Selasa, 12 September 2023

Kronologi Peristiwa di Kuala Langat Sebelum Merdeka


Salam buat semua. Apa khabar kalian? Atok dan Wan harap korang dalam keadaan sihat walafiat. Wah, tengah-tengah bulan begini ramai juga yang buat kenduri atau majlis perkahwinan anak-anak! Bukannya apa, Atok ini orang gomen yang dah berpencen. Faham-faham jer lah. Orang gomen jenis makan gaji  macam Atok ini, sejak dahulu hingga kini, biasanya tengah-tengah bulan ini makan maggi jer, istilah budak-budak masa kini. Agak kering dan nipis poket. Bukan takde duit, tapi banyak komitmen kata budak-budak la ni. So, pergerakan ke majlis perkahwinan ini agak mencabar; duit minyaknya, sampul salam keruknya, dan lain-lain yang korang sedia maklum. Pergi tetap pergi pasal orang sudah jemput. Dan kata ustaz Atok, memenuhi jemputan itu satu kewajipan. Mesti hadir, walaupun mungkin sumbangan envelope salamnya tak banyak merahnya. Hahaha…Yang faham-fahamlah, yang tak faham itu biarkan diorang fikirkan sendiri. 

Oh, majlis sekarang ini hebat-hebat. Tak ramai lagi yang kahwin pakai kanopi. Rata-rata dewan perkahwinan, bukan dewan orang ramai atau dewan sekolah! Dalam dewan itu dah siap dah dengan pakej lengkap..daripada katering, hiasan pelamin, Mak Andam (kadang-kadang Mak Nyah) sehinggalah DJnya. Tak payah nak cari-cari asing-asing. One Stop Center kata Orang Putih. Pakej tak ada lagi bawah RM15 pax (satu kepala). Mesti RM25 ke atas. Hari itu kan hari bersejarah dan penuh bermakna buat keluarga pengantin. Hari ini kita punya, kita enjoy. Berhabis RM25,000 apa ada hal? Nanti collection daripada tetamu boleh cover kos. Minta-minta begitulah.

Korang kalilah dengan jumlah jemputan yang dipanggil meraikan majlis. Kalau satu keluarga yang datang bawa 4 orang (gantung periuk kata orang dulu-dulu), korang darabkan dengan 500 jemputan, sama ada berkad atau jemput pakai whatsapp atau media sosial yang lain, atau yang dijemput mulut secara lisan. Mesti garu kepala tuan punya majlis. Belum pukul dua petang lauk dah habis. Yang tinggal kuah. Terpaksalah tuan rumah buat pelan emergency, suruh anak pergi kedai mamak cari kari ayam dan nasi beriyani, atau paling teruk pun buat telur goreng makan dengan baki kuah yang ada. Macam-macam hal. 

Berbalik kepada cerita sumbangan ikhlas tetamu yang hadir. Maaf cakaplah, memang wrong timing korang buat majlis, tengah bulan. Rata-rata satu family beri satu sampul.On the average, satu sampul berisi sekeping not merah, untuk makan 4 orang. HAHAHA…. Tapi korang (tuan majlis) tak boleh marah. Itu sumbangan ikhlas mereka dan korang pun buat majlis ini bukan niat bisnes,kan..Ikhlas nak jamu orang ramai makan. Keuntungan korang bukan di dunia, tetapi di akhirat. Banyak pahala beri makan orang ramai, di samping merapatkan silaturahim. So, betulkan niat wahai tuan rumah. Bukan nak cari untung tapi cari pahala tau! Jangan pula berhutang, bergolok bergadai hanya untuk majlis sehari itu. Hidup mesti diteruskan. Hutang-hutang mesti dibayar. Jangan pula lepas majlis, tuan rumah laki bini pergi healing sampai pagi tak balik. Oh No! KIH,KIH,KIH. Macam-macam perangai ada dalam dunia ini.

Berbalik kepada entri Atok kali ini, kita santai-santailah sayangku. Kita belek-belek surat khabar lama tentang tempat kita, Kuala Langat yang Atok dah siapkan untuk korang layari.  Atok bahagi-bahagikan penulisan ini kepada 3 +3 bahagian; 3 yang pertama, link untuk korang klik untuk membaca berita tentang Kuala Langat sejak zaman Omputih sampailah kini, dan 3 slot lagi tentang peristiwa bergambar yang berlaku di Kuala Langat dalam tempoh masa tersebut. Maaflah gambar-gambar hitam putih serta kualiti surat khabar lama. Memang tak cantik dan jelas, tapi itu sahajalah yang Atok ada. Kalau ada antara korang yang nak kalerkan gambar tersebut, buatlah. Atok suka, Atok suka! Kongsi sama Atok dalam ruangan komen, ok? Ajak emak bapa, atok, nenek, wak, embah korang sekali, pasti ada yang kenal sesiapa dalam gambar-gambar itu. Jadikan modal untuk Quality Time. Korang.healing sampai pagi tak balik. Oh No! Anyway, kalau ada silap salah Atok dan Wan , kami minta maaf banyak-banyak. Wasalam.

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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    7 September 1893 - (Government Gazette, Ist September.) Medical. The following changes have been sanctioned in consequence of the departure on leave of Dr. Travers —Dr. J. L. Welch, District Surgeon, in charge of the Pauper Hospital, to act as Residency Surgeon, with effect from 25th August. Dr. W. M. Little, District
    • (Government Gazette, Ist September.)  -  965 words
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    Straits Times Weekly Issue / Article
    12 September 1893 - tan to i-t > j „i Kaja Hot. having attended before tk Sanitary Hour.]. h s Bcb*UM for tin kerosineoil taoki al Kw-ili Laoi|»u w.» gone carefully into and farther iaformatio obtained, (t was resolved thai of agreement be drawn up fur ffivini effect lo the scheme, subject
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    The Straits Times / Article
    20 May 1904 - Report on Lends and Mines. The report on flu- P. M S. admiiusti.i tiou ot j,amls iiiid .Units lv: I year sliow> an aggregate revtnue ol &)28,0rJ Mag an increase ol over that ul the previous year. All tlw States u.\<v|>( I'aiiang cutiti'ibutc.i Ul th, uuru.isi' 'I
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    The Straits Times / Article
    20 June 1905 - Kirn. Langat, a district in Selangor, it going ahead, judging from the report of Mr A B. Jelf (its distort officer) for !'.< i 1 k rounder arc extracts thereCoconuts. Th« cultrvation of coconuts in the increases rapidly. A Malay Cocouut Inspector, who has done good work in
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    22 June 1905 - Kuala Langat, a district in Selangor, is going ahead, judging from the report of Mr. A. S. Jelf (its district officer) for 1904. Hereunder are extracts therefrom Coconuts. The cultivation of coconuts in the district increases rapidly. A Malay Coconut Inspector, who has done good work in making
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    The Straits Times / Article
    16 October 1912 - ESTIMATES FOR OPENING UP AN ESTATE. Based on Practical Experience. Those interested in the cultivation of coconuts will find in the latest issue of the F.M.S. Agricultural Bulletin (for October) an instructive article by Mr. L. C. Brown, Inspector of Coconuts, F.M.S., who gives an estimate for
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    21 November 1912 - The second ordinary general meeting of the Brooklands Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, was held on October 16, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, K.C., Mr. K. G. Money (chairman of the company) presiding. The representative
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
    2 January 1913 - NOTICE A Dinner wil 1 be held at the Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, for old Etonians, Old Harrovians and old Wykamists on 28th January, 19 IS. Will anyone who is able to be present kindly notify F. J. Dupuis, Banting, Kuala Langat, F. M. S., before lnth January. Jan 2
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
    3 January 1913 - Notices NOTICE. NEW YEAR LAND SPORTS. The postponed New Year Land Sports will take pl*ce at the Race Course (weather per mining), on Saturday, 4th instant. F. DEASON, Hon. Sec, New Year Land Sports Jan 3 5-1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. REFUND OF ASSESSMENT. All persons claiming refund of Assessment in respect
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
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    The Straits Times / Advertisement
