Salam buat semua. Hari ini, Khamis, 28 November 2024. Hari ini Atok dan Wan tak ke mana-mana. Hanya duduk kat rumah menanti anak-anak kami pulang hujung minggu ini. Dengar cerita, anak bongsu kami nak balik dari Manjung kerana cuti semester katanya. Alhamdulillah, insya Allah, hujung minggu riuh sikitlah rumah Atok dengan suara-suara anak yang balik.
Kali ini Atok nak bercerita tentang Tampin dan daerahnya. Atok kalau boring-boring, memang sesekali pergi healing kat pekan Tampin. Seronok kat sana. Betullah kata Ito dan kumpulan Blues Gang dalam lagu diorang,
"Kalau boleh nak bising-bising, macam pokan Tampin".
Memanglah Tampin lebih kecil daripada Seremban, tetapi kedudukannya di sempadan N. Sembilan dan Melaka memang special. Kalau korang nak tahu, antara specialnya Tampin ialah laluan kereta apinya dalam negeri Melaka tapi stesen kereta apinya dalam Negeri Sembilan. Tampin dah macam bandar Berlin di Jerman selepas Hitler kalah. Berlin Barat untuk tentera Bersekutu manakala Berlin Timur untuk tentera blok Komunis Rusia. Cuma takde tembok jer. Tampin di Negeri Sembilan, Pulau Sebang di Melaka. Dua pentadbiran, Majlis Daerah Tampin, dan satu lagi Majlis Perbandaran Alor Gajah.
Banyak benda yang korang boleh tengok kat sini. dan kalau korang ada masa spare, teruskan perjalanan ke Gemas, "Bandar Kereta Api"; macam KL jugalah tempat pertemuan dua sungai, Sungai Klang dan Sungai Gombak tapi kat sini pertemuan laluan kereta api Pantai Barat (JB-Gemas-KL-Padang Besar) dan laluan ke Pantai Timur (JB-Gemas-Tumpat). Bukan baru sekarang, tempat ini dah ada sejak zaman orang putih memerintah lagi. Perkhidmatan Komuter KTM dan ETS baru bermula dari sini. So, lain kali nak explore N. Sembilan dan Semenanjung ini kita gunakan perkhidmatan kereta api pula. Ubah pemandangan landskap. Asyik nampak sawit,sawit,sawit jer. Sesekali kita tengok suasana desa pedalaman dan hutan belantara pula.
Hehehe...Atok cakap jer, Atok pun belum naik lagi kereta api kecuali Komuter dari Seremban ke KL jer.... Okaylah, korang bacalah bahan yang Atok dah kumpulkan kali ini. Menarik sungguh, bukan nak memuji diri tapi memang berbeza dengan entri-entri sebelum ini. Kita Enjoy...Wassalam.
Daerah Tampin merupakan salah sebuah daripada 7 daerah yang terdapat dalam Negeri Sembilan. Daerah ini terletak di tenggara Negeri Sembilan bersempadan dengan daerah Jempol dan Kuala Pilah di utara, Rembau di barat, daerah Segamat dan daerah Tangkak, Johor di timur dan daerah Alor Gajah dan daerah Jasin, Melaka di selatan. Daerah ini berkeluasan 878 kilometer persegi dan mempunyai penduduk seramai 88,123 orang pada tahun 2020.
Secara geografi, sebahagian besar kawasan tanah pamah di daerah Tampin terletak di sebelah timur Banjaran Titiwangsa berbanding di sebelah barat, menjadikan daerah ini sebahagian daripada Negeri Sembilan timur, bersama-sama daerah Kuala Pilah, daerah Jempol dan daerah Jelebu. Gunung Tampin, iaitu penghujung selatan Banjaran Titiwangsa juga terletak di daerah ini, berhampiran dengan bandar Tampin.
Daerah Tampin ditadbir oleh Majlis Daerah Tampin dan berpusat di Tampin serta dibahagikan kepada tujuh mukim. Terdapat dua bandar dan sembilan pekan dalam daerah ini.
