by the Resident Cecil Wray: The revenue of the State for the year 1904 amounted to $458,226 against $416,916 collected in 1903 and an estimate of $445,122. The revenue collected shows1,143 words
- The Straits Budget / Article17 August 1905 - I The Tin Tailings Commission. I iiowii article is from the I iiH .j,. of the 15th July: I >, ,,ii of tailings is a question I s a concentrated indusI v-hkely to cause trouble where I,— i, r l constant for any length I but1,965 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 September 1905 - The Uutlouk The following ia from the- .Mining Journal of the 19th August; The present position ot the tin market, with which we dealt at some length a fortnight ago, is of an unusually interesting cnaracter, and lends mipriif I miportauce to the current developments1,244 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 September 1905 - The Outlook. The following is from the Mining Journal of the 19th August The present position of the tin market, with which we dealt at some length a fortnight ago, is of an unusually interesting character, and lends reciprocal importance to the current developments in1,197 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article23 July 1906 - {Continued). Th.; following is lheco„li„ Mti report on the Federated \J ;I 4 the 1905 by the Rc-ident-G,. 11( > L tates in Taylor, k.c m g The Selangor Volunteers On 31st December 1905 i| Volunteer Division numbered 5 la, 2fjr 94 men. During874 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article24 July 1906 - The fullowing is the continuation of extracts from the rejiort on the Federated Malay States in 1905 by the ResidentGeneral, Sir William Taylor, k.c.m.G.: {Continued.) Malay Residential School Kuala Kangsar. The Malay Residential School at Kuala Kangsar was opened in January, 1905, under the1,992 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 August 1906 - The Administration Report. The report on Pahang for last vcar states that t lie cash balances at thu end of the year amomiU'il to 1171,446, distributed among the five districts of the State. On the 3Ut December the labilities o. the State amounted to 85,004,667, being an1,518 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article8 August 1906 - Ihe issue of the report of the administration of the mining industry of the Pederated Malay States is always an event m the annual progress of the tin industry, in the pretent case, owing to the absence of the Senior Warden of Mines from1,641 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 August 1906 - The Administration Report The report on Pahang f or states that the cash balance end of the year amounted to sr, U ‘> distributed among the fivr* tj e hft tate °Y he31st •fcSw,; 1 liabilities o; the State !,i 8-rnw u Iaie amounted So,004,66<, being an1,331 words
- Straits Echo / Article11 August 1906 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 9th August. There is nothing greatly stirring the pulses of the community here at the present time; no momentous matter of all-absorb-ing interest; no single event which stands out sufficiently alone to deserve more than passing attention. We, in common with the1,208 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article17 August 1906 - (From Our Otvn Correspondent.') Kuala Lumpur, 9th August. There is nothing greatly stirring the pulses of the community here at the present time; no momentous matter of all-absorb-ing interest; no single event which stands out sufficiently alone to deserve more than passing attention. We. in common with the1,192 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 August 1906 - ADJOINING RoADS tN SeLANGOK. j To the Editor Sir, -I am directed to invite attention to vour correspondent's remarks ou the subject 'f Native holdings with road frontage iu the Kuala Selangor aud Klang District* of Selange.r, published ia your issue of the :27th if July ultimo, iu199 words
- The Straits Budget / Article31 January 1907 - iFlUi.M Ol*K Own C'onRKMPONnKNT) Kuala Lumpur. .January 23. It has now been ruled that when an Assistant Warden or Inspector of Mines has not had an opportunity of going through the proscribed course of study at the Mining School. Camborne, Cornwall,549 words
- Straits Echo / Article14 May 1907 - Following is the Report of the Uuited Planters’ Association, F. M. S., for the year 1906:— Gentlemen, Your Committee have the honor to submit for your consideration the tenth Annual Report of the Uuited Planters’ Association, F. M. S. M EETINOS. Dining the year4,306 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article17 May 1907 - Following is I be Report of the United Planters As-.oci itioi), B M. S., foi the veal r.l MJ: Gentle.m ex, Your Committee have the honor to submit for your consideration the tenth Annual lieport of the Lui tel I 1 ante is Association,4,257 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 July 1907 - ANNUAL REPORT OF RESIDENTGENERAL Increased Revenue and Trade Returns. Judged by its revenue and by the aggregate volume of trade. WOO was ao exceptionally prosperous year for the Federated Malay States. The total revenue collected amounted to »27,223,175, being «:i,674,807 in excess of the estimate, and an1,481 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 July 1907 - EXTRACTS FROM RESIDENT’S REPORT. The revenue of Selangor collected during 1906 amounted to $9,803,184, being $1,323,965 in excess of the estimated revenue. Land and Agriculture. The demand for agricultural laud in 1906 has far exceeded all previous records in the State, and encouraging as was the advance2,053 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 July 1907 - RESIDENT-GENERAL’S ANNUAL REPORT. Continued.) Pout Dickson. With the completion of the railway to Malacca there has been a decrease in the shipping trade of the ports of the Negri Sembilan, the returns for 1906 showing 870 vessels, of an aggregate tonnage of 250,927, entered, ns compared with2,217 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article13 July 1907 - RESIDENT-GENERAL’S ANNUAL REPORT. Continued.) Natural Reproduction. I’enak is reported to have fruited well in Pahang and in Kuala Pilah district, jnerbau is also said to have fruited well in Negri Sembilan. The absence of young saplings and young trees of chengal (pcnak) is everywhere reported, and goes1,548 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 July 1907 - ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BRITISH RESIDENT. Increase of Over Million Dollars in the Revenue. The revenue of Sclangor in 1906 amounted to $9,808,184. the Hiun of 1.32!1.9C'i in excess of the estimated revenue; the expenditure was »6,414,257, being »7Vl.mkh less than the expenditure for the previous year, and1,001 words
