Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Buat semua umat Islam dan peminat blog Atok ini. Syukur alhamdulillah atas segala limpahan rahmat Allah SWT buat Atok sekeluarga. Atok bersyukur diberi kesihatan yang baik walaupun sakit tulang belakang Atok ini semakin menghimpit saraf sehingga membatasi pergerakan Atok. Atok bukannya mengeluh, bahkan Atok hendak menyatakan kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi kerana tidak diuji seperti sesetengah orang lain yang menghidap penyakit-penyakit yang memudaratkan seperti kanser, kemalangan teruk yang menyebabkan mereka terlantar, terbaring di atas katil bertahun-tahun lamanya.
Minggu lepas Atok dan Wan ke Bentong menziarahi besan kami yang mengalami sedikit masalah kesihatan. Jadi kami bertolak dari Seremban lewat petang dan sampai ke sana hampir 9 malam. Hujan lebat turun sepanjang perjalanan ke sana. Mujurlah kami bermalam di rumah besan. Ketika itu Atok teringatkan bagaimana agaknya orang-orang dahulu bermusafir jauh? Di mana mereka bermalam? Bagaimana pula makan minum mereka?
Hahahaha...Sebab itulah balik sahaja dari Lurah Bilut, Atok terus google mencari bahan-bahan sejarah daripada buku-buku penulisan pengembara Eropah yang sentiasa berminat menulis tentang tempat-tempat yang mereka lawati dan lalui. Mereka terus bercerita bagaimana dan di mana mereka bermalam dan makan. Betapa mereka membanding-bandingkan kehidupan mereka dengan rakyat marhaein daripada penduduk-penduduk tempatan, sebagai cara mereka melahirkan 'kesyukuran' mereka sebagai Tuan dan pelindung kepada kaum-kaum Asia yang dijajah.
Jadi, di dalam entri Atok kali ini, Atok akan menceritakan secara terperinci perihal rumah rehat dan sebelumnya banglo terhenti (Halting Bungalow) yang menggerakkan kemajuan dan pembangunan sosio-ekonomi Negeri Sembilan ketika itu. Dik kerana panjang dan banyaknya bahan penyelidikan, ditambahi pula gambar-gambar yang menarik tentangnya di internet, maka terpaksalah Atok pecah-pecahkan cerita pasalnya mengikut daerah. Seperti biasalah, Atok mulakan dengan daerah Seremban dahulu, diikuti dengan daerah Port Dickson dan seterusnya.
Atok sendiri terpegun dan terkesima dengan bahan-bahan bersejarah ini. Bukan riak, tetapi mensyukuri kerana dapat mempersembahkan suatu bahan pembacaan buat menambahkan ilmu agar dapat dikongsi bersama generasi muda. Semoga segala kebaikannya kembali semula kepada Atok dan Wan. Kenapa pula dengan Wan? Bukankah Atok sendiri yang menulis? Hihihi...jangan korang menidakkan sumbangan dan pengorbanan Wan. Dengan sebab pengorbanan beliaulah, membuatkan Atok kopi panas dan cekodok, maka hasil kajian Atok smooth sebegini, tau? So, jangan claim semua pujian hanya buat kita sahaja, kongsikan dengan mereka di belakang tabir, especially Allah SWT. Tanpa kemahuanNya tidak terjadi apa yang kita inginkan.
Seperti biasa, Atok ucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada semua para penyumbang bahan, sama ada bacaan, grafik dan sebagainya yang Atok gunakan dalam penulisan ini. Pahala ini nanti kita kongsi bersama,ya? Salam dan selamat membaca.
Negeri Sembilan asalnya dibahagikan kepada lima daerah iaitu Seremban, Pantai, Jelebu, Kuala Pilah, dan Tampin. Pejabat Residen British berada di Seremban. Pada tahun 1895, Sungei Ujong dan Jelebu dimasukkan ke dalam bidang pentadbirannya. Sungei Ujong yang dikenali Seremban muncul seperti mana bandar-bandar lain di negara ini iaitu di sekitar tahun 1870-an dan dipercayai bermula apabila kawasan di sekitar Rasah didapati kaya dengan hasil bumi iaitu bijih timah. Apabila ianya mengalami kemasukan penduduk (migrasi) yang pesat terdiri dari orang-orang Cina, Arab dan juga bangsa Melayu dari tempat lain, Seremban bukan sahaja menjadi pusat melombong bijih timah tetapi juga pusat perdagangan. Peniaga-peniaga pada masa itu menggunakan Sungai Linggi sebagai laluan pengangkutan perdagangan mereka manakala penduduk Melayu tempatan di kawasan ini kebanyakannya adalah petani.
Peta lama tahun 1876 tentang sempadan Selangor dan Sungei Ujong |
Daerah Seremban merupakan salah satu daripada tujuh daerah di Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Dalam daerah ini terletaknya ibu negeri Negeri Sembilan iaitu Bandaraya Seremban. Daerah Seremban terletak di bahagian barat Negeri Sembilan dan merupakan daerah keempat terbesar dengan keluasan 93.501.88 hektar. Daerah Seremban bersempadan dengan daerah Jelebu dan Kuala Pilah di timur, daerah Port Dickson di barat dan daerah Rembau di selatan.
Apabila Negeri Sembilan telah menjadi anggota Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu pada tahun 1896, Seremban dengan sendirinya menjadi pusat pentadbiran, perdagangan dan pertanian bagi Negeri Sembilan. Seremban dianggarkan pada waktu itu (1916) memiliki penduduk seramai 20,000 orang dimana deretan bangunan kedai telah pun mula dibina disepanjang Jalan Paul, Jalan Birch, Jalan Cameron (Jalan Dato` Lee Fong Yee) dan Jalan Setul (Jalan Tun Dr. Ismail).
Di pekan-pekan yang sangat kecil tanpa rumah rehat, masih terdapat sejak zaman dahulu lagi banglo inap/halting bungalow /Sanatorium yang bertaburan di seluruh negara, digunakan oleh pegawai kerajaan, pencari gali lombong dan lain-lain yang mempunyai kesempatan untuk terkeluar dari laluan utama di kawasan pedalaman atau Ulu. Kediaman penginapan yang dibina khas untuk pengembara disediakan oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan. Premis ini biasanya mempunyai 'ruang individu untuk setiap unit keluarga dengan rangkaian penuh perkhidmatan' yang disediakan dalam struktur kecil di setiap ruang. Rumah penginapan ini biasanya menyediakan makanan, minuman, dan rehat kepada orang dan kuda.
Banglo Terhenti digunakan untuk persinggahan semalaman oleh pegawai perhutanan dalam perjalanan di hutan dan tiada bekalan air dan elektrik. Penginapan hanya terdapat di tempat yang dikenali. Bumbungnya diperbuat daripada attap dan dindingnya ditenun bemban. Halting Bungalow yang terdapat di Negeri sembilan agak terhad. Terdapat masing-masing satu di Ulu Bendol, Simpang Pertang, Selaru, Gemas. Kebenaran untuk menduduki tempat-tempat ini boleh diperoleh daripada Jurutera yang bertanggungjawab ke atas daerah di mana Banglo ini berada terletak. Banglo Terhenti ini wujud, kadangkala dibina khas, kadangkala banglo lama Pegawai Perintis, atau kadangkala bangunan yang disewa. Bangunannya mengandungi, sebagai peraturan , dua atau tiga bilik, dapur, kandang untuk dua ekor kuda. tetapi adalah perlu bagi pengunjung membawa bekalan makanan mereka sendiri. "Halting Bungalow " juga seperti Rumah Rehat, kecuali tiada sesiapa - malah tiada Tukang Air yang bertanggungjawab dan penginapannya masih lebih primitif. Banglo Halting sentiasa sunyi.
Dalam tahun 1921, mula kedengaran suara-suara di akhbar mendesak kerajaan membuka resort-resort di stesen bukit mereka kepada warga Eropahnya yang berada di Malaya. Kata mereka seharusnya, kerajaan menyediakan rawatan sanatorium secara bergilir selama beberapa minggu di sana kepada wanita Eropah dan kanak-kanak yang terpaksa menderita di dataran. Mereka memberi alasan bahawa mereka berhak memulihkan diri dengan menghirup udara segar bukit.