- Mukim Ayer Kuning, Mukim Gemas, Mukim Gemencheh, Mukim Keru, Mukim Repah, Mukim Tampin Tengah, Mukim Tebong
- Bandar Gemas, Bandar Tampin
- Pekan Air Kuning Selatan, Pekan Batang Melaka, Pekan Gemencheh, Pekan Repah, Pekan Tampin Tengah, Pekan Air Kuning, Pekan Pasir Besar, Pekan Repah Permai, Pekan Repah Jaya
Dari segi pentadbiran adat, daerah Tampin diperintah oleh dua luak yang berbeza, di mana Tebong, Keru, Repah dan Tampin Tengah diperintah oleh Tunku Besar Tampin sebagai Wilayah Adat Tampin, manakala Gemencheh, Ayer Kuning dan Pasir Besar (Gemas) merupakan tiga luak yang bernaung di bawah Johol.
Tampin ialah sebuah bandar yang kaya dengan sejarah dan kepentingan budaya, digambarkan dalam naratif yang dibentangkan. Perjalanan kawasan itu dari zaman awalnya, sebagai sebahagian daripada Luak Rembau pada abad ke-18, hingga penubuhan Majlis Daerah Tampin pada tahun 1980 menunjukkan evolusi dan pertumbuhannya. Perkembangan ini mencerminkan perubahan yang lebih luas dalam landskap sosio-politik Tanah Melayu, terutamanya dalam konteks zaman Darurat, yang memberi kesan kepada kehidupan harian dan perjalanan di rantau ini.
A. Sejarah Rumah Rehat Tampin
Dalam tahun 1890-an, Tampin yang terletak 24 batu dari Melaka, amat memerlukan Rumah Rehat. Pengembara ke Kuala Pilah yang melalui laluan ini akan mendapat manfaat daripada Rumah Rehat di Tampin, kerana ia akan memberikan mereka tempat yang selesa untuk berehat dan mengurangkan ketidakselesaan perjalanan yang ketara.
Rumah rehat yang sangat baik telah didirikan di Tampin dalam tahun 1898, memastikan tempat yang mesra untuk pelancong dan pekerja, memastikan mereka mempunyai tempat yang mesra untuk berehat dan memulihkan kesihatan.
Pengenalan rumah rehat moden di Tampin menandakan usaha untuk meningkatkan keselesaan pengembara, menyediakan kemudahan yang memudahkan pengalaman yang lebih menyenangkan bagi mereka yang melalui kawasan bersejarah ini. Rumah rehat sedemikian bukan sahaja menjadi ruang berfungsi tetapi juga tempat penglibatan budaya, menganjurkan cerita dan pengalaman yang menghubungkan pengunjung dengan warisan tempatan.
Keistimewaan Rumah Rehat Tampin
1. "Batu hidup" berfungsi sebagai simbol menawan gabungan alam, mitos dan sejarah Tampin. Jalinan kepercayaan penduduk tempatan yang mengelilingi batu-batu ini menyerlahkan kekayaan budaya kawasan itu, menekankan cara masyarakat tempatan terlibat dengan persekitaran mereka melalui cerita dan tradisi yang membentuk identiti mereka.
Keadaan Batu Hidup atau Megalith seperti yang terdapat di daerah Tampin dan Alor Gajah, Melaka dalam tahun 1936 |
2. Kehadiran katak yang begitu luar biasa di Rumah Rehat Tampin sudah tentu menambahkan daya tarikan unik kepada lokasi itu, menjadi agak legenda tempatan semasa berada di sana. Amfibia besar ini, disamakan saiznya dengan watak terkenal seperti Hector, berkemungkinan menangkap rasa ingin tahu dan imaginasi pengembara dan penduduk tempatan. Panjangnya yang hampir sebelas inci akan menjadikannya ciri yang menonjol, mengubah lawatan biasa ke bilik mandi menjadi pertemuan dengan makhluk yang terkenal.