    4 January 1913 - NOTICESNOTICE. Tbe undersigned have been appointed Agent* for the Ooean Marine Insurance Co., of England, and are prepared to accept risks at current rate*. MBYBR BROTHERS, 14, Collyer Quay. 8112 7.1 "notjceT Tbe undersigned have been appointed Agents for tbe Bssex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society, Limited (Fire), and are
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
    6 January 1913 - Notices NOTICE A Dinner will be held at the Empire Hotel, Knala Lumpur, for old Etonians, Old Harrovians and Old Wykamists on 28th January, 1913. Will anyone who is able to be present kindly notify F. J. Dupuis, Banting, Kuala Langat, F. M. S., before 18th January. Jan 2 9i
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    The Straits Times / Advertisement
    6 January 1913 - NOTICES. NOTICE. Tire nndert'gacd have Dten appointed Agiuts for tbe Ocean -M.rine Insurance Co., of England, and are prepared to accept risks at current rates. MEYER BROTHERS, 14, Co.lyir Qoay. 8112 71 NOTICE. Tbe undersigned have been appcint.d Agtnt-4 for the Essex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society, Limited iFire), and
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
    7 January 1913 - Notices NOTICE A Dinner will be held at the Kmpire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, for old Etonians, Old Harrovians and Old Wykamists on 28th January, 1918. Will anyone who is able to be present kindly notify F. J. Dupuis, Banting, Kuala Langat, F. M. S., before 18th January. Jan 2 9
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Advertisement
    8 January 1913 - Notices NOTICE Lost one scrip for 600 shares (number of scrip ami nuueber of shares unknown) m the Bukit Heinbawang Rubber Plantations Ltd. Scrip m name of origiual allottee Wee Teow Jieug. and transfer form unsigned. The Public i are warned not to deal with these shares. Jan 8 15-
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    The Straits Times / Advertisement
    8 January 1913 - NOTICES. TO OLO ETONIANS, HARROVIANS ANO WYKAMIBTS. A Dinner wid be held at the Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, for O.d Etonian*. Old Harrovians and Old rVykamiats on MB* January. 1918. Will anyone who is able to be present kindly notify F. J. Dopuis, Banting. Kuala Langat, F MS before 18th
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    25 November 1913 - —M.M. COOLIES’ WAGES. AN INTERESTING DISCUSSION. The 20oh meeting of this Association was he d at the Banteng Club on Friday, November 14th, at 6-30 p.m., with Mr. R. W. Ma nro in the chair. There were present Messrs. Carter (Hon. Secy.), Colson, Dupuis, St. John, Tribe,
    —M.M.  -  1,111 words
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    25 March 1914 - THE ANNUAL MEETING. REPORT ON THE YEAR’S WORK. The 21st m c eting of this Association, being the annual meeting, was held at the Banting Club on March 3rd, with Mr. R. W. Munro in the chair. There were present Messrs. Dale, Dupuis, sh, Kennedy, St John,
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    27 November 1914 - Mr Hatchell is in Ipoh to take over as C.P.O. from Mr. Conlay. Mr. Edwards, of Ipoh, and Mr. Eric W. Battersby, Manager of Gunong Kroh Estate, left Ipoh yesterday for Home to join Lord Kitchener’s Army. Mr. A. Mustard, of Dusun Durian Estate,. Banting, Kuala Langat,
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    15 April 1915 - Mr. H. A. Forrer is due to return from leave about May 21. The output of the Titi Tin Company for March amounted to 372 piculs. The Rahman Tin Co. have declared an interim dividend of five per cent. Mr. C. Corbctta, who has obtained a commission,
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    The Straits Times / Article
    25 February 1916 - Mr. N. H. Dakeyno has returned to Selan gor with his bride. Messrs. A. W. K. Money, of Kuala Lumpur, and F. St. Barbe, of Kajang, have gone to Egypt. Mr. 11. M. Batten, of Durian Tunggal estate, Malacca, has left for England on sick leave. Mr.
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    Straits Echo / Article
    28 February 1916 - Mr- A. Sirkies has returned from his visit to Rangoon. Mr. Caldicott has returned from leave, and will be stationed for the patent at Seremban. Mr E. Bradbery, of the Straits Trading Co, Kuala Lumpur, is shortly going on transfer to Seremban. Mr. H. L. Sumner, Inspector
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    2 March 1916 - Mr. !I. M. Batten, of Durian Tttnggal Malaeea, ban left for England on Mick leave. Mr. *i. N. Magill, manager of Changkat "trlaD'j estate, u< ar Tuiping, lias gone to tt vlon ior a ui -ntb’s holiday. Mr. C. f alconer-Stewart, of Merton estate, and uow lu\ Lieut,
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    The Straits Times / Article
    26 April 1916 - YEAR'S WORK OF ASSOCIATION REVIEWED. The Annual General Meeting. Tbe ninth annual general meeting of the Kuala Langat District Planters' Association was held at the Banting Club on April 7, Mr. K. W. Munrp in the chair. There were present Messrs. Kennedy, Colson, Raxendale, Killick, Lendrum, Skeen,
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    27 April 1916 - M.M.” RECORD OF WAR SERVICE. The ninth annual general meeting of the Kuala Langat District Planters’ Association was held at the Banting Club on April 7th, Mr. R. W. Munro in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, the Chairman, in
    “ M.M.”  -  1,002 words
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    25 November 1916 - Mr B Majendie is probably by now in France. He is to drive a Red Cross Car. Mr N R Crum-Ewing has obtained a Ist Class in machine gunnery and has joined a company at Belton Camp. Mr W E Wallis, of Bukib Panjong Estate, Jeram, who
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    The Straits Times / Article
    19 July 1918 - Successful Exhibition at Kuala Langat. The first show of tbe Kuala Langat Horticultural Society was held in tbe Banting Club on Sunday afternoon, July 14. Formed some years ago with a view to farther increasing tbe keen interest taken by planters in their gardens, the Society, says
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    19 July 1918 - M.M.” KUALA LANGKAT EXHIBITION. The first show of the Kuala Langat Horticultural Society was held in the Banting Club on Sunday afternoon, July 14th. Formed* some years ago with a view to further increasing the keen interest taken by planters in their gardens, the Society has steadily pushed on.
    M.M.”  -  564 words
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    26 July 1918 - The first show of the Koala Langat Horticultural Society was held in tbe Banting Club on Sanday afternoon, Jnly 14, Formed some years ago with a view to further increasing tbe keen interest taken by plant frs in their gardens, the Sooiety,
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Obituary
    31 October 1918 - Russell —On October 27th ml Banting, ETeleen, beloved wife of Alec, fll Russell. EcO'it Hrcwn- On October 97, i9B, at the General Hospital, Penang, JOBM E. Bcott Brown. Chartered Accountant of iho Penang Kubb Estates Company, Limited, elder son of the late Mr. John A. brown. Fern'-xndo.— On October
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    The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article
    7 May 1919 - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Marama Scandal, Food Growing, Election of Officers, etc. Ta the Town Hall, Kuala hamper, at 11, m on Wednesday. the annual gener. DMtiog of the Planter.’ A.rooiation of Maleva took p'aoe. the proceeding, ooouping whole of the day. Th. chair wa. taken hr Mr.