Sememangnya ia suatu fakta perubatan. Sebarang ketinggian melebihi 3,600 kaki membekalkan penurunan dalam tekanan persekitaran, diikuti dengan penurunan asid karbonik yang terkandung dalam darah. Pada masa yang sama, pampasan pantas oleh peningkatan besar sel darah merah yang melaluinya penyerapan oksigen diberikan kepada aliran darah. Tidak kurang penting juga adalah kesan berfaedah daripada menyegarkan udara stesen bukit atas jiwa individu, penghidap malaria disentri, ibu yang letih dan berjangkit dan suri rumah yang tertekan. Penyingkiran 'wap' berat atmosfera dataran dari paru-paru, yang tanpanya, membawa kepada permulaan peningkatan dalam bilangan pernafasan seterusnya meningkatkan kekakuan dan kemurungan.
Sehingga tahun 1923, kerajaan F.M.S. telah mengadakan wad khas atau bahagian wad di hampir semua hospital telah diasingkan untuk pesakit konsumtif (orang yang menderita penyakit yang berpanjangan serta peluang tipis untuk sembuh). Hospital di Port Dickson juga digunakan sebagai Sanatorium untuk pesakit di peringkat berkemungkinan pulih. Peruntukan untuk pembinaan sanatoriam untuk orang yang menderita penyakit yang berpanjangan serta peluang tipis untuk sembuh (contoh penyakit TB) telah dibuat dalam anggaran 1921, tetapi disebabkan oleh kekangan kewangan, cadangan itu ditangguhkan. Ketika kawasan pantai Port Dickson dijangkiti wabak malaria, semua langkah berjaga-jaga diambil secara serius. Orang ramai tidak lagi dibenarkan mengunjungi resort kesihatan dan sanatorium yang dijangkiti.
Dalam tahun 1903, telah sedia ada 4 buah rumah rehat di Negeri Sembilan iaitu di Tampin, Seremban, Bukit Tangga, Kuala Pilah dan Port Dickson. Sebuah rumah rehat yang baharu telah dibina di Port Dickson dalam tahun 1924. Menjelang tahun 1911 terdapat tiga puluh enam buah rumah rehat tersebar di seluruh Negeri Melayu Bersekutu yang mengenakan kadar caj rata sehari untuk penginapan dan makanan. Terdapat sistem rumah rehat yang dikawal oleh Kerajaan dengan kadar sewa banglo Kerajaan yang berbeza-beza dari $15 sebulan untuk rumah Kelas V hingga $ 60 untuk rumah Kelas 1.
Rumah Rehat itu dibina daripada kayu dengan beranda besar dan siling tinggi. Perabot di dalam bilik itu dibuat rotan dan disediakan kelambu. Ubat nyamuk diletakkan di mana-mana dalam premis tersebut. Di beberapa kawasan terpencil di negara ini, Rumah Rehat sebelum ini cukup primitif. Tiada elektrik, hanya lampu minyak tanah.
Bilik mandi mengandungi bekas air yang besar, dikenali sebagai 'Balang Shanghai' yang sentiasa dipenuhkan oleh penjaga air sepanjang hari. Mereka mandi di atas pelantar kayu dengan mencedok air daripada bekas tersebut. Air panas biasanya dibawa masuk oleh tukang masak. Tandas adalah apa yang dikenali sebagai 'Kotak Petir'. Bunga-bunga di dalam bilik mandi di alas simen supaya air boleh mengalir. Dalam tahun 1901, semua banglo Kerajaan, Sanitoria dan Rumah Rehat hendaklah menyediakan rumah dan bilik bebas nyamuk yang lapang, selesa, dan mempunyai beranda.
Pelayan Asia juga penting untuk menjalankan pengurusan kelab, stesen bukit dan rumah rehat yang terdapat di mana-mana di landskap kolonial dan penting untuk pemerintahan British. Perniagaan domestik dan perkhidmatan Rumah Rehat didominasi pendatang Cina Hailam kerana mereka lebih menerima idea-idea baru, dan lebih mudah menyesuaikan diri daripada orang Cina dari wilayah Fukien dan Canton. Orang Cina yang biasanya berasal dari Hainan merupakan tukang masak yang sangat baik. Mereka sentiasa bersih. Masakan dan makanan Eropah, Cina atau Melayunya sedap termasuklah mkanan hibrid yang mengambil kira elemen tradisi masakan British dan amalan makanan dari Asia.
Rumah rehat didapati memiliki beberapa ciri yang serupa. Mereka semua diuruskan oleh orang Cina, dan, sebagai peraturan, pengurusannya sangat cekap. Tiada notis awal diperlukan tentang bila pengembara akan datang, dan juga tidak perlu untuk menyatakan berapa lama penginapan itu.
Pada asalnya hanya kakitangan kerajaan sahaja dibenarkan tinggal di Rumah Rehat tetapi pada tahun 1930-an, penanam, pelombong bijih timah dan orang Eropah komersial lain telah diterima sebagai tetamu yang membayar.
Dalam tahun 1963, Pihak berkuasa di Seremban sedang giat berusaha menarik pelancong dengan menerokai lokasi resort kesihatan yang berpotensi. Diketuai oleh Encik Lee Tee Siong, Jawatankuasa Banglo Perhentian Negeri Sembilan dan Pusat Peranginan Kesihatan baru-baru ini meninjau Gunong Angsi, Ulu Bendol, dan Jeram Guntor di daerah Kuala Pilah untuk mencari tapak yang sesuai. Kerajaan Negeri Sembilan memperuntukkan $150,000 untuk pembangunan pusat peranginan kesihatan. Apabila rancangan dimuktamadkan, jawatankuasa itu akan mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Kerajaan Negeri untuk menggunakan dana untuk membina banglo terhenti, kantin, tempat letak kereta, jalan dekat dan kemudahan lain yang diperlukan di tapak yang dipilih.
1. Plantation Hill Halting Bungalow, Bukit Putus (Tahun 1879)
Plantation Hill (Bukit Ladang), terletak berhampiran Seremban, Negeri Sembilan terletak di pinggir bandar, khususnya di kawasan Bukit Putus. Ia terletak di dalam perbukitan subur yang mencirikan rantau ini dan menawarkan pemandangan indah landskap sekitarnya. Kawasan ini terkenal dengan pemandangan indah, hutan tebal dan kepelbagaian biologi yang kaya, menjadikannya tempat yang popular untuk pencinta alam semula jadi dan penggemar aktiviti luar.
Bukit Ladang mempunyai kaitan sejarah dengan era perladangan di Tanah Melayu, di mana ia digunakan untuk pertanian, terutamanya untuk penanaman getah dan kelapa sawit. ia merupakan destinasi untuk pelbagai aktiviti seperti mendaki, memerhati burung, dan menerokai kekayaan flora dan fauna di rantau ini.
Bukit Ladang boleh diakses dari Seremban melalui jalan tempatan dan merupakan tempat percutian yang popular bagi mereka yang ingin menikmati keindahan alam semula jadi dan iklim bukit yang lebih sejuk berbanding kawasan tanah rendah.
Gambaran jelas Bukit Plantation ini mewujudkan rasa tempat yang kukuh, dipenuhi dengan keindahan alam semula jadi dan ketenangan hutan. Landskap yang subur, warna-warna cerah, dan bunyi alam semula jadi, daripada gemerisik daun hinggalah bunyi burung yang merdu, melukiskan gambaran syurga yang tidak dijinakkan. Kabin dan Sanitarium menyediakan tempat perlindungan yang harmoni dengan persekitaran, manakala unggun api dan cerita yang dikongsi di bawah langit bercahaya bintang membangkitkan perasaan setiakawan.
Pengalaman mendaki melalui dedaunan yang lebat, menemui air terjun yang tersembunyi, dan menemui runtuhan yang dilupakan menangkap semangat pengembaraan. Keseronokan yang ringkas—seperti rasa kopi tempatan, unggun api yang berderak, atau berenang yang menyegarkan—dijalin dengan pantulan tentang daya tahan alam semula jadi dan kepentingan memelihara keindahan tersebut.
Hubungan yang mendalam dengan alam sekitar, menggambarkan kualiti yang mempesonakan Plantation Hill sebagai lebih daripada sekadar lokasi, tetapi tempat perlindungan untuk jiwa. Ia adalah tempat di mana seseorang boleh meninggalkan beban kehidupan seharian dan menerima kuasa transformatif alam semula jadi dan pengalaman yang dikongsi. Imejan itu menyampaikan pelarian abadi dan mengasyikkan, meraikan kegembiraan penerokaan dan ketenangan yang terdapat dalam pelukan alam semula jadi.
