Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012


extracted from the website: 

The Construction of the Klang Bridge. The Federated Engineering Company won the contract to build the first road bridge across the river Klang, which was completed in 1908. The engineers in charge of the work were George Russell and James Craig.

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As the official opening of the Klang Bridge takes place on Saturday, some particulars of the new structure may be of interest. Owing to the development of the rubber planting industry in that part of Selangor which lies between the rivers Klang and Selangor, and the consequent increase in the traffic crossing the river where the town of Klang is situated on the southern bank, the Government decided that it was imperative that the river should be bridged. The bridge which has been erected by the Federated Engineering Company, as contractors to the Government is of the Linville type in four spans of 140 ft. carried on five piers; each pier consisting of two iron cylinders at 22 ft. centres, and braced to each other by horizontal and diagonal steel bracing. The river at the point bridged is tidal, is 560 ft. wide, and has a rise and fall of 17 ft. at spring tides and a current of 6 knots. The contractors commenced work on July 27th, 1907, by building a temporary bridge. It was at first intended to erect this on the screw pile principle, but the plan was abandoned owing to the soft nature of the soil, and, instead, solid drawn flanged steel piles, 8 in. in diameter were driven in from shear legs erected on two barges. These piles were furnished with earth plates 10 ft. from the points. Owing to the “spring” in the blue clay, the piles had to be weighted as well as driven. The spans were 25 ft. centres and the piers were connected at the top by hard wood laid longitudinally upon which were placed sleepers. At the positions for cylinders, special outside piles were driven, both up and down stream. Both the piers and the piles at the positions for cylinders were securely braced. The whole of the temporary bridge was built with Tamil and Malay labour and was designed by Mr. G. D. Russell, manager of the Federated Engineering Co.

 Ten cylinders, forming the five piers of the permanent bridge, were supplied and sunk by the contractors. The cylinders below river bed are of mild steel, having a bell mouth 9 ft. in diameter, tapering to 7 ft. 7 ¾ in., the sections being 5 ft. deep. Above river bed, the cylinders are of cast iron 7 ft. 7 ¾ in. in diameter tapering to 6 ft., the sections being 4 ft. deep. The sinking of the cylinders was commenced on Sep. 14th, 1907. The excavation in all cylinders was done on the open system by Chinamen digging the inside and filling cane baskets, which were hoisted to the surface by steam winches. The shore cylinders kept fairly free of water in the blue clay but when sand was reached, at a depth of 60 ft., a large amount of water had to be dealt with, a Pulsometer pump being used to keep the water under control. The south shore cylinders, after passing through 50 ft. of blue clay, 10 ft. of white china clay, 4 ft. of sand and 2 ft. of soft rock, finally reached hard rock bed. After the cutting edges had been packed with Portland cement, the cylinders were filled with concrete hearting. The steam cylinders were taken out along the temporary bridge in sections on trucks and built up on a staging at low water spring tides. 25 ft. of each cylinder was put in at once so that the tops should be above low water mark. The first stream south cylinders sank altogether 12 ft. of their own accord, and, on being pumped out, took a further run of 9 ft. The soils gone through in excavating were similar to those experienced in the south shore cylinders. The first stream south cylinders reached hard rock at 77 and the first stream north at 74. All the cylinders when finished were filled with concrete hearting. Owing to the great depth of water in mid-stream it was considered necessary to assemble 40 ft. of section before sinking the mid-stream cylinders. They reached hard stone at 82 ft. Great difficulty was experienced owing to water in the north shore cylinders after a depth of 60 ft. was reached. Four pulsometer pumps were kept going constantly, and approximately 42 million gallons of water were pumped out before hard bed was reached at a depth of 16 ft. Cylinder sinking was commenced in the middle of September, 1907, and completed in June, 1908. The north and south abutments were built entirely of concrete, reinforced at bottom with steel rails placed horizontally and resting on 125 concrete piles.

 To carry the superstructure, 10 additional pipe piles were driven at each span at 28 ft centres and weighted with pig iron to carry 6 tons safe load each. The superstructure was supplied through the Crown Agents for the Colonies by the Horsebay Co., Ltd., Shropshire, and was erected by the Federated Engineering Company in situ. The Linville girders are 140 ft. long and the total effective span of the bridge is 560 ft. The girders are 22 ft. centre to centre, and 21 ft. 6 in. deep between centres of intersections. The superstructure, which was assembled and riveted in position on the temporary staging, was designed to carry a live load of 150 tons per girder, equal to 1.200 tons on the whole bridge. The total weight of the superstructure is 560 ½ tons. The erection of the superstructure was started at the end of April and completed by the end of July. The whole of the erection and riveting of the superstructure was done by Chinese workmen under European supervision. The roadway on the bridge is 19 ft. clear, and is 8ft. 8in. above high water at spring tides. The north and south approaches to the bridge are 30 ft. wide; the south approach having a gradient of 1 in 30 and the north of 1 in 40.


From the Singapore Press and Mercantile Advertiser 22 May 1929 Page 2 .." photo taken on the occasion of the opening of Belfield Bridge by Sir John Anderson, many years ago. The photo contains, among others H.H. the Sultan of Selangor, Sir John Anderson, Sir. William Taylor, Mr. ( now Sir) Claud Severn, Messrs. H. M. Derby, R. W. Harrison, F.O. Saunders (Whittall and Co.) G. D. Russell (F. E. Co.) C. T. Hammerton, N. Walker, J. S. Mason (D. O. Klang) Conway Belfield ( Resident), Hiedley, Grandgeon, J. Gibson, C. Harley, H Wooten ( Harper and Co.), E. F. Townley (D. O. Kuala Selangor) Irving, Douglas (C.P.O.) Jack Murray and C. E. Spooner.'