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    The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article
    14 May 1919 - —“Malay Mail.’ annual general meeting. A Place of Worship. The annual general meeting of the Kuala Langat DP.A. was held in the Banting club on Saturday, April 26th, at 6 p.m There were present Mr. F. H. Mustard (Chairman), Messrs. H. C. D’Arcy Irvine, P. L. Mill,
    •—“Malay Mail.’  -  951 words
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    18 July 1919 - The F. M. S Department of Agriculinre’s Built tin cn Fruit Culture in Malaya (No. 29 1), by J N. Mikrm has been issutd. In a prtface M. L. Lewton Brain, Director of Agriculture, Bays Tho present bulletin is issned in the hope that it will eucomage
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    16 March 1920 - Doling the last 12 months the loss of wajres. owing to strikes in Australia, cx£1,000,000. Owing to the high cost of Ceylon tea iv.ost of the local coffee stalls are using tea dust instead of tea leaf. (It II.) Messrs. Chow Kit and Co. of Kuala Lumpur ar-j opening a
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    The Straits Times / Article
    7 February 1922 - Pre-Slump Programme Suspended. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, February 4. The slump has given a serious sot back to the programme of the Public Works Department, which has had to suspend almost the whole of its rww construction works. The programme which the Department had mapped out
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    Malaya Tribune / Article
    13 May 1922 - SELECTION OF SELANGOR CHAMPION. The following are minutes of a meeting held in the Selangor Club, on Sunday May 7, to consider the arrangements for selecting the Selangor I representative to compete in the S S j and F M S championship. I There were present Mr H
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    19 February 1923 - DISCUSSION O\ LABOUR. The “Malay Mail” reports that at an ordinary meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, at Kuala Lumpur, Mr. T. J. Cumming presided. Labour Matters. The Secretary drew the attention of the meeting to the circular letter to all secretaries and Agents of
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    The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article
    22 May 1923 - —M.M. ALLEGED MODUS OPERANDI The full particulars of the case »n which two Chinese were fined S3o,4UU each in the Telok Datoh police court early this month were related in the Supreme Court before Sir Lionel VV oodward, Chief Judicial Commissioner, on Friday, when the accused appealed against
    —M.M.  -  1,252 words
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly) / Article
    21 January 1925 - PREVENTIVE FLEETS CAPTURES. String of Convictions. Rubber smugglers seem to have been very active during the Christmas season, and theip enthusiasm does not appear to have died out to any appreciable extent since the advent of the New Year, says the Malay Mail On Dec. 22, at 2.45
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    21 April 1925 - Mr. Gordon Macleod left Bangkok on the 17th inst. en route for Australia. Mr. L. R. Wheeler has been appointed a Second Lieutenant in the M. V. L, Perak. Mr. W. G. Stirling, of the Chinese Protectorate. Singapore, is going on long leave in the near future.
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    22 April 1925 - Mr. R. L. Naish. of Kamunting. has arrived back from England. Mr. R. B. Bannon has left hospital, and will proceed Home almost immediately. Mr. J. L. McFall has assumed duties as Assistant Registrar. Supreme Court. Ipoh. Dr. Cross, of Kuala Lumpur, is under orders to proceed
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    The Straits Times / Advertisement
    15 August 1925 - NOTICE Tenders are invited for the purchase ,of the undermentioned Machinery and Vehicles 1. 6 Foden Steam Wagons, parked m Kuala Lumpur; 2. 1 Garrett Tractor 20 h.p., parked m Kuala Lumpur. 3. 2 Tractors with Crane by G. i. and H. McLaren, parked m Kuala Lumpur. 4. 1 Trailer
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      The Straits Times / Article
      10 March 1926 - Annual Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 8. There was a very good attendance at the annual meeting of the Agricultural Association of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Khoo Keng Hooi presided, and in moving the adoption of the accounts addressed the
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      The Straits Budget / Article
      11 March 1926 - Annual Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 8. There wu3 a very good attendance at the annual meeting of the Agricultural Association of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Khn> Keng Hooi presided, and in moving the adoption of the account.addressed the meeting
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      The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
      15 November 1926 - The Raja Muda of Selangor, accompanied by his Private Secretary. Inche Daud, the A.D. C. to the Sultan, his Malay Secretary, the Chief Kath] and Raja Abdulla, are proceeding to Langat, Sumatra, to attend the marriage ceremony of the daughter of H.H. the Sultan of Langat. Letters received from Mr.
      M.M.  -  105 words
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      The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
      21 February 1927 - The President and committee of the Stonor Club, Banting, were at Home on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, the parents of the popular District Officer, Kuala Langat, Mr. W. A. Gordon Hall, on the eve of their return to England, after a visit to their son.
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      Malaya Tribune / Article
      21 February 1927 - Sir Cecil Budd passed throutt «Ss yesterday in route from th k Dutch islands. Mr. Tan Tek Hay, owner „f a able number of tea and i Lampegan, West Java who n--/ I has been spending the Chinese v* luin Penang, as the fuesta Theang Hock and
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      Malaya Tribune / Article
      22 March 1927 - The around-the-world dollar liner President Van Buren arrived this noon from America via Manila. A "Government Gazette Extraordinary," issued yesterday, announced a new schedule of duties on manufactured and unmanufactured tobacco. Owing to the prevalence of smallpox, two railway stations, Jempol and Terusan Halt, on the Pahang line, have been
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      Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
      12 May 1927 - SOCIAL PERSONAL. Dr. F. R. Siyers is giing to Perak as Senior Hiahh Officer. Mr. F. J. Forsdyke has arrived from Home to join the New Crocodile Rubber Co., Banting. M’jor Brickman, of the Burma Rifl-s, and Mrs. Briikman have gone up Taiping Hill for a Mr. Bob Symons, of
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      Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
      13 May 1927 - SOCIAL PERSONAL. Mr. F. H, Grumrnitt of McAuliffe, Davis and H >po, Penang, has gone to Medan. The Chief Justice and Lady Gompertz returned to Kuala Lumpur from Ipoh on Wednesday. Chief Inspector E. C. Tidy, of Kuala Pilab, has been promoted to the rank of Acting Assistant Commissioner of
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      The Straits Times / Article
      19 October 1928 - Knchc Mohamed Baki bin Abbas, Der.u!> Asquint District Oftkev, Kuala LangatBanting, has been appointed Assistant "ollector of Land Revenue, Seremban, \kj itaja Musa who has left Seremban foi Kuala Lumpur to take un duties as Official Assignee, F.M.S.
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      The Straits Budget / Article
      25 October 1928 - i hr ew schedule of licence fees for carriages in Singapore, w'hich come into force on Jan. 1, 1929, ina half-yearly payment of $7.50 s eat for parage hired cars and $12 scat for street hired cars. MotorM s "ill pay $G per person carried per aiter.
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      The Straits Times / Article
      10 January 1929 - News has reached Singapore of a tire of serious proportions at Banting, in the Kuala Langat district, about 30 miles from Klanj. Some five shop-houses substantially built nf brick and concrete are reported to have been destroyed. The iHi-niiscs were insured for about $90,000.
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      The Straits Budget / Article
      17 January 1929 - News has reached Singapore of a fire of serious proportions at Banting, in the Kuala Langat district, about 30 miles from Klang. Some five shop-houses substantially built of brick and concrete are reported to have been destroyed. The premises were insured for about $90,000.
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        Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
        25 September 1929 - Mr. G. W. Seabridge has been appoint led eiiturof the Straits Tbnes, Mr, and Mrs. N. A. Worley and family I are leaving for Home in the middle of October by the Earmala, Mr. T. A. Melville, Assistant Secretary for Postal Affaire. F.M.S. and S.S., is awa>
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    25 September 1929 - Mr. G. W. Seabridge has been appoint led eiiturof the Straits Tbnes, Mr, and Mrs. N. A. Worley and family I are leaving for Home in the middle of October by the Earmala, Mr. T. A. Melville, Assistant Secretary for Postal Affaire. F.M.S. and S.S., is awa>
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    10 January 1930 - I "identified European. Vfi'h reference to the body of a European ou tag -stakes near Klang, further *J& "W that the body when found was clad ihilt and trousers and a coat of the tt Wi and a pair of white canvas shoes. As to his
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    15 January 1930 - Unidentified European. With reference to the body of a European found in fishing stakes near Klang. further details show that the body when found was clad in khaki shirt and trousers and a coat of the same materials and a pair of white canvas heelless walking
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    Malaya Tribune / Article
    31 August 1931 - ANNUAL REPORT OF INSTITUTION. The annual report of the comao Chinese Maternity Hospital Klang lows: Donations and subscript: 55.585.80. made up as follows Anonymous Chinese per Ka Yik Selangor Banking Ci poration Ltd. Government of Selangor Chinese Rubber Grown- A: Dealers. Association. Stent Chinese Community oi KiiLi
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    28 March 1932 - Pathetic Figure in Kuala Lumpur Case [From Our Own Correspondent 1 Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 24. Stated to be blinded ior life, a young Hokkien, Lim Foo, made a pathetic figure in the witness-box at the Selangor Assizes to-day, when he described to the Acting Chief Justice, Mr.