Berikut adalah cuplikan sebahagian daripada pengalaman dan gambaran penulis Golden Chernosese, Isabella Bird, ketika mengikuti retreat Residen Inggeris di Sungai Ujong ke Plantation Hill, di Ulu Bendul suatu ketika dahulu:
The same afternoon we all made a very pleasant expedition to the Sanitarium, a cabin which the Resident has built on a hill three miles from here. A chair with four Chinese bearers carried Miss Shaw up, her sister and the two gentlemen walked, and I rode a Sumatra pony, on an Australian stockman's saddle, not only up the steep jungle path, but up a staircase of two hundred steps in which it terminates, the sagacious animal going up quite cunningly. One charm of a tropical jungle is that every few yards you come upon something new, and every hundred feet of ascent makes a decided difference in the vegetation. This is a very grand forest, with its straight, smooth stems running up over one hundred feet before branching, and the branches are loaded with orchids and trailers. One cannot see what the foliage is like which is borne far aloft into the summer sunshine, but on the ground I found great red trumpet flowers....
When we got up to the top of this, which the Resident calls " Plantation Hill," I was well pleased to find that only the undergrowth had been cleared away, and that "The Sanitarium" consists only of a cabin with a single room divided into two, and elevated on posts like a Malay house. The deep veranda which surrounds it is reached by a step-ladder. A smaller house could hardly be, or a more picturesque one, from the steepness and irregularity of its roof. The cook-house is a small attap shed in a place cut into the hill, and an inclosure of attap screens with a barrel in it under the house is the bath-room. The edge of the hill, from which a few trees have been cleared, is so steep that but for a bamboo rail one might slip over upon the tree-tops below. Some Liberian coffee shrubs, some tea, cinchona, and ipecacuanha, and some heartless English cabbages, are being grown on the hillside, and the Resident hopes that the State will have a great future of coffee.
The view in all directions was beautiful-to the north a sea of densely wooded mountains with indigo shadows in their hollows; to the south the country we had threaded on the Linggi river, for ests, and small tapioca clearings, little valleys where rice is growing, and scars where tin-mining is going on; the capital, the little town of Serambang (Seremban) with its larger clearings, and to the west the gleam of the shining sea. In the absence of mosquitoes we were able to sit out till after dark, a rare luxury. There was a gorgeous sunset of the gory, furnace kind, which one only sees in the tropics-waves of violet light rolling up over the mainland, and the low Sumatran coast looking like a purple cloud amidst the fiery haze.
Dinner was well cooked, and served with coffee after it, just as at home. The primitive bath-room was made usable by our eleven servants and chair- bearers being sent to the hill, where the two gentlemen mounted guard over them. After dark the Chinamen made the largest bonfire I ever saw, or at all events the most brilliant, with trunks of trees and pieces of gum dammar, several pounds in weight,
The accommodation of the "Sanitarium" is most limited. The two gentlemen, well armed, slept in the veranda, the Misses Shaw in camp beds in the inner cabin, and I in a swinging cot in the outer, the table being removed to make room for it. The bull-dog mounted guard over all, and showed his vigilance by an occasional growl. The eleven attendants stowed themselves away under the cabin, except a garrulous couple, who kept the fire blazing till daylight. My cot was most comfortable, but I failed to sleep. The forest was full of quaint, busy noises, broken in upon occasionally by the hoot of the "spectre bird," and the long, low, plaintive cry of some animal.
Daripada terjemahan ke Bahasa Melayunya, gambaran tentang kedudukan, letakan, rekabentuk rumah hentian /Halting Bungalow atau dalam petikan ini dipanggil Sanitarium nampak lebih jelas:
Pada petang yang sama kami semua membuat ekspedisi yang sangat menyenangkan ke Sanitarium, sebuah kabin yang telah dibina oleh Residen di atas bukit tiga batu dari sini. Kerusi dengan empat orang pembawa Cina membawa Miss Shaw ke atas, kakaknya dan dua lelaki itu berjalan, dan saya menunggang kuda kuda Sumatera, di atas pelana seorang penjaga kandang Australia, bukan sahaja menaiki laluan hutan yang curam, tetapi menaiki tangga dua ratus anak tangga di mana ia tamat, haiwan cerdik naik dengan agak licik.
Satu daya tarikan hutan tropika ialah setiap beberapa ela anda menemui sesuatu yang baharu, dan setiap seratus kaki pendakian membuat perbezaan yang jelas dalam tumbuh-tumbuhan. Ini adalah hutan yang sangat besar, dengan batangnya yang lurus dan licin menjulang lebih dari seratus kaki sebelum bercabang, dan dahannya dipenuhi dengan orkid dan treler. Seseorang tidak dapat melihat seperti apa dedaunan yang dibawa jauh ke atas cahaya matahari musim panas, tetapi di atas tanah saya dapati bunga sangkakala merah yang besar....
Apabila kami sampai ke puncak ini, yang Residen panggil "Bukit Perladangan," saya sangat gembira apabila mendapati bahawa hanya semak belukar telah dibersihkan, dan "The Sanitarium" hanya terdiri daripada sebuah kabin dengan satu bilik dibahagikan. menjadi dua, dan dinaikkan pada tiang seperti rumah Melayu. Beranda dalam yang mengelilinginya dicapai dengan tangga. Rumah yang lebih kecil sukar untuk menjadi, atau lebih indah, kerana kecuraman dan ketidakteraturan bumbungnya. Rumah tukang masak ialah bangsal attap kecil di tempat yang dipotong ke dalam bukit, dan kepungan skrin attap dengan tong di dalamnya di bawah rumah ialah bilik mandi. Pinggir bukit, di mana beberapa pokok telah dibersihkan, adalah sangat curam tetapi untuk rel buluh seseorang mungkin tergelincir di atas puncak pokok di bawah. Beberapa pokok renek kopi Liberia, beberapa teh, cinchona, dan ipecacuanha, dan beberapa kubis Inggeris yang tidak berhati perut, sedang ditanam di lereng bukit, dan Residen berharap bahawa Negeri akan mempunyai masa depan kopi yang hebat.
Pemandangan di semua arah adalah indah-di utara lautan gunung berhutan lebat dengan bayang-bayang nila di dalam rongganya; ke selatan negara yang telah kami ulirkan di sungai Linggi, untuk estet, dan pembukaan ubi kayu kecil, lembah kecil tempat padi tumbuh, dan parut di mana perlombongan bijih timah berlaku; ibu kota, bandar kecil Serambang (Seremban) dengan kawasan lapang yang lebih besar, dan di sebelah barat kilauan laut yang bersinar. Dengan ketiadaan nyamuk kami dapat duduk di luar sehingga selepas gelap, kemewahan yang jarang berlaku. Terdapat matahari terbenam yang indah dalam jenis relau berdarah, yang hanya dilihat di kawasan tropika-gelombang cahaya ungu yang bergulung di atas tanah besar, dan pantai rendah Sumatera kelihatan seperti awan ungu di tengah-tengah jerebu yang berapi-api.
Makan malam dimasak dengan baik, dan dihidangkan dengan kopi selepasnya, sama seperti di rumah. Bilik mandi primitif telah digunakan oleh sebelas orang pekerja upahan dan pengerusi kami yang dihantar ke bukit, di mana dua orang lelaki itu mengawal mereka. Selepas gelap, orang Cina membuat unggun api terbesar yang pernah saya lihat, atau dalam semua kejadian yang paling cemerlang, dengan batang pokok dan kepingan getah dammar, beberapa paun beratnya,
Penginapan "Sanitarium" adalah paling terhad. Kedua-dua lelaki, lengkap bersenjata, tidur di beranda, Miss Shaw di katil kem di dalam kabin, dan saya dalam katil berayun di luar, meja dikeluarkan untuk memberi ruang untuknya. Anjing bulldog itu menjadi pengawal ke atas semua, dan menunjukkan kewaspadaannya dengan geraman sekali-sekala. Sebelas atendan itu tidur di bawah kabin, kecuali sepasang suami isteri. yang terus menyalakan api sehingga siang. Katil bayi saya paling selesa, tetapi saya gagal tidur. Hutan itu penuh dengan bunyi-bunyi yang aneh dan sibuk, sekali-sekala dipecahkan oleh bunyi "burung hantu", dan tangisan yang panjang, rendah, sedih beberapa ekor haiwan malam.
Dalam tahun 1901, kedengaran suara-suara yang mendesak agar kerajaan membina sanatorium di kawasan tanah tinggi di Negeri Sembilan. Bagi mereka, untuk menggunakan sanatoria semula jadi ini adalah perlu untuk membina di atasnya, bukan hanya satu atau dua kotej terpencil di puncak terpencil dan berkabus: Satu siri kuarters, tersedia untuk menampung, jika perlu, seluruh kakitangan Kerajaan Eropah ( yang tidak ramai) hendaklah dibina di atas bukit. Satu jalan akses mungkin memadai; tetapi, pada ketinggian, beberapa batu jalan yang digredkan sama rata harus dibentangkan untuk berjalan dan menunggang di sepanjang rabung-yang pastinya boleh dilakukan di kawasan Gunung Berembun.
