Rabu, 20 November 2013

Pasar Basah Klang/ Klang Wet Market

Salam. Jumpa lagi kita dalam blog aku ini. Nampaknya korang dah mula menunjukkan minat terhadap sejarah. Tahniah, kerana hanya apabila kita mengambil iktibar daripada apa yang telah berlaku, maka kehidupan kita hari ini dan hari-hari mendatang akan lebih bermakna. Kerana apa? Kerana kita dah ambil teladan benda-benda atau peristiwa yang baik-baik dan kita jadikan sempadan hal atau peristiwa yang membawa keburukan dalam hidup ini. Yang terbaik, ikutlah perjalanan hidup junjungan besar kita Saidina Muhammad Rasulullah (saw), nabi dan rasul akhir zaman ,agar kita tidak tersesat atau disesatkan  oleh syaitan-syaitan berupa manusia mahupun jin. 

Sesungguhnya, segala takdir itu adalah ketentuan daripada Allah swt. Memang kita pernah dijajah, tunduk kepada kemahuan bangsa-bangsa keparat, Inggeris dan Jepun, tetapi kehidupan harus diteruskan. Sememangnya ada hikmah di sebalik penjajahan ini. Sultan kini sedar baginda hanyalah boneka atau kuda kayu Residen Inggeris, dengan cuma menerima elaun sebanyak 2,000 pound sterling setahun. Baginda hanya wujud di khalayak ramai dalam upacara-upacara rasmi kerajaan  dan keagamaan serta adat istiadat Melayu sahaja. Rakyat lebih mengenali pengurus-pengurus estet, pendaftar di pejabat tanah, Pegawai Daerah, OCPD di balai polis daerah yang semestinya berbangsa Inggeris daripada Orang Besar Daerah yang menjadi wakil sultan di setiap daerah. Keturunan diraja tiada keistimewaannya lagi. Mereka  kini setaraf dengan orang lain, tiada beza. Cuma panggilan Engku, dan patik sekadar panggilan hormat terhadap golongan bangsawan ini suatu masa dahulu. Realitinya, yang berkuasa Inggeris, bukan Sultan.

Tapi ada baiknya juga penjajahan ini. Tiada lagi hamba tebusan yang menjadi amalan biasa golongan diraja ini. Segala harta khazanah negeri kini milik rakyat, bukan lagi milik sultan. Pembangunan di sana sini. Walaupun Inggeris itu penyamun, dan sememangnya rakyat sendiri mengerti, kehidupan rakyat semakin baik. Melayu dulu yang penuh kepercayaan tahyul dan tolol kini menjadi Melayu moden yang berilmu serta mengikut peredaran peradaban manusia zamannya. Negeri diurustadbir sebaiknya oleh Inggeris. Walaupun ada yang akan berkata, umpama keluar mulut harimau, masuk mulut buaya, rakyat tidak rugi apa-apa kerana sebelum ini pun mereka tidak pernah memiliki apa-apa kekayaan negeri pun. Hanya kehidupan kais pagi makan pagi,kais petang makan petang, sebelum mata terpejam ,menyahut seruan Ilahi. 
Wow, panjang juga intro aku kali ini.  Maaf, aku tidak berniat nak 'sekolahkan' korang semula. Maklumlah aku dah terbiasa begitu di sekolah kerana aku seorang guru@pendidik.Hihihi...jangan marah.