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    Malaya Tribune / Article
    28 March 1932 - Terrible Mistake Made By Employer? I I i <From Our Own Correspondent./ Kuala Lumpur, March 24. Stated to be blinded for life, a young Hokkien named Lim Foo made a pathetic figure in the witness-box at the Selangor Assizes to-d y. 'vhcn he described to
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    14 April 1932 - r li ha^ O !S, n R binson of Mulford and Kin visit"/ 10 't t 0 S,n ff a P° r e after a us, t to Java. 1h« Rev. Cecil and Mrs. Simmons have it*ft Bangkok for home. -Mr. 11. L h. Thomas, assistant manager
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    15 April 1932 - SOCIAL PERSONAL. The lceJ Mohamedan» will celebrate their Hari Raya H»ji on Sunday. Mrr. A. L. Gibion and Mitt Gibion lift Singapore for Java on holiday on Tueed»y. Mr. H. L.E. Thomae» aerhtant manager of Dueun Durian Eatate, Banting, has left for home. Captain R. G. Dcuglep. Gloster Hegt.i has
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    12 May 1932 - Cutting (Jut Rubber tor Rice—A Selangor Portent—The Women Tin Washers—More Slump Items—Europeans And Malays When Soccer Followed Cricket—A Sporting Cycle Race—The ‘’Buy Malayan Slogan. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 6. the first time since the slump began j*_a\v rubber being cut
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    15 November 1932 - Mr. Barnett-Smith, of the Perak Customs Office, leaves this week for Sitiawan on transfer. Mr. R. E. Wilson, M.C.S., has succeeded Mr. J. Huggins as District Officer, Kuantan. Mr. Huggins is going on leave. Mr. R. Paton, manager of Permatang Estate, Banting, Kuala Langat, has returned from
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    16 November 1932 - Mr. R. Pa ton", manager of Permatang Estate. Banting. Kuala Langat, has returned from furlough and taken over duties from Mr. D. G. Robertson. His Highness the Sultan of Johore and the Sultanah returned to Singapore by tin- "Indrapoera." yesterday. His Highness will be meeting Sir Samuel Wilson on Dec.
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    The Straits Times / Article
    29 January 1934 - A social and literary meeting of the Estate Asiatic Staffs' Association, Kuala Langat Branch, was held at the Anglo Chinese School Hall, Banting, on Saturday.
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    7 April 1934 - The engagement is announced between Elizabeth Knight, daughter of Mrs. Roy Walker, Cairo, and Harold Robertton, son of Mrs. Roberton, Belfrave Road, London, of Bertam Estate, Province Wellesley. The wedding will take place towards the end of June. Mr W Murray arrived this morning from Singapore by
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    17 April 1934 - The Hon’ble Mr. Lai Tet Loke, of Kuala Lumpur, has left on a holiday trip to China. Che Megat Junus, acting Magistrate, 1 Kuala Kangsar, proceeds this week to Kroh on transfer. H. H. Tunku Mahmood, Chief Malay Judge, Kedah, has returned from leave and resumed duties.
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    Malaya Tribune / Article
    18 April 1934 - Sultan Watches Soccer Matches. (From Our Own Correspondent J Kuala Lipis, April 15. TjiNCHE Abdul Rahman bin Mat ADO Raub is proceeding on long leave at the end of this month, chiefly to be spent in touring Perak and Kedah During his absence Enche Mohamed Bazin
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    The Straits Times / Article
    26 September 1934 - Tamil Says Work Was Not Given To Him, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 25. A case of considerable interest to contractors who '< jnder lot Government work began before the Chief Justice today. Mr V KanagasabaL a Tamil contractor from Banting, claims $19
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    26 September 1934 - CLAIM FOR $19,121 The case commenced yesterday morning before the Chief Justice, F.M.S., the Hon’ble Mr. S. J. Thomas, at the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, in which Mr. V. Kanagasabai, a contractor of Banting, is claiming $19,121.53 from the State of Selangor, alleging breach of contract in
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    27 September 1934 - CONTRACTOR'S UNSUCCESSFUL CLAIM AGAINST STATE Dispute Over A P. W. D. Contract our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 25. A considerable interest to tors who tender for Governbegan before the Chief day. Kanagasabai, a Tamil coni Banting, claims $19,***** of Selangor, alleging contract m respect of a ler m connection
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    27 September 1934 - JUDGMENT FOR STATE OF SELANGOR l On Wednesday morning the Chief Justice, F.M.S., the Hon’ble Mr. S. J. Thomas, dismissed with costs the suit brought by Mr. V. Kanagasabai, a contractor, of Banting, claiming $19,121.53 from the State of Selangor, alleging breach of a contract in
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    The Straits Times / Article
    27 September 1934 - No Contract Breach. SELANGOR GOVERNMENT AWARDED COSTS. j (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 26. Holding that the contract was unilateral and that there was no obligation on the part of the defendants to call for any cartage to be done by the plaintiff, the
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    The Straits Times / Article
    28 November 1934 - Contractor Appeals In Damage Suit. (From Our Own Correroondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 27. The question of whether a contract Issued by the Public Works Department of Selangor to a cartage contractor of Banting was unilateral, was the main point at Issue in the appeal before
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    29 November 1934 - BREACH OF CONTRACT BY STATE ALLEGED Says P.W.D. Did Work He Should Have Had (FTom Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur. Nov. 27. THE question of whether a contract 1 issued by the Public Works Department oi Selangor to a cartage contractor ot Banting was unilateral, was the main
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    The Straits Times / Article
    17 December 1934 - Contract Which Was I ni'atera 1 (From Our Ow.i Correspondent Kuala Lurrour. Dec. 13. Upholding the decision of the lower court, the P.M.B. Court of 'comprising the Chief Justice, S.S Mr. Justice Burton a.'d Mr. Justice MudV» In a Judgment delivered today dismissed the recent appeal
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    The Straits Times / Article
    30 June 1935 - Preparations have begun in Bantint?. a town sixteen miles from Klang. for holding the annual Agri-Horticultural and Baby Show under the auspices jf the Malayan Agri--Horticultural Association, Kuala Langat branch. The exhibition will be held in the District Office at Teluk Datoh on Sun- day. July
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    Malaya Tribune / Article
    24 August 1935 - (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore, Bahru, Aug. 23. Mr J. B. Weiss, Registrar. SupremeCourt, Johore Bahru. and First Magistrate, has left for Kuala Lumpur on casual leave. A v Mr. K. S. Kandiah. formerly chief clerk of the District and Lard Of :ces, Kuala LangatBanting,
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    The Straits Times / Article, Illustration
    28 September 1935 - Athletics The First Held In Kuala Langat District. The First Athletic Sports for the Permatang Estate Labour Force, under the auspices of the Permatang Estate Labourers Co-operative Credit Society. Limited, was held at Permatang Estate Tamil School. Banting on Tues day in fine weather. There was a
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    26 November 1935 - Dr. (Mrs.) Bmallwood has been transferred from Ipoh to Koals Kan--sar as Lady Medical Officer A large eroeodile was captwed at j Banting on Thursday by an oM Malay I man named Hussin. with the help si hook. The beast was about 17 feel long and weighed about SO pllrali
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    11 December 1935 - SOCIAL PERSONAL I Mr. D. Gray, M.C.S., has been ap pointed to act as Extra Assistant Protector of Chinese, Singapore. Inspector Chan Yoon Lum, of th e Taiping Police, has returned from short leave and he resumed duties on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pallister Clarke and their two children
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    19 December 1935 - Mi. W. S. Harding, ol United Patani Estate, has returned from his lons leave. vtrv p. w. Hatfield has returned from Home. Mr. Hatfield is the manager oi Banff* P«tate, Banir. Perak. Major Savile. the new Commandant. F M.S.V.F.. accompanied by Mrs. Savile arrived in Kuala Lumpur
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    The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration
    20 February 1936 - A Guthrie Success Klang Planters’ Idea Another Lowland Property— In Selangor. By Our Planting Correspondent. AST month I recorded some facts concerning a small tea enterpi ix- in Perak, that had successfully brought 50 acres to the producing stage on what might be termed Cottage Industry
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    The Straits Times / Article
    18 May 1936 - TAMILS CHARGED. SELANGOR ESTATE INCIDENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. Mr. Charles Grant, assistant manager of Brooklands estate, Banting, Selangor, described an attack made on him by four coolies on his estate when giving evidence before Raja Haman Shah, District Officer, Kuala Langat, at
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration
    19 May 1936 - PLANTER ATTACKED BY COOLIES In Hospital For Seven Days (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. Mr. Charles Grant, assistant manager ol Brooklands estate, Banting. Selanr described an attack made on him by tour coolies on his estate when giving evidence before Raja Haman Shah, District Officer. Kuala Langat.