- Straits Echo / Article15 July 1907 - RESIDENT-GENERALS ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1906. FINANCIAL 1. Judged by its revenue tlie year 1906 was an exceptionally prosperous one for tlie Federated Malay Stales, 'i’he total revenue collected amounted to 527,223.475, being $3,674,807 in eicess of the estimate and $3,258,882 in excess of the revenue of 1905.5,538 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 July 1907 - RESIDENT-GENERAL’S ANNUAL REPORT Continued.) Malay States Guides. The strength of all ranks of the Regiment on the last day of the year was 863, including 13 European Officers. The Regiment was then one sergeant under and eight privates over the authorised strength. Discipline. The discipline was very1,835 words
- Straits Echo / Article17 July 1907 - t RESIDENT-GENEHAL’S ANNUA L REPORT FOR 1905. (Continued from yesterday's issue.) Deportation. Four bundled at.d eleven persons, of whom 387 were Chinese, were deported in 1906 SeveuoftheCbiueseweredeported from Pahang as l>emg .numbers of a secret society. V)-TaaiifAKr Police. The small Veterinary Police Force, authorised iu cou' ection2,652 words
- The Straits Budget / Article18 July 1907 - The revenue of Selangor in 1906 amounted to 99.805,184, the sum of 91.525,965 in excess of the estimated revenue; the expenditure was 96,414.257, being 9771,889 less than the expenditure for the previous year, and1,015 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article19 July 1907 - Port Swettenham. 3. One thousand two hundred and thirteen vessels other than native craft, with a tonnage of 489,545 tons, entered in 1906 at Port Swettenham, and 1,214 vessels, with a tonnage of 489,666 tons, cleared from Port Swettenham during the same period. The aggregate tonnage of 979.211 tons7,309 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article19 July 1907 - KESI DEN l'-G ENERAL’S ANNUA! REPORT, FOR 1906. {Concluded fiom page 656 Deportation. Four bundled and eleven persons, o f whom 387 were Chinese, were deported in 1906 Seven of the Chinese were deported from Pahang as being members (f a secret scciety VhTERINARY POLICE. The small4,361 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article26 July 1907 - The Report of the Administration of the Mines Department, F. M. S., contains the following Alluvial Mining. As the deeper strata are being reached, the mechanical and mining engineer is finding greater scope for bis ingenuity and adopting labour-saving appliances. It is said that labour-saving appliances should have been670 words
- Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser / Article7 November 1907 - OPIUM IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. AND FEDERATED MALAY STATES. Facts Laid Before Mr. Winston Churchill. (By Dr. Connolly. Ipoh, Perak) M«. Alexandfr's Statement. Mr. Alexander presented the following statement 1. To the statement made by Dr. Connolly, who has lived for many years io the Malay Peninsula, has won the2,020 words
- The Straits Budget / Article21 November 1907 - Straits Times, November 19. Last week, in dealing with the subject of rubber production in the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, we referred to the danger of over-production and the proliable necessity of Government interference to restrict the planting of rubber. This latter suggestionStraits Times, November 19. - 1,164 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article13 April 1908 - In a lengthy leading article the Malay Mail declares that the Federated Malay States are being over-governed, that the European element is becoming too strong, and that the lot of the average Malay has not greatly improved as the result of the introduction of British rules802 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 April 1908 - ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1907. The annual report on the administration of the Forests Department in the Straits Settlements for the year 1907 has just been published by Mr. M. BurnMurdoch, Conservator of Forests, Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements. We give below some excerpts that may be1,224 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article15 April 1908 - Every day the need of a really good large topographical map of British Malaya becomes more apparent, but there is no Government department whose business it is to provide us with one. The Revenue Survey Department of the Federated Malay States at Taiping has done good1,199 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article16 April 1908 - We are glad to see m the Malay Mail an ariicle basad upon some remarks made m this journal as to the rn^ral duty of our maintenance c f the spirit of the Treaties with the Native States. Oar Kuala Lumpor contemporary, alluding to a previous article968 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 April 1908 - Malaya and Malays. CHARGES OF OVER-GOVERNMENT OF THE COUNTRY. Nee d of Secretary for Malay Affairs. ou u leading article, the Malay Mail u V to show that the Federated tX Staten are being over-governed, that l Vmoiieau element becoming too J that the lot of the average Malay ha,753 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article16 July 1908 - SIR FRANK A. SWETTENHAM, k.c.m.g. BY (Chambers Journal.) Some years ago, while discussing the prospects of British enterprise m Malaya, a friend of standing m the City of London said to me, 1 We do not want to know what to investSIR FRANK A. SWETTENHAM, k.c.m. g - 4,302 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article30 July 1908 - It is officially notified that the