The town of Klang wore a carnival aspect on Saturday in honour of the visit of His Excellency Sir John Anderson K.C.M.G.; High Commissioner, F.M.S., to open formally the new bridge across the river. Turning to the right on leaving the station into Main St., a profusion of decoration met the eye of the visitor. The whole length of the street was gay with flags and bunting, evergreens, Chinese silk inscribed rolls, purple, red and yellow favours. The whole street was surmounted by a white canopy and the tout ensemble was a very creditable imitation of Pall Mall on the occasion of a Royal wedding or a jubilee. Turning the corner into Market Street, one arrived at the approach to the bridge. Here two arches had been erected, one conveying a welcome to His Excellency from the Hindu community, and the other expressing similar sentiments on behalf of the India Muhammadan Society of Klang. The latter was adorned with pictures borrowed from the local Tamil theatre. The spot where the opening ceremony was to take place was also lavishly decorated and surmounted by a red awning and the bright garments of the native spectators added to the picturesqueness of the scene. His Excellency the High Commissioner and party, which included Mr. Claud Severn, Private Secretary, Capt. Gay, A.D.C., Col. Nelson, Commanding R.G.A. Major Ford, Army Service Corps and Mr. T.H. Reid of the Straits Times, travelled up by the Seamew. They were met at Port Swettenham by the Resident-General, Sir William Taylor, K.C.M.G., Mr. H.C. Belfield, British Resident, Selangor, Mr. C.E. Spooner, C.M.G., and Mrs. Spooner, who had arrived there by special train. His Excellency was met at Klang station by Mr. J. Scott Mason, D.O., Klang, and Mr. G.D. Russell, and the party proceeded by motor to the bridge. Here a guard of Honour of 50 police was stationed under Mr. W.W. Douglas and a large crowd had assembled, including a detachment of 200 Klang schoolboys. A feature was the large number of Malay ladies present decked out in brilliant attire. His Excellency was met at the bridge by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor, C.M.G. who had previously arrived by motor, and others present were Mr. M.S.H. McArthur, Acting Federal Secretary, Mr. J. Trump, Director of Public Works, F.M.S., Mr. E.R. Stokoe, State Engineer, Selangor, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mason, Mr. R.W. Harrison, Mr. H.M. Darby, Dr and Mrs. Gerrard, Mr. and Mrs. L.U. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. W. Towgood, Mr. J. Gibson, Mr. A. Irving, Mr. E.F. Townley, Mr. C.T. Hamerton and Miss Hamerton, Mr. W.R.G. Hickey, Mr. F.O. Sander, Mr. Sydney Smith, Capt. Douglas of the Waterwitch and many others.

After His Excellency had inspected the Guard of Honour, while the band played sweet music, the inevitable photograph was taken, and an attempt to place garlands round the necks of the distinguished visitors having been frustrated, Mr. H. Conway Belfield addressed His Excellency as follows:- Your Excellency, This is the second occasion within a few weeks on which you have been good enough to come to Selangor to perform an opening ceremony. We all thank you for your presence here to-day which is the hallmark of your approval of a work which was commenced under your direction and will, we hope, meet with your satisfaction. This structure is according to local standards a work of the first magnitude. It is by far the largest road bridge in the Malay Peninsula, and its dimensions are such that I propose to ask your patience for a few moments while I give you some account of the history of its origin and the details of its construction.

 The first talk about a bridge over the river at Klang started about ten years ago at a time when Mr. Douglas Campbell was District Officer at Klang. At that time progress and development on the northern side of the river was comparatively small, and for some years the proposal was negatived. Three years ago, when the rubber industry had attained larger proportions, Your Excellency paid a personal visit to the spot and decided that a pontoon ferry was sufficient. This having been provided the planters set to work to obtain reliable statistics of the traffic across the river, and the dimensions of the traffic indicated by these statistics convinced Your Excellency and the Resident-General that a permanent bridge was necessary. The contract was therefore arranged.

The bridge is of the Linville girder type, and has four spans of 140 feet each, making a total length of 560 feet. The road is 20 feet wide, and the girders are five feet clear above high water level. The weight of the superstructure is 560 tons, or one ton per foot run. The bridge is supported by five pairs of iron cylinders filled with concrete, 522 feet below the river bed, and 204 feet above. The iron weight is 400 tons. The superstructure was sent out from England. The contract provided that the bridge should be completed within 10 months after the arrival of the last span. The last span arrived on June 3rd, and we may say that the bridge has been completed today. Thus the work has been completed 203 days before contract time. The estimate for the bridge, continued Mr. Belfield, was $300,000. The actual cost has been $260,000, so there is a saving of $40,000. This saving has been credited to a variation in the girders, a higher but lighter type having been selected, and also to the fact that no expert engineer has been placed in charge of the bridge-work. I think Your Excellency will be satisfied that the work has been done in a manner careful, efficient and expeditious. I have visited the bridge on many occasions and can offer personal testimony to the perseverance and industry of the contractors’ men and those who supervised them, first of all, Mr. Russell, and then Mr. Craig, who literally lived on the bridge so long as there was a log to sit upon, and had to contend with many unforeseen difficulties in the shape of tide, river traffic, tongkongs etc. It is through his perseverance and energy that the work has been completed so expeditiously and I am sorry he is not with us to-day. The facilities of the bridge, said Mr. Belfield in conclusion, are difficult to sum up in a few words. It brings the estates on the northern side of the river within a fraction of their previous distance from Klang station and town, and I have no doubt they will be spoken to by Mr. Harrison.