Tempoh lama katak di Rumah Rehat mungkin telah memupuk rasa kebiasaan dan kegembiraan bagi pengunjung yang kembali, menjadi tempat menarik dan perbualan yang unik. Walaupun katak itu dikatakan tidak lagi mendiami Rumah Rehat Tampin, warisannya mungkin kekal dalam ingatan mereka yang menemuinya. Anekdot seperti ini bukan sahaja memperkayakan sejarah tempat itu tetapi juga menyumbang kepada suasana keseluruhan, menjadikan Rumah Rehat lebih daripada sekadar tempat penginapan—ia menjadi sebahagian daripada tradisi bercerita di rantau ini.
3. Pos Kastam di Tampin menambah sentuhan realisme pada perjalanan, menunjukkan bahawa walaupun pengembara mungkin terperangkap dalam pengembaraan, mereka juga mengemudi praktikal perjalanan di negara dengan undang-undang dan peraturannya sendiri. Para pelancong dan pengembara diingatkan bahawa mereka sedang memasuki wilayah-wilayah yang berlainan di Malaya ketika itu. Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua, Malaya atau Tanah Melayu ditadbir oleh 3 entiti kerajaan yang berlainan; Negeri-negeri Selat (Singapura, Melaka, Dindings, Pulau Pinang); Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu (Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Perak dan Pahang); Negeri-negeri Melayu Tidak Bersekutu (Johor, Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis).
Perubahan Zaman
Pada tahun 1931, sebuah rumah rehat kontemporari sudah dilengkapi dengan kemudahan moden seperti lampu elektrik, air mengalir, dan ruang makan ceria yang dihiasi dengan bunga, mewujudkan suasana yang menarik untuk pelancong. Namun di Rumah rehat lama di Tampin, pengembara membayangkan kembali; hujan petang yang dipenuhi dengan suasana dan nostalgia; Adegan seorang pegawai muda Kerajaan yang bergelut membaca di tepi lampu minyak di sebelah sekumpulan pengunjung kelas pertengahan merangkumi cabaran kehidupan di stesen luar dan realiti nyata, penginapan yang kurang mewah. Walaupun sesetengah pengembara mungkin menghargai keselesaan moden rumah rehat baharu, yang lain mungkin mendapati daya tarikan dalam persekitaran yang lebih desa dan tradisional.
Pada 25 November 1946, kerajaan telah membuka semula rumah rehat di Tampin dan Gemas, membolehkan pergerakan semula perjalanan dan hospitaliti di rantau ini selepas tempoh gangguan Perang Dunia Kedua.
Pengumuman itu menyerlahkan bahawa rumah rehat dilengkapi perabot dan makanan disediakan, memenuhi keperluan pengembara yang mungkin memerlukan tempat tinggal semasa menavigasi kawasan ini. Keperluan untuk membuat tempahan awal menunjukkan bahawa rumah rehat ini berkemungkinan popular dan mungkin mempunyai kapasiti terhad,
Ketetapan bahawa "tempoh penginapan seseorang mungkin tidak melebihi tiga hari berturut-turut" menunjukkan kesedaran tentang keperluan untuk mengurus sumber dengan berkesan dan mungkin untuk menggalakkan perolehan di kalangan tetamu, memastikan lebih ramai pelancong boleh mendapat manfaat daripada penginapan terhad yang tersedia.