Kali ini aku nak bawa korang mengimbas kembali suasana di Klang sekitar 1970-an dan awal 1980-an. Klang dan Telok memang tak dapat dipisahkan. ibarat irama dengan lagu. Sememangnya TPG di bawah lingkungan pengaruh Klang. Ramai orang Telok bekerja dan bersekolah di Klang atau Port Klang. Ramai  juga yang mencari barang keperluan harian atau bulanan mereka di Klang. Bahkan di Klanglah mereka berhibur. Dengan jarak hanya 10 batu (16 km),Telok sebahagian daripada Klang walaupun terletak dalam daerah yang berbeza. Satu mercu tanda Klang yang kini tiada lagi ialah Pasar Besar. Terletak tidak jauh dari tebing Sungai Klang, kedudukannya sememangnya strategik kerana betul-betul di tengah-tengah aktiviti ekonomi Klang masa itu. Secara tepatnya, lokasi pasar besar ini di tebing Klang Utara, berhampiran Pasar Jawa dan Emporium Makan. Sekarang pasar ini dah tak wujud lagi. Pasar borong Klang sekarang dah dipindahkan ke Jalan Meru, sebelah Klang Parade. Bila? Korang tanyalah sama itu MPK.
Aku tahu pasar ini dah lama wujud kerana Klang sudah ada sebelum kedatangan British lagi. Cuma aku nak fokuskan ketika zaman Inggeris tadbir Klang sahaja kerana ada data-data sejarahnya. Sebagaimana di bandar-bandar besar seperti di Taiping, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban dan sebagainya,ketika era kolonial dulu, lokasi pasar telah dirancang dalam pelan induk pembangunan Klang. Bahkan rekabentuknya hampir sama. Ketika aku melayari internet aku bertembung gambar-gambar pasar yang terletak di Taiping dan Ipoh. Itulah juga wajah pasar Klang ketika aku kecil-kecil dahulu. Hampir sebiji! Pasr ini terdiri daripada 2 blok bangunan, satu blok sayur sahaja, lagi satu pulak blok ikan dan daging. Pasar babi memang diasingkan. Masih dalam satu bagunan tetapi berkepung. Bukanlah emak abah aku setiap hari ke sini untuk beli lauk harian, cuma kalau keluarga aku merancang untuk buat kenduri tahlil atau kesyukuran semestinya kami berbelanja di sini kerana lebih murah dan banyak pilihan. 
 Kemudian aku terjumpa pulak senarai harga barangan pasar dalam  warta rasmi kerajaan, The FMS Government Gazette tahun 1916 dan 1925. Lagilah aku teruja untuk buat perbandingan harga dengan harga semasa kita, iaitu tahun 2008 dan yang terkini 2013. cuma korang belek-belek dokumen-dokumen  di bawah. Murah betul taraf hidup dulu-dulu.  Tapi korang mesti ingat, nak cari duit bukan senang. Diorang dulu kerja kampung jer..setakat sayur dan ikan boleh petik dan pancing sendiri. Rumah tak payah bersewa.Tak macam sekarang kerja berlambak-lambak tapi semua kena bayar, sampai masuk jamban pun kena 30 sen. Adoyai.....

Untuk maklumat korang yang tak familiar dengan beberapa unit ukuran dan timbangan masa itu, di sini aku 'sekolahkan' korang sikit. Hehehe...

1 pikul= 100 kati
1 kati=600 gram
1 lb.(pound)= 500 gram
1 ela= 0.91 meter

Yang lain tu, lu pikirlah sendiri.HAHAHA..Oklah, sampai kat sini sahaja pertemuan kita, jumpa lagi lain kali, insyaAllah.
Pasar Basar Klang

 Bandingkan pula dengan harga sekarang 2008
 dan 2013

Indeks Halaman Utama

Isnin, 18 November 2013

Pelabuhan Klang: Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya...(In English)