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    The Straits Times / Article
    19 May 1936 - No Provocation. LABOURERS SENTENCED DAILY TASK GRIEVANCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. A COOLIE was sentenced at Telok Datoh today for a murderous attack with a changkol on a European planter. The planter, Mr. Charles Grant, assistant manager of the Uroc klnnds
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    19 May 1936 - Tamil Coolie Fined EUROPEAN PLANTER COMPLAINANT (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. May 18. A- coolie was sentenced at Telok Datoh today for a “murderous attack” with a changkol on a European planter. Evidence was led that the planter. Mr Charles Grant, assistant manager of the Brook lands
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    21 May 1936 - No Provocation. LABOURERS SENTENCED: DAILY TASK GRIEVANCE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. COOLIE was sentenced at Telok Datoh today for a A murderous attack with a changkol on a European planter. The planter, Mr. Charles Grant, assistant manager ot the Broc klands
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    The Straits Times / Article
    23 May 1936 - Five Children And A Woman. RELIGIOUS FESTIVAL TRAGEDY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. A WOMAN and five children. aged between 3 and 7 years were drowned in an accident near the old lighthouse at the moutb of the Klang river, near Kuala Jugra,
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    28 May 1936 - Five Children And A Woman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. A WOMAN and five children, aged between 3 and 7 years were drowned in an accident near the old lighthouse at the mouth of the Klang river, near Kuala Jugra, on
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    The Straits Times / Article, Illustration
    17 June 1936 - Klang Inquest Story. DELUSIONS ABOUT WIFE AND FEAR OF POLICE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 15. rpHAT he was a drug addict and suffering from hallucinations, 1 believing that ho had on several nights heard his wife calling j him from
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    17 June 1936 - Thought He i I HEARD I Wife Calling I i (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 15. That he was a drug addict and suffering from hallucinations that he had on several nights heard his wife calling from the verandah while be was in bed
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    The Straits Times / Article
    18 June 1936 - Queries At Klang Inquest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. An important witness today at the inquest at Klang on Dr. James Scott Webster was Mr. Daniel Timms, chemist, of the Federal Dispensary, Klang, who said that on Feb. 8 he supplied Dr.
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    18 June 1936 - DR. WEBSTER Coroner's Comments At Inquest (From Our Own Reporter) Klang, Wednesday. "PROM the circumstances sur- iounding his death I am inclined to the view that Dr. Webster over-estimated the amount of the drug which he could take without fatal
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    19 June 1936 - Coroner’s Rider On Drug Supplies (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. “There is one feature of the case which calls for comment and I consider that the attention of Government should be directed to it. That it la the fact
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    The Straits Budget / Article
    25 June 1936 - Klang Inquest Story. DELUSIONS ABOUT WIFE AND FEAR OF POLICE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 15. rpHAT he was a drug addict and suffering from hallucinations, believing that ho had on several nights heard his wife calling him from the verandah
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    The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article
    15 July 1936 - At Kuala Langat AgriHorticultural Show SULTAN UNABLE TO BE PRESENT r f Mil Raja Mud. i represented 11. 11. the Sultan of Selangor for I the first time since his appointment and made his first official speech when he opened the agri -horticultural and baby
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    The Straits Times / Article, Illustration
    27 July 1937 - THE BRITISH RESIDENT OF SELANGOR (Mr. S. W. Jones) opening the Kuala Langat Agricultural Show held on Sunday last at Banting.
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    The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration
    29 July 1937 - areas of higngrade ground in the mine fields re being withheld from mining to suit the caprice of the Drainage and Irrigation Department,” declared Mr. Mungo Park, presiding at the Ulu Klang Tin Ltd., meeting on Saturday. Mr Park strongly criticised the •usurpation of authority” by
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    Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
    5 January 1938 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. K_ S. Pillai, advocate and solicitor, Penang, who had been on a short holiday to Rangoon has returned. Mr and Mrs. J N. Morrison has returned to Pant from Teluk Anson, where they had leen spending' Christmas. Mr fl Wylie has returned from home leave and taken
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        Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
        23 March 1938 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Sir Arthur Wauchope. High Commissica;er of Palestine, sailed from Port Said t Colombo, by the m.s. Alaia.” if. if if Mr. R. Higgins. Inspecter of Police. Bukit Mertajam. is spending his local leave at the Eastern Hotel. Cameron Highlands. Mr AG Macdonald. Warden of Mines, Perak, is spending
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        The Straits Times / Article
        10 July 1938 - (From Our Own Correspondent) THE Kuala Langat district agricultural show will be held on Sunday, July 24 at the site of the Sunday fair at Banting Village. It is open to exhibitors in the district of Kuala Langat and the sub-district of Sepang. A baby District Office,
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        The Straits Times / Article
        25 December 1938 - 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. Saturday. THE annual athletic sports of the labourers of Permatang Estate. Banting, Kuala Langat, were held on the school padang. Before the beginning of the sports there was an exhibition of vegetables and goats from the estate Tamil settlement. Mr. H. L. Daly,
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        Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
        25 April 1939 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. J. W. Jefferson, former Superintendent of Physical Education, S.S. and F.M.S., has been appointed Inspector of Schools, Perlis. The wedding took place at St. Andrew s Cathedral on Saturday morning of Mr. George Strother, Assistant Naval Store Officer, and Miss Beryl Gwynne ones, of the General Hospital,
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        The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Miscellaneous
        27 April 1939 - Air Mail Arrivals And Despatches INWARD imperial: From Europe due Monday, Thursday, Friday mornings. Wearnes: From Penan*. Ipoh, and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives every evening. X.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday afternoons. Qantas: From Australia: Arrives Tuesday, Friday Sunday mornings. X.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday evenings. K.N.1.L.M.:
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        Malaya Tribune / Article
        27 April 1939 - Singapore. Wednesday. *n&-n interesting weddings look Fibre al St Andrew s Cathedral afternoon, one at four o'clock \S the other al five. it* was between Miss Bvelyn hreys, daughter of Mr. iphreys of Hongkong, and A der Reginald Charles Gasp of Mrs. Frank Gaskell r Wales. dral
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        Morning Tribune / Article
        27 April 1939 - Mr. G. O. W. Symons, the veteran planter ot Kuala Langat. and manager of Telok Da ton estate, Banting, who went on furlough, has retired, while m London Mr. C. G. Corke has been appointed manager of Teluk Datoh estate, Banting, m place of Mr Symons
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        The Straits Times / Article
        29 October 1939 - $2,500 Gifts To War Charity In Klang THE estate staffs and labour forces In the Kuala Langat district of Selangor are now also contributing to the Malaya Patriotic Fund, states our Pert Swettenham correspondent A sub-committee had been organised os follows: Dr. K. Narasinham and Messrs. N.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          4 February 1940 - Mr. F. Joseph, of the Seremban P.W. D., ha.s been transferred to Banting. Km la Langat, as Supervisor, Water Works.