Kakitangan lelaki bolehlah menghabiskan hujung minggu dan percutian singkat di atas bukit; dan mereka yang kini diwajibkan untuk mendapatkan pemulihan, selepas sakit dalam perjalanan yang panjang, serta tidak selesa kerana perjalanan yang jauh dan kos yang mahal ke tempat-tempat seperti Jepun dan Jawa dan Assam, akan mendapati sanatoria yang lebih sihat dan lebih murah dekat di rumah.
Untuk mengabaikan peluang yang ditawarkan oleh banjaran gunung, begitu mudah untuk diakses, untuk sanatoria, adalah mengabaikan faktor kesihatan yang penting. Kerajaan perlu memahami dan mengambil pandangan yang lebih luas tentang keperluan kebersihan perkhidmatan, dan wang yang dibelanjakan untuk mengekalkan keberkesanan maksimum dalam kesihatan, akan menjadi wang yang dapat dijimatkan melalui kecekapan. pentadbiran. Mengapakah keperluan ini telah lama diabaikan?.
Penulis sebuah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris di Singapura pada tahun 1933 pernah menceritakan pengalaman beliau mendaki dan bermalam di Gunung Angsi berdekatan Ulu Bendul, Negeri Sembilan memaklumkan cahaya daripada rumah api Tanjung Tuan dan rumah api Bukit Jugra serta Rumah Api Pelabuhan Swettenham sayup kelihatan menyuluh dengan setia perairan mereka sebagai pedoman para pelaut dan kapal yang belayar malam.
Peta Lakar kedudukan Bandar Seremban asal dalam tahun 1893. Petak kuning menujukkan lokasi Gereja St. Marks serta tanah perkuburan Kristian dan tapak Sekolah King George V di Seremban |
Jarak antara Seremban dan Kuala Lumpur dalam tahun 1892 adalah hampir sejauh 43 batu (72km) menggunakan laluan berkuda (tidak berturap) |
Kemajuan pengangkutan darat menjadi lebih cepat dengan otomobil berbanding kereta lembu |
Komunikasi antara Seremban dan bandar-bandar lain di pesisir Selat Melaka dalam tahun 1892 menggunakan jalan laut melalui Port Dickson |
Daripada hasil pertaniannya getah menduduki tempat pertama. Terdapat 140 ladang yang mempunyai keluasan keseluruhan 85,806 ekar, dan jumlah yang dihasilkan pada tahun 1913 ialah 3,340 tan. Terdapat juga 32,000 ekar sawah padi, 20,595 ekar koko, dan 3,500 ekar gambir. Kawasan perlombongannya terdiri daripada 19,911 ekar, dan bijih timah adalah produk mineral yang paling penting. Pada tahun 1913 jumlah keseluruhan bijih timah yang dihasilkan di negeri ini 31,658 pikul bernilai $3,152,248. Jumlah wolfram ialah 2,196 pikul dan emas ialah 50 auns.
Peta Negeri Sembilan dalam tahun 1916 |
Pembinaan rumah rehat di Seremban mula disuarakan dalam tahun-tahun akhir dekad 1880-an. Hanya pada tahun 1890 kerajaan negeri mula memberikan peruntukan tanah dan kewangan untuk pembinaannya. Kemudian dalam tahun 1893, barulah rumah rehat pertama Seremban dibina. Lokasi asalnya tidak dimaklumkan. Ketika itu perhubungan antara negeri-negeri masih di peringkat asas. Jalan kereta lembu (bridtle path) yang menghubungkan Kuala Lumpur dengan Seremban telah wujud. Seremban dapat dihubungi dari Singapura dengan adanya perkhidmatan kapal wap dari Singapura melalui Port Dickson.
Dalam tahun 1900, digambarkan di Seremban sudah terdapat rumah rehat yang 'besar dan selesa' di sini. Seterusnya, penjualan rumah Encik Tunnicliffe di Seremban kepada kerajaan dalam tahun 1901 dengan harga $1,000, menandakan perkembangan positif untuk penginapan tempatan, kerana kerajaan bercadang untuk menggunakan semula harta itu sebagai Rumah Rehat. Rumah Rehat baharu ini dijangka menjadi penambahbaikan yang ketara berbanding kemudahan sedia ada, yang disifatkan sebagai kecil dan menyusahkan.
Taman Tasik Seremban dalam tahun 1900an |
Rumah Rehat Seremban dalam tahun 1904 pernah menjadi rumah penginapan dua selebriti England ketika melawat Malaya |
Taman Tasik di Seremban dalam tahun 1910. Di sinilah terbina Rumah Rehat Seremban |
Rumah Rehat Seremban dalam tahun 1925 |
Pemandangan Taman Tasik dan Rumah Rehat Seremban dalam tahun 1920-an dari arah tapak asal Restoran A&W kini |
- Pengerusi menyatakan bahawa Puan Morrison telah memajak rumah rehat itu sejak 1 Januari tahun sebelumnya (1933), dengan pajakan ditetapkan untuk tamat pada 31 Disember tahun ini. Lembaga Pengarah sebelum ini bersetuju untuk memanjangkan pajakan kepadanya jika syarat-syaratnya diubah, menunjukkan komitmen yang berpanjangan terhadap kesinambungan dalam pengurusan.
- Puan Morrison telah menyatakan hasratnya untuk memperbaharui pajakan di bawah terma sedia ada, tetapi dia telah meminta tempoh yang lebih lama sama ada tiga atau lima tahun. Permintaan ini menunjukkan minatnya untuk mengekalkan kestabilan dalam operasi perniagaannya dan mencerminkan tahap keyakinan terhadap prospek rumah rehat itu.
- Cuti empat bulan Puan Morrison yang akan datang pada bulan Disember menimbulkan persoalan tentang pengurusan rumah rehat pada masa itu. Bagaimanapun, dia telah memberi jaminan kepada Lembaga Pengarah bahawa anaknya, Encik Morrison, akan menyelia operasi semasa ketiadaannya, dengan sokongan tambahan daripada Puan Hilton dari Rantau. Pengaturan ini menunjukkan komitmen beliau untuk memastikan rumah rehat itu terus beroperasi dengan lancar dan memberikan jaminan kepada Lembaga Pengarah tentang pengurusan yang berterusan.
- Kadar sewa semasa untuk rumah rehat ditetapkan pada $165 sebulan. Pembaharuan yang dicadangkan di bawah syarat sedia ada menunjukkan bahawa Puan Morrison selesa dengan kadar ini, sekurang-kurangnya untuk masa hadapan yang terdekat.
- Cadangan Dr. Eu Khay Hoe untuk menaikkan sewa boleh menunjukkan bahawa beliau percaya kadar semasa mungkin berada di bawah nilai pasaran, atau mencerminkan pertimbangan ekonomi lain yang memerlukan penilaian semula terma pajakan. Cadangan ini mungkin membawa kepada perbincangan lanjut di kalangan Lembaga Pengarah mengenai kemungkinan pelarasan sewa, terutamanya memandangkan cadangan tempoh pajakan yang lebih lama.
- Dalam pertemuan itu, Encik Koh Lian Chin mengakui bahawa Puan Morrison sudah lama tidak berada dalam jawatannya sebelum sewanya dinaikkan, dan beliau menyatakan pandangan bahawa adalah tidak adil untuk menaikkan terma pada ketika itu. Dia mencadangkan agar dia mendapat pajakan lanjut di bawah syarat yang sama. Pengerusi menyokong sentimen ini, dengan menyatakan bahawa Puan Morrison telah menguruskan rumah rehat dengan berkesan.
- Beliau telah menyelesaikan perbandingan kadar tarif dengan kadar di Melaka dan pertubuhan lain yang serupa, menyimpulkan bahawa kadar Puan Morrison adalah sangat kompetitif. Semasa perbincangan mengenai tempoh pajakan, pendapat berbeza-beza, dengan beberapa ahli mencadangkan tempoh setahun dan yang lain menyokong selama dua tahun. Dato Wong Yick Tong mencadangkan sekiranya pajakan dilanjutkan selama dua tahun, perlu ada kenaikan sewa untuk tahun kedua. Dalam menjawab soalan, pengerusi menjelaskan bahawa semua perabot dan perkakas penting disediakan dan diperbaharui secara berkala oleh Kerajaan.