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Kedudukan Rumah Rehat Tampin (petak kuning) dalam peta Tahun 1945 |
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Close up Rumah Rehat Tampin di Bandar Tampin dalam tahun 1945 |
Kedudukan Rumah Rehat Tampin kini (2024) |
Gambar satelit Rumah Rehat Tampin kini (2024) |
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Rumah Rehat Tampin telah ditutup sepenuhnya. |
Jalan Masuk ke Rumah Rehat Tampin |
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Lokomotif lama KTM dijadikan hiasan bandar Tampin |
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Lokomotif KTM ini menjadi saksi Tampin sebagai hab kereta api utama negara suatu ketika dahulu |
Para penumpang menaiki bas menghala ke Kuala Lumpur ekoran kereta api tergelincir
antara Gemas dan Tampin dalam tahun 1959
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Jaringan Kereta Api ke seluruh Negeri Sembilan telah dilengkapkan dalam tahun 1910 manakala jaringan ke Pantai Timur (Tumpat) bermula pembinaannya dalam tahun 1931 |
1/3 Tender Pembinaan Bangunan-bangunan dan Kuarters Kereta Api Gemas dalam tahun 1906 |
2/3 Tender Pembinaan Bangunan-bangunan dan Kuarters Kereta Api Gemas dalam tahun 1906 |
3/3 Tender Pembinaan Bangunan-bangunan dan Kuarters Kereta Api Gemas dalam tahun 1906 |
1/5 Binaan-binaan Jambatan Kereta api di laluan Gemas-Tumpat dalam tahun 1931 |
2/5 Binaan-binaan Jambatan Kereta api di laluan Gemas-Tumpat dalam tahun 1931 |
3/5 Binaan-binaan Jambatan Kereta api di laluan Gemas-Tumpat dalam tahun 1931 |
4/5 Binaan-binaan Jambatan Kereta api di laluan Gemas-Tumpat dalam tahun 1931 |
5/5 Binaan-binaan Jambatan Kereta api di laluan Gemas-Tumpat dalam tahun 1931 |
Peta tahun 1904 menunjukkan jaringan Jalan Kereta Api seluruh Tanah Melayu |
Salah satu lokomotif FMSR dalam tahun 1935 |
Jadual Kereta Api ke Seluruh Malaya dan Singapura dalam tahun 1943 |
1/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
2/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
3/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
4/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
Pemandu malang yang terbunuh dalam kemalangan ini |
Ketua Jurutera Kereta Api menyelia kerja-kerja membersihkan dan memulihkan kembali laluan akibat insiden ini |
5/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
6/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
7/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
8/8 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1939 |
1/2 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1950 |
2/2 Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1950 |
Keadaan Gerabak-gerabak Kereta Api yang tergelincir berhampiran Gemas dalam tahun 1951
Kereta api KTM berhampiran Gemas |
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Keadaan di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas Lama yang masih beroperasi dalam tahun 2018 |
1/3 Keadaan di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas Lama setelah pembinaan Stesen KTM Gemas baru |
2/3 Keadaan di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas Lama setelah pembinaan Stesen KTM Gemas baru |
3/3 Keadaan di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas Lama setelah pembinaan Stesen KTM Gemas baru |
Keadaan koc kereta api di Stesen Kereta Api Gemas Lama yang ditinggalkan terbengkalai dan mereput |
- The Straits Times / Article1 July 1896 - From our Coi renfondeni.) Kwila Htajk, 25th Mi;. Da I'iia. late Manager of the Batu Benawah Gold Mining Co., arrived here two days ago with Mr. Hagano. The latter i* suffering from a bad attack of fever, and will remain in Kuala I'ilah for some time286 words
- The Straits Budget / Article7 July 1896 - From our Correspondent.) Kuala Pilah 25th Jane. Mr. Da Pra, late Manager of the Batu Bersawah Gold Mining Co., arrived here two days ago with Mr. Ragano. The latter is suffering from a bad attack of fever, and will remain in Kuala Pilah for some time before*288 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article18 August 1899 - JB9S. The following extiacts from Mr. E. W. *****'s administration report on Negri Sembilan for 1898 are published as being of special interest to the general reader:— Installation of the Yang di per Tuan. On the 7th of May, His Highness Tungku Muhammad, C.M. G., the1,981 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article7 December 1908 - Mr. W. D. Fraser, of Batu Caves Estate is expected back about the 18th inst. The King of Siam has given £2OO to Lord Curzon’s Oxford University Fund. Mr. L. Hoefeld and Mr. Shutn Hi n Chun, of Penang, are on a visit to Ipoh. His Excellency,740 words