Mr. R.W. Harrison said:- Your Excellency. On behalf of the planters of the Kapar and Kuala Selangor districts and the general public of Klang, I thank you for coming to open the bridge. The bridge marks an epoch in the history of Klang, and only those who have had to use sampans and the pontoon ferry with numerous stoppages owing to the breaking of ropes and so on can realise the immense difference which the bridge makes. I believe I am correct in saying that the first step was taken by the planters in 1900, but they did not meet with support from the authorities. Though sundry concessions were made, it was not until August, 1905, that, as the result of a petition, legislation was brought in fixing the charges to be made by sampan-owners, who had previously charged what they liked. Shortly afterwards a pontoon ferry was provided, but this was recognised as being merely a makeshift, and quite inadequate to cope with the growing traffic. Early in 1906 the planters again decided to go into the question and to get statistics. The census taken surpassed all expectations. In ten days the number of foot- passengers was 33,000. Since then the importance of the district on the northern side of the river has greatly increased. In Kuala Selangor 10,000 acres have been placed under cultivation, and the number of immigrant coolies has doubled. The Kapar district last year exported half a million lbs of rubber. If a similar census were taken now, it would prove the foresight of Your Excellency in granting a bridge. In July, 1906, a deputation wanted on Your Excellency, and though it was received most sympathetically, we were in doubt whether our request would be granted. Some months later, however, we heard with gratitude that it had been granted. It gives us great pleasure that Your Excellency should be present at the opening of the bridge. That in so short a time the work should have been completed is marvellous and reflects great credit on all concerned. Mr. Belfield said that a saving of $40,000 had been effected on the bridge. The purpose of the bridge, I take it, is to facilitate transport and the convenience of passengers. I suggest to Your Excellency that, until facilities are provided at Port Swettenham for private sheds, it would be a good thing to pull down those shop-houses over there (on the right approaching the bridge) which, I am told, are, apart from other things, insanitary, and thus allow carts to go direct to the station instead of having to cross the railway twice and pass through the busiest part of town as they do at present. This would benefit Klang and would add the coping-stone to the Klang Bridge.

His Excellency in reply said:- Your Highness, Mr. Belfield, Mr, Harrison, Ladies and Gentlemen, It has given me great pleasure to be present here to-day, and to hear all these nice things said. It is most gratifying for me to be in a position after so short a time to declare this bridge open. The celerity with which it has been completed reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Russell and his assistants. It must be very gratifying to F.M.S. people that the contract was obtained after competition by a local firm and that the burden of the work has fallen on one whom I may term a local product. Mr. Russell and his family have been connected with the F.M.S. for many years. His father is a respected and valued Government servant and has given not one but many sons to the country. It must be very gratifying to Mr. Russell to have carried the work through so quickly and apparently to the entire satisfaction of those who are concerned with the bridge. I thank you again for the reception you have given me.

Before asking His Excellency to declare the bridge open, Mr. G.D. Russell said that they had only carried out the work to the best of their ability. There had been two notable incidents in connection with the work, the first on August 18th when His Excellency visited the bridge and was pleased to express his satisfaction, the second on that day, when His Excellency spoke so well of them. They had received much assistance from the P.W.D., both in men and money, and the latter had helped in many ways. They had also been fortunate in the weather and in local circumstances. The site of the bridge was close to the railway station, and so there was no delay in bringing up materials. He was sorry Mr. Craig was not present to make a better speech than he could. It was above all Mr. Craig to whom credit was due. He had, as Mr. Belfield said, literally lived on the bridge. Mr. Russell then presented His Excellency with a pair of scissors and requested him to cut the red and yellow ribbon who was fastened across the entrance to the main body of the bridge.

Before doing this His Excellency said:- I think that it is desirable that this bridge should receive a suitable name. I think it should be called by the name of one who has worked hard in this country for twenty-five years and who in modesty refrained from telling this morning of his own share in the work. I name this bridge “The Belfield Bridge.” (Applause). His Excellency then cut the ribbon and declared the bridge open. Subsequently His Excellency with Mr. Belfield, H.H. the Sultan, Mr. Spooner and Mr. G.D. Russell drove over in motor cars. An adjournment was then made just in time to avoid a heavy downpour of rain, which fortunately kept off just long enough.

LETTER FROM:-British Resident, Selangor
TO:- The Resident-General F.M.S.

17 September, 1908


Subject Bonus of $5000 to the Contractors of the Klang Bridge in consideration of efficient and Expeditious work
With reference to the recent completion of the bridge over the river at Klang, I have the honour to submit for your consideration copy of a letter from the State Engineer recommending that the Contractors should be paid a bonus of $5,000 from the savings on the vote in consideration of efficient and expeditious work. I also enclose copy of a minute by the Director Of Public Works endorsing that recommendation.

 2. The proposal is one for which no precedent exists, so far as I am aware, and the reasons propounded in support of the recommendation do not appear to me to be strong. At the same time there is no doubt that the Contractors made special and successful efforts in connection with this work, and though I do not find myself able to recommend the payment, I do not propose to offer objection thereto should you be of opinion that their efforts may properly be rewarded in the manner suggested.
3. The fact that a saving on the provision has been effected is not material to the question under consideration, and should not be put forward as an argument in support of the proposal. I have the honour to be,Sir, Your Obedient Servant,

Sd: H.C.B.
British Resident, Selangor
From National Archives of Malaysia (4776/08). Transcribed by P.C

The Acting Federal Secretary, F.M.S.
TO :-The Secretary to Resident, Selangor.

6th October, 1908.