- Secara keseluruhannya, Encik Crawford, Encik Koh Lian Chin, dan pengerusi bersetuju untuk memperbaharui pajakan pada kadar semasa. Encik Koh Lian Chin juga menekankan bahawa pemajak terdahulu sering meminta pengurangan sewa. Dia menegaskan bahawa Puan Morrison telah menerima pajakan dengan sewa yang lebih tinggi dan telah menambah baik pertubuhan itu dengan ketara, mengubahnya daripada "rumah makan biasa" kepada kediaman yang menyenangkan.
- Selepas perbincangan lanjut, diputuskan bahawa pajakan akan dilanjutkan selama dua tahun tambahan di bawah terma semasa. Pengerusi membuat kesimpulan bahawa cadangan ini akan dikemukakan kepada Residen untuk kelulusan.
Stesen Kereta Api Seremban dalam tahun 1930-an |
Jalan raya dari Setul dan Mantin menghala ke Seremban dalam tahun 1962 |
Senarai Harga Makanan, minuman serta perkhidmatan yang terdapat di Sanatorium, Rumah Rehat serta Banglo Inap (Halting Banglo) di FMS dalam tahun 1932 |
Senarai Harga Makanan, minuman serta perkhidmatan yang terdapat di Sanatorium, Rumah Rehat serta Banglo Inap (Halting Banglo) di FMS dalam tahun 1932 |
Kedudukan Rumah Rehat di pinggir Tasik di Seremban dalam tahun 1933 |
Kedudukan Rumah Rehat di pinggir Tasik di Seremban dalam tahun 1945 |
Kedudukan Rumah Rehat di pinggir Tasik di Seremban dalam tahun 1951 |
Pemandangan dari Udara sebahagian Bandar Seremban dalam tahun 1970-an |
Majlis Bandaraya Seremban (MBS) perlu mengambil tindakan segera menyelesaikan isu kebersihan dan beberapa kerosakan kemudahan yang berlaku di Taman Tasik Seremban yang melibatkan tasik, landskap, trek dan beberapa kemudahan lain juga perlu dinaik taraf. Taman Tasik Seremban ini kawasan utama di tengah Bandar Seremban dan ramai yang berkunjung bagi melakukan senaman setiap pagi dan petang. Sepatutnya kawasan utama di sesuatu bandar seperti di taman tasik dan kawasan sekitar perlu dijaga demi imej kepada negeri. Keperluan peruntukan untuk menaik taraf Taman Tasik Seremban ini perlu diberi keutamaan. Peruntukan juga perlu diperoleh daripada Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) atau kerajaan negeri bagi tujuan tersebut. Sebagai perancangan jangka masa panjang, MBS perlu menghidupkan kembali aktiviti malam di situ berdasarkan keperluan masyarakat setempat seperti yang dilakukan di Dataran Nilai.
Kesimpulannya, melancong dan bermusafir adalah sebahagian daripada aktiviti yang dapat menenangkan fizikal dan minda. Melancong merupakan salah satu aktiviti yang menyeronokkan dan dapat melepaskan tekanan serta berehat setelah penat bekerja. Islam tidak pernah melarang umatnya melancong asalkan ianya tidak melanggar hukum syarak atau membawa kepada dosa. Kesempatan dan peluang tersebut adalah sebahagian nikmat yang perlu dihargai dan disyukuri. Wallahualam.
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 August 1899 - JB9S. The following extiacts from Mr. E. W. *****'s administration report on Negri Sembilan for 1898 are published as being of special interest to the general reader:— Installation of the Yang di per Tuan. On the 7th of May, His Highness Tungku Muhammad, C.M. G., the1,981 words
- Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser / Article4 April 1906 - SOME GENERAL IMPRESSIONS. The Chinaman possesses the land where it is mainly a question of "tin," but the old pursuit has now a formidable rival and one can travel for very many miles m the favourite planting districts and come across very few specimens of the2,011 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article30 June 1908 - BY MRS. TRENCH GASCOIGNE. Concluded). Grit is at present at the extreme end of the road, and is a clearing in the very heart of the jungle which stretches away and away, up hill and down dale, till it looses2,992 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article10 July 1908 - Empire Review. By Mrs. Trench Gascoigne. (Continued from p f,t J e 721) Grit in at present at the extreme end of the road, and is a clearing in the very heart of the jungle which stretches away and away, up hill and down dale,Empire Review. - 3,035 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article2 November 1910 - FIRST DAY’S PROCEEDINGS. SPEECHES BY UNOFFICIAL MEMBERS. [From Our Special Correspondent.] [fro»» Our Own Correspondent.] Kuala Kangsar, November 2. At the afternoon session of the Federal Council, yesterday, the following Enactments were considered in Committee and then passed Automobiles Enactment. Census Enactment. Malay States Guides Enactment. Banishment6,824 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article13 December 1913 - PHAI TO PORT SWETTENHAM. Mr. Frederic Evstmead, F. R. G. S., contributes the following iuteresti-ig a t ele to the Motor World of November 6 Ooe afternoon in April I left Penang by the ferry-boat which rum to Prai, on the mainland of Province Wellesley. The party1,802 words
- The Straits Budget / Article10 March 1916 - Q Siu,ruon whoso death ,V Vaf ro P ortf <1on February 0 take a divinity Preceding to England booked s courhe tor holy orders and M of Wa b fl P 5 SS T, wiien ou tho 0l,t u‘ a A rt’iv (,c c| ded to apply4,901 words
- The Straits Budget / Article8 June 1917 - The war has added one or two new words o the language and the latest new comer, a D b y Router, is Soldel. Like Anzac, it is contraction. It moans the Council of orkuaen’s and Soldiers’ Delegates which is aymg a prominent part in affairs in3,076 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article27 November 1917 - (From a Correspondent.) The Willison's Circus is comic,, to Kuala Pilah on Wednesday, th 28th instant, and will put np i tent on the vacant land oj posit* the Government Rest house for five night performances, and afterwards will proceed to Tampin. TL« Ctntonese wayang known as370 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article29 November 1917 - .—“M.T.” It is interesting to note that Kuala Pilah is a rapidly rising town. There are five «hop houses under construction, three have just been completed at Market Street, and the Chinese School building at Main Street should be finished by the end of next month. A.—“M.T.” - 283 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article27 January 1921 - DAILY (except Sunday). BY TRAIN. Parit Buntar, Bagan Serai, Taiping, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Tapah Road, By train Teluk Anson, Kuala Kubu, -7.15 a.m Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, 6 p.m Malacca, Johore, Singapore and Hongkong j Parit Buntar and Bagan Serai By train also 10.15 a.m. 3.45 p.m. Taipiug288 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article14 August 1922 - Members of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, Taxation An other Associations in the Eloquent Colony, apj some 2,(MX Memorandum. firms in Singapore, Penang and Malacca have received copies of an up-to-date memorandum on the finances of the Straits, and the 1 Hon. Secretary courteously inclueles us in1,540 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article15 August 1922 - About 100 minor motor car offences were dealt with m the Senior Magistrate's Court yesterday, tines ranging from $3 to $10 being imposed. The Sarie Borneo, which arrived m poa-t on Sunday from Bandjermassin, sustaineo damage to her side by striking against the wharf at Bandjermassin. Th 0 thirteen American424 words
- The Straits Times / Letter12 February 1923 - To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Some of the old sleepiness has again come over certain people of Malacca and matters are allowed to drift back into the old grooves. I refer to the two old complaints, the Resthouse and the Road*. The Road between Merlimau1,135 words
- The Straits Budget / Article16 February 1923 - To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—Some of the old sleepiness lav again come over certain people of Malacca and matters are allowed to drift back in t the old grooves.- I refer to the two »M comp.uims, the Resthouse and the R, )a^ u The Road1,327 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 December 1923 - M. M. MR. DAVIDSON TELLS HIS STORY. Although the case had been postponed till Wednesday, Dec. 12, the confidence man,” Mr. Davidson,” who gave his real name as Richard Simon Simmons, was brought before Mr. Pryde in Kuala Lumpur police court on Saturday. The charge framed againstM. M. - 878 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article11 June 1924 - TO KUALA LUMPUR IN A TWO-SEATER. OPENING A FRESH TRADE ROUTE. THE NECESSITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS. (By Ou/r Special OccTrcs-ptCinrier/^) week-erd, in i small two seater car a spec al correspondent of the Malaya Tribune drove to Kuala Lumpur ard back exam ning the route carefully. S'nce1,897 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 June 1924 - Another serious theft has occurred at the Seremban Resthouse, M. Chanteloup, the aviator, having been robbed of over $800 between Monday night and Tuesday morning. Several other rr.inor thefts, including those of small sums of money, have also been reported recently.41 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article1 July 1924 - a suggestion was made at the last Sanitary Board meeting at Seremban, to instal a safe at the Resthouse, and making the lessee responsible, so as to obviate, as far as possible, the many thefts which occurred there. The145 words
- The Straits Echo (Mail Edition) / Article1 July 1924 - At Wimbledon Pei hips the most admit able feature of the play at Wimbledon, apart from all the wonder of hard driving and clever volleying and placing, is the unfaib'ng pluck shown by women and men alike when they find themselves in a tight corner. That is partly1,694 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article2 July 1924 - THE REST HOU SE THIEVES. A DiNjjrace t» S.remban. At the meeting oi tin Seremban Sanit:«r.\ Board the chairman said that Mr. Williami had put up paper with reference to a safe l>. ing installed at the Seremban Resthousei and tl n making the i ponsible, n iat< ai farM. M. - 356 words