Federated Malay States Railway administration will assume control of the Sungei Ujong Railway on and from to-day. Mr. D. de Concencao, an old Eurasian resident of Singapore, died on Saturday night after a short illness. He was formerly employed byPerak Pioneer - 655 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article22 September 1908 - The Revenue realised during the year amounted to $10,514,654, exceeding the estimates by more than a million dollars, and the actual of the previous year by $711,470. The expenditure, on the other hand, fell short of the estimates by $1,162,780, amounted to $7,026,914, but exceeding the actual1,137 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article24 September 1908 - Quite recently a w’ell-known journalistic visitor in the person of the Hon. J. Ferguson, c M G., Senior Editor of the Ceylon Observer, wrote in extremely flattering terms of the administration and progress of the Federated Malay States Railways, especially eulogising the work of the General1,291 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article25 September 1908 - (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taipine, 21st S j pt. Official Movements and Changes. 1 ho British Resident returned from Ipoh on Saturday last. To-day he went up to Kuala Kangaar to see the High Commissioner. To-morrow His Excellency and a large party, including His Highness the Sultan, the577 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 October 1908 - TRADE RETURNS SHOW LARGE INCREASE,] British Resident's Administration Report. An excess of 5H3.381 as compared with tbe estimate, the roviii'ir of the State ot l'ahang for the year 1007 amounted to $621,425, or 929,202 less than the total for 1906, which was 56A0.717. This lattor figure is the837 words
- The Straits Budget / Article8 October 1908 - An excess of $33,881 as compared with the estimate, the revenue of the State of Pahang for the year 1907 amounted to $321,425, or $29,292 less than the total for 1906, which was $850,717. This latter figure is the828 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article12 October 1908 - RAILWAYS IN THE MALAY PENINSULA. We notice that the m a previous irtiele, and on what must have been inanffieient information, attributed tl oi the raihi g system m the M Oaj Steles altogether to Mr spoorreeta thai statement. We are •fed to bsera thai Mr -pooner has hastened m694 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 October 1908 - -(Ceylon Observer). be de lit with later on. —l A CEYLON CRITICISM. We are indebted to Mr. Spooner, C.M.0., for copies of his Administration Reports for 1906 and 1907 as General Manager of Railways in the Federated Malay States. These Reports are profusely and,-(Ceylon Observer).; be de lit with later on.—l - 777 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article15 October 1908 - We notice that the Ceylon Observer, which m a previous article, and on what nrust have been insufficient information, attributed the creation of the railway system m the Malay States altogether to Mr Spooner now carrects that statement. We are glad to observe that Mr715 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article15 October 1908 - The second annual report of the Tremelbye .Selangor* Rubber Company, shows that aiair amount of progress has been made m developing the estates during the Y^r, the expenditure having been jC 12-800, as against £9,200 m the preceding period. More funds are now required, and as the156 words
- Straits Echo / Article23 April 1909 - The abdication of the Pahang Sultan gives topical interest to the following extracts The history of Pahang is obscure, and was chiefly concerned in old days with invasions and threats from Siam, and, it iB said, Malacca. To a great extent, Pahang escaped the troubles which567 words
- Straits Echo / Article15 June 1909 - To thb Editor op tub Straits Ecu a Sir. I shall be glad if you will allow me the hospitality of your columus iu order that publicity may be Riven to the preseut system of assisted Tamil iminißration. For some time past there has been a feelini' of1,918 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article17 June 1909 - ANNUAL DINNER. The fourth annual London Dinner of the Federated M<lay States was held in the Princess Room of the Hotel Cecil on May 25, Sir William Hood Treacher, K.C M O presiding over a company numbering over 100 gentlemen. The mining and planting interests, as well7,748 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 June 1909 - THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND PLANTERS. An Estate Manager on How Nol to do it. To the Editor of tbe Strait* Times. Sir,— l bball bo glad if you will allow m c the hospitality of your columns in order that publicity may bo given to the present sy1,917 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article18 June 1909 - To the Editor of the Straits Echo, Sir, 1 shall be glad if you will allow me the hospitality of your columns in order that publicity may be given to the present system of assisted Tamil immigration. For some time past there has been a f<eling of growing1,925 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 June 1909 - Mr. .1. 11. Harrop, manager, Dunlop Estate, writes as follows:— Sir,—I shall be glad if you will allow me the hospitality of your columns in order that publicity may be given to the present1,879 words