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          9 February 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL H.E. the Governor has appointed Captain E. H. Hime to be an Assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore. The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period Feb. 9 to Feb. 15, inclusive, as 36 cents per pound. The
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          16 August 1940 - EIGHT I*. W. D. LABOURERS FACE MURDER CHARGE Klang. SANKODAN, Kuppan, Ramasamy, Varathan, Chellappan, Karuppiah P., Karuppiah M., and Rengasamy, eight Tamils employed in the P.W D., Kuala Langat, appeared before Che Abdul Aziz, the Telok Datoh Magistrate, on a charge of murdering Karthigasu, a
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          The Straits Times / Article
          21 September 1940 - Planting Topics A Visit To A Coastal Area In Kuala Langat By Our Planting Correspondent CITUATED in the district of Kuala Langat is Sungei Sedu estate belonging to the Langat River (Sejatigor) Rubber Co., (Incorporated in Ceylon) consisting of 3,254 acrer, which, as a coastal
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          26 September 1940 - By Our Planting Correspondent CITI'ATED in the district of Kuala 9 j tl; eat is Sungei Sedu estate (ll ‘„ing to the Langal River (Se- i Rubber Co., (Incorporated uvloii) consisting of 8,254 acres vhic h
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          23 October 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. F.J.C. Wilson. Assistant Superintendent of Police, S.S., has been appointed a Justice of the Peace for the Settlement of Singapore. A Social Service reply paid cable to London despatched from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday was answered on Sunday and the reply received there on Monday afternoon. Heer
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          24 October 1940 - Questions On System Of Accounts Butterworth. Hearing was continued yesterday in the case in which K. Ramasamy stands trial on a charge of criminal breach of trust of concession tickets worth $2.184 between December 1, 1939 and May 4. 1940. while employed as a
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          8 November 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. P C. Fisher has been appointed Manager of Brooklands estate. Banting, in place of Mr. W A. Stanton, who retires shortly. Mr. B.H. Lewis. Manager, Haytor estate, Kapar, is retiring very shortly. His place will be taken by Mr. Holland from Johore. Dr. R. L. Archer, Mission
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          2 December 1940 - From Our Own Correspondent) Mr t n o Klang s,atur day. K. J. C Symons, manager of Sungei Buata Estate, Bantin" has retired and, it is reported intends to settle down in Kuala Langat district. Mr. Symons has been on c of the pioneer planters in this district
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          3 December 1940 - CAR BEING TRIED OUT AT THE TIME How an elderly Indian was killed as a result of being involved in a collision with a car at Ayer Itam Road near the entrance leading to the Ayer Itam Agricultural School on the morning of October 23
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          5 December 1940 - Mr. J. G. A. Svmons, manager of Sungei Buaia Estate. Banting, has retired and it is reported, intends to settle down in Kuala Langat district. Mr. Symons has been one of the pioneer planters in this district, having been engaged In the Industry in Banting for the past 40 years
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          The Straits Budget / Article
          27 February 1941 - Co-operation Of Planting Community Sought (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Feb. 17. AT an extraordinary general meeting of the? Kuala Langat District Tamil Teachers' Association held on Feb. 15, at Banting, tha president, Mr. S. Samuel, gave the list of an interview he had had
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          6 March 1941 - Mr H. L. Hodges. Inspector of Tamil School*, Kuala Lumpur, and Mr J A Barton. Chairman of the Kuala Langat District Planters Association Banting hove become patrons of the Kuala Langat District Tamil Teachers Association Banting.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          13 May 1941 - Mobile Units Very Active In Estate Strike District (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, May 12. MILITARY and police mobile patrols were extremely active this morning m the Kuala Selangor, Kuala Langat and Klang districts, where the Indian estate labour strike situation has
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          Morning Tribune / Article
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          6 June 1941 - POLICE MARKSMAN COMMENDED BY MAGISTRATE Kuala Lumpur. '"pHE accuracy with which he fired at a distance of 100 yards across the Langat River, at the legs oi an intimidator who, in spite of the repeated warnings ot Mr. Strathairn, Probationary 14. S.P
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          9 July 1941 - (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. RETURNING a verdict of justifiable homicide at the conclusion of the enquiry into the deaths of three Indian labourers —Mayandi, Angappan and Koneri—who died of gunshot wounds when the military were forced to open Ofr on a
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          Morning Tribune / Article
          9 July 1941 - (Front Our Own Reporter) Kuala I.umpur, Tuesday. RETURNING a verdict of justifiable homicide at the conclusion of the enquiry into the deaths of three Indian labourers Mavandi, Angappan and Koneri—who died of gunshot wounds when the military were forced to open fire on a mob of
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          Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article
          4 August 1941 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. R.P.S. Rajasooria, the Kuala Lumpur lawyer and sportsman, who came to Penang for the August Bank holidays, is umpiring for the Malay States in the Colony-F. M.S. cricket “Test” being played here. Inspector J. Lyons of Butterworth -s on leave from the beginning of this month. 2(1
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          Shonan Times (Syonan Shimbun) / Article
          30 October 1942 - Lisbon, Oct. 28. Dome' ASSAILING Wendell Willkie's accusation in his nation-wide radio speech that the United States Government was following a "wishy-washy" policy regarding India, Secretary of State Cordell Hull at a Press conference yesterday declared that the Washington administration "of course is interested in
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          The Straits Times / Article
          30 December 1946 - From Our Own Correspondent KLANG oj: MEARLY 500 Tamil labourers of Dusun Durian estate. Bantang, have gone on strike as a protest against the notice served on 10 labourers by the manager of the estate. The demands of the strikers Include the re-instatement of the dismissed
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          24 January 1947 - U.P. M. C. Kumaran. Officer-in-Charge of the Veterinary Department, Raub and District, has sailed for India on long leave. Lt.-Col. R. H. Isaac, of Tintagel, Victoria Road, Horley, Surrey, has been appointed a Medical Officer in Malaya. Miss M. J. Pinkam, of 7A, St. James' Drive,
          U.P.  -  732 words
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          5 February 1948 - Arrangements are being made to establish an office of the British Courfcil in Kuala Lumpur. A grill has now been establishes! at the Selangor Club Chambers and meals can be obtained a i i carte. A Notice to Mariners in the Gazette warns that the buoy j
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          The Straits Times / Article, Illustration
          20 March 1948 - Western welfare work for Malay babies "FEMINA Z/V 77ffi FEDERAL CAPITAL By "jUAU mintak obat IVI chaching." "Mau minyak ikan." "Mau minyak kuning", Which, being translated, means, "I want worm medicine." "I want cod liver oil." "I want yellow medicine." And all of that, added up, is the theme behind
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          24 April 1948 - For gambling in public outside godown No. 3, Prai, Mohd. Mydin was fined $5 by the Butterworth Magistrate. Mr. Goh »Siew Hock, wellknown Ipoh resident, is a patient in the District Hospital, Ipoh, following a successful operation for appendicitis on Wednesday. Inspector Isher Singh of Kuala Lumpur,
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          The Straits Times / Article
          2 December 1948 - the tiger is believed to be man or demon m tin* form of a wild beast, and there are many legends attached to it, the most Interesting being how ■he tiger goi his stripes. I heard this folk tale fi >m Mahmud bin Bahari, my Forest Ranker m
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          21 August 1949 - Following are further reports of celebrations of the Second Anniversary of Indian Independence Day n various parts of Malaya. AT KUALA LANGAT Under the Auspices of the Indian Association the Kuala Limgat Indians celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of the Indian Independence Day ,in Banting on Monday
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          1 September 1949 - From Oar Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. FORMATION of a Malay Rubber Smallholders' Association is being considered to help Malay smallholders take advantage of the gift of $1,000,000 from the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund. This gift, to provide improved rubber planting material
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article, Illustration
          31 January 1950 - Reports From Various Centres Reports received from various centres in Malaya show that the Indian Republic Inauguration Day was celebrated on Thursday, Jan. 26, with great eclat by the Indian community throughout this country. Highlights of the celebrations were hag-hoisting, prayers, feeding
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          Malaya Tribune / Article
          17 March 1950 - KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. rl Selangor police yesterday offered a reward of $30,000 for information leading to the arrest of two Malay bandit leadeis named Hithir and Ali bin Boyok. A Ma lav bandit leader in the Ulu Langat area of St langor, Hithir has
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          17 March 1950 - MILITARY CONVOY AMBUSHED NORTH OF K.L. TWO REPORTED SERIOUSLY INJURED A preliminary report states that at about midday yesterday, Mar. 16, a military convoy was ambushed at the 15th mile Bentong Road. Casualties so far known are: Two military seriously injured. No further details are yet available, says a Police
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          28 March 1950 - KUALA LANG AT INDIAN ASSOCIATION At the general bedy meeting of JNM Indian Association, Kuaia .^angat, held on Saturday. Mar. 25, at wanting Tneatre, Banting, the iOiiowing office-bearers and committee members were elected lor tne ensuing year: President: Mr. P. C. Cherry Unanimously re-elected), VicePresidents: Mr. R. J. Oliver and
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          23 July 1950 - TAMIL SCHOOL TO BE ESTABLISHED AT BANTING At a meeting held under t.he puspicecsj of Indian Association. Kuala Langat, a,t Rio Theatre, Banting, on July 18 at 4 p.m., with Ma:. P. C. Cherry m the chair and attended by a large gathering. The establishment of a new Tamil school