Brief notes on Port Swettenham 
Starting out as a small coastal port, Port Klang (then Port Swettenham) was officially opened to traffic on 15th September 1901. From its inception, it had always been earmarked as the Federated Malay States’ main port, and has remained true to its mandate ever since.
On the railway beyond Klang is Port Swettenham, a world-port, with a steam tonnage of more than a million a year and an annual trade of some twelve-and-a-half millions sterling. It lies at the landward end of an estuary in which meet the Klang and Langat rivers,and dates from the year 1901 only. The construction of it having been determined it was necessary first of all to provide some dry land, for the whole site was a tidal flat covered with mangrove growing in mud and salt water. The railway which formerly ended at Klang was therefore prolonged to the mouth of the Klang river and thousands of truck-loads of earth dumped along the sea front. At the same time a passenger jetty and three wharves to carry railway trucks were built. The jetty is on screw piles , but the wharves rest on large cylinders driven down into the mud, the deepest going 132 feet. The port, both during construction and afterwards, proved shockingly unhealthy. Malarial fever was rife and contrary to expectation grew worse steadily. Luckily it was just at this time that Governments all over the world were beginning to put into practice the conclusions of science in relation to malaria, and it was determined by the Selangor Government to put a bund or dyke all round the site, which should keep out the sea water, and to provide gates in it to drain off the rain water. As soon as the site became dry, malaria absolutely ceased, the anopheles mosquitoes, which had bred in myriads in the swamp, even in the brackish
pools of mingled sea and rain water, being dried out.This was a most notable achievement, and has now
become a classical instance of what can be done. It was felt all over the medical world, for the work had
been deliberately undertaken with a definite object, and its progress, with its concurrent effects, was kept
under observation until the expected result was reached. Yellow fever was driven out of Flavana much about the same time, and the Panama Canal zone has been freed from malaria by draining and filling operations similar to those undertaken at Port Swettenham.
  Sekalung budi kepada pemilik gambar-gambar ini. Terima kasih.



Today, Port Klang is the top 13th container port in the world, with links to more than 600 ports in 180 countries over 6 continents.A well-developed and efficient transportation infrastructure is in place to handle the volume of cargo traffic at Port Klang.
By Road
The North-South Expressway runs from Bukit Kayu Hitam at the Malaysia-Thai border to the Johor Causeway in the south, covering a distance of 900 kilometres. This Expressway along the western side of the Peninula together with the Klang Valley Expressway and the Federal Highway Route 2, play an important role in the distribution of both import and export cargo between Port Klang and its hinterland.

By Rail
Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), the corporatised railway company, operates a daily block train service from Port Klang to Penang and Bangkok. There is also a 6-day-a-week rail service between the Ipoh Cargo Terminal (an inland port in the northern state of Perak) and Port Klang.

By Air
The new Kuala Lumpur International Airport commenced operations in late 1998. It is located about 75 km away in Sepang, which is part of an area designated for the Multimedia Supercorridor, Malaysia’s answer to Silicon Valley.
Port Facilities
1. Berth
Dry Bulk71,561
2. Storage
s.q. meters
Transit Shed
Covered Storage
Open Yard
CFS Facilities
Container Yard (hectare)
3. Equipment
Quay Crane60
Rubber Tyred Gantry163
Mobile Crane8
Cranes (on rails)5
T-Rex Crane1
Towing Tractor11
Straddle Carrier52
High Stacker33
Prime Mover424
Cargo Trailer60
Container Trailer7
Pilot Boat10
Tug Bot13

The Future
Port Klang Authority has identified additional facilities as part of its supply-driven policies. When Westport is completed, the facilities at Port Klang will be sufficient to handle the projected cargo throughput 130.5 million tonnes by the year 2010. Container projection by then will be 8.4 million TEUs. As part of the master plan, the development of Port Klang will also see further expansion of port facilities south of Port Klang between Tanjung Rhu and Batu Laut (30 km from Port Klang). The major thrust of these developments will be more industrial based dealing with very large consignments. Port Klang's development is in line with the economic growth in the central region of the country and also its identity as a regional transshipment base.

15 Sept 1901                 Port Swettenham officially opened to traffic.
1903    Amalgamation of Perak and Selangor State Railways to form FMS Railways, owner manager of Port Swettenham
10 April 1911 Formation of Port Swettenham Advisory Board.
Airport and seaplane facilities operational in Port Swettenham.
1 April  1946                           Formation of Marine Department.
1952  Port division created in KTM.
1 August 1953 Port Swettenham Board replaces Port Swettenham Advisory Board.
1955   Port throughput hits 1 million tonnes.
January 1960 Contract for North Klang Straits (NKS) wharves signed.
May 1963 NKS wharves opened
1 July 1963 Port Swettenham Authority (PSA) formed, marking the port’s separation from Malayan Railways.
2 January 1964 PSA takes over NKS wharves
May 1964 PSA HQ building construction completed.
1967 NKS wharves renamed North Port.
12 January 1972 Port Swettenham renamed Port Klang.
July 1972 PSA renamed to Port Klang Authority (PKA), with subsequent adoption of  new logo.
July 1973 North Port Extension wharves completed.
5 August 1973 Tokyo Bay is the first full container ship to dock at Port Klang.
October 1982 Liquid bulk terminal at North Port completed.
1983 PKA took over administration of Port of Malacca.
1 July 1983 Port Klang made fourth Port of Registry in Malaysia
9 July 1983 Port Klang handles its millionth container since inception.
1985 Cement terminal completed.
June 1988 On its 25th anniversary, Port Klang was declared the National Load Centre
July 1991 PKA adopted its third logo.
8 August 1992 West Port project launched.
1 December 1992 Port Klang operations fully privatised.
1992   Port Klang exceeds 1 million TEUs handled annually.
26 August 1993 Klang Port Container Terminal in KPM commences operation
23 March 1996 Westports commences operation
September 1996 PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad officially opens Westports.
27 May 1997 Westports becomes the first port in Malaysia to offer bunkering services.
October 1997 MV Naples and MV Villa from France’s No 1 shipping line CMA berths for first time at Westports.
1998 Westports recognised amongst Top 10 container ports at the Asian Freight Industry Awards (AFIA)
24 August 1998 Regina Maersk becomes largest vessel of its kind to ever dock in Malaysia when it berthed at Westports.
1999 PKA received IAPH International Technology Awards for IT applications a FCZ. Westports recognised as Best Emerging Terminal by Lloyd’s List Maritime Asia.
2000   PKA certified ISO 9000. PKA received Excellent Service Award from the National Chamber of  Commerce and Industry Malaysia (NCCIM).
July 2000 KCT and KPM merge to form Northport Malaysia.
28 July 2001 A record-setting 8.25 kilotonnes of crude palm oil loaded on MT Flores at Westports Liquid Bulk Terminal.
2004 Northport certified MS ISO 9002.PKFZ commences operation. PKA GM assumes Presidency of ASEAN Ports Association (APA) for two years.
March 2004 Southpoint handles its first ro-ro vessel, Setubal, on its maiden voyage.
9 September 2004 World’s largest loadage vessel, CSCL Europe, docks at Westports.
February 2005 Northport becomes first port in Asia to receive the P&O Nedlloyd Mondriaan, the largest of the mega-sized container carriers belonging to the P&O Nedlloyd fleet.
5 March 2005 Westports Dry Bulk Team unloads recordsetting 9,540 MT maize in 8 hours from MV Enterprise.
May 2005  PKA GM assumes position of 1st Vice President in the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) for two years.
June 2005 Nedlloyd Manet, P&O Nedlloyd’s flagship,embarked on its maiden voyage to Northport.
May 2006 Bunga Seroja Satu, the largest containership registered in Malaysia, made its maiden call at Northport.
9 July 2006 World’s largest container ship, Xin Los Angeles, makes maiden call at Westports.
May 2007 PKA GM assumes Presidency of IAPH for 2 years.
October 2007 Westports wins Technology Business Review ASEAN Award for Excellence in Logistics - IT Applications in Port Management
2008 PKA awarded 11th International Transport Award in recognition of trajectory and business excellence.
17 November 2008 Westports Operations Team sets 2 world records for productivity;a speed of 665mph during 1st hour of operations and moving 4,427 TEUs within 10hours.
July 2009 CMA CGM opens its first dedicated ODD facility at Westports.
23 July 2009 Northport receives Best Multi-Purpose Terminal Operator of the Year title at the Frost & Sullivan Awards.
2009 Northport named Best Container Terminal at the Asian Freight and Supply Chains awards (AFSCA) 2009
2010 Port Klang ranked top 13th container port in the world.
June 2010 Northport named Best Container Terminal (handling under 4 million TEUS) at the Asian Freight and Supply Chains awards (AFSCA)

Fakta Menarik tentang Stadium Jugra di Telok Datok

Assalamualaikum semua. Semoga semuanya dalam keadaan sihat Walafiat. Malam tadi Atok baru sahaja balik dari Telok Datok menziarahi jenazah a...