- Straits Echo / Article15 July 1909 - Tbe Resident-General’s annual report on the Federated Malay States for the year 1908 has been published In bis previous report Sir William Taylor was able to point to a very satisfactory year’s progress, increases in revenue, in trade, and so on. Tbe eport for 1908, however,710 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 July 1909 - Recent events have clearly proved the truth of the assertion that the Indian Empire is not a good field for theoretical experiments nor for the promotion of the ideals of Western democracy. It is an Empire that needs government, which means administration with a view to1,355 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 July 1909 - A copy of the Selangor administration report for the year 1908 has reached uh and further reference will be made to it.22 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 July 1909 - Startling Increase in Number of Offences. In the course of his administration report, 1908 Mr. H. Conway Belfield, C. M. G., British Resident, Selangor, says:- The number of recorded offences against prison discipline is abnormally high. The total rose from 4,089 in 1906, with a daily average322 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 July 1909 - Tho building boom showed no signs of diminution in Rlang and Port Swettenham, pays Mr. Conway Beitield, C. M. G in his administration report on Selangor for 1008. Thirty-three new shop-houses were constructed during the year in Klang, as also a handsome block of European offices. A large103 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 July 1909 - BRITISH RESIDENT'S REPORT ON SEUNGOR. The Position During 1908. In his annual administration report, for 1908, Mr. H. Conway Belfield, C. M. G., the British Resident, Selangor, says The tin mining industry in Selangor cannot be said to have been prosperous in 1908. The price of the826 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 July 1909 - The building boom showed no signs of diminution in Klang and Port Swettenham, wyB Mr. Conway Beifield, C. M. O in his administration report on Selangor for 1908. Thirty-three new shop-houses were constructed during the year in Klang, as also a handsome block of European offices. A large103 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 July 1909 - hi« annual administration report, for J? Mr H Conway Bellield, C. M. G.,the sVS’rfi Resident, Selangor, says Tbe tin mining indnstry in belangor can--aid to have been prosperous in 1908. JSL nrice of the metal did not recover815 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 July 1909 - in the course of his administration report, 1908 Mr. H. Conway Belfield, C. M. G.. British Resident, Selangor, says:—The number of recorded offences against prison discipline is abnormally high. The total rose from 4,039 in 1900, with a daily average of321 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article4 August 1909 - There is much that is interesting, much that is instructive, and occasionally some humorous relief, in Mr. Birch’s report on the administration of Perak in 1908, further extracts from which we publish on page 2 to-day. First of all we note that the Ferak Police force1,306 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article6 August 1909 - As was to be expected, last year was not a prosperous one for the mining industry in the Federated Malay States. This was owing to the l >w price-» prevailing for tin The fff-ct on the receipts from the duties on this metal, the main source734 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 August 1909 - MR. BROCKMAN’S REPORT. The administration report of Pahang issued as a supplement to the Government Gazette, establishes a record. In the twelve pages Mr. Brockman has successfully evaded any mention of the Sultan and his Court the Malay officers of Government, penghulus, »fcc., and has only once647 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article9 September 1909 - Sept 7. The announcement that the Government is to over the administration of the Opium and Spirit Monopoly of a considerable portion of the Colony and the F.M.S. is a corollary of the Gazette Eitraordinary issued on Siturday, calling for tenders for the Penang, Perak1,086 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 September 1909 - Motoring: in Selangor. Ong Keng Swee, writes to the Malay Mail from Klang, under date, 7th iust., as follows Your concluding remarks in your editorial notes on Mr. J. S. Mason's administration report that appeared in your journal of August 31, are uot only most appropriate, but characteristic of the487 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article6 January 1910 - From Berlin we have received for review a book by Dr. Wilhelm Wolff entitled Im Malaiischen Urwald und Zinngebirge In Malay Forests and Tin-fields which we have read with mu«h interest and no little amusement. Dr. Wolff, it should be explained, is a German mining expert925 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 February 1910 - Production Prospect*. The New Year has brought some blight hopes the tin industry would receive I a fillip. Signs are forthcoming that a number of European flotations are in contemplation which means that capital is being introduced but whether such companies will pass over the development ataue is1,243 words
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article12 March 1910 - A little more than two years ago we published a short account of the Malayan plant, Combretum Sundaicum, which was being put forward as a cure for the opium habit. Inquiries which continue to reach us with regard to this drug indicate that up to the704- Straits Echo / Article6 July 1910 - Repat rial inn of Chinese Labiur Disrugfted. A general meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya was held at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday morning. l ln the alieence of Mr. C. M. Cumming, Mr. J. Gibson was voted to the chair. The fol- j2,146 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article8 July 1910 - —Jf. M Hepatriali<» n of Chinese Labour n Discussed. a general meeting of the Planters' Asso--iation of Malaya was held at the Masonic iTu Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday morning, lithe absence of Mr. C. M. Cumming, Mr. T Gibson was voted to the chair. The folowimr delegates were present—Jf. M - 2,096 words
- The Straits Times / Article23 July 1910 - GENERAL DESIRE OF NATIVES TO SHARE IN CULTIVATION Eagerness Outrunning Discretion, In bis administration report on Selangor for 1909, Mr. H. Conway Belfield, C. M. G the British Resident, makes Rome useful oomments on tbe rubber industry. He says: As this report is being prepared at a563 words