- The Straits Budget / Article4 July 1924 - We regret to record the death of Mr. A. E. Coelho, for many years a member of the statr of the Public Works Department Singapore, who passed away in hospital on Tuesday, at the age cf 54. Deceased va- an excellent cricketer and for378 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article15 October 1924 - Motorists' Experience at Kuala Pilah. Our Seremban correspondent writes: On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Lyel, manager f of Messrs. Fraser and Neave, Seremban* had an exciting: experience. He and Mrs. I Lyel motored to Kuala Pilah, i n his Chevrolet car, which was left on a level175 words
- The Straits Times / Article28 November 1925 - Revisiting places after many years' absence is at aH times interesting to oneself, possibly also to others., With Malacca as a starting point I jumped *t the offer of, a. drivt to Seremban in lieu of the railway. It brought to mind the last1,648 words
- The Straits Times / Article27 January 1926 - Mr. W. Dunman's Pioneer Reminiscences. V. At times in Jelebu we had visitor? passing through some of whom weic' th» most extraordinary cbaiMMn. 1 rtceivcd a note one day from Keyset- askin- me to look alter X, he himserf being called away suddenly to a station on1,856 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 September 1929 - The City of Marseilles is expected to .-all at Singapore about Nov. 25, to convey details to the United Kingdom. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Worley and family are leaving for Home in the middle of October by the Karmala. The Hon. Mr. R. J. B. Clayton,275 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 October 1929 - Dr. Elinor Hopkins is acting temporarily as Lady Medical Officer, North Kedah. Lieut. J. Lee has been appointed acting Captain whilst in command of S.R.A. (V). Mr. D. Lucey has been appointed an Assistant Superintendent of Police, Straits Settlements. Mrs. A. 11. Todd is returning to Singapore1,714 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article12 April 1930 - CHASE AFTER MALAYAN MILESTONES. THREE MEN IN A CAR. Impressions of a Thousand Miles of Road. I The Malay Mail gives the following account of a Chevrolet run: We set out on our chase of a thousand milestones expecting to be bored. But then* is surprising variety m milestones, even1,623 words
- The Straits Budget / Article4 June 1931 - fhe Government of Portugal has issued t decree stabilising the currency rate at ‘lO gold escudos to the pound sterling, as ironi July I. Reuter. I he ramshackle building which was once i lie resthouse, Klang, and has served as the courthouse is to be pulled down1,563 words
- The Straits Budget / Article16 July 1931 - Another Malayan Goodbye Mr. Hannigan Looks Back—Early Police Work In Selangor—A Memorable Night At Kuala Kubu—Living On Three Dollars A Month—A Glimpse Of Local Politics—Compulsory Padi-Grotving. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 10. nnial Malayan tragedy of men 1 rr t ,ing3,600 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 July 1931 - Kuala I.nmpnr, July 24. npiIOSE who come to Malaya hoping to see gorgeous Oriental ceremonial and pomp are usually disappointed. The ceremonies which take place in the royal palaces of the Malay States are seen only by a favoured few, as was also the4,915 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 July 1931 - Symbolic Craft On The Gombak River—The Brown Brownies—A Foretaste Of Future Aviation—Three Hours To Singapore A New Road Link Completed—Popular Fear Of Jungle Bathing —Kuala Lumpur’s Empty Houses— Holidays At The Gap. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 24. THOSE who come4,189 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 August 1931 - European in Court After Resthouse Scene. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. A "European named Thornley was fined $10 or, in default one day*3 rigorous imprisonment here today by the magistrate. Raja Hamzah, for using threatening and abusive language to his wife and also on an110 words
- The Straits Times / Article19 September 1931 - Resthouse Charges to Be Reduced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 17. At the monthly meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board held here yesterday the chairman stated that he was prepared to accept payment of assessment by instalments trom those owners who had a large lumber of465 words
- The Straits Budget / Article24 September 1931 - Resthouse Charges to Be Reduced. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 17. At the monthly meeting of the Kinta Sanitary Board held here yesterday the chainnan stated that he was prepared to; 1 accept payment of assessment by instal- 1 1 men is from those owners who477 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 April 1932 - HINTS FOR TOURISTS Information from Malayan Office IFrom Our Own Correspondent] London. One see* advertisements in the papers advertising motoring for tourists in Malaya. In Uite connection the Malayan Office has brought out an interesting leaflet giving the most detailed information about motoring in Malaya which is1,428 words
- The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration23 June 1932 - Romance Leaves The F.M.S. Railways-A Wonderful Half Century—Memories Of Construction”—The Drive Through Virgin Country—A Townsman In Ulu Kelantan—History In Press Cuttings—Men Who Saw The Boom. n»v Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 17. WITH the completion of the East Coast Railway and the1,870 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 August 1932 - Mr. D. C. K. Davidson is an inmate of Kuala Lipis Hospital. Mr J. H. Rich, General Manager, Tronoh Mines, has left for Colombo. The death occurred on Tuesday in Navaly, Ceylon, of Mr. R. Chelliah, retired Postmaster, Seremban. Mr B. G. H. Johnson of Messrs. Boustead844 words
- The Straits Times / Article7 March 1933 - MR. CAVNTF.R OF PENANG. If there are any legitimate descendant! in this country of Mr. Kiehanl (aunter, who was born in 1786 and (prat sonic years in the service of the Honourable East India Company at Penang. they had better hurry up and put in a775 words
- The Straits Budget / Article9 March 1933 - —Straits Times, Mar. 7. A correspondent writes When I called at the Senemban rest house the other day I was struck immediately by the improvements that had been effected since my last visit. The place was altogether brighter and more attractive and had entirely lost the bleakness—Straits Times, Mar. 7. - 179 words
- The Straits Times / Article17 June 1933 - A Holiday In Pahang The Ginting Simpah Route British Pioneers At Raub A Wonderful Road Malaya's Great est Forest East Coast Memories, (By Our Kuala Lam pur Correspondent.) poVEKNMENT officer and other? who v* aM constantly m.ving about the I ;in- so trn.'yingly blase3,409 words
- The Straits Budget / Article22 June 1933 - A. Holiday In Pahang—The Ginting Simpah Route—British Pioneers At Raub— A Wonderful Road Malaya’s Greatest Forest—East Coast Memories. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) CiOVERNMENT officers and others who I are constantly moving about the country are so terrifyingly blase about their experiences that I3,391 words
- The Straits Times / Article22 July 1933 - AN ARCHAEOLOGIST At AN EDITOR. DURING 1932 the Planters Benevj Fund gave assistance to eleven p] ers' widows and to 49 children. Three windows at the Malayan formation Agency in London have made available for a d splay of the important exhibits relating to th.-878 words
- The Straits Times / Article28 July 1933 - Mrs. Morrisson Granted Lease Extension. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmban, July 26. At today's meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board Mrs. Morrisson applied for the extension for three years of her lease of the Seremban re.sthouse at a monthly rental of $160. It was agreed that the lease78 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article29 July 1933 - [From Our Own Correspondent] Seremban. July 26. At today's meeting of the Seremcan Sanitary Board Mrs. Morrisson applied for the extension for three years of her lease of the Seremban resthouse at a monthly rental of $160. It was agreed that the lease be extended up to75 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 August 1933 - Raja Resthouses A Perak Mystery Impressions Of Taiping The Oldest F.M.S. Town— A Pool In The Jungle Townsfolk In The Park. (By Our Koala Lummr Corrwpondeat.) WHAT a pleasant town Taiping is! I first saw it tome years ago on a rainy, cool evening,2,943 words
- The Straits Budget / Article31 August 1933 - Raja Resthouses—A Perak Mystery Impressions Of Taiping —The Oldest F.M.S. Town—A Pool In The lungle—Townsfolk In The Park (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) WHAT a pleasant town Taiping is! I lirst saw it some years ago on i rainy, cool evening, when the air2,907 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration17 September 1933 - Mainly ABOUT MALAYANS Diary Of "THE WANDERER" HOW much longer are military titles going to be used by civilians in Malaya? Half the Britishers over the age of thirty-five in the country today were lieutenants or captains or majors in Groat War and yet are content with plain "Mr." before2,536 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article21 November 1933 - ’'Beggarly” Salary Of $5OO -BARELY SUFFICIENT TO MAINTAIN HIMSELF" Before Raja Kamaralzaman bin Raja j.iansur in the Seremban police court on Saturday the hearing of the maintenance immons case against Thomas Francis ,an. manager of the Pa jam Estate, near lantin, came up for hearing. Mr.1,009 words