- Straits Echo / Article7 December 1908 - New Books. The following new books have just been received at the Penang Library Blackstick Papers, bv Lady Ritchie. The Gentleman, A Romance of the Sea, by Alfred Ollivant. The War in the Air, by H. G. Wells. Man and the Universe, by Sir Oliver Lodge. Faust, by767 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article13 December 1913 - PHAI TO PORT SWETTENHAM. Mr. Frederic Evstmead, F. R. G. S., contributes the following iuteresti-ig a t ele to the Motor World of November 6 Ooe afternoon in April I left Penang by the ferry-boat which rum to Prai, on the mainland of Province Wellesley. The party1,802 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article27 November 1917 - (From a Correspondent.) The Willison's Circus is comic,, to Kuala Pilah on Wednesday, th 28th instant, and will put np i tent on the vacant land oj posit* the Government Rest house for five night performances, and afterwards will proceed to Tampin. TL« Ctntonese wayang known as370 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article11 June 1924 - TO KUALA LUMPUR IN A TWO-SEATER. OPENING A FRESH TRADE ROUTE. THE NECESSITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS. (By Ou/r Special OccTrcs-ptCinrier/^) week-erd, in i small two seater car a spec al correspondent of the Malaya Tribune drove to Kuala Lumpur ard back exam ning the route carefully. S'nce1,897 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 December 1929 - j m Keaab Government has reserved a siu for an air-station at Xapala Batas near Alor S':>r. Mr. A. Graham. Assistant Superintendent o Surveys. F.M.S.. has been seconded for servic; In Johore. Mr F. W. Wade Assistant Architect. P.W.D Kedaii. Is going to Ktiala Lumpur on transfer next month. The1,241 words
- The Straits Times / Article5 April 1930 - 4 A Thousand Milestones. SOME IMPRESSIONS OF MALAYAN ROADS. We set out on our chase of a thousand milestones expecting to be bored. Hut there if surprisiasj variety in milestones, even in Malayan milestones. Some have an inscription on one side, and some on two1,568 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article12 April 1930 - CHASE AFTER MALAYAN MILESTONES. THREE MEN IN A CAR. Impressions of a Thousand Miles of Road. I The Malay Mail gives the following account of a Chevrolet run: We set out on our chase of a thousand milestones expecting to be bored. But then* is surprising variety m milestones, even1,623 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 July 1931 - Kuala I.nmpnr, July 24. npiIOSE who come to Malaya hoping to see gorgeous Oriental ceremonial and pomp are usually disappointed. The ceremonies which take place in the royal palaces of the Malay States are seen only by a favoured few, as was also the4,915 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 July 1931 - Symbolic Craft On The Gombak River—The Brown Brownies—A Foretaste Of Future Aviation—Three Hours To Singapore A New Road Link Completed—Popular Fear Of Jungle Bathing —Kuala Lumpur’s Empty Houses— Holidays At The Gap. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 24. THOSE who come4,189 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article27 April 1932 - HINTS FOR TOURISTS Information from Malayan Office IFrom Our Own Correspondent] London. One see* advertisements in the papers advertising motoring for tourists in Malaya. In Uite connection the Malayan Office has brought out an interesting leaflet giving the most detailed information about motoring in Malaya which is1,428 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 November 1933 - “Three Men In Malaya Mr. Sidney’s Books—The Men Of Rembau —A Stronghold Of Matriarchy Cynics On Armistice Day. (By the Kuala Lumpur Correspondent) I have just finished reading Mr Richard Sidney’s novel. Three Men in Malaya,” published locally a few weeks ago. and must2,842 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article6 January 1934 - Week-end Attractions. FLYING DISPLAY AND JOY-RIDES. roads will converge on Kuala Lumpur next week-end when, in addition to the attraction of th. Malaya Cup rugby football final between Singapore and Penang. there