- Straits Echo / Article25 July 1910 - The following is clipped from Mr. Belfield’B Administration Report, 1909. i As this report is being prepared at a time when the attention of the press and I the public in most parts of the world is riveted upon the progress of the rubber industry and when777 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 July 1910 - In bin administration report on Selangor for 1000, Mr. H. Conway Belfield, C. M. G the British Resident, makes some useful comments on the rubber industry. He says:— As this report is being prepared at a532 words
- Straits Echo / Article5 August 1910 - (Continued from yesterday s issue.) On revenue account, the principal items are: relaving with 80-lb. Rails, $/20,309. The sections relaid were I poll to Padang Rengas, Prai to 12th mile, and Sungei Besi to Kajang (completion), the total length lieing 155 miles 68 chains. Other items were:2,310 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 August 1910 - RAILWAY FEEDERS. Mr. A. E. Meaden, A. M. I. Meeh. E., -contributes the following interesting article to The Commercial Motor Until the advent of the rubber boom, the inau in the street had probably concerned himself but little with the internal economy of the Malay1,904 words
- Straits Echo / Article9 August 1910 - Mr. O. F. Stonor, the District Officer at Batang Padang, has put in for leave and will be going Home shortly. It is not certain yet who will replace him. Of Mr. Stonor the Resident says, in his annual report, that he brought with him to293 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article11 August 1910 - (Conf inued from pifjc, 653.) XXIII. -Public Works The total expenditure on Public Works, including establishments, in 1909 amounted to $6,797,402, distributed as follows: Federal 629,341 Perak 2,166,599 Selangor 2,052,426 Negri Sembilan 993,646 Pahang 955,390 Total $6,797,402 The expenditure is less than in 1908 by $1,098,809, and4,124 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article11 August 1910 - —P. P. Mr. 0. F. Stonor, the District Officer at Batang Padang, has put in for leave and will be going Home shortly. 11 is not certain yet who will replace him. Of Mr. Stonor the Resident says, in his annual report, that he brought with—P. P. - 295 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration23 August 1910 - The Singapore Free Press. Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1910. Though the yeir* are since the Colony parted with i 1 ,red of parental responsibility for the ti uncial backiDg of the N ttive States that marked by Selangor taking over this Colony's liabilities for the advances mule to the P*h ing942 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 August 1910 - The death of Capt. Speedy, recalls an interesting chapter m the history of what are now the Federated Malay States. Capt. Speedy came to the Straits with the Crown Prince of Abyssinia m 1870. He was Police Superintendent at Penang for a time, and then went to Perak638 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article1 September 1910 - The death of Capt. Speedy, recalls an interesting chapter m the history of what are now the Federated Malay States. Capt Speedy came to the Straitß with the Crown Prince of Abyssinia m 87 >. He was Police Superntendent at Penang for a time, and then went toMalay Mail - 650 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article20 October 1910 - Col. Walker, c.M.G., has been granted pension of £7OO per annum. Mr. J. Gorman, State Engineer, Kedah will be going on leave in January next Mr. Feeney has been appointed Chief Inspector of the Kelantan Police Department. Mr. A. Mustard, of Kapar, i 3 leaving f or806 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 November 1910 - BUSINESS OF THE LAST SITTING YESTERDAY. Mr. Birch's Retirement. (From Ode Own Correspondent.) Kuala Kangsar. November S. There was no sitting of tbe Federal Connoil yesterday morning, bat business was resumed in the afternoon, the work of tbe session then being completed. Tbe following enactments were finally passed539 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 November 1910 - Kuala KangHar, November 5. There was no sitting of the Federal Council yesterday morning, but business was resumed in the afternoon, the work of the session then being completed. The following e lactments were finally passed without further cowmeutThe533 words
- The Straits Times / Article31 December 1910 - The Straits Times. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 81. RING OUT THE OLD! What of the year that throbs towards its Olose as these pages go to press I Has it been a period of progress and prosperity on which we can look back with joy and satisfaction Have we progressed or retrograded5,800 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article1 February 1911 - LETTER FROM SIR FRANK SWETTEXrfAM. To the Bditob of thb Malat M SIR I address you because the Malay II is the only newspaper m which I have seen what purports to be a full account of the proceedings of the Federal Council, held at Kuala Kangsar on1,947 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 February 1911 - SIR FRANK SWETTENHAM ON FUSION. The following letter dated London January 6, 1911, has been a idressed by Sir Frank Swettenhain to the editor of the Malay Mail I address you because the Malay Mail is the only newspaper in which I have seen what purports1,937 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article3 February 1911 - Letter from Sir I hank Swettenham. Sir Frank Swettenham sent the following letter, dated January 6, to the Editor of the Malay Mail: I address you because the Malay Mad is the only newspaper in which I have seen what purports to be a full {recount of the1,897 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article1 July 1911 - Malaria and Quinink Distribution. The Selangor Administration report for 1910 contains as a supplement the medical report for the F.M.S. This gives drainage and reclamation expenditure to check malaria in this State. The sum of $21,127 was spent in Kuala Lumpur, and $19,000 appears for dealing with563 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 July 1911 - CHAIRMAN ON LOW CAPITAL COST PER ACRE. The Labour Outlook. The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of tho Federated (Selangor) liubber Company. Limited, was held on June 29, at the office of the company, Mr. H. K. Kuthcrford (chair.nan of the company) presiding. The Cliainnan said Iv a1,594 words