With reference to the Resident’s letter No. 4776/08 of the 17th September, 1908, I am directed to inform you that His Excellency approves the grant of a bonus of $5,000 to the Contractors for the erection of Belfield Bridge at Klang. The No. of the High Commissioner’s office correspondence conveying his approval is 1474/1908. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Obedient Servant,

S. McArthur Ag:
Federal Secretary, F.M.S
Selangor Government Gazette Sept 25 1908 No. 33 Vol. XIX

Further readings:

Ahad, 21 Oktober 2012

Banting Yang Kukenal

Menurut cerita orang-orang dulu-dulu, kawasan Banting ini dahulunya  sebuah hamparan tanah sawah yang sering digenangi air dan dipanggil tanah paya atau lembah. Petani pada masa itu menggunakan bajak atau tenggala yang diheret oleh “banteng” iaitu sejenis kerbau yang memiliki kekuatan tenaga dan garang. Bermula dari nama kerbau itulah kawasan ini diberi nama Banting. Wallahualam.(wah, skema sungguh bunyi intro aku kali ini,kan? Hehehe. Mengikut catatan Inggeris, Banting diwujudkan pada tahun 1916.  Itu cerita dulu.Kini Banting terkenal satu dunia pasal kes pembunuhan jutawan kosmetik Sosilawati dan 3 orang lagi sehingga takut orang luar nak meminang orang Banting....Acah jer.

Cerita aku dengan Banting pulak agak panjang kisah cintanya. Aku kenal Banting sejak sekolah rendah lagi. Masa tu aku bersekolah kat MES Telok Datok..sekolah omputeh termasyhur di Kuala Langat. Jauh tu! Dari Telok ke Telok Datok hampir 10 batu (16km). Kenapa aku bersekolah sejauh itu sedangkan kat Telok ada sekolah kebangsaan? Itu korang kena tanya arwah abah dan atuk aku (Alamat terkini Jalan Pusara a.k.a Alor Pak Datu a.k.a Jalan Kubor). Darjah Satu (tahun 70) , atuk aku yang hantar hari-hari pertama aku bersekolah. Lepas tu, aku  ngan kakak aku naik kereta sewa(prebet sapu) ke sekolah. Darjah 2 aku  seorang jer (akak aku abah aku tukarkan ke SK TPG) naik bas sekolah Cina Botak, Cina Jenjarom tu. Pagi-pagi lagi seawal 5.45 pagi aku, Faizal Timah Lawa dan ramai lagi budak Telok dan Sijangkang dah bertolak menuntut ilmu di sana. Kalau tak silap aku mak aku bayar tambang RM 10 sebulan kat Cina Botak tu. Seronok sekolah kat sana. 

Sampai sekolah jam 6.30 pagi..kitorang mula main galah panjang dan sepak takraw (bawak sendiri ler) sementara tunggu loceng masuk kelas. Apa lebihnya sekolah omputeh ni, aku pun masih blurr..tapi ok pasal semua bangsa ada..lagipun BI aku agak ok berbanding budak SK Telok. itu jer! Walaupun sekolah kristian (aku ingat lagi kat belakang sekolah tu ada gereja kecil dan dewannnya ada piano) tapi aku tak pernah ambil peduli lagipun mana ada father,brother, sister lagi? Ustaz, ustazah,father dan mother, brother,sister aku adalah! Totally Malaysian! Teringat aku masa tu kantin sekolah rendah berkongsi dengan sekolah menengah (sebelah jer).Pengusaha kantinnya berbangsa Cina..Aku telan jer... mana ada fikir-fikir pasal halal haram masa tu ? (Ramai Melayu masih minum dan mencekik di kedai Cina masa tu) Ustazah ngan Ustaz tak cakap apa-apapun....tapi aku sebenarnya tak selalu minum di kantin..pasal aku bawa bekal ke sekolah..maklumlah anak konduktor bas. Aku teringat sampai sekarang kisah prihatin cikgu BI aku (Cina Kristian) tolong jahit seluar aku yang terkoyak masa di kelas, kelantangan dan garangnya Cikgu Singh (berserban) guru darjah 5 aku ketika mengajar BI..Kalau tak siap kerja,maak...berdepik tengah belakang aku kena hantam sama itu Banggali. 

"Kalu saya tembeleng kamu, nanti balik rumah dengar radio ada ngggggg (berdengung telinga)"
Kecut perut aku ngan Benggali tu ..nampak serban dia je..aku dah lari jauh. Takut punya pasal aku lulus penilaian Darjah Lima dengan 1A 4B (A tu English ler).Thank you Sir..

 Masuk Darjah 6 aku dah panjang langkah ke Banting. Banting ke Telok Datok dalam sebatu jer.. Tapi aku sebenarnya tak sampai Pekan Banting lagi, cuma kat library lama tepi sungai. Bangunan tu, masa tu aku tengok pun dah uzur benar. kalau nasib tak baik ditelan Sungai Langat..Pokok bakau belakang bangunan tu jer. Aku  seronok ke sana untuk baca dan pinjam buku cerita novel kanak-kanak Enid Blyton (harap ejaannya betul). Untuk ke Banting aku kena lalu merentas pejabat pertanian dan kebunnya...Sambil lalu sambil merasa buah susu yang sedang masak ranum. Aku rasa masa tu abang Allykalam (orang kampung aku) dah kerja kat situ kot? 

Ini jambatan ketiga Banting di tapak yang sama

Lepas tu.ikut tepi jalan raya melintas Balai Polis Banting lama (kini Giat Mara Banting) dan seberang jambatan untuk ke Banting. Masuk sekolah menengah form 1, aku pakai seluar panjang kaler hijau. Aku batch pertama pakai seluar hijau kerana sebelum tu budak sekolah menengah  masih pakai seluar putih..Aku beli seluar panjang pasal masa tu bulu kaki aku dah mula panjang...geli aku tengok budak-budak India dan Benggali masih pakai seluar pendek dengan bulu-buku kaki terserlah. Bukan ke comel dan hensem kalau tutup aurat!