will be the All-Malayan motor rally, gymkhana and aerial display. It is the first779 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article10 January 1934 - Twenty-two Entries. SINGAPORE WOiM AN s EXAMPLE. TWENTY-TWO cars and motor cycles, the majority from Singapore, will start on the 250-mile rim set entrants in the A.A.M. niotor rally which commences at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. To qualify for a532 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration18 February 1934 - Mainly about MALAYANS The Wanderer's Log npHOSE few but sensible people who •I keep a press-cutting book should not fail to enter in it Sir Cecil dementi's historical discourse at Malacca last Monday. It was quite the best summary of the long-established connections between Malacca and China that I have1,730 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article28 September 1934 - ALTERATION AND CHILORINATION PLANT SANITARY BOARD MEETING be ,natter ot water supply is to w Government approves the expenditure of $75,- < ni o-v B, 'ir l POSC; i'' 'T S,a ru ll at 1C lee,in of the Seremban anitaix board on I2,149 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article3 January 1935 - Messrs. E. C. Martin. M.C.. and J. R. Neave. M.C.. have been appointed Municipal Commissioners. Malacca. Mrs. Bee and child have arrived from home to join Mr. R J. Bee. of the P.W.D.. m Kuala Kangsar Dr. Cullenfell of Singapore will be the speaker at the Seremban340 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration12 June 1935 - Sakai Express" AUTOLYCUS Anecdotal Account Of A kK,;i. Journey In The Jwi<ii c BY Gemas (to say nothing of its golf course) prompts some historical reflections on the subject of the East Coast railway and Bahau leads to comments on local aviation. Hoio the rubber industry has robbed Malaya. TrackAUTOLYCUS - 1,966 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration4 July 1937 - BY THE SUNDAY TIMES CORRESPONDENT MORE than fifty people attended the tea-party held In honour of Mr. Tan Soo Chong, J.P., by the committee and members of t 1 High School Old Boys' Association on Saturday evening at the Association's premises. Mr. Soo Chong is2,017 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article27 April 1940 - SOCIAL PERSONAL The Hon. the British Adviser and Mrs. J. D. Hall of Kedah have proceeded to Langkawi and are expected to be there for a fortnight. The High Commissioner has fixed the price of rubber for assessment of export duty for the period April 26 to May 2 1940,483 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1952 - A planter recalls, with great affection, some strange pets from leopard cats to toads. by ‘SI MISKIN’ T HAVE kept pets in England, South Africa and North America but it was not until I arrived in Malaya that I really began to let myself go as a‘SI MISKIN’ - 2,516 words
- The Straits Times / Advertisement11 September 1954 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. (Continued from Page 6) SITUATIONS VACANT It Wor4i tS (Min.)— Box SO ctt. txtrm. FNC.I ISH NANNY Ot Nursery Governess to rare for two children, aces 7 and 5, attending school. Mve in Singapore. Apply Box A 8494. S.T. NANNY REQUIRED for 4 year old Furoptan child in789 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration23 February 1957 - STRAITS TIMES SPECIAL FEATURE CAR TOUR OF MALAYA HALF A CENTURY AGO X^O LADIES had travelled through the peninsula in a 10 h.p. single cylinder Adams car. "The journey had also been done in de Dions of all sizes, Alldays, Daimlers, Fiats and other cars. De Dion cars were toHTS - 1,375 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1958 - Return to Malaya by G. L. Peet. After retirement, few Anglo-Malayans are able to revisit the Peninsula. A former Editor of The Straits Times describes his visit and why he found it a stimulating and moving experience. /"kNE of my first surprises on revisiting Malaya in 1957 was to hearG. L. Peet - 3,668 words
- The Straits Times Annual / Article, Illustration1 January 1962 - by G. L. Peet rkO you see what I see on the Malayan highway? The Anglo-Malayan ol other days who goes back finds that many of the things that strike him as new and significant are taken for granted by the people who live there now.G. L. Peet - 3,080 words