- The Straits Budget / Article27 July 1911 - The sixth annual ordinary general mooting of the Federated Rubber Company, Limited, was held on June 29, at the office of the company, Mr. H. K. Rutherford (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said In a small1,568 words
- Straits Echo / Article31 July 1911 - CHAIRMAN ON LOW CAPITAL COST PER ACRE. The Labour Outlook. The sixth annual ordinary general meeting of the Federated (Selangor) Rublier Company, Limited, was held on June 29, at the office of the company, Mr. H K. Rutherford (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said In a1,563 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 August 1911 - members of our committee.— Blackburn Times. A LADY’S IMPRESSIONS. Mrs. Edward Cooper, of Braeside.” j who has been living in the Federated Malay States with her married daughter 3 for some months past, writing to Mrs. Cunliffe, joint secretary with Mrs. Gifford of the Blackburn Women’s Liberalmembers of our committee.—Blackburn Times. - 2,209 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 September 1911 - THE MONUMENTAL RESULT OF ANGLO-CHINESE CO OPERATION. The Financier of August 23, has the following To a very considerable extent the railway system of the Federated Malay States owes its existence to Sir Frank Swettenham, the ex-High Commissioner, who has carved for himself a reputation for constructive statesmanship1,887 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article12 April 1912 - LECTURE BY SIR ERNEST BIRCH. The following is the conclusion of the paper on the Federated Malay States read by Sir Ernest Birch at the meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute, London, on March 12:— Labour. On the estates of the Federated Malay States —chiefly, of4,969 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article17 April 1912 - hi referring recently to Mr LaiuDard'd attack on Sir John audecson's adminUtration Mid the question of fche large i irpluaea of the F. M. s. it was suggested m this column that the administration and D of Malayan life was b\ no *nplet« M >et as1,817 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 May 1912 - ADMINISTRATION OF F.M.S. AGAIN DISCUSSED. Mr. Lampard on Export Tax. The fourth annual general meeting of the London Asiatic Hubber and Produce Company, Limited, was held on April 25, at the Loudjn Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Arthur Lampard (chairman of the company) presiding.3,712 words
- The Straits Budget / Article23 May 1912 - The fourth annual general mooting of the London Asiatic It libber and Produce Company, Limited, was held on April 25, at the Loudon Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. Arthur Lampai d (chairman of tho3,878 words
Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 May 1912 - INTERVIEW WITH Mb. A. LAMPARD. In our last week’s issue, says The India Rubber Journal of April 27, we drew attention to the high costs of productions on many prominent Malayan estates, and the various taxes imposed by the Government of the Federated Malay States. We also1,690 words- ords
- The Straits Budget / Article1 August 1912 - Itroadrick, tho acting British ,r t administration report on Ik*" 1 |i)i| Havs the revenue collected vear’amounted to M2,MO,OH, <B ,in ‘..excess of $3, 307.9.77 over the b,WI, V« rntl an increase of $.1.031,200 over receipts of 1010. The818 words
- The Straits Budget / Article1 August 1912 - The following remarks of the Senior Medical Otlicer ou this subject of Auti-Malaria woiks are taken from the Selangor Administration Report IUII, and are of general in terest: As a good deal of public interest has been aroused in894 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article10 August 1912 - The Negri Sembilan administration report for the year 1911 is very interesting and most satisfactory reading. Sembilan means nine, Negri means States, and as Mr. Harrison informs us in that capital book of his, the illustrated guide to the Federated Malay States, the name recalls the1,173 words
- Straits Echo / Article4 September 1912 - la Liu administration Report on Perak, Mr. Oliver Marks says: 1. —Financial. The revenue for the year 1911 amounted to $19,081,190. It exceeded that of the previous year by $1,801,391 aud was t 4 72.896 in excess of the estimate. The revenue amounted to $6,009,995 more than1,603 words
- The Straits Budget / Article5 September 1912 - The report on tho administration of Perak lull, prepared by Mr. O. Marks, acting i'ritidi Resident, and attached to the F.M.8. rovernnient Gazette as a supplement, is a rv detailed record of affairs iu tho State, nliiiily statistical,1,705 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 September 1912 - NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Standardisation of Bodies. Advorting to some criticism of the attempt to bring about such a standardisation of chassis and engines as would enable all the principal builders to turn out their chassis with something liks tbo Waterbury watch regularity and continuity885 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article22 October 1912 - There are many misconceptions, says the Malay Mail, floating about in the public mind concerning the Treasury surplus of the Federated Malay States. Imperialist writing to us the other day suggested that the accumulation of surpluses each year has become an obsession of the Administration,688 words
- Straits Echo / Article18 November 1912 - j v na j a Lumpur, Wednesday, 13th Nov. ■flu* mo ;nmn opus to-d»y was the Gaming Td End Gambling. It was introduced by the Chief Secretary, i jjg clauses were explamod by Mr. F. Slfield, Legal Adviser, after which each f the unofficial members spoke. Mr.4,270 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 November 1912 - EQUIPMENT, WORKSHOPS, AND MACHINERY. f The American Commercial Agent/Mr. D. C. Alexander, jun., has sent home an interesting report on the Federated Malay States Railways which will not be without interest in engineering circles. He states The Federated Malay States Railways, now one unified system controlled2,297 words