Time sekolah menengah aku asyik bergaduh jer dengan budak-budak Cina. Maklum ler gangster Banting dah mari tercabar kemelayuan aku..Bukan aku yang mahu tapi terpaksa! Aku bukan jenis campur geng..aku buat hal aku tapi Cina malaun nak tunjuk samseng dengan aku...nasib baik tak mampus aku kerjakan! Member-member gengster Melayu aku tabik spring kat aku...tapi ironinya (peliknya) lepas aku belasah anak cina tu, aku pulak yang menangis!

Masa sukan sekolah aku buat kat padang (kini Stadium Jugra). Masa tu aku masih ingat ada tiga batang pokok mangga besar kat tenggahnya..musim buah aku dan kawan-kawan akulah penunggunya...apa saja dapat aku lesing ke arah mangga-mangga tu. Aku faraidkan mangga-mangga tu kat kengkawan. Time solat Jumaat, aku paling bengang. Bukannya apa. engkau orang bayangkan masjid terdekat di Sungai Manggis. Maka menapaklah aku pergi dan balik di bawah panas terik mentari . Setahun lamanya begitu...mudahan-mudahan Allah ampuni dosa-dosaku kerana kepayahan itu. Amin.

                                           Kengkawan aku ramai, Cina, Melayu, India. Aku survey  dah diorang datang sejauh dari Batu Laut bawa ke Olak Lempit dan Sijangkang, paling jauh 15 batu (hampir 23 km) semata-mata untuk ke MES!  Alhamdulillah ramai yang berjaya dan menjadi. Baru ler aku faham visi arwah atuk dan abah aku. Aku meninggalkan MES dan Telok Datok kerana menyambung pelajaran ke Teknik Bukit Piatu, Melaka pada tahun 1980. Sesekali ada juga aku ke Banting untuk shopping dan tengok wayang walaupun aku lebih banyak ke Klang. Kalau adapun aku ke pekan sehari (kini tapak  Plaza MDKLgt) pada pagi hari Ahad untuk beli kuih dan tengok-tengok gelagat orang ramai terutama anak-anak dara. 

                                                                              Pejabat Pos
                                                                    hospital Banting

                                                                     Panggung Lido
Aku juga jarang ke Morib.Yang aku ingat tahun 1972 aku ikut jiran ke sana tengok Pesta Pantai. Jiran aku ke sana pasal berniaga kain. Orang punyalah ramai. Yang seronoknya ada acara naik tiang licin dan berenang kejar itik. Memang kelakar. Kemudian baru aku tahu pesta pantai tu diadakan sebagai ganti Pesta Mandi Safar yang khurafat itu.. Kemudian tahun 1979, ketika aku dan kengkawan tidur dan berkhemah kat Morib lepas SRP. Seronoknya pengalaman buat unggun tepi pantai dan tidur dalam hujan ribut malam tu.
                                                                     Pantai Morib
Dah mungkin jodoh aku dengan Banting masih kuat.Sementara menunggu kerja kosong, aku menarik (istilah memandu teksi atau kereta sewa) kat Banting ke Klang selama 2 tahun. Tahun 1997,balik sahaja dari Sarawak, aku mula bertugas di Jugra sebagai seorang pendidik. Tujuh tahun aku mengutip nostalgia di sana.

                                                              Kg. Permatang Pasir, Jugra

                                                                        Masjid Bandar Jugra

                                                               Istana Bandar, Jugra

Khamis, 9 Ogos 2012

Umangai....Harga rumah kat Telok Melambung!

Aduss!..Mengeluh aku bila tengok iklan rumah kat bawah ini..Rumah teres biasa jer..takdelah luas dan besar sangat...standard rumah teres setingkat. Aku syak luas 20' X 72' tu hanya luas lot tanah, bukan keluasan binaan rumah..kalau nak besar, tambah sendiri ler kat tanah belakang rumah ..duit lagi! Jangan tertipu dengan bilangan 4 bilik ..kalau setakat 10' X10' itu standard rumah kos rendah.Layout atau Floor design pun jenis 'short gun' kata mat salleh..buka pintu depan dah nampak pintu belakang...hehehe...Kalau aku,tak nak aku beli rumah camni. Baik beli atas tangan orang rumah kos rendah kat Jalan Mengkuang, taman yang sama..dah siap tambah sampai ke parit belakang lagi...paling lebih pun RM100k..itu pun finishing dia marble atau tiles, bukan cement rendering! Aku rasa Taukeh Cina developer ni cuba speculate market...ya lah untung sabut timbul...kononnya Telok dah sampai  tahap bandar satelit untuk Klang, macam Bukit Tinggi.

Aku cuba buat perbandingan dengan rumah aku kat Seremban Jaya ini, Jarak dari bandar Seremban lebih kurang 8km...lagi dekat  jaraknya antara Telok ke Klang. Teres dua tingkat, 4 bilik 3 bilik air, keluasan binaan 2080 kaki persegi..saiz tanah/lot 22' X70' harga SAMA dengan rumah teres setingkat kat Telok tu. Bukan aku nak menunjuk-nunjuk tapi aku rasa berbaloi beli kat sini...Pasal itu ramai orang KL cari dan beli rumah kat Seremban PLUS kat sini pakai batu bata bakar bukan batu pasir! Korang pikirlah sendiri

Rabu, 8 Ogos 2012

Samseng Jenjarom bunuh orang kat Telok (sorry in English)

Suspect who escaped from lock-up seven years ago charged with murder


BANTING: The Sijangkang murder case suspect who escaped from a police lock-up seven years ago was charged at the Telok Datok magistrate’s court with the murder of an 18-year-old girl.
Kher Tian Hock, 37, appeared before registrar Rozaidi Yaacob yesterday. However, no plea was recorded.
The unemployed man from Sungai Jarum was accused of murdering See Sheau Fang in a house at Jalan Wira 24, Taman Perwira Sijangkang in Telok Panglima Garang between 9.30am and 5.30pm on Feb 28, 2004.
No escape this time: Fugitive Kher being escorted to the Telok Datok magistrate’s court in Kuala Langat yesterday by two police officers.
He faces the mandatory death sentence, if convicted, under Section 302 of the Penal Code.
Kher, who was unrepresented, appeared dishevelled in an orange lock-up uniform when he was brought to court.
He was also slapped with another charge of escaping from police custody at the Tanjung Sepat lock-up between 6.30am and 7.30am on March 13, 2004.
He was charged under Section 224 of the Penal Code and faces a maximum two years’ jail if convicted.
Prosecuting officer C/Insp Ridhuan Abdullah did not offer bail.
The case is fixed for mention on Nov 8.
It was reported that Kher fled the country after escaping from the lock-up by climbing through the ceiling of a toilet.
He was one of five suspects involved in the murder of See, whose body was buried in front of a house.
The body was wrapped in a blanket and stashed into a black garbage bag.
The fugitive returned to the country using a fake identity and tried to pass off as an illegal immigrant. He was arrested in Masai, Johor on Oct 5 after he sped off in a friend’s car.
He had earlier told his friend, a 69-year-old hotel managing director, that he wanted to borrow her Honda Crossroads to send a friend to a clinic and would return the vehicle in an hour. But when he did not keep his promise, the friend lodged a police report.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Dah lama ICT masuk kampung Telok,,,,,HD lagi !

Aku teringat...tahun 77.hari tu..hari apa..aku dah lupa. tapi petang tu lebih kurang 5.30 hingga 6 petang tatkala aku dengan kengkawan tengah main baling selipar, sebuah lori kecil menyusur masuk ke lorong rumahku. Aku dan kengkawan tertanya-tanya..apa hal ni? Kata Seman tu lori Yok Koon, tauke Cina yang jual barang letrik kat pekan Telok...Yalah, aku kenal abang drebarnya orang Telok jugak,cuma namanya aku dah lupa..Kami tak jadi bermain kerana peristiwa lori masuk ke pekarangan rumah lebih memerlukan penyiasatan rapi kami...mesti ada hal besar ni!
Di belakang lori itu ada sekotak barangan.Tertulis perkataan TELEVISION kat kotak."wwwwoooiii, rumah engkau dah ada tali besen ler", gurau kawan sekampung juga sedara sebaya aku, Seman.Malam ni tak payahlah lagi pergi rumah Mak Yam tengok cerita Melayu..katanya lagi.Aku seperti tak percaya.kaku,beku..tapi yang kat depan mata ini apa?Banyak duit bapa aku..mana dia dapat? camne kerja konduktor bas Kee Hup (Bas Klang-KL sebelum Park May ambil alih) boleh beli tv besar buruk pun kitorang  takde? Selidik punya selidik...TV tu HD...Hutang Dulu..Biasalah orang kampung..mana ada duit selonggok? Aku tengok abah aku dengan penuh bangga kerana berkorban wang untuk anak isterinya...tapi takde lak aku tanya berapa duit muka atau bayaran ansuran sebulan....TVnya hitam putih..lebih kurang 20 inci jer..tapi kabinetnya..umangai! Aku tengok jer diorang pasang arieal dan test tv tu..lepas dah ok, apa lagi rumah aku macam ada pesta pulak..sedara mara dan jiran tetangga yang terdekat menjenguk dan bertanya khabar sambil mata mengerling kat tv baru abah aku itu..Malam tu kitorang tengak tv sampai habis siaran..Puas! Takde lagi ke rumah orang minta simpati tumpang tengok tv, ada kala orang suka ,ada kala macam-macam alasan diorang bagi.....

Pagi esoknya aku tengok abah aku balik dari pejabat pos kat Telok.Aku tengok abah aku bawa balik kertas merah sekeping..Aku tanya apa tu, bah? Lesen TV kata abahku. Aku tak pasti berapa harganya masa tu pasal tv baru aku tu hitam putih jer.Tapi yang aku pasti selepas akak aku yang kerja kilang Sankyo kat Batu 10 tu beli tv color (lupa pulak tahun bila), harganya memang RM 24. mula-mula beli ler tiap-tiap tahun. tapi lepas tu...24 ringgit macam-macam boleh buat! Besar duit tu masa awal 80-an dulu...Baik buat beli lauk dengan petai Arwah Bulat Kera kat pasar!
 Cerita kat tv walaupun waktu siarannya singkat (pukul 5 petang hingga 12 tgh malam) dan hanya ada dua channel jer..semuuanya kitorang tengok..kini giliran kitorang pulak entertain jiran-jiran yang belum ada tv lagi..Sejak hari tu, masa bermain kat luar mesti selaras dengan rancangan TV feveret kitorang terutama kartun-kartun..Lagi parah bila time VCR keluar kat pasaran..langsung melekap kat kaca tv..main...nanti ler!

Khamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Kisah di dapur

Entah mengapa aku selalu teringat betapa enak masakan ibu dan nenekku...ya, semua orang berkata begitu,kan? Tapi bagi aku keenakannya bukan saja pada tangan yang memasak tapi juga pada alatan memasaknya. Maksud aku...kalau aku bandingkan masakan dapur kayu,walaupun dengan seribu kepayahan, namun nasi yang ditanak terasa begitu enak dimakan! Mungkin pada standard kita sekarang, dengan segala kemewahan yang kita miliki, betapa payah nenek dan mak kita berada berjam-jam di dapur bermain dengan asap dan api...tapi bak kata pepatah, Alah Bisa Tegal Biasa.....Walaupun periuk belanga tebal jelaganya, hitam legam warnanya, namun kesudahannya...masakannya yang utama...enak!
Pengalaman aku mengutip, mematahkan dan menyusun kayu-kayu getah yang kering dan mati untuk disimpan sebagai kayu api masih terngiang-ngiang dalam benakku...Subuh-subuh lagi, tatkala manusia lain sedang enak diulit mimpi nenek dan ibuku bingkas bangun menjerang air, meniup bara memarakkan api, sambil menumbuk sambal untuk dibuat nasi goreng buat bekalku dan adik beradik ke sekolah...yang pasti aku dan adik2ku tidak akan dibiarkan kelaparan ke sekolah..... sungguh besar dan mulia  pengorbanan seorang ibu..

Ketika kewangan ayahku kian meningkat, kami memiliki dapur minyak tanah cap Butterfly yang terkenal satu masa dulu..Tiada lagi asap dan abu dapur yang memenuhi ruang dapur dan aku tidak perlu lagi ke kebun di darat sana mengutip kayu api !Tapi misi aku bertukar arah, ke kedai beli minyak tanah atau minyak gas....

Isnin, 3 Oktober 2011

Tok Peh Kong kat Simpang Pulau Carey

Aku pun heran macam mana kat Simpang boleh ada Tok Peh Kong Cina kat sebelah rumah Salleh Jelir ni sedangkan majoriti penduduk kat situ Melayu Islam?. Keling Hindu adalah beberapa keluarga termasuk keluarga Krishna...Cina yang aku kenal Ang Kia yang bela itik,dan Ah Be yang rumahnya kat seberang jalan berdepan rumah aku dulu.. Tapi apa-apapun aku ada pengalaman buruk dengan tokong cina ni.Sekitar tahun 1972/3.. Masa tu opera Cina sedang bermain..lama tu! Lebih sebulan diorang berkampung..Tiap-tiap malam full house! Time tu pulak  musim langsat..Apa lagi aku dan kengkawan aku projek jadi usahawan muda..jual langsat kebun aku kat opera cina tu..bukannya mahal..sebungkus 20 sen jer.tapi yang aku heran satu bungkus pun tak laku! Dalam kepala aku mesti ada hal ni...aku tembak mesti opera cina ni mainkan sentimen perkauman pro-Cina. Cinabeng...baru nak berniaga usahawan muda cam aku pulak yang jadi mangsa..
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Wajah Telok- Dahulu dan Kini

 Gambar-gambar ini aku dapat daripada kengkawan di FB

Terima kasih tak terhingga kerana kenangan silam mula mengimbau fikiranku..Memang aku belum dilahiran pada tahun tu...tapi betapa kemajuan menerjah kehidupan di bumi merdeka mengingatkan aku agar bersyukur dengan anugerahNya...Nikmat Kemerdekaaan

1.Mungkin  di lokasi yang sama...selekoh kat kuarters JKR..simpang ke Jalan Telok Mengkuang
Perhatikan batu tanda tepi jalan masih wujud di sana! Perhatikan 3 orang lelaki sedang bersembang sambil berdiri di situ..Mungkin pekerja JKR atau PWD masa tu.. Bekalan api takde tapi tiang talipon memang dah ada...Perhatikan pulak pokok-pokok durian di bahgian latar gambar...pemandangan biasa kat Telok

2. Jalan Besar Telok menghala ke arah Banting

 3.Perhatikan bentuk senibina dan jenis perniagaan yang dijalankan..apakah masih sama?

Betapa tenang dan damai kehidupan masa itu...berbasikal keliling kampung..bernaung dibawah teduhan pokok sena, menunggu kehadiran dan deruan kenderaan sama ada ke Kelang atau ke Banting...Bekalan elektrik masih jauh dari nyata

Bangunan kedai papan dua tingkat yang terpisah daripada deretan kedai itu masih wujud sehingga tahun 80an sebelum bertukar wajah dengan binaan konkrit. Mengapa terpisah? Mungkin milik bumiputera..

Sabtu, 2 Julai 2011

Kapal Haji di Port Sweetenham@ Port Klang@Kuala

Apa khabar semua? Kali ini aku nak bercerita tentang Port Klang.Pasal apa Port Klang? Pasal ramai sedara mara aku yang pernah dan masih bekerja kat sana. Dulu zaman Mat Salleh, Port Klang orang panggil Port Sweetenham sempena nama Residen Inggeris di Selangor..Orang Telok panggil Kuala jer...maksud diorang Kuala Kelang ler..pasal di situ ler muara Sg. Klang.Ok ler,cukuplah pelajaran Geografi tentang Port Klang..korang tengok peta kat bawah ni baru nampak jelas apa yang aku katakan.

 Dulu Port Klang, pelabuhan biasa jer, tak macam sekarang ada Northport, Westport, Southport...takde terminal kontena macam sekarang ni.Yang ada hanyalah Southport atau Pelabuhan Selatan yang mengangkut barang pukal pakai jaring besar. Lepas merdeka..itupun masa tahun-tahun 70-an, barulah ditukar nama kepada Pelabuhan Klang dan wujudlah LPK Lembaga Pelabuhan Klang sebagai organisasi pentadbirannya.

 Tapi aku bukan nak ceritakan sangat pasal sejarah Port Klang ni..Pokok persoalan di sini ialah nostalgia ketika menghantar rombongan haji ke Mekah.Sejak zaman-berzaman dulu lagi orang naik haji menggunakan kapal layar. Itu cerita biasa. Tapi masa British dulu orang-orang Telok dan Malaya amnya belayar ke Mekah menggunakan kapal haji.Tempat naiknya..sememangnya  di Port Sweetenham. Masa tu sapa-sapa yang naik haji memang diraikan oleh orang kampung sama ada masa perginya dan juga masa balik ke kampung. Begitu sekali penghormatan orang kampung Telok pada  Tuan Haji dan  Mak Hajjah. Kenduri doa selamat dah tentu ada.Dipasang  pula sepanduk mendoakan agar mendapat haji yang mabrur, begitu juga time diorang balik. Korang tanyalah atuk nenek yang pernah ke Mekah masa dulu-dulu. Siap bawa periuk belanga..batu lesung pun naik sekali..maklum ler perjalanan pergi dan balik ke Mekah memakan masa tiga bulan.Mesti packing stok 3 bulan..kalu tidak apa nak dimakan? Butiran tentang kehidupan diorang dalam kapal aku tak ingat secara terperinci..dah lupa...lama sangat dah! Tapi yang pasti mana ada pakej-pakej haji macam sekarang ini!

 Masa menghantar, punyalah ramai manusia! Macam pergi tak kembali jer!macam ulat taik! (Maafkan ler bahasa aku)  Masa tu rombongan menghantar jemaah haji dibenarkan masuk ke dermaga sampai tempat kapal parking. Sekarang sampai kat pagar jer ...Berapa banyak kapal haji aku tak tahu ler..korang buat ler research sikit kat internet. Ramai yang meleleh air mata..

Lepas tahun 71, aku tak dengar lagi  cerita tentang pergi haji naik kapal...aku rasa masa tu LUTH (Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji dah diwujudkan oleh kerajaan..kerajaan dah putuskan semua penerbangan ke Mekah menggunakan pesawat MAS..Sejak itu Port Klang sebagai terminal haji hanya tinggal kenangan  orang tua-tua Telok.

Rabu, 29 Jun 2011

Senarai Penghulu Telok Panglima Garang

Berikut adalah antara nama-nama tokoh berpengaruh di Telok suatu masa dulu yang pernah berkhidmat dan berbakti sebagai Penghulu semasa pemerintahan Inggeris di Selangor. Tak diketahui  tarikh dan tempoh perkhidmatan mahupun biodata individu-individu ini. Mohon dapat ahli keluarga mereka menceritakan kisah hidup arwah datuk-datuk mereka untuk dikongsi bersama oleh generasi Telok kini. Apa-apa pun, Alfatihah kita sedekahkan buat roh-roh mereka, moga ditempatkan Allah bersama-sama para nabi dan syuhada.Harap ada pihak lain yang dapat menjalankan kajian ilmiah tentang Telok.

Penghulu Raja Makmur
Penghulu Haji Jaafar
Penghulu Sheikh Abdullah
Penghulu Ngah
Penghulu Osman
Penghulu Raja Idris
Penghulu Syed Hashim
Penghulu Abdullah
Penghulu Wan Hamid
Penghulu Omar
Penghulu Wan Hassan
Penghulu Abu Bakar
Penghulu Muhammad Bandar
Penghulu Hamzah bin Abdullah
Penghulu Faidzullah
Penghulu Mohd Salleh bin Abdul Rahman
Penghulu Aziz bin Kasim
Penghulu Abdul Hamid
Penghulu Haji Mohd Halil bin Selamat
Penghulu Haji Mahadzir bin Abu Samah (16 September 1999 - 31 Disember 2005)
Penghulu Faisal bin Yahya (1 Januari 2006 - 15 Ogos 2008)
Penghulu Haji Mat Isa bin Harun (16 Ogos 2008 - )

Pernah Memegang Jawatan Penghulu:
Raja Ibrahim
Raja Mamor Bin Raja Ismail
Enche Mohamed Jaffar
Mohamed Jaffar bin Haji Abdul Rahman
Inche Ibrahim bin Jaafar
Che Abdullah bin Sheik Hassan
Che Abdul Ghani bin Latif(?)

Pernah Memohon Jawatan Penghulu:
Raja Aziz
Raja Tahir bin Raja Khamsah
Haji Mohamed Tahir
Inche Abdul Karim bin Duaji
Che Abdul Ghani bin Latif
Mahomed Saman(?)

Sumber: Arkib Negara

Application by Inche Ibrahim bin Jaafar, Class III B Teacher, Malay School, Tanjong Duablas for post of Penghulu, Telok Panglima Garang
Raja Ibrahim, Penghulu of Telok Panglima Garang. Dismissal of;
Appointment of Raja Mamor Bin Raja Ismail as Penghulu Telok Panglima Garang vice Raja Ibrahim dismissal
Report against Raja Mamor, Penghulu of Telok Panglima Garang
Enche Mohamed Jaffar, Penghulu, Telok Panglima Garang - Loan of $500
Retirement of Mohamed Jaffar bin Haji Abdul Rahman, Penghulu, Grade I, Telok Panglima Garang, District Office, Kuala Langat
Application by Che Abdullah bin Sheik Hassan, Penghulu Telok Panglima Garang for a loan of $1,500 to build a house

Raja Ibrahim Penghulu Teluk Panglima Garang - Applies for advance of $160
Application from Raja Tahir bin Raja Khamsah for the penghuluship of Telok Panglima Garang
Application by Raja Aziz, Draftsman, Grade IV, Survey Office, Kuala Selangor for the post of Penghulu, Teluk Panglima Garang
Application by Inche Abdul Karim bin Duaji, Malay Writer I for post of Penghulu, Telok Panglima Garang
Payment of an allowance to Che Abdul Ghani bin Latif for work during the time he was acting as Penghulu, Telok Panglima Garang

Forwards a letter from Mahomed Saman of Teluk Panglima Garang asking that a Penghulu may be appointed at that place
Teluk Panglima Garang - Recommends appointment of Raja Ibrahim as Penghulu of
Asks that the post of Penghulu Telok Panglima Garang, be given to his son, Haji Mohamed Tahir

Sejarah Menarik Perkhidmatan Telegraf dan Telefon Di Klang

Salam buat Semua. Semoga kita semua berada dalam lindungan Rahmat dan Hidayah Allah SWT. Bertemu lagi kita di sini. Atok dan Wan serta sekel...