- The Straits Times / Article14 December 1933 - Rain And Landslides. SANITARY BOARi/ COMPLAINT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 14. At the last meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board for this year, which was held today, the chairman. Inche Hamzah, referring to the recent water supply, said that it resembled ginger bci'T due to157 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article16 December 1933 - Rain And Landslides SANITARY BOARD COMPLAINT Seremban, December 14. At the last meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board for this year, which was held to-day, the chairman, Inche Hamzah, referring to the recent water supply, said that it resembled ginger beer due to the heavy rain and153 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 December 1933 - Mr. A. J. Bostock-Hill has arrived in Kuala Lumpur from home leave. Major J. E. Staley, has been re-elected Chairman of the Teluk Anson branch of the I.S.P. Mr. W. A. C. Goode, of the Selangor Secretariat, has been seconded for service in Trengganu. Mr. H. W.549 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article20 December 1933 - The promotion of Capt. J. Lee. S.R.A. I v I to the rank of Major has been approved by the Governor. Dr. R. D. Fitzgerald. P.M.0., Johore, baa been appointed to act as Adviser. Medical and Health Services, Malay States. Capt. D. W. Mortlock. of the S.V.C. is attached to448 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article6 January 1934 - Week-end Attractions. FLYING DISPLAY AND JOY-RIDES. roads will converge on Kuala Lumpur next week-end when, in addition to the attraction of th. Malaya Cup rugby football final between Singapore and Penang. there will be the All-Malayan motor rally, gymkhana and aerial display. It is the first779 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article9 January 1934 - Installation Ceremony At Seremban Seremban, Jan. 7. There was a large gathering of Negr. Sembilan masons present at the Masonic. Hall, Seremban, last night, at the installation ceremony and dinner, when Worshipful Brother W. A. Gutsell was installed as Worshipful Master for the year. During the course of199 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article10 January 1934 - Twenty-two Entries. SINGAPORE WOiM AN s EXAMPLE. TWENTY-TWO cars and motor cycles, the majority from Singapore, will start on the 250-mile rim set entrants in the A.A.M. niotor rally which commences at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. To qualify for a532 words
- The Straits Times / Article11 January 1934 - The Open Road (By the Motoring Correspondent.) TVESPITE explanations by oil com- panics that the high tax on petrol Is responsible for the price charged the consumer the feeling persists among motorists In this country that the price of petrol is far too high. The subject is one1,030 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article28 September 1934 - ALTERATION AND CHILORINATION PLANT SANITARY BOARD MEETING be ,natter ot water supply is to w Government approves the expenditure of $75,- < ni o-v B, 'ir l POSC; i'' 'T S,a ru ll at 1C lee,in of the Seremban anitaix board on I2,149 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article1 December 1934 - PEACEFUL PERSUATION FOR PORK PRICES FANTAN PLAYED AT AMUSEMENT PARK STALLS SAYS CHINESE MEMBER The usual bi-monthly meeting ot the Seremban Sanitary Board took place in the Council chamber. There bemg present Mr W Linehan (chairman), Mr. Noble. Dr. Williams, Mr. B. S. Davis. Mr. H. B.1,432 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article24 December 1934 - Mr. W. J. Smith. State Engineer. Negri Sembiian. has left the State on short leave. His Highness the Sultan of Selangor has gone with Tengku Ampuan to Kuala Kangsar. Dr. R. S. Savoor. Assistant Pathologist. Institute for Medical Research. Kuala Lumpur, is m Ipoh at present on291 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 December 1934 - Rotary Commissioner Honoured. <From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Dec. 24. H.R.H. Prince Purachatra. the new Rotary Commissioner, was the guest of honour at the dinner meeting of the Seremban Rotary Club at the Resthouse. i The President. Mr. J W. W. Hughes. British Resident. Negrl Semblian241 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 December 1934 - The Settled Estates Ordinance come* into force In the Colony on Jan. 1. Mr. O. M. Gregg has been appointed London manager of Henrv Wauuh Co.. Ltd Mr. F. J. Bryant, the well-known barrister, is due in Malaya from Europe on Dec. 29. Mr. J. H. Atkins,317 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article3 January 1935 - Messrs. E. C. Martin. M.C.. and J. R. Neave. M.C.. have been appointed Municipal Commissioners. Malacca. Mrs. Bee and child have arrived from home to join Mr. R J. Bee. of the P.W.D.. m Kuala Kangsar Dr. Cullenfell of Singapore will be the speaker at the Seremban340 words
- The Straits Budget / Article3 January 1935 - Rotary Commissioner Honoured. 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Dec. 24. H.R.H. Prince Purachatra. the new Rotary Commissioner, was the guest of honour at the dinner meeting of the Seremban Rotary Club at the Resthouse. The President. Mr. J W. W. Hughes. British Resident. Negri Sembilan in289 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration14 May 1935 - AUTOLYCUS An Impressionist Account Of 4 Malayan Journey By Lingering m Malacca I recall the legend of St. Francis Xavier, hunt up the Naning war, and reflect m passing upon change.— On inio the Negri, the land of the Mena ?okabaus. through which I pass toAUTOLYCUS - 2,435 words
- The Straits Times / Article27 October 1935 - (From A Special Correspondent) Malacca. P*<)K the first time for a number of years a once popular hockey fixture between the Malacca Club and the Sungei I'Jong Club (Seremban) was revived on Saturday week on the Malacca Club ground. The two teams consisted entirely of Europeans,609 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration17 November 1935 - By Our Woman Correspondent THE latest photograph of Mrs. A. S. Small, wife of the new acting Colonial Secretary, and her daughter Irene, appears in thic page today. Mrs. Small comes from Perth, Western Australia. Her father is Mr. Sydney Stubbs, one of the oldest members of1,928 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration8 March 1936 - THE races on Saturday (this is being written in advance) seem likely to bring out a large crop of new clothes, and snappy lines in linen suitings seem likely to be first favourites. These always look cool, even if they are not, and after them nearly tailored silk and2,344 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 October 1936 - MR. W. D. BARRON ENTERTAINED BY ROTARIANS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. THE Hon. Mr. W. D. Barron. the first j president of the Seremban Rotary Club, was a guest at Urn last dinner meeting of tho Club, held at the S rcmban resthouse. The members and gu?sts present; were:—138 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration15 November 1936 - CIR Frank Swettenham is frequently recalling Malayan memories in the London newspapers, and in a recent letter to The Times he recounts a remarkable story of snipe shooting in Perak. He says that it occurred a good many years ago in the Krian province, where seven and1,473 words
- The Straits Times / Article26 December 1936 - Mr. and Mrs. Yeo Wee Urn, Madam Ong Suan Sim and Miss Cheong Ah Yeng, of Pcr.ang, are in Singapore on holiday. Mrs. Tom Goh and party of four other Penang teachers have arrived from Penang by car and axe spending a week in Singapore. Mr. D.162 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article29 December 1936 - Mr. D. H. Morrison is taking over the lease of the Por* Dickson Resthouse as from Jan. 1, 1937. Mr. Morrison is the son of Mrs. CM. Morrison, the present lessee of Seremban Rest house.35 words
- Morning Tribune / Article29 December 1936 - Mr. D. H Morrison is taking over the lease of the Por t Dickson Resthouse as from Jan. 1. 1937. Mr. Morrison is the son of Mrs. CM Morrison, the present lessee of Seremban Resthouse35 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article, Illustration29 December 1936 - ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced between 1 Hallam Brookfield Egmont Hake, of Kuala Lumpur, and Lorna Mavis, younger daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ansley-Young of 1 Klang. I Tne engagement is announced of Richard Forman Shutes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shutes of Hunstanton,1,055 words
- The Straits Budget / Article31 December 1936 - Mr. and Mrs. L. J. B. Madden have I returned to Taiping after a holiday 1 at Home Mr. P. P. Marriott, manager of Petaling Tin, has left for Europe in the Antenor on leave. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Ipoh Tin Dredging. Ltd., are returning to497 words
- The Straits Times / Article9 June 1937 - The Straits Times bINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 1937. Gold. This is not an attempt to predict the outcome of recent events in the world gold market. We confess that we have been as bem,used as the next man by the flood of cables from Europe and the United States and1,250 words