- The Straits Budget / Article28 November 1912 - The Nippon Yusen Kaisha, which purchased a new Hteanier in May of this >' ,l 1 has now, says the Japan Daily Herald, «e cided to buy another steamer from a certain shipbuilding yard in Kurland. Ibe steaiun is a sister ship to that purchased m .May,4,705 words
- Straits Echo / Article2 December 1912 - AMERICAN COMMERCIAL AGENT’S REPORT. Eqvipmkvt, Workshops aud Machinery. Mr. D. C. Alexander, Junr., American commercial agent, has sent to America the following report on the F.M.3. Railways which will bo read with interest, particularly in Engineering circles The Malay States Railways, uow one uuified systora controlled by the2,338 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 May 1913 - WARDEN’S ANNUAL REPORT. The report on the administration of the Mines Department and on the mining industries of the F.M.S. for 1912, by Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, Senior Warden of Mines appears as a supplement to the current isssue of the F.M.S. Government Gazelle. The following1,216 words
- Straits Echo / Article17 May 1913 - With the priuting m the Official Gazette of the report on the administration of the Mines Department and on the Mining Industries for the year 1912, over the signature of Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, Senior Warden of Mines, F. M. S the1,072 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 May 1913 - WARDEN’S ANNUAL REPORT. The report on the administration of the Mmes Department and on the mining industries of th*» F.M.B. for 1912, by Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, Senior Warden of Mines, appears as a supplement to the current isssue of the F. M.S. Government Gazette. The990 words
- The Straits Times / Article20 May 1913 - The Straits Times. TUESDAY, MAY 20. MINING IN MALAYA. Another significant note in the chord of harmonious progress throughout British Malaya vibrates from a perusal of the report on the administration of the Mines Department and on the mining industries of the F.M.S. for the past year. It is embodied1,174 words
- Straits Echo / Article26 May 1913 - I ijver the signature of Mr. A. B. \oules, lnspector of Prisons, F. M. S., the annual report on the prisons for the year 1912 > appears as a supplement to the current j) F. M. S. Government Gazettt. Like all the2,162 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article30 May 1913 - Over the signature of Mr. A. B. Voules’ Inspector of Prisons, F. M. S. t the annual report on the prisons for the year 1912 appears as a supplement to the current P. M. .8. Government Gazette. Like all the official reports1,423 words
- Straits Echo / Article8 July 1913 - The following extracts in from the »wnn»l report on the Labour Department of the F. M. S. for the year 1912 which sp> pears in the F. Jf. 8 Gor*r*m**ni Gazette over the signature of Mr. J. Roaedworth: Imdias Immioratiok. The total number of immigrants that2,457 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 July 1913 - MEETINGS AT K. KANGSAR. IPOH HOSPITAL QUESTION. NEW TELEGRAPHS S TELEPHONES SYSTEM. [From Our Special Correspondent.] NEW ENACTMENTS: MALAY RESERVATIONS. Kuala Kangsar, July 9. The Federal Council this morning considered the new enactments. Mr. Belfield, in introducing the Malay Reservation Enactment, said the measure was for the protection4,277 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article11 July 1913 - T O TH« EDITOR OF THE “STRAITS ECHO.” Dear Sir, I understand that, in order to obtain a m ore general expression of the community’s views, a number of gentlemen interested in and conversant with the Port’s affairs have been invited to meet and confer with the1,995 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article11 July 1913 - The following extracts are from the annual report on the Labour Department of the F. M. 8. for the year 1912 which appeire in the F. M. 8. Government Gazette over the signature of Mr. J. Roaedworth Indian Immigration. The total number of immigrants that arrived2,397 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 July 1913 - ANNUAL REPORT. Mr. A. M. Burn Murdoch, Conservator of Forests in the F. M. S., in his report on forest administration for 1912 says fourteen additional reserves were constituted and finally gazetted during the year, the net addition to the reserved area being 31,072 acres, about655 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 July 1913 - FIGURES FOR 1912. The report upon the working of the F.M.S. Trade and Customs Departments during last year appears as a supplement to the F.M.S. Gazette of 18th July above the signature of Mr. W. J. P. Hume, Commissioner of Trade and Customs. AGaRBQATB. The aggregate2,438 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 July 1913 - REVIEW OF THE YEAR. In his report for 1912, Mr. P. A. Anthony, General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways, says the past year has been of unusud importance in the history of Railway development in the Peninsula, the Johore State Railway and the Singapore Government Railway1,382 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 July 1913 - . Dividend Maintained Future of The Industry. The tighth annual ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Federated Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, was held on June 26, at the offices of the company, 20, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. H. K. Rutherford (chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Doubtless you will1,428 words
- The Straits Budget / Article31 July 1913 - they are at the present moment. —Straits Times July 24. It is only when the annual record of the Conservator of Forests in the Federated Malay States apjiears in print that the general public is able to estimate the extent of that department of Governmentthey are at the present moment.—Straits Times July 24. - 1,008 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article1 August 1913 - It is only when tbe annual record of the Conservator of Forests in the Federated Malay states appears in print that the general public is able to estimate the extent of that department of Government work and to gain an idea of the1,017 words
