Ahad, 5 Jun 2011

Buku teks sekolah dulu-dulu

Sistem pendidikan di Malaysia sememangnya berkembang pesat..Sejak dahulu lagi kesedaran menuntut ilmu ini tinggi,cuma kita dibatasi kemiskinan materialisme dan kesedaran kita terhadap dasar-dasar penjajah British. Di bawah ini beberapa contoh buku teks yang digunakan secara meluas sejak sebelum merdeka sehingga zaman persekolahan saya dulu.
School text book in Malay Jawi from 1935
Title: Takbir Kehidupan
Language: Malay
Designer: nil
Type of Graphic: Book Cover
Printer: nil
Publisher: nil
Date: 1935
Dimensions: nil
Technique: nil
School text book in Malay Jawi from 1939
Title: Hidayat Yang Pertama
Language: Malay
Designer: nil
Type of Graphic: Book Cover
Printer: nil
Publisher: nil
Date: 1939
Dimensions: nil
Technique: nil
Haji’s Book of Malayan Nursery Rhymes by A.W Hamilton. 

Book of nursery rhymes – offered in Malay and English.

  Illustrations with wonderful color and b&w’s by Nora Hamerton

 and with musical notation for songs by H.A. Courtney.

Title: Haji’s Book of Malayan Nursery Rhymes
Language: English & Malay
Illustrator: Nora Hamerton
Type of Graphic: Book Cover
Printer: nil
Publisher: Sydney: Australasian Pub. Co. 
Date: 1947
Dimensions: nil
Technique: nil

1952 “New Method Malayan Readers“, an English text book for Standard 3 students. 
During the Japanese occupation in Malaya, a set of the New Method Readers was smuggled,
 by underground channels, into the Singapore (Changi Prison) Internment Camp
 and was used surreptitiously in the Camp school. This new series, The New Malayan Readers
 has been prepared as a result of the work done.
(Text taken from preface of the book)
Title: New Method Malayan Readers

Language: English
Illustrator: nil
Type of Graphic: Text Book
Printer: Robert Maclehose and Co Ltd, Great Britain
Publisher: Longmans
Date: 1952 (New Impression)
Dimensions: 122mm x 183mm
Technique: nil

Title: Modern Teaching Atlas for Malayan Schools

Language: English
Designer/Painter: nil
Type of Graphic: Book
Client: nil
Publisher: A. Wheaton & Co.
Printer: nil
Date: 1957
Dimensions: 10.9″ X 8.6″

Technique: nil

1961 School Text book  “Tunas Bahasa Kebangsaan“, a Malay language subject 

for Tamil and Chinese students in the primary level.
Title: Tunas Bahasa Kebangsaan

Language: English
Illustrator: nil
Type of Graphic: Text Book
Printer: Shing Loong Press Ltd, Singapore
Publisher: Southern Publishing Co, Ipoh
Date: 1961 (Second Edition)
Dimensions: 156mm x 200mm
Technique: nil

1964 Standard Three school text book on “Structural Modern English“,
 a revised edition of the former “Modern English Course”.

Title: Structural Modern English
Language: English
 Illustrator: nil
 Type of Graphic: Text Book
 Printer: Central Printing Co, Kuala Lumpur
 Publisher: Times Educational Company
Date: 1964
 Dimensions: 170mm x 190mm
 Technique: nil

Buku Teks 1973

1 ulasan:

  1. Saya menghargai usaha Tuan/Puan menyimpan buku-buku yang amat tinggi nilainya bagi seseorang yang mengharungi sejarah kehidupan tersendiri dimasa silam. Dimana saya boleh mendapatkan buku-buku tersebut.


Sejarah Menarik Perkhidmatan Telegraf dan Telefon Di Klang

Salam buat Semua. Semoga kita semua berada dalam lindungan Rahmat dan Hidayah Allah SWT. Bertemu lagi kita di sini. Atok dan Wan serta sekel...