- The Straits Times / Advertisement17 March 1967 - LADIES HAIRDRESSINO M 'avals it ttttm t Bm >• <•<• aajfaaj MARJORIE LADIES HAIRDRESSERS MB orchard Road. Haircut SI/ Miampoo s.-i til- Wsfa. swrlctus xvailanlr 74 snadca dprciai Ka»lr. SHlt .'I)'", licount HhoDr I S Dorr MAKCUERETTA" TOP fINTINU .lai Colouring fcxcrrt im i.i.tjrton '.New-York Paris iv \nr, l-.x-Tall sal803 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration2 December 1990 - Historical sights Malaysia has its own Leaning Tower of Pisa a pagoda-shaped clock tower m Teluk Intan, Perak. It tilts somewhat like the famous Pisa tower, showing that the town at the confluence of two rivers, the Sungei Bidor and Sungei Perak, is slowly sinking.896 words
- The Straits Times / Article24 January 1914 - (From A Corrispondint.) Koala Lumpur, January 22. The extensions to the abnormally large railway station or platform are in progress, and the ironwork for the roofing which is being steadily put on by Messrs. D. O. Robertson and Co., for whom Mr. Bowl is acting as superintendent,2,310 words
- The Straits Budget / Article29 January 1914 - (From A Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 22. The extensions to the abnormally largo railway station or platform aro in progress, d the iron work for the rooting which is Lin- steadily put on by Messrs. D. G. Robert son and Co., for whom Mr. Howl is actin-'2,343 words
- The Straits Times / Article25 July 1931 - Kuala I.nmpnr, July 24. npiIOSE who come to Malaya hoping to see gorgeous Oriental ceremonial and pomp are usually disappointed. The ceremonies which take place in the royal palaces of the Malay States are seen only by a favoured few, as was also the4,915 words
- The Straits Budget / Article30 July 1931 - Symbolic Craft On The Gombak River—The Brown Brownies—A Foretaste Of Future Aviation—Three Hours To Singapore A New Road Link Completed—Popular Fear Of Jungle Bathing —Kuala Lumpur’s Empty Houses— Holidays At The Gap. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 24. THOSE who come4,189 words
- The Straits Times / Article15 August 1931 - Evidence of the Great Flood. OUT OF THE JUNGLE. Kelantan's Padi District And Coastal Plain. [Our special correspondent concludes in this article bin descriptiin at the rrontlv completed Eaxt Coast Railway. Tatar I article is resumed at a print in llu Kclantan where four tunnels hart3,053 words
- The Straits Budget / Article20 August 1931 - A Journey Over Malaya’s jLine. THRILLS OF THE ULU. Opening Up the Remote North-East. [In thin of article* a special correspondent of the StrnitH Times who has Just travelled over the East Coast Railway from Kuala Lipis, in I’ahang, to its northern terminus at Tumpat, on10,290 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration12 September 1931 - Yarns Of The East Coast Railway A Haunted Bungalow Conjuring With A Corpse The Ttmrist In Kelantan A Wonderful Plain And A Quaint Capital—The F.M.S. Railways Past History And Present Problems, (By Our Kuala Lnmpnr Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur,3,688 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article8 February 1932 - HIS EXPERIENCE IN PAHANG. ADDRESS BY MR. S. SINNADURAI. Mr S Sinnadurai ''elivered the following address at the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club on Pe -The subject on which lam to speak now •■My experience in Pahang." Before I proceed to the subject proper I propose to g.ve2,393 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article4 August 1932 - Nonya Juliana arrived from Batavia yesterday. To-day is the eighteenth anniversary of England's entry into the Great War. Another elephant raid is reported in Negri SembOan, at a kamp:ng at Londah in Gemas when some- damage was done. All the available house and resthouse accommodation at Cameron Highlands was taxed423 words
- Malaya Tribune / Article28 February 1934 - Volunteers Bound For Port Dickson. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lipis, Feb. 23. MR. K. Vallipuram. Tamil Inspector at Schools, Negri Sembilan, was at Kuala Lipis on the 22nd inst. on inspection duty. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Hastings, from Kampar, Perak, went through Kuala Lipis1,208 words
- Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle / Article28 September 1934 - ALTERATION AND CHILORINATION PLANT SANITARY BOARD MEETING be ,natter ot water supply is to w Government approves the expenditure of $75,- < ni o-v B, 'ir l POSC; i'' 'T S,a ru ll at 1C lee,in of the Seremban anitaix board on I2,149 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article3 January 1935 - Messrs. E. C. Martin. M.C.. and J. R. Neave. M.C.. have been appointed Municipal Commissioners. Malacca. Mrs. Bee and child have arrived from home to join Mr. R J. Bee. of the P.W.D.. m Kuala Kangsar Dr. Cullenfell of Singapore will be the speaker at the Seremban340 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration8 May 1935 - An Impressionist Account Of a Malayan Journey By AUTOLYCUS Forests and tigers and the tale of' a nightmare.— Big game of Johore and a thought in season. Pineapples replacing jungle.— The crossroads of Johore lead me westward and Batu Pahat prompts reflections on resthouses, pioneers, ferries1,996 words
- The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942) / Article, Illustration12 June 1935 - Sakai Express" AUTOLYCUS Anecdotal Account Of A kK,;i. Journey In The Jwi<ii c BY Gemas (to say nothing of its golf course) prompts some historical reflections on the subject of the East Coast railway and Bahau leads to comments on local aviation. Hoio the rubber industry has robbed Malaya. TrackAUTOLYCUS - 1,966 words
- The Straits Times / Article, Illustration16 September 1935 - Charming Little River Towns On The West Coast. URBAN OASES AMID RUBBER. By A Special Correspondent. "IX7HAT can equal the sight of Mount t Ophir as it stands stark and rug- c led .gainst the clear sky in the even- < ing? It seems to guard1,630 words
- The Straits Times / Advertisement19 October 1953 - (Continued from Pate ACCOMMODATION VACANT 2ii Word, $S (Min.)— Max St cl: extrm. RESTHOUSE Bar. 107 Marine Parade, offers doublerooms ©> $10/--«t $8/-, slnglerooms $6/- per day. Monthly Stay Less 20"/r. Individual Diner (.European Food) $125/- a month, no lodging. Menu ordered from $10-, one free small bottle Anchor Beer.964 words
- Sila klik pada pautan di bawah bagi membaca dan menganalisis dokumen-dokumen daripada Arkib Negara Malaysia
Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:5 AUG 1919Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0025000JHit:64Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:30 DEC 1910Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0155235WHit:53Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:22 JAN 1902Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0100499WHit:46Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:FEDERAL - DEPARTMENTSource:Date:31 MAR 1909Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0615636WHit:35Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:10 MAY 1902Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0102263WHit:32Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:26 APR 1937Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0038988JHit:28Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:17 MAR 1911Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0156613WHit:25Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:FEDERAL - DEPARTMENTSource:Date:21 JAN 1909Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0615549WHit:24Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:FEDERAL - DEPARTMENTSource:Date:22 FEB 1911Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0592931WHit:24Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:FEDERAL - DEPARTMENTSource:Date:2 NOV 1948Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0578220WHit:22Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:8 DEC 1910Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0154784WHit:21Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:11 SEP 1919Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0024976JHit:21Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:6 MAY 1920Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0025647JHit:20Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:18 AUG 1920Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0025938JHit:17Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:26 NOV 1901Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1957/0099832WHit:14Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:HEADQUARTERS×Notification
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Title:Category:PUBLIC ARCHIVESSubcategory:STATESource:Date:27 AUG 1918Record Type:DOCUMENTAccession No:1973/0024229JHit:14Subject:DOCUMENTLocation:×Notification
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