- The Straits Times / Article6 August 1913 - The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6. A PROTEST. There are one or two evils that we never hope to see abolished, and the painful but universal system of distributing largesse without showing cause is one of them. Even the fact that the subject has just been discussed at a conference2,074 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 August 1913 - In his administration report for the year 1912, Mr. E. O. Broad rick, Britixh Kexiduut, Selangor, says thete were 20,767 reports of offences made as against 14,901 in 1911, a notable increase. Discoveries were effected in 18,898 cases. Seven thousand six hundred and seventy-five cases were referred138 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 August 1913 - CONTINUED PROSPERITY OF THE STATE. British Resident's Report. Mr. E. O. Broadrick, the British Resident, signs the annual administration report on the State of Selangor for the year 1912, which is dated from Koala Lumpnr on June 8. From it we gather that the revenue collected daring1,071 words
- Straits Echo / Article20 August 1913 - Co»l »«i Prosperity of the State. British Resident's He port Mr. E. G. Broad rick, the British Resident, signs the annual administration report on the State of elangor for the jear 1912, which is dated from Kual Lumpur on June 3. From it wo gather that the1,036 words
- The Straits Budget / Article21 August 1913 - In hia administration report for the year 1912, Mr. E. G. Broadrick, British Resident, Selangor, says there were 20,757 reports of offences made as against 14,991 in 1911, a notable increase. Discoveries were effected in 18,898 cases. Seven thousand six hundred and seventy-five cases were referred to134 words
- The Straits Budget / Article21 August 1913 - Mr. E. G. Broadrick, tbo British Resident, 8 ij»n« the annual administration report on the State of Selaugor for the year 191*2, which is dated from Kuala Lumpur on Juno 3. From it wo gather that the revenue collected1,067 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article22 August 1913 - CoaLftued Prosperity of the State. British Resident’s Report. Mr. E. G. Broadrick, the British Resident, sign® the annual administration report on the State of elangor for the year 1912, which is dated from Kual t Lumpur on June 3. From it we gather that the revenue collected1,285 words
- Straits Echo / Article26 August 1913 - The Malay Mail was rather derided when, more than a year ago, it announce! the presence of locust swarms in the F.M.S., and uttered words of warning as to the possible damage which would be inflicted on plantations and padi lands if steps were not taken to deal with923 words
- Straits Echo / Article3 September 1913 - While iu one portion of the report of the F.M S. Director of Agriculture, just issued as a supplement to the Government Gaiette it is definitely stated that the Department is fully alive to the seriousness of the danger from tin locust pest, a general impression1,527 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article5 September 1913 - While in one portion of the report of th? F.M S. Director of Agriculture, just issued as a supp einent to the Government Gazette, it is definitely stated that the Department is fully alive to the seriousness of the danger from the locust p st,1,241 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 September 1913 - Commerce. SIAM’S ADVANTAGE OVER THE F.M.8.” C.” writes on the Ist inst. to the Editor of the Siam Observer:—Dear Sir., Kindly allow me space for a few remarks in reply to the letter written by Coconut planter for 30 years in yoar issue of July 30, [and reproduced. Commerce. - 1,989 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article25 September 1913 - —JfJf, defence of the gift. SIR BROCKMAN’S REPORT. The following is extracted frou. he Chief Secretary’s annual report for 191 2 At a meeting of the Federal Council held on the 12th November, 1912, at Kuala Lumpur, a resolution was passed approving of the offer of a first-class—JfJf, - 2,543 words
- Straits Echo / Article25 September 1913 - COMPARISON BETWEEN MINING AND AGRICULTURE. The Shipping Combine. Sir Edward Brockman, the Chief Secretary of the F. M. S. t write* as follows in his annual report for 1912: Comparison: Mining and Agriculture. It was suggested that statistics might be prepared showing the amount of revenue contributed1,846 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article26 September 1913 - OfilKF SECRETARY’S REPOBT. SOME INTERESTING FEATURES. Wo havp already made some extracts from the report just issued by the Chief Secretary, F.M.S., Sir Edward Brockman, K.c.M.Q. Below we give further quotFinan qua. The mcrsase in the revenae of the Federated Malay States for 1913 as «ompared1,952 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article26 September 1913 - COMPARISON BETWEEN MINING AND AGRICULTURE. THE SHIPPING COMBINE. Sir Edward Brockman, the Chief Secretary of the F. M. S., writes as follows in his annual report for 1912 Comparison: Mining and Agriculture. It was suggested that statistics might be prepared showing the amount of revenue contributed by1,828 words
- Straits Echo / Article17 October 1913 - Mr. H. N Ferrers is no irresponsible new arrival full of windy theories unsuited to local conditions, but a lawyer with a large practice iu Kuala Lumpur who has been a good many years in Malaya and has resided in other places in the Far East as well.1,273 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article24 October 1913 - Mr. H. N. Ferrers is no irresponsible new arrival full of windy theories unsuited to local conditions, but a lawyer with a large practice in Kuala Lumpur who has been a good many years in Malaya and has resided in other places in the Far East as well.1,481 words
- Straits Echo / Article5 December 1913 - In the press report of proceedings at the recent meeting of the Federal Council at Kuala Lumpur one unofficial member is said to hare spoken to this effect:— He understood it had been the custom for some years for papers connected with the F.Al. S.1,207 words
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