- The Straits Budget / Article, Illustration1 July 1937 - Group phctograph of the officers of tho Malacca Volunteers. Mr. E. V. G. Day. the acting Resident Councillor, is in the centre. >lr. (1. H. Johnson, of Mantm. and Miss S. Solomon who were married at St. Mark's Church. Seremban, last Wednesday. The Rc v.406 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration3 July 1937 - SEREMBAN RESTHOUSE BURGLED i From Our Own Correspondent.! Seiemhan. Jul> 2. THE Beremban Re>t house was broken into yest.-rday and. according to the polic?, the intruders t^ot away with three rings worth about 5230 belonging to the lessee. Mr.s Mornson. The intruders entered Mr.s Morrisons room through a verandah Th-69 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration4 July 1937 - BY THE SUNDAY TIMES CORRESPONDENT MORE than fifty people attended the tea-party held In honour of Mr. Tan Soo Chong, J.P., by the committee and members of t 1 High School Old Boys' Association on Saturday evening at the Association's premises. Mr. Soo Chong is2,017 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 July 1937 - The Seremban Rotary Club will hold its installation dinner at the Seremban Resthouse on July 8.16 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article7 July 1937 - The Seremban Rotary Club will hold its installation dinner at the Serem- 1 ban Resthouse tomorrow16 words
- The Straits Budget / Article8 December 1938 - WHILE here I wished that I could hear something about the Jelebu pioneers. The opening-up of this district is still within living memory, and there was a sporting and devil-may-care flavour about those early British miners and planters in Jelebu. riding thirty miles over the mountains to compete228 words
- The Straits Times / Article2 April 1939 - JLIR. Ashley Gibson, a former Malayan editor, has some interesting things to say of Port Dfckson'a pagars, to which reference was made in these notes last week, in his book "The Malay Peninsula and Archipelago." Says Mr. Gibson:—" If you go to Port Dickson, you cannot534 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article17 July 1939 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. F. H. Gnimitt returned to Penang from Cameron Highlands yesterday evening. S: Rev. Brother James, 0.8 E., arrived here from Rangoon yesterday by th s.s. Karapara. The premotion of Capt. W. H. Bro die. S.S.V.F., to the rani: of Majo’ has been approved. The Comptroller of Customs,661 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article26 October 1939 - Social Personal Mr. H.R. Baxter, Manager of Hill Rise Estate, Batu Gajah returned from leave yesterday. Mr. J. McCormick, of Rawang, left Kuala Lumpur on Monday night for Australia on leave. Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya, Second Magistrate, Johore Bahru, has returned from leave and resumed duty. Mr. F.C. Cooke,319 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article11 January 1940 - Social Personal Mr. and Mrs. D D. Chelliah returned to Penang from England yesterday. Mr. D.W. Grehan. Assistant Engineer, Batu Gajah. is proceeding on long leave. Captain I.L. Cronyn has been appointed to officiate as Superintendent of Prisons, Perak. Inspector Abu Bakar from Kampai has arrived in Taiping to take569 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article19 April 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. R. P. J. Rycroft, 0.C.P.D., Krian Parit Buntar. who had been on official duty to Ipoh has returned. Mr. C. H. Dakers, Protector of Chinese Perak, is expected to go on Home leave some time in August. He is to be succeeded by Mr. S. E. King.473 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article27 April 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL The Hon. the British Adviser and Mrs. J. D. Hall of Kedah have proceeded to Langkawi and are expected to be there for a fortnight. The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period April 26 to May 2 1940,483 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article26 June 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mrs. W. Hay Pratt, wife of Mr. W. H. Pratt of Seremban, arrived by air from Australia over the week-end, after visiting her son and daughter. Mr. J. G. Watson, acting] Adviser on Forestry, Malay States, has been appointed by the Resident of Perak to officiate as State436 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article27 August 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL For the first time Malays are to be admitted to the Indian Military Academy at Dehra Dun. It is stated that Johore proposes to send some of its men to the Dehra Dun Academy for training. The Seremban Rotary Club will hold a meeting at the Seremban Resthouse503 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article30 September 1940 - For Benefit Of Seremban Labourers Seremban. r PHE establishment of a co-operative pig farm for the J- benefit of the Board's labourers was reported at the meeting of the Seremban Sanitary Board which took place in the Council Chamber last week. Those present were:—Mr. N. Coulson (chairman),939 words
- The Straits Times / Article8 December 1940 - The next meeting of the Seremban ilotary Club will be held at the Resthouse, on Wednesday. at 7 p.m., the speaker being Mr. Richard Sidney on "Adolf Hitler."28 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article15 January 1941 - SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. N D. Scollard has been appointed to act as Veterinary Officer, Selangor, with effect from Jan. 1. Sfc Mr. Hubert Tam Ross has been granted a commission, as Second Lieutenant in the Federated Malay States Volunteer Force. The High Commissioner has granted a commission as Temporary Second399 words
- The Straits Times / Article18 June 1951 - At Kuala Filah HERHAPS the only one of the major English schools of the Federation which is lucky enough to possess a record of its opening day is the Tuanku Mohamed School m Kuala Pilah. Negrl Sembilan. In 1931 this schooi received a letter from its first headmaster, Mr.559 words
- The Straits Times / Article13 November 1951 - i lv- BlacK Hag "TOHEKE must hr sumrlli ni lik«» a hundred places m Singapore whc bla< k II if hangs out.sid" the building. Do you know thit A:& do you know why the fIaRS are there I dta'ni until I read Mr Alan El mi s531 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration23 February 1957 - STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE CAR TOUR OF MALAYA HALF A CENTURY AGO X^O LADIES had travelled through the peninsula in a 10 h.p. single cylinder Adams car. "The journey had also been done in de Dions of all sizes, Alldays, Daimlers, Fiats and other cars. De Dion cars were toHTS - 1,375 words
- The Straits Times / Article1 April 1957 - On the Margin PASSING the fine man^osteen orchards outside Kajang, I wondered why I had seen nothing of an orchard industry all the way from Johore Bahru Such vast areas of rubber, and so little fruit. I look at this cap in Malaya's economy with now eyes, after living in411 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1958 - Return to Malaya by G. L. Peet. After retirement, few Anglo-Malayans are able to revisit the Peninsula. A former Editor of The Straits Times describes his visit and why he found it a stimulating and moving experience. /"kNE of my first surprises on revisiting Malaya in 1957 was to hearG. L. Peet - 3,668 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1961 - GEORGE PEET, who went to Kuala Lumpur more than 30 years ago to open the first office of The Straits Times in the Peninsula, reflects on some remarkable changes that have taken place. T WONDER whether there is any city in the world where 30 years have2,892 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1962 - by G. L. Peet rkO you see what I see on the Malayan highway? The Anglo-Malayan ol other days who goes back finds that many of the things that strike him as new and significant are taken for granted by the people who live there now.G. L. Peet - 3,080 words
- New Nation / Article17 July 1971 - FOOD DRINK LI PO I read a little book the other day, Willis' suggested Menus, by A.C. Willis, the author of the pre-war Willis' Guide to Singapore. The book was published in Singapore with the intention of acting as a guide to give ideas toLI PO - 413 words
- New Nation / Article, Illustration24 November 1973 - A guide to hitchhiking in Malaysia with the minimum of hitches and the maxim nm of fun... that Is what readers can draw from hitch hiking accounts of New Nation writers, PAULINE KHNG and ABBY TAN. Their experiences will be useful reference for novice hitch-hikers who are planning1,617 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration28 October 1979 - Beautiful beaches, historical towns, good food just across the Causeway ni,w gloDe-trotung, holiday-makers from Singapore may realise it, but just a few hours drive away across the Causeway lies an almost endless domain of sights and sounds to experience. Malaysia boasts of exotic islands in the sun, scenic hills, majestic983 words
- New Nation / Article, Illustration25 April 1982 - By John Tan, Negri Sembilan THE BATTLE between the MCA president, Datuk Lee San Choon, and the DAP chairman, Dr Chen Man Hin, in Seremban one of the most crucial for the Chinese community was likened by local wits to a battle between aJohn Tan, Negri Sembilan - 750 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration28 July 1988 - Sun Vat Sen Villa was once the meeting place of Chinese revolutionaries, and named after the greatest of them all. You can now find out more about the part Singapore played m the overthrow of the Manchurian government m a short video film, says TAN BAN HUAT.1,009 words
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