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          The Straits Times / Letter
          13 January 1951 - ■pHE most important Goverriment Department should be the Education Department. History has proved again and again that a country with several races can be moulded into a nation—for example the United States of America. In this connection we assume that we must have a lingua franca,
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          The Straits Times / Article
          6 November 1951 - 23 'bad area' specials arrested KUALA LUMPUR Mon. 'TWENTY-three special constables on estates m the Banting district of Selangor are at present under arrest following disclosures made to the Federation Police by a surrendered bandit. A police spokesman said today that investigations were still going on and that it was
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          The Straits Times / Article
          13 November 1951 - Forces make dawn swoop RESETTLEMENT 6 A FAILURE 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday. ANOTHER bandit-supporting settlement was demolished today when troops and police at dawn swooped down on Bukit Changgang: 1 village and resettlement camp, about ten miles from Banting m Selangor and bordering the Kuala
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          25 September 1952 - KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. rE officer in charge of the Kuala Langat polio districts, Mr. D. S. Ross, A.S.P., was fined $150 today for dangerous driving. The President of the Ku.ili liimpur SevH.ns Court. Mr. B. V. Rhodes, f>rii«Tccl that Ross's driving licence b
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          Singapore Standard / Article
          13 October 1952 - New Food Movemen t Law In K. Langat KUALA LUMPUR, Sun.— New regulations concerning the control of food movement m the Kuala Langat area affect three main roads m the State. These are Klang to Banting Road from the Sijankang Road junction at Bth mile as far as Banting, the
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          The Straits Times / Article
          22 October 1952 - RICE CUT FOR BAIXTING AREA KI'ALA MMPIR, Tuesday. IN the latest attempt to deny food to the K.ijang gang of terrorists hiding in Kuala Langat forest reserve, Selangor State Government has o derfd minimum rice rations in Banting area for three months. Men, will
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          The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration
          13 November 1952 - KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 8. fOR the first time, the story was told today of how the Communist revolution in Malaya has failed. It came from a disillusioned former Communist leader in Selangor who gave reporters the clearest picture yet of life in the
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          Singapore Standard / Article
          13 January 1953 - SelangorGovt. Reducesßice Ration: No More Surpluses Standard Staff Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Government yesterday struck yet one more telling blow against the terrorist stragglers m the Selangor jungles by enforcing a food ban m the South of Kuala Langat district. New food regulations including a reduction
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          The Straits Times / Article
          23 January 1953 - Petition writers cheat the public, commission told KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday. CORRUPTION in Government services in the Federation was more the result of a bad system than of bad staff, Mr. W. N. McLeod told the Integrity Commission today at its second public session in Kuala
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          Sunday Standard / Article
          1 February 1953 - KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— A top terrorist m Selangor was one of fvo terrorists killed m the Federation yesterday. In Selangor. security forces killed Chew Van Kong alias Lav Chew, a district committee member m charge of the Bant'ins area. He was killed by a police
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          Sunday Standard / Article
          8 February 1953 - KUALA LUMPUR. Sat.— The Police are particularly interested m six top terrorists who are still at large m South Selangor. The most expensive or the six is Lav Cheng alias Lav Mun Fai, state committee member living m the Kuala Langat forest reserve. He is worth
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          The Straits Times / Article
          28 November 1953 - KLANG. Frl. The Raja Muda of Selangor today presented colours to the Is't. 2nd 3rd and 4th Kuala Langat Home Guard battalions at jTt'lok Datoh. Banting. The Raja Muda urged th«> 600 Home Guards to treat their ensigns as an inspiration to fight the Communist terrorists
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          The Straits Budget / Article
          3 December 1953 - KLANG. Nov. 27j- The Raja Muda of Selangor today presented colours to the Ist. 2nd 3rd and 4th Kuala Langat Home Guard battalions at Telok Datoh. Banting. The Raja Muda urged the 600 Home Guards to treat their ensigns as an inspiration to fight the Communist
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          The Straits Times / Article
          6 July 1954 - THEY WOULDN'T QUIT WHEN TOLD TC KUALA LUMPUR. Monday THfc United Malays National Organisation has expelled Inche Mihidin bin Mohamad Rashad unofficial member o' the Selangor State Council, anc Raja Adnan bin Raja Basok, a member of the Banting Town Board, for refusing to
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          Singapore Standard / Article
          12 October 1954 - KUALA Ll'MPl'K. Mon— The Federation Government has completed an intricate machine to 1 p track of the movements of nearly a million peo* the State of Selangor. i: hinc built b Tenants Registration Soh me will tell the authorities within 24 hours the movements of
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          The Straits Times / Article
          20 December 1954 - New move to cut off Reds food supplies KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. riOOD restrictions designed to prevent supplies going out to about 45 terrorists In the south swamp area ol Kuala Langat. BelaUlgor. will be enforced from tomorrow A rice ration will limit we. k uppiiei •<> three katties for men,
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          Sunday Standard / Article
          20 December 1954 - PICNICKERS WARNED ON FOOD CARRYING KUALA LUMPUR. Sun.— Picnickers to Morib beach were today warned bv Government not to take food on the route from Banting except in escorted convoy because of restrictions coming into force in Ulu Langat district from dawn tomorrow. The restrictions, designed to intercept supplies: to
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          21 December 1954 - Flood restrtctione designed to interrupt food supplies to Communist terrorists m the south swamp are a of Kuala Langat has been put into force from yesterday. |Tfae operational rice ration has been imposed, limiting rice supplies to three kattfes per week for men, two and a
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          23 December 1954 - KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 20. ON what is believed to be the first occasion on record, a Federation political party —the Malayan Chinese Association—today announced its willingness to act as a “postbox” for information about terrorists. This follows the decision by the
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          The Straits Times / Article
          28 December 1954 - KLANG. Mon— Three concerts to raise money for the Nanyang University Fund will oe held at the Kuala Langat irea. The concerts will be at the Banting Chinese School on Jan 1, Tan Jong Sepat new irlllage. on Jan. 5 and Jenjarom new village on
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          The Straits Times / Article
          27 January 1955 - KLANG, Wed. Mr. Daniel Jayaratnam, president of the Kuala Langat branch of the Malayan Indian Congress, said today that Banting should have a town council by 1956 at the latest.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          7 April 1955 - They help shell bandits in swamp KUALA LUMPUR. W-?d More than 200 people from Banting today watched nine j members of the Banting Good Citizens" Com:nittec fire field gutis shelling terrorist targets in the southwest Selangor swamp of Kuala Langat Each committee man fired a 25-pounder shell
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          Sunday Standard / Article, Illustration
          10 April 1955 - Villagers Help Blast The Sleds .m-vuhM) neonlc from Banting Town. Selanjjor. gathered at Suncei MangTWO HUM )RtDP e«P^ r ~JJ jf antinß recently to watch nine members oi gis, a vi age about^«SJ?%BßaUtM guns which were shelling (omm.inthe Banting £^^^^^^9^ Kuala Langat. Here Mr. Tea Uong S.k. ist terrorist tar
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article, Illustration
          10 April 1955 - More than 200 people from Banting Town, Selaneor, gathered at Sungei Manggls, a village about two miles from Banting, a village about two miles from Banting, to watch n'ne members of the Banting Good atlzens* Committee fire field gun« which wen© shelling Communist terrorist targets In the South Swamp of
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          The Straits Times / Advertisement
          17 May 1955 - NOTICES NOTICE HONG FATT (SUNGEI BESI) CITY COUNCIL ELECTRICITY t miTEn DEPARTMENT LIMTfcD Work In connection with electrical NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS extensions in 9* mile Ylo Chu Kang Nottce te here by given that It Is wJSS? I^ intended to pay a final dividend of hour, rf gon /M^ 10
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          Singapore Standard / Advertisement
          17 May 1955 - NJ) T ICES SALE OF REGISTERS OF ELECTORS. Lta ;ted numbers of ropies of the registers of electors .re now on sale. They are priced In accordance with «W la Stt»VtlM Registration c Electors Reyuiahons, 1054, wnirh rCadS "-ThrSstenn^ Officer shall supply to any person fiy The register of electors
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          The Straits Times / Article, Illustration
          26 September 1955 - I A FLOURISHING DISTRICT j WHEN a patrol of the 2/7 th Gurkhas killed three terrorists in Kuala Langat District late in September last year, the local Communist organisation exacted a hideous reprisal two days later. Two terrorists, who had grown up in
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          The Straits Times / Article
          27 September 1955 - KI.ANO Mon —A polite (unstable and eirht other men were injured yesterday when the lorry in which they were returning from Banting skidded and overturned on the Langat road near here. Six men were admitted to hospital, while the other three were treated for
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          21 December 1955 - First Insta/ment Of Rs. 25,000 To Be Sent Today Chinese, Malays, Eurasians Europeans Also Contribute FIRST INSTALMENT OF Rs. 25,000 (OVER $16,000.00) WILL BE SENT TO-DAY TO THE MADRAS CYCLONE RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE FROM SINGAPORE, OUT OF CONTRIBUTIONS ACKNOWLEDGED IN THE TAMIL
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          Singapore Standard / Article
          20 January 1956 - The Kuala Langat branch of the Malayan Indian Congress will hold a mass meeting m Banting on the evening of Jan. 26 to mark the Indian Republic Day.
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          Indian Daily Mail / Article
          24 March 1956 - H.C. LAUDS GOOD CITIZENS COMMITTEE The High Commissioner Sir Donald MaoGiUivray. yesterua y met for the first time the nine founder-members of the wanting Good Citizens Committee. They visited Kings House with members of the '°rmed Good Citizens Oommittee from the 14th "Mile Village, Uiu Langat. Thte new oommittee is
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          The Straits Times / Article
          26 March 1956 - BANTING, Sun— Members of the Banting Indian Good Citizens' Committee will visit 20 estates in the neighbouring Ulu Langat district from tomorrow to urge Indian workers to form Good Citizens' Committees.
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          Singapore Standard / Article
          31 March 1956 - Reds Cannof Blackmail This Body' KUAL/ Good Citizens' committees can knit the p< i n a united front which Co-nmu-terroristi cannot blackMil, workers of the Ulu Langat L told today. Members of the Banting Good Citizens Con toured the estates said th* achievement of a "white area" was well within
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          The Straits Budget / Article
          5 April 1956 - Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 30. The Secretary of the Banting Good Citizens’ Committee, Mr. D. Jayaratnam, said today that the end of Communist terrorism in the Ulu Langat district of South Selangor was in sight. Mr. Jayaratnam today returned from a week’s tour of 26 estates
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          The Straits Times / Article
          14 May 1956 - BANTING, Sun.— The Kuala Langat branch of the MAPTB has collected $1,045 for the Lady Templer TB Hospital in Kuala Lumpur.
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          The Straits Times / Letter
          2 July 1956 - I READ that yet anotfaer Good Ctttaens committee i« to be formed, whereas I agree most heartily with the sentiments behind the forming of these committees. I do think that we should exercise discretion hi giving; credit where it is not truly earned. A case in point Is
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          The Straits Times / Letter
          5 July 1956 - YOUR correspondent "One of the Wives Who Waited" (Straits Times, July 2) is entirely wrong: in her statements about the Banting: Good Citizens' Committee. She says the committee was formed in August 1955 when two-thirds of the terrorists in the Kuala Langat area had been eliminated.
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          The Straits Times / Letter
          12 July 1956 - RUBBER smallholders in Kelantan do not understand how the present rubber replanting scheme really works. I think the Rubber Replanting Board has not sufficiently explained the conditions under which financial heh> la Riven. It is always a falling of a government department to assume that its
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          The Straits Times / Article
          29 August 1956 - BANTING, Tues. A youth section of the Malayan Indian Congress (Kuala Langat branch) was formed here yesterday with Mr. Jel lie Thomas and Mr. m. S. Malayalam as leader and deputy leader respectively.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          5 October 1956 - BANTING, Tues.— The departure of Mr. Jack Hackett, the Selangor State Information Officer, will be a "great blow" to the good citizens movement which he founded In 1955, Mr. D. Jayaratnam, secretary of the Kuala Langat Indian Good Citizens Committee, said here yesterday. He was
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          The Straits Times / Article
          23 November 1956 - COMING— BANTING'S GOOD CITIZENS A SMALL band of gallant Chinese, who are risking their lives to help the authorities fight the Communist terrorists in the Federation, will arrive in Singapore today for a two-day civics course tour. They are members of the Banting Good Citizens Committee, who founded the Good
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          23 November 1956 - GOOD CITIZENS OF BANTING WILL MEET LIM YEW HOCK NINE members of the Banting Good Citizens Committee, founders of the Good Citizens movement m Malaya, are visiting Singapore on a civics course. The nine wore leaders m a campaign again.' 1 Communist terrorism In Kuala Langat. As a result of
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          The Straits Times / Article
          5 December 1956 - BANTING, Tues.— The departure of Mr. Jack Hackett, the Selangor State Information Officer, will be a "great blow" to the good citizens movement which he founded In 1955, Mr. D. Jayaratnam, secretary of the Kuala Langat Indian Good Citizens Committee, said here yesterday. He was
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          10 February 1957 - the-p< .ns at which Government ofnorv p< lice. military and inirs ]<■(•- ly trn iliou.sand people yrar attend t!u. c courses In Srlangor. Thrrr uerr 123 COUMM in the more than hitlf the total for the whole federation. Jack has helped
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          The Straits Times / Article
          20 March 1957 - BANTING. Tues.—The president of the Kuala Langat district Alliance committee, Mr. Daniel Jayara*nam, yesterday opened a branch of the Malayan Indian Congress at Sungel Pelek.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          8 April 1957 - CITIZENSHIP: HE BACKS THE TENGKU BANTING, San. rhe President of the Koala Langat district Alliance committee, Mr. D. Jayaratoam, supports Tengku Abdul Rahman's opposition to dual citizenship. Mr. Jayaratnam. who was re-elected president of the district branch of »he Malayan Indian O ugress, said this was only the way to
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          The Straits Budget / Article
          11 April 1957 - BANTING. Apr. 7—TinPresident of the Kuala Langat district Alliance committee, Mr. D. Jayaratnam. supports Tengku Abdul Rahman's opposition to dual citizenship. Mr. Jayaratnam. who was re-elected president of the district branch of the Malayan Indian Congress, said this was only the way to ensure 100
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          The Straits Times / Article
          26 June 1957 - BANTING, Tues. The president of the Kuala Langat district Alliance committee. Mr. Daniel Jayaratnam, yesterday complained against the delay in issuing state nationality certificates at the Telok Datoh district office. He was speaking at a meeting of the Sepang branch of the Malayan Indian Congress.
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          The Straits Times / Article
          29 August 1957 - BANTING, Tues. A youth section of the Malayan Indian Congress (Kuala Langat branch) was formed here yesterday with Mr. Jel lie Thomas and Mr. m. S. Malayalam as leader and deputy